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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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ne wiek u6d fole 437 ok WILL BE VENUE OF ANNUAL MEETING THIS YEAR Play Will Take Place at the Calgary Tennis Club from August 3 to 10- Entries lust be Sent in So by Wedneeday, July 31 it of Lge epresented-at the el the Alberta Lawn Tennis Association, hth annual Club, 14 avenue and 16 street west, Cal, 2 3 to'10. The Sane vel be sanctioned 1 by the Cansfian Lawn Tennis With th city tourney rated as one of the most success- ful in history and with enthusiasm over tennis at a hi ful Jn UIE. Shoe and claaey fild enpetind (0 joureny south, RS WILL, Meront AUG. Galgary players will be drawn from Spam oo Friday, Aug. 2 and 3 pi, fe, ot be Fegtred Yo Foport Ue Monday, wl 1 Will be the 8. Pigram Monday, Aug, 8 until the rompletion-of the tourney Yommence at 9 a.m. and will continue ut the day. Ax item of the ilmost importance and, one which be noted by all intending to.go squth is that en- tries must be made to the Assistant Secretary Treasurer, R. B. Goad, nee, 326-812 veriue Wert Calgary than 6 p.m., Wed- day, Jus a. : Crocker May Appear 1g a unis, tetas of Ooig tourney expected appeatance on Sauur- 7 August 10 In a series of exhi- bitl n matches, of: Willard Orock former Canadian champion and memiber of the Davis Cup. team and Mates Rainviliey-noted Montreal ten nig luminary and barr fk will be remembered that Crosker. Dr dack Wright, Dr, Arthur Ham junns Dla trr the: Saaerar tated da ae sb in this Betray on ually benefi- , EAmonton will jelegation pour headed by Dr. M. M. Bunsworth, cit; stil Bakes mig bid Feat : rovincial ohors. red Andsay Carver: Ernio Watt, Ceci EW Mrs, A. R. Bianche Hilling and are among, those expected the trip. Unless several new-comers appear on the (ndeiion It joigh Calgary Would sel time plavera to funn back, the. mined. challenge which iil be buried :by Edmonton for premier honors. in ng. ets ip. itr BF vinelal tourney. is Calgary and provincial open champ- fon, won Calgary tourney this Year and will be the main of the southernefs in the titular: hunt, F. V stuart, Gardner smith, Bric. St. Saviour s Football eam En Route Here VANCOUVER, B.C. July 19. St, Saviour football team, British Col- umbia'a representatives in the Domin- fon toothal lay the Canadian ational eleven on provinelal Crocke:, and: who 1s-s- former Harold championship lets yenter: furday and Monday in the inter -play downs tepresented Provincia STRIK OM BAST BATTERS SWORE PATERING ZA YEARS QNARRIAN LEAGDE BO FAST TREY CouLDNT sew THE Miracles of Sport - - By Robert Edgren ST. SAVIOURS ARRIVE TODAY B.C. Football Champions + Meet Nationals on Saturday Vancouver Bt. Saviours, British Columbia's ret ative, in the inlon of Canada ghamp Jonship playdowns, arrive in the NR. this afterncen nadian Nationals tamorrow and Monday nights. Both games will be played at Diamond Park and wil HaW Haas ap one of his most valu- Mo says No out start at seven o'clock sharp. i winner of the series here will tlelder has brok a into the league in for the easton Monday night urotny a mect winner of the inter ween bet 5 nel sare Westons for the right to enter final ot the ional LOUGHRAN 1s IN HIS CLASS Administers Sound Beating To J. J. Braddock in By ALAN J. GOULD (Associated Press Sports fAitor) YANKRE STADIUM, New - York, July 19 Tommy Loughran dispelled fail doub of his ability to-dominate the light ight division last inistering e - sound undisputed superiority aa id Loughran in, the apiltul manner Bion of the two Eddie Forbes at formality, On just: two oceasions, in. the a 2 , Opened severe oUt Over Loughran s left eye, which half blind edethe titieholder. Braddock In T-ronto Net Fight TORONTO, 19 Walter Mar- fin, Regina, ins the lone threat Toronto playtrs for