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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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oans - By the Dominion Livestock Branch dson Sons EDMONTON STOCKYARDS. Sept DEPT. 9.- (DL.B.), Receipta; cattle 117, Bid Asked calves 32, 101.60 100.85 100.45, 105.10 100.30 3 to make or establish market. Trading was fairly brisk on What few offerings there were, Sales- men made quite ready clearances What few sales were made up tli oon indicate that prices are fully ateady and unchanged with firmer T0140 100.70 100.30 104.90 106.15 ina. 100.25, Hog receipts, 39. There were in- on23 98.00 sufiident hog receipts to establish s8 98D Beep receipts, nll, Sheep prloes Sai, eu remain the same. : dera Income Tax York aswell as sees ake DURSE ast A heavy tone pre- e today, ates, 76 francs, 58 up n, -Hee-Trities, 75 Plain 7 on, 129 francs, 62 Gopners and Guiherd - 30 WONT Was quoted: ea oes i. a . 5.00 50 430 to 5.00 0.00 to 11.0 Good heavies 9.00 Bt 100 to 7.0 Common to medtuin 8, 1OG8 AT MONTREAL MONTREAL, Sept. 9. 1,700 cattle, 3,000 calves, 5,000 sheep and lambs. ner cattle lower, steers 8,25 to Dalves, 5.00 to 7.00. Lambs weaker, sheep, 3.00 to 6.50. Hogs, 12.25, fed and watered. AT TORONTO TORONTO, Bept. 9. Receipts, 5,000 cattle, 400 hogs, and 4,000 sheep 4 Iambs. e gion Opens New 1+Kiwanians Hear Social Season By Whist And Dance The most suocesswil opening dan Cows, 6.00 to 4.00; staor, 9.50. Hogs, 10.50 selects, or s1itid off fo sheep were sold up tll noon CHICAGO, Sept. 9. Hog receipts 2,000; uteters 411.10; packing sows Gaitle receipts 28,000; steers 812.75 to 16.50. Sheep receipts 34,000; native 12.75 to 13.35; fat ewes 5.00, slaughter AT WINNIPEG WINNIPEG. Sept. 9. Receipts: 1700 cattie, 300 calves, 600 hogs and 400.sheep and lambs. Steers 9; butcher opws 7.25. Hogs, selects 12; titick smooths 11.50. Lambs, 1 3 to 6. f llneeennecmeere ey Winnipeg Grain: Letter By Jamts-Richaf ion Sens Ltd. WINNIPEG, Sept. 9. -Whent bad several sinking spa, but finally Closed higher to q lower, with Sctobor wheat again showing relative firmness. Liverpool was quite weak at mid-day but later recovered in fympatiiy with the opening: wrongth in Buenos Aires. Shipments from his continent were aurprsingy low, being only four million hels, against 14 million year ago, Wheat ony passage incteased ane mullon Dush le showing 11 million gotag. inta consumptive channels. Liverpool re- ported the market dull and affecting Ue cheaper. Argentine offerings, and continental, ata ties showing a gud stantial carry over and a total produc- tion for this year of only 24 million bushels lest than last. The American visible increased only two million bushels, and Chicago advices indicated that this will prob- Season. Sport business was placed ess Was pl at 400,000 bushels, mostly Menitobas. Rains were 1 in southern Alberta and sout Baskatchewan, but country marketings reached 313 million bushels Saturday. Hedging pressure continues light with farmers showing. an inclination to hold their grain for higher price Jev ls. The action of the market to- day bas. probably encour: outside support and 1 r anticipate, From Delegates To Hat Parley A report on the recent convention Medicine Hat was the plece de re- im thelr new homes, Moore, while the demand for British domestics throughout Eastern Canac has been greater than the supply. The settlement of mand for domestics in provinces, but unless there Js co-oper- ation between the provincial govern- ments and the railway st will not be possible to ket many girls to come to the EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaner MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1929. MANY RUSH TO ANSWER CALL OF PROVINCE Keen Disappointment in London When Offer Can- celled, Says Official One thoussnd British families, 5,000 Britisty doin stics and 2,000 Britistr boys have been plased in Can- ade Uhrough the Canadian Pacific Railway up to the end of July, ac- cording to Major A. B. Moore, director