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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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VTE cr is strange the way a little. different. likely: nd it was such an unim merest chance that Molly saw it at all. page of a morning newspaper. that Molly had time-even to glance at the headlines on that woman's eventful day. There had been a breakfast at-her sorority house in-the morning. And what with one were flying like mad. At.11 o'clock the seniors scrubbed Hall, and gave the Greek statues down the steps of Coll their traditional annual bath, that Claudia Cabot Claudia Chapel, and eyes, which are a anything. Molly loved green eyes. She. was sure the Ecrelet and ail rest sirens bea WILTON: Vic Horner and Bun Dewdney Among Other Popular Wi Prank Dynea-King Wilton took tirst prize yesterday at the exhibition in the class for mare or gelding of three years:or- over, against , very strong class. e Killarney Lad, property of J. Vic Horner, took first place Ta 0 Fons clase, Dewaney's Hawk taking second piece Ta the claas for heavyweight hunters Mus Bun Dewdney was again suc- cessful, taking. the first two places nag from J. 5: Lambert, of Villeneuve, and Gale Phillips took the first two places in the pony class for the city from Steve ich, of Dungh. with the Edmonton Riding and Drive ng Academy in. the reservi won the six norse team class, in. whielt Lambert, Villeneuse; Mrs. J.B. Lambert, f, Bun Dewdney. EARLY CHAPTER I fe. If Molly Burnham had not read that she was graduated, everything would have She'd have married and settleg down, most ve-for-her--bridesmaids. was gett married the next day in College Molly was to be maid of honor. Her dress was that lovely new shade of green that looks like creme de menthe with-cream. drifting through it.It made Molly s grey sometimes and blue other times, as and now the president's tea, SEAT. ARLY ERA thing can change your. whole Besa entissly entirely portant little poem, too, And It was on the The wonder is, thing and another the hours Then was the luncheon green eyes and auburn hair. Only Molly's hair isn t auburn, but brown, with streaks in it about the color of red fox, which. may not sound alluring when you read about it but See eee ar sae a eyebrows And eyes like Molly's. sh They say Molly got more from bids that year ainn anyone eise-in college: She hed West, Point, and shad been to Dart- mouth Winter Carnival. But, mostly, Molly had a yen for Harvard. That because Wells was a Harvard man. Jack had been working a year but still Was a5 poor as a church mouse, He was coming out that afternoon to ake, Molly to the president's tea wens, -what a N breakfast, a bridesmaids Molly tn. nt tel aly tn a way pitied Claudis Ca a rich father or something. Or Molly were an hetr ss like Cisudss Ca. bot. Ob, well ee a fico at two-thirt; ee namie SECOND SECTION EDMONTON, ALBERTA Alberta s Oldest Newspaper FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1929. * SECOND SECTION Fair Prepar Last- Year WILL SIGN UP. May Be Public Responds More Money Being Spent at Fair Than Ever Before Receipts at Midway and Pari- Mutuels Show Fair Program -Friday-Evening Horseshoe Pitching. Concert by Princess Pals Band, Concert by Princess Pala Band, 1.30 pm, Horse abes,.2 p.m. se Vaudeville, 2.15 p.m Midway, ail day. TRAFFIC BODY ' TOBEFORMED- FOR ALBERTA Chard, Alberta Freight Rate Expert, js Appoint- ed Secretary Formation of the Alberta raftic Council, an orgenization to give at- ention-to-sil-matters relative and ap. 's- Total. Passed If Glorious Alberta suREnINe Was again experienced when the fitth day of Ed monton's golden fublice exhibition opened Friday morning. and at an early hour this afternoon a large crowd was already on the grounds, Although the total attendanos to dave is slightly below the record figure of list year, exhibition officials have every hope of making up. the decrease Friday and Saturday with a full six days exhibition scheduled for this year Saturday s Carnival Day and every: thing willbe running. in full--swiy With the regular attractions scheduled. days and the grandstand at- fractions will close Saturday night with mammoth fireworks display. The message of fair officials to the citizens Yor, Carnival Day is Pep it R With a total attendance of 23,505 trons, the Edmonton. exhibition on- ed nother successful day, Thurs of the fourth dai record of 27,820; set fast yeur, fair lotnis expressed the made. A large grandstand attendance was Sxpertenced Thursday, more than persons be ithed to the enclosure. At the eve - ance all seats. were sold out four hours before, the start of the attractions and special seats were race Hack in deont of dhe gtancniend for the convenience of patrons. The total grandstand attendance was near- sie Fat eters The, program will be. tumed. the same Fre PENSION MONDAY NEXT Agreement Between: Pro- vince and Dominion is Ready for Signatures The Old Age Pensions agreement be- tween the Dominion arid provincial governments. will be formally signed at The legislative Bullatgs aI a.m. on Monday next. Hon, Peter Heenan, Dominlon min- ister of Iabot, s presently on the way from Ottawa anda expected to arrive, here on Saturday. The Alberta Old Age Pensions Act wil be proclaimed on Thursday next, Aug. 1, according to a previous an- houncement made by Premier J, E. Brownlee and with the signing on Monday of the agreement under which the Dominion contributes ip equal wince toward the Visitor From Bretona Asks For Trousers Boy, page tho Salvation Army, A Bretona, Alta, resident today Ja this room at Jocal rooming house without his. trousers and without much chance of getting them back, Another-paip-would be quite acceptable, he tells police