the men s let champlonahip being ployed here, e , Martin will Dr. Hem tor 6-4, 7-5, he will have to'down the star. of In eret-tinad Leroy Rowe, mill-meet Gilbert Nunns. i a yesterday, 7-5, to STILL CHAMP TREGINA WINS OVER WESTON. UNITED, 1-0 Saskatchewan e BROOKLYN, duly 10 the ite S4vanced to within one game of first place by defeating the Robins 11 to 7 here veuterdtey mx the Pirates by to 1 at New York. The Cubs weist into lend by ase sulting Dudley. and. Moss for seven uns ta the fit and never loet com- Chicags soe 400-200 020 11 14 2 Brooklyn 2. a00 004 001 31 Carlson, lors: Dudley, Moss and Pieinich. BHILADELBHTA, July 19. Ace. the full distance against. Cincinnati yesterday. and- Philade opener e ies Com passes with eight hits to win the game, O10 OL 9 tho db bob t 8 8 Now York ot Cleveland, miss Champs Take 1-Goal Lead in Series WINNIPEG, Man., July 19 Regina Scotian, chataplons of Badkstaneean, secured a one- a toba's hopes for Csnadian fc honors here last night and established Ghermselves ax silent, favorites, to ad: vance into the Dominion football sociation play-down- semicfinals, at the expense of United quarters of the contest, and then gar- per a lead with s pretiy goal ae eas play the fel encounter . of the seri eere aepccay phereoee. Saskatcheyan's ttle were finding the . rather difficult in the gecond half when st Bmuth, fiteat' and gariad 6 movement threat 2 movers proved the only scoring one ot. the : stephens away croate a jesione qoai-by- Henderson, Re- gina centre forward. Playing fast and brilliant soccer, pout, the teams batted with a it breeze at thelr back half, Westors a torial play and result of the. second jared late in tie first ahortly after he started again: n he ATIONAL LEAG 1; Toronto 16. All-other games tote 4 Sin Ui feston of Win- z ih crowd of 2.500 dang saw the weil- balanced eleven trom te wheet Bele jiancled Westoniies: tor fully tives ait; fall of genuin Ips old spirit h; ennits. Young Liberals To vay Cubs at Boyle ts reet This Evening The Chevrolet Cubs the woung iaberais ins Senor play billed ts ware at sever ofclocs While the Politicians are not Se neers el ; rity the field determined Apis victory thie evening and pect. ty ri ournament 'TOLAN CLAIMS HE BEAT PERC Charges He Was Victim of Home Town Decision Ta Vonesuver WINDSOR, Ont. July 19--B4 ie Tolan, of the University of Michi+ an, Yo and 200 vard sorine, ehamn the United Btates, yeaterday charged he was the vietlm of a home town decision when he waa ads Cotinle Mack regards George Hee udeed Uewter By Percy Willams. in able ball players. Charile Small, representing the D, P. woes 4. They will be quartered at the The pitch will be given a soaking to merrow when city water wagons will hie put over the field, Dickie Ball is He the whistle in both games, hile Charlie Field abd art Young ed will aot aa linesmen. ancouver recently, Tolen made stateniont while passing thi to wh clared yeuten atthe flon ot the race the judges went A rengthy eotiferenoe, they 'emereed to. anniunoe that ms.won by Gloss margin I have been beaten belose Michigan Midnight Express Ss ee BWATS I Waste ncestou A real old aristocrat is Dewar s... hospitality and good a friend, whose rare been aged by the hand of Father Time BOTTLED f aavertisement is wor inserted lt; jSOOTA' Columbus 13; Milwaues 2: IN s 2. EXTRA SPECIAL LIQUEUR Aged in the wood and bottled im Ear cao s COTLAN the Alberta Liquor Control Board or by the Governe ment of the Province of Alberta. - Of the Province of Alberta, This advertisement is not inserted by the Ligior Control Board This advertisement ia not inveried Ligiior oF by the by. Liquor Of the Province of
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Image 351 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 351, (CU11183284). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.