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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Special Assorted Chocolates. Per Pound 35c aad centres and Cream centres fl and Berries. Well assorted. All chocolate dipped. Be ies, Main Floor, HBC Final Day of INCORPORATED 2 MAY 1670. Saturday Specials in Drug Sundries BIRZORAN Ir fet algttroving SPONGES Extra large size for moths, flies, etc. A complete Washing cars, and all a 1 cake of genuine Saturday, the two for cotton, , lint, ointment, . adhesive, feck re se ZOE 35 sunburn, roughened skin, PEROXIDE, ox bole LOG , ; 85c to 2 Summer Reading, Each 50c Each book is well made and printed with good size type on white paper. Securely bound with suet Back of cloth, z Main Floor, HBC Another New Shipment of White and Pastel Colored. ( Entirely New Styles Becoming, soft, lig summer felt hats 80s wear with one's summer froc All the dainty pastel shad white. Shady brim and brimless miyles Smartly tailored trim- mings of ain ribbon. A variety of sizes. Specially. spercketed and specially anys Second Flos Verandah ; Acheavy rug that will give excellent service. Woven from Indian wool in plain colors with contrasting borders. Three useful sizes 6 by 5 4 by 6 2.95 5.95 13.50 Rag Mats 24 by. 48 at 49c zp Washable rag mats in this useful.size. Shown in a neat Hit and Miss pattern with dainty colored border. Ex- colent for atyoont of bedroom. use. Size 24 by 48 . Oilcloth for the Kitchen Table A complete selection of plain and fancy colored table oileloth. It-is-b Factory can Yard a a This. Chesterfield Suite a Bagtigr 15.57 55 Pal cg July Sale ... High 0 nes lundoome Cher Sut in lum taupe mohair coverings. W detail, Chesterfiela, Pirealde Chair and Arm Chatr wi reversible cushions. Regular 185. Sumy Ghetreee 8 pieces 67 ere rerereety ys G55 12 only Walnut Finish Moulded tubing construction with dene statis Panel. *. in heal and foot of bed. Beautiful 4 ft. and 4 f.-6 inch sizes only. Regular 22.50. July Sale .. 15 Third Floor. HBC Felt Hats, 1.95 JULY CLE A Eee sorectcry. cit clearance in the Men's Shoe Shop Broken lines from are in blucher and Balmoral with recede, full-round and broad toes. A number 275 Prs. Men's Better Grade Shoes end Oxfords . Not a pair in the lot worth less than:7.50, majority 9 to 11 Values 6 65 tock assem pro chick calf tet cate: bed Sel tee ee ee ci golf shoes. with leather and rubber soles, also included. Sizes in ee on y to11 in fittings of, a to E. July Clearance, pair a F icathers: AV ate gocdyeat eked. ana have Solid leather sole aot abe eae A special purchase to, which we have added broken lines from our regular stock...Values-- 7-to- 8, July Clearance Sale pair 4.85..- -- - So Boys Canvas Shoes 1 Bat : Boys Canvas Shoes 1 Boys' brown canvas immi d and reinforced * 60 with brown leather strappings. Leather middle soles poe ga eee eae ae and Panco outer soles. Sizes 1t0 514, Regular value with black rubber strappings 1:98. July Sale pair 1.19, and ankle pad. Three perfora- Youths Scuffer Shoes 1.19 tots on side: Double weight Youths tan leather scuffer boots with Panco soles suction rubber soles and heels. Laced-to-the-toe styles, Sizes clear at pair 1.19. meee ee 1to 5. July Sale special pair 1. Clearance of Women s and Growing Girls Shoes, 2.98 150 pairs on the bargain table for quick selling-Saturday. .Choose from. strap slippers, Pumps and ties in patent leather, tan calf and black calf. Sample shoes: antl lines from regular stock. Sizes in'the lot from 3 to 7. July Clearance pair 2.98. 2 Jasper Ave., HBC Golf Balls 31.25 eee eae ree Cam lt; v p. A long flight ball that is very durable. 