ef- ftielats, The visitor folded his trousers under bls pillow, Thursday night 4nd om Friday morning they were gone, including 8. which was in one of the pockets. Another visitor, resident from Peace River, reported 5 and a watch chain stolen from his secs in his room in a hotel during the night. The thief, however, the trousers in this Flies From New York Over Here 75 Minuw Rest At Without Sleep Stay, es Plans Six Hour Nome Smashing: all records for fast. fly 4. ing from New York to Edmonton, Captain Ross G. Hoyt, one of Amer- jon's leading svintors arrived in the Jocal airport at 4:45, fifteen minutea Shind his schedule and, afer making itvey'of his machine and partak- Tight DreMKTUNt of exeN und be again hopped off for White Horse and Nome, on the last. log of hhis transcontinental fight from, New York. The pilot. only stopped over here for one hour and fifteen min- es For Great Carnival Day Record Hop From New York To Here 1 Captain Hoyt, who had charge of the refuelling of the army endurance plane Question Mark, planned this Hight to test the efficiency by increas ing the range of army pursuit flying by-stepping up the present. horaes His plane i seater, with U. 8. underside,: and it 5 Tn peder tor ts expecied that ill-be-mailed- out toward: the.end-ot At the last seeslon of the tegisia- ture an appropriation of 330,000 was assed for this scheme, while, the Do- tinion will. eontribute equal amount, thus bringing the tolal up to Building. --Barometer Total value to date, 3,668,600. Corresponding value, 1928, 2,504,- ute Plying day aheed of his schedule, Captain Hoyt took off trom Mitchell Piela, New ork at 3:90 euatern: day ight time attempt to make yeturn-teip-from the., to, Nome, Alaska, in 7. hours and 40 minutes elapsed time, including eight one houf stops for retuelling, and six hour fay over at Ni Stands Stral The filer showed no signs of strain when he stepped out of his black and ( -The-sctrenre wilt-be-adminiatered-by ithe Workmen's -Compensation Board and this organization has been busy for several months now, receiving. Ucations for pensions, checking over and. otherwise completing Fangements for placing the scheme in ticant qualifies for a pen sion the age of 70 must be attained. Trapper Remanded On Serious Charge Tallway rat lagsI ons, has been formed by tht ent made on Friday by able officials, supe ted necretary. meeling of the coun at the legis farther iscus- Horse racing continued to receive i Pari-mu machines, 0 increase over. the corn day last year. Officials a new record will: be created in race betting this year. Thursday Wag Livestock Day and to celebrate tip Slosing, of the judging, 2 Tobacco Grown ' Here Showing High Quality ae : A new industry is springing up in Fair Yesterday High Lights At ; George-Moore narthern bunter and trapper, charged wit manslaughter of Nor- man Ward on February ati inst, near Pwo Lakes,-was'remanded until July inuty eating at Vegrevili Thursday, f ville Ye according to-advices received by In- flor Hancock of the provincial hee today. Fa er Total to date, 7154 permite. Corresponding total, 1928, 522 per- mits, Friday's Permits Crane Tid., two storey warehouse at. Bt. Josep) 10106 97. avenue, 3,000. ick and stucco 1 82. avenue, 10559 Jasper avenue, Jeans, frame shack at 14603 yellow single seater and, after stretch- ing fora few minutes, he, started to look over the flying wires and the engine of the machine, in pre- paration for his continuing the flight. While thie mechanics. were refuelling, he partook of a. light breakfast of eg and milk. Perfect flying weather: favored the flot on the first two stages of the journey, but in the trip from Minn ax. polls to Edmonton, shortly before ar- riving bere he ran-into a number electrical storms which caused: him make a. big detour, and ie The. Hoyt: schedule in genera y- miles, 10 p.m: aay; 7. 103 avenue, 200. L,. Winterburn, - frame garage. at 11238 126 street, 100. White Horse, Yukon, 1100. miles, 4 . Fairbanks, Alaska, 500 Friday, and Nome, 500 counter on the black and yellow aingle- y painted on the For nourishnient he odtries three bottles;-one-of- water, one of Julee, and one of eggs le orange: Powdered Form. Atlacide, the Chipman Atlas Nore established itself as a most eftict nt and economical means of weed eradication that it i now-in. luse by the various government ments. throughout the prairie prot inces..and also by the leading rat toads of the American-continent. - Spare The Intest development 1s the manus facture of this-weed killor In powder form. The powder Kelling value of the Liqi Hof powder to one gallon. has all the weed one, pound waver, giv ing mixture which will successfully treat approximately 100 square fe off weed infested area. Knocked down by ear operat Roberts, 602 4th aver tea Gay, Kris Moon, 10108 60th, at west, it, ee caped. injuries. but. his bicycle we uped. injt : reports. Look Look Visitors There are just a few days left in which to take ad vantage of our great tight between two of the collies in the dog-act-in-fronv-of the Verner W, Smith, minister of railways and. . + couple of friends In the rotunda of the legislative buildings; Bruce Webb, noted cellist, on his way south on 196 stre t for a tennis. : tee hele i if i iy kk : Paghitigi er game; Dr -M. M. Dunsworth park- ing his car near the Tegier bulld:ng. Young men s 2. and 3- tionably the greatest val the market today. Single- breasted Vest; highly tailored finished from pore Nel Botany fabric that is guaranteed to keep and double-breasted styles Button models that are unques- se) a EN ela
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Image 345 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 345, (CU11183066). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.