in charge of immigration for the Can- adian Pacific Ratlway, with head- quarters in London, England, who is visitor here. Major Moore is making tour of the west, and conferred with Lt, Col. J. 8. Dennis on his arrival in Edmonton Mahday morning. All families settled are doing well stated Major boys between the ages of 16 and 19 is rapidly growing, Wid fs proving great success. Girls Want To Come I have: found there iam big de- the prairie the west. The demand 1s too keen in east, and only those who have friends in the west aro. making the Journey through, stated Major Moore. An order trom the government of Alberta for 400 domestics given carly this year but cancelled owing to crop conditions tater brought an unpre- cedented rush of applicants to the London offices, and it is a pity that the government did not anxious to come to the prairie pro- Yinees, but the only fe for the rallway and the governments to co-operate. Next Year's Prospects Commenting on the pi were anxious that a settlement plan be adopted for Canads, and that the government would continue to give assisted passages, but whether the follow through with the plan. Domestics are ible method this movement: m success 1s provincial ets for next year Major Moore said it was not easy to make any prediction. He as- seried that the British Government McGavin Bakery To Build Modern firm of this elty and probably the largest concern of tts kind in Western for the immediate erection at Sas katoon of a fully equipped modern bakery, to cont In the neighborhood of .000, ecording to information made available on Monday. The proposed structure ts reared on the northeast cort fond and Queen's aventu will be opened on Wednesd: Plans for the structitre, which have been filed with H, Mol, Weir, Sas- Katoon building inspector, call for a building 121 by 119 feet. There will be full basement and construction throughout will bs as nearly fireproot a5 is possible, In the main the build- ing will be one storey in holght, ale though portions will be two storeys, Brick will be used in the walling and facings. In addition to the bakery there will be a stable 98 by 20 fect, to house the horses hauling delivery wagons, The site was purchased by the com pany last spring. It extends 260 fect on Becond avenue and is 140 foot deep, providing ample space for all require ment and permitting of apy extensions Which may be made 40, future, Plans were prepared by Sydney Comber, Montreal architect, David Webster, Saskatoon architect, is as Soclate architect and will supervise construction, It 1s understood that McGavin Limited s planning the erection of other branches in other of the larger Western cities, Rush Of Beer Trucks Given As Reason Of No Parking Signs No parking signs were placed on Howard street opposite the premises 9f Distributors, Lid., and the Alberta Distributors in order to allow these gompantes access for loading and un- Toadaing. trucks. the commissioners will report to council Monday night fn reply to a question of Ald. Rice Gheppard, asi:ing by what authority these signs were placed. The com- missioners state that the practice of allowing private no parking signs 1a restricted as much as, possible -and only allowed under special circum stances, Hresh Meat By Air For Table In North Beef, mutton and chicken will fea to be Saskatoon Plant ; McGavin Limited, pioneer baking Canada, hen completed arrangements 'CP.R. PARTY MAKES SURVEY INTHE NORTH Colonization and Other Of- Off in Edmonton on Way to Peace River To make a survey of the Peace River territory. and meet the different boards of trade and farmers ory faations in the north, a party of adian Pacific Colonization officials, headed by Colonel J. 8. Denn CM.G., chief commissioner departs ment of colonization and development for the railway, arrived in Edmonton on Monday in the official car Mont- moreney. Those in the party include: J, N. K. Macalister, assistant commissioner, Montreal; . A, Van Seay, superin- tendent of colonization, Winnipeg: G. Glennie, private