14) 50 Box Trunks, 9.95 Heavy enamelled steel covered trunks,. with corrugated steel runners- Large size box, complete with draw bolts, dowels, ete. Fancy paper lining. Tray with one compart- ment. 6 6nly to clear Saturday at each 9.95. Steel Refrigerators Half Price: Our floor stock of larger size S.M.P. all steel refrigerators at exactly half price. Attractive in appearance, sanitary and easy to keep clean, insulated d by the new and efficient cork board method. : lt;1 only Xo, 15 Grey. Regular 55. Sale 1 only No. 15 27.50 30 50 Women 's New Silk Dresses Jasper Ave., HBC Printed Silks and Plain Colors jy llttle frocks that will-anawer the purpose for warm weather wear and be useful right into the fall, Youthful sleeveless styles featuring jackets, flares, pleats and tuckb. Straight line, long sleeved models for. more mature women. lovelty necklines, smart cuffs, skirts with pleats, etc., are all becoming features, Many charming styles from which to: shoose Sisee 14 to 44. July Sale 5. 1 only No. 40 White. Regular 182, Bale I only No. 75 White. 50 1 gly No. 25 Aree ve Jasper Ave., HBC Regular 100, U ially P ee ead Sascany -Priced- z Sizes for Women and Misses a outhfully ate, brightly colored dimity frocks, suitable for any daytime or holiday wear. Short sleeved or sleeveless. Smartly trimmed with white organdy, contrastin Piping and dainty lace adj many * With youthfully flares skirts-and tight bodice effects also strai styles, Fast colors. Sizes 14 to Lace Trimmed Rayon. uly Sale 1.95. : : 1.79 : - Step-Ins and Bloomers, Each rnin Paneled Incrusted Pipe With Tobacco 1 Especially attractive pipes. Light and-dark panels in-wanted.shapes. Each with 15 package of tobacco. Saturday the two for 1. Main Floor, HBC Outstanding Suits for Men and Young Men July Sale Price 2750. Suits styled to the liking of young men and older men. tailored from im ported tweeds and-finewor- steds. . Single breasted two button , conservativ easy fitting thtee button styles -and snappy double * breasted models. Sizes 35 to 44. Add an extra suit to your summer wardrobe when the so sma July. Sale: 27.50 Men s Fine Cashmere and Fancy Lisle Socks 3 Pairs for 1 Replenish your supply of summer socks Saturday. Splendid wearing qualities in seasonable weights. Plain, ribbed and fancy styles in a wide assortment of attract designs and colorings. Sizes 914 to 11. 0 Coat Style Big burly sweaters for outing and camping, sharply reduced for the July Clearance. Obtainable. in grey, maroon and navy. Sizes-3638 and 40 only. Who wouldn t want an extra sweater at this low price? Main Floor, HBC Men s Collar-Attached Shirts Made by. Forsyth Reg. 4 values .. 3 The ideat warm-wea- ther shirt for outing or ecru or light tan shade, Collar attached and two breast pockets. Made of two-ply English super- quality broadcloth and tailored in the Forsyth - mariner. Sizes 14 to 16 Bargain in Tea Pots, 69e Fancy earthenware teapots with floral decorations on dark blue body, Choice of 3 patterns. 4-cup size, Each 69 Lovely. Lace Trimmed Rayon Gowns ........ Lovely, soft, lustrous Tayon is used in these Something new These lovely lustrous rayon gowns wae Re cor yon. mh is are trimmed with narrow creamy lace. with rayon Ho ate at Stat sizes medallions. of contrasting shades and Fayon beading. Nile, and White. Cut in square neck, slip-over style with wide shoulder straps. Soft pastel shades of pink, peach, maize, coral, nile and orchid. Small, modjum end .large sizes, July Sale 1.79. HBC BEAL OF QUALITY sioum. Special, per sick 49 tbs, 98 Ihe. 89 1.70 3.35 CHOICE CABBAGE Special Table Tumblers, Each 5 600 only; plain glass table tumblers. Bene shape and size. Each Imported and Gils Se 2: 95 4 for wear with a sum- SD eee ee neck. oe note with Se July Sale Beautiful New. Patterns in, Canton Crepe, Yd. 2.98 Forthat- better summer frock; Ce One of summer's most popular wash fabrics in a wonderful array of patterns and colorings. tub fast. July Sale, yard Anes Second Floor, tae:
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Image 337 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 337, (CU11183282). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.