secretary, and Chas, De Mey, continental superintendent, London. The latter, after a few days in Edmonton, will proceed to Calgary. Major J. Miller, local assistant super intendent of colonization, met the pasty jon arrival and. will ecompany em into the Peace River district, Tt will be recalled, Colonel Denis said in an interview, that in June Inst Dr. Black, director of colonization of the Canadian National Railways, and myself attended a meeting of s committee of the Edmonton hamber of Commerce which had been delegated to report on policy for the development of the territory explained that Dr, Black and Colons Dennis intended Jater on in the seagon to make trip through the Peace River country to meet the different Boards of Trade and the farmers organizations for the pu of obtaining from these or- ganizations thelr views regarding the Dolley whieh should be followed. with Fegard to the colonization and devel opment of the territory in question. Black Comes Later Colonel Dennis is now making the trip for the purpose of attending the meetings referred to, It is pnder- Stood that Dr. Black finds it mpos- sible to make the trip at this time, but that it ts his intention to make a similar trip at a later date and meet the Peace River organizations, Reviewing the work of his depart- ment up to the end of August, the chief commissioner stated that the Cae niadian Pacific had achieved a record in very important class of coloniza- to Canada Arthur Ticher, 13284 101 street, had 8 miraculous escape from severe in- Jury shortly after when he was knocked from a wagon londed with cord wood, following an According to city Ticher was riding with his father when an muto came om, find throwing the youth heavi) round. Ho was rol severely. Hurt R. Ditch, s621 ported to. pollee YO'pm. unday a truck ran tnto his the left side of the Another accident in which un auto clashed with horse and rig occurred at 9:19 pam, Sunday at the inter- section of City Bakery, driving HORSES, AUTOS :Fa'Seiass IN ACCIDENTS Arthur Ticher Has Narrow Escape om Ser? -- the chon, severely culling the harae s Teg below the knee. The driver of the car did not stop. Lauder Regrets He Can't Visit Inj North This Trip mes y. Bronzed and cheerful after a five months holiday in New Zealand. Aus tralia, and the South Bea Islands, Bir Harry Lauder. and party arrived at Edmonton on Monday morning, where aa he remarks, he tin the course of What he describes os bio slsth fure- well tour, This is Sir Harry Bdmonton, tw last. be ago, ana he. is enthusiast expansion of this. city western towns. I have never been There at this. time of the year. he a0, 30 pm, Saturday. bat the intersection of 137 97 atreet, police reports, third visil to on top of the load ten. your's over th . upsetting the load and other to the 102A avenue re- adquarters that at Tam Tam me to visit the Peace River country, of which I have heard 50 much, Sir Harry's present tour commenced at Winnipeg, and will take him through the western const cities ang part of the United States, Clad in Highland costume, he fore- gon in the lane west of 103 avenue, injuring. horse, 106 avenue and 100 street, jlough, employed by the Ed- gathered with breakfast in the when Jock leudered the welcome of all the Beots in the city vary. and criptlon of Ure Septen coatuste until snared an he ded, it a plaid for he aeotchman's clan, the correct term gate toad, his happy humour accompanied by his niece, Miss Greta Lauder with the interviewers, and said how iuch they had enjoyed their holi day. New Zealand she sald was most beautiful country sons were killed and two day when a Buffalo and the country is delightful crashed into a truck near here; Jock MeNeil at Macdonald hotel, What plaid. do you meus. usked ty no plakl. answered Sir id Ne Launched Into a dee fealltien of the that the reporter had got it that there Inno such thing as pose of identifying: tartan being Sir Harry has now b en 46 years hd ty still robust, while ver falls. He is who conversed delightfully VIVE KILLED BUFFALO, N.Y., Sept, 9. Pive per ured Sun interurban car of the Brie Traction company RE-NOMINATED DUNCAN, B.C. Sept. 9. Charles Herbert Dickie, M-P., was unanimously re-nominated for the federal riding of Nanaimo at w representative gathering of the Conservatives held Saturday. EATON GROCETIERIA On Sale in the EATO EATON FOR ONE HOUR SELLING ONLY, aim. to ie tin cunrso, Quick suds. tarre pactase. UG Per package a Limit 4 packages to a customer.) KERR with self seal cove ent mouth, PURE RASPBERRY JAM 4Jasper. brand in 3i4-Ib. tins, Tuesday Special, per tin 4 7 SWEET CORN Cholce qually th No. 2 lins, Tuesday, Special, 4tins for... 9c PURE, EXTRACTED HONEY In 5-1. G6 tins. Tuesday Special, per tin . 1c NESTLE'S CONDENSED SWEETENED MILK in 14-08, tin per tin . 17 PEP, KELLOG fast food. Tuceday Special, 2 pkgs. for.. aC IMPORTED FRESH HERRINGS Frane brand, in 16-o8. tins Tuesday Special, 2 tins for . 35c Per Ib. piece. Per Ib, Bo Per Ib. ....., Per Ib. Groceteria, 101A Avenue PLANTATION BLEND COF- FEE A rich, delicious coffee you will en- joy. Per pound MASON FRUIT JARS Pint Thoroughly airtight e to handle, Tucsday 1.50 At the Provision Counter RACK BACON, Windsor style, SELECT SIDE BACON.. D OR ROAST HAM. Sliced. FINEST CANADIAN CHEESE At the Fruit and Vegetable 52c per dor. wide,convent- 4.25 Quarts, per doz In choke 366 Halt oF hele D6 . 53c wi 296 ture the menu of a prominent north: Hon this year by bringin land resident ax the result of an ar Fangement recently: made by Western Canada Alrways. Starting Monday, Punch Dickins will carry supplies of tres meat, by air to this north- merto supplement his customary deer meat and duck. Carrying two mining experts to the far north, Puneh Dickins, western Canada Atrways northland pilot, will have ever staged, was Bill Bice comment on the first dance of the Counter Season held by the Canadian Legion hte Memoria Hall Saturday Right The ta wes f with whist players while over 300 je danced in the newly decorated Memorial Hall Until midnight. called a close to the proceedings. The committee in charge of dances sistance, at the Kiwanis luneh at the Macdonald hotel Monday. Secretary Bill Paweett, who presented tt, spoke fealingty ot the many kindnesses shown them by thelt hosts, Epriveleged. Child, James Carmichael of Edmonton was considered to be the most interes Paper, although three others of it the dinner on Tuss- FLOOR WAX Eatonia brand. A super- for polish in 1-1b, tins. Per tin , SLICED PINEAPPLE Dishco brand, In No, 2 tins, Tuesday Special, 2 tins for.. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER. 1,192 British boys for placement in agricultural employment under dis- tinctive schemes of the department of colonization and development and those in operation by various volun- tary bodies throughout. the dominion with which the department collabor- ates, Another record for one season had been achieved in tie number of British familles placed in agricultural Simigranta to eter Canada wane onter Canada was factor that had to be overcome, SY expect that the Labor, govern- ment Will be Just ax active as ts pre- decessor in immigration matters, and if arrangements can. be made. with the Dominion and provincial govern- meaner Tatas, domestics tnd bore. from . domes 8 from for the Legion this winter, Will be oor onion aeleantiee, eit, tthe Great Britain to Canada, concluded Cave Cocking Lake ays ome Mone A. Mason, with Percy Plowman as Disorderly Room, brought. down the Malor: Moore. day afternoon, Considerable express fiaster of Ocremoniea, an oie n ew Execu- inesday lunch was handle carried. Mr. Dickins e: to be Eee ant at eed at Tea0 BY, the. Edmonton Chub, under the back about the middle of the week, Hg SEAN sta ttpate ie rece of ed ca ht a monthly accounts and discuss the yell received. while the speech on usual business, was. de med to be the most outstanding Commerce Party plece of eloquence in the whole cone i, Yention. With -28- resent that it was the duty of the alderman Takes Holiday he Edmonton contingent succeeded to protect the-herltage of public utili- in winning the attendance trophy, ties that had been handed down to ' fine oliver cup. them, and not to barter them away for a mess of. pottage. q was elected on 2 public ownership platform, and X am, opposed to this agreement because Jt is, In my opin- fon, deperture trom those prine- iples. shall not be s party to the cign- ing of this agreement, as I consider that it will result in the passing of a ot rates very large amount of work from the elty adversely to distributing centres in which will be done at other points. Alberta and Saskatchewan, and. the Why should we deprive our workmen demand that ts now being made 1s of thelr livelihood? . declared Ald. that this discrimination. be. removed Findlay. and that these distributing tariffs be As I ses the. agreement it will mean that our plant will be closed Business Men Of alton an abvlutaly eal basis mean that our pia will bo, closed Strathcona Will ct say advantage over snoties: cach years an, Hear The Premier 4.1 tae age metas ix tye Ald, Glove and Rice Sheppard ne meat, the Seon ae tas eths teeee tee tos hantersens was a. aoseriere toms Sil be held upslatys at Number 10313 couver, to Sait eat oy tour ees Wee ae Jocommenctig with ainver ai 6 30, Mons ane. RATIFICATION CONTINUED YROM PAGE NINE Mone ABoUr VISITORS RETURN CONTINUED FROM PAGE NINE We have experienced trouble tn only'a few cases, sald Colonel Dennis. Ser teria ee with individuals of different. tem: peraments difficulties es. OC. HOUR SPECIAL 9 to 10 a.m. Gur, but our colonization officiais ex freiog great patience, and with m rea P, G WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP. 45c sonable attitude on the part o cial 12 BATE sss escsesese 2 colonist we find that in the end pa Boeeiel tent effort is appreciated and so the Limite 24 bars toa customer. No C.O.D. orders on this Special Percentage of trouble is really tomarke . ably small Colonel Dennis sald thet he had been much interested to hear that in many parts of Alberta and Saskutches wan there had been a shortage of farm Inbor, and that theee reports had been confirmed officially inthe newspa- pers. This was tn sharp contrast, he Yemarked, to opinions expressed in certain quarters earlier in. the year that too many farm. laborers. were coming into the country. Upon his Felurn fom the Peace River trip, he hoped to have further meeting with the committee on norte erm developient of the Edmonton Chamber, of Commerce, Colonel Ben file state. : Cane Sugar for : 6.30 . 3.25 YTALIAN PRUNES Large sls, Tuesday Special. 3 tins for .........6.6 RIPE) TOMATOES in 4 basket 69c TEA. Specially blended for your approval B.C, RIPE CANTALOUPE Pink meats, 25c ment Committee of the British Goy . . lt; / FATON S Service Grocery 100 Ib, bea 43c tu 25 ees Hussday Shea Per ease cesar BTC FREESTONE PEACHES Heavy ick 4 GE FELS NAPTHA 6OAP 10 bars to cai- cases. Heavy firm pack, Tuesday Specta ton, Tuesday Specinl, per carton ...... Per basket . seitlement. The special agreements a by our experts. Tuesday Special, per Ib... T G large size. Tuesday Special, 2 for... + ernzzent and the Canadian Pacific i D SAVE der which improved farms had been CARRY AN SAVE British colonists had contributed. largely to this result. Phone 91243 Regular Store Deliveries BC. Pure Special . S0-Ib, bag QZ cq cases Tuescay special. per cnse. Cc . EATON'S GRILL ROOM BLEND BLACK Per case . operation beiween the Oversea Settle prepared, cottages: bullt, and. other - lt;sssSSS Litile Trouble reserving. Special determination and sterling quality o the pioneers, they will not take ad- vantage of if. People of Vision In Peace River. the Bishop con- tinued, you have been greeted by the type of people that tins the great, plains. incovered and fe foundations fer, the present complex and wondefful civilisation under which some of you. live in Bouthern Alberts.--Phey had vistons as you have visions, and if I draw for yous picture of Peace River 20 years now, thriving industrially, with t water power developments, a Buse, intensive agricultural area. and complete system of roads and rall- ways, that picture is no more fantas- tic than was the vislon of these-plon- eers, 20 years ago, when they. pic- tured, in fancy, the country as it is today. New Ydeas on immigration were in- stilled into the minds of the dele sng oi tee prone PEACE RIVER MORE AsoUr RATE APPEAL the CONTINUED FROM PAGE NINE of two days at e 9259 BUTTER Eaton's Imperial Brand, Creamery Butter Freshly churned, every pound guaranteed. Special, 2 Ibs. for 79c Robin Hood or Five Roses Patent Plour:,.- Spec ... 4.95 2.50 Faton's Plantation Blend Pure Coltee, a.very- popular tlend, freshly ground, 53c Special, per 1b; 31.55 Tomato Soup, Aylmer trand. special 3 tins 20 + Romatoes; choice quality, ian, 42 flour shipments trom Cal ran ihe ta ery es ing there was no franchise given to Special 3 tina ... the power company, the city retains 49-1b.60n* Special couver. The mileage from Vancouver to Edmonton 1s. 766 miles, whereas Hon. J. , Brownlee. will be the .t pom ' string of threo newsps ; Calgary to Vs 4s, 642, its ulllity, but by. entering into the ae un x inted so Speaker of the evening when the sub-) Nocwit standing. that grain is oniy -agreement we will be in a position to Pe ee ver cOUnEEy. 1.28 Pond Eaton's Family Blend Black iB ehoss Sera, op ourations. om hia carried 48 miles from to, obtain cheaper power. and als to tell wruyg aeltiement prosiemy in ihts 2 Special, 2 tins ....,, GC Tea An economical blend. Vancouver the rate is though 4t, were carried 166 miles. feature of the rate structure fs he to, which Saskatchewan-and British Col- umbla-are very much 5 tures, provinces are a actual mileage for Yall and thet the rate fro to Vancouver be made 18 cents per hundred pounds instead, Special, per Yb, 2 . r months, saiicioe So eotrinm, Seen 1 tle ibs very week settlers, with rank Gitte stated Ald, Findlay was Ent any solicitation on our pert, come closed. here of their free will and take up Fequitements of the cig and the Gals and, 60 long as they do that there Power Go. will call for the opera. 1 no-need to raise the ery of-an ime of the plant on just as large a Migration problem. scale as if the agreement were not in . One fact forcibly impressed upon force, and the city would save 150,- the delegates by tative 000 in its electrical supply. ears tome to be good business, concluded, Famonton Key-Pant Edmonton is the key-plaiit for the generation of steam power in North- ern and Central Alberta, and by sign- jng-up with: the Power com- pany it will become a in their growing chain of power lines through- out the province. If we this opportunity of co-operation with the Tecent trip to the North, si eae of the Association are y en-invitation Is extended eee alee a nae Another Case Of Infant Paralysis Reported in City. Finnan Hiddies, Thistle Brand. No, 1 tin, 430 Special, 2 tins. Kdwardsburg Pure Corn Syrup, Pure Strawberry Jam, 4 tb. tin. 39c Special per tin Per tity sess OVE Another Car of B.C. FRESH FRUITS on Sale Tuesday at EATON Prices B.C. FIELD TOMATOES, in 4 basket cases, heavy B.C, COOKING ONIONS, firm stock pack cases, 7 pounds por sack 390. 25c 3.40 Bleed Pineappiee Dianco Nod a Byeciai, 2 tins. BOC TOURISTS ON NOTED GROUND ) resseorsoe Visit Sites of Forts Built E Over Century Ago, and See Mackenzie Cairn Historical interest interwove itself into the mundane industrial and agri- cultural of the Peace River tour by tho Associated Chambers of Commerce Saturday when, after short auto journey from Spirit River, they stood on the banks of the Peace, fowering 800 fect high. and looked. eobetter Ltd. e 23418 aaid that in so far as a cama lt sre tsa ied. he declared, was aid from if the dominion in ef- eae se eT i fie bett FB i Sytem ney .B. Woods, C7 Brit bia by Leon J. Ladner, K.C,, katchowan by W. H. McEwan, ih i Per care 39c 1.55 it is rert Missing Lad Is Three Months For : Theft Of Cash Box ted hold Southern consider buys in bome of Pred . His Eonor stated that he intended to recomme that accused be deport- ptward B. Cosswell 0, conduct: conduct ed the rrosecution, while accused was Sot represented, ne only. today, when they met number of representatives of the Brace, provincial superiniten- dent of insurance, has left for Toron- to, to attend the annual. convention of the United States and Canadian fire commissioners, vhich is being held at the Raval York hotel. He will will be Sam slump, Chum Delmage and W. 8. Bates, commercial travellers, left the Royal George hotel Monday Morning on a business trip to Peace River and points norln by automo- three weeks. -A cable of comiotenics Was Sent Sunday to Dr, Sontt by the congrega- Reported To Be In Airdrie Area William Grabam, 17-; old Ed monton, youth who gisopenred from Thome here early last week, was ast Thhureday. and over end was seen in the Airdrie dis- t, sccording to information -recelv. ere Monday morning. Infant Daughter Of Missionaries. Dead enor was received in Edmonton on . M. Boot Avenue, for a, number of years, Me fies been conducting medical mission: ary work in indi for the United fis many tends here will sympathise ri will ay with blir and. his wife iy Bereavement, Yon of the Central United church, thetr pastor, Rev. Russell Me- rs. Forsyth, of hort stay at the Jasper, are making ing Edward hotel. Foner company to pass: Damvonton me Se an dnolated ey wre s Tetwork of cheap power. godin TP eed ty to adopt that course, concluded carla AAS lt a of as ia Hely-owned utilities were concerned, a caeis es ment. is. ne in their any ndetion for Aiveree haa bos tied tn supreme court ie Watson inst her husband Bertram Warner Keon, H. E. Stanion is acting for gi look upon agricultural, red. Do not forget that we have W as well ws on tiie land. have been applied to and they have proved per cent. better than rerage Pennsylvania anthracite. connection with his plea for representation, the out thet the ru 553 ay on the signi. the attitude: of dele- yritime: provinces ax manager in the Maritimes of hadian General Electrical Co,, Ltd. No sectional interests shail be dis 1a in this matter, declan vee eae te a of this: and will with weal equal to Grostings From East , B. Gundy, of Toronto, first vione president of the Dominioh Cham of Com sree, and John A. Tory Drew ident of the Toronto Bosrd of Trade, brought further the east, and assured appreciation of the difficulties of the country, and the sterling manner in which its residerits were surmounting . , Woodward, former M.L.A. of Prince Rupert buted verbal eich Verbal elvic chets and declared, jointly, that the coast was pulling for a railway from the Peace River block to the western seaboard, and that there shouid be 00 see 88 10 the location of ite Oifletal from Pesce River were tende 7. J Trainor, presi- dent of the Pence River Board of Trade. White mien of the party were being Indies. atlending musicale, 8. Weight, generat cof the Gar tet, Travel an official close Sunda; down on the where Hudson's Bay Company and North West. Trading Company forts were established in the years. and 1807, Later, the dele- again received a thrill when they the cairn down the river and read the tnscription which will im- mortalize for future generations the eto Seen am eae the Pacific Cosst. In between these incidents came a Thursday through seemingly edie onal Iles ot seaeee rosperos farming country. Whwt made the journey fore lmpressive was. the revelation that the belt of land the Segnits wer fri the ares of the Peace River dis- 100 Illes, from the towne of Spirit River to Peace River, the visitors learned similar soil and Tour expressed optimism, not only of their own little communities Vinted. included Waterhole, Biuesley cluded: Waterhole, Biv Whitelaw, Browvale, Berwyn and Grimata Season Ends For Swimming Pools The 1929 swimming season came to when it was decided by city authorities to discon- tinue the-use of the sw id Kites fog blr la at ing total of 5,282.95 to the city treasury. This was 9 slight decrease from last yoar when the total revenue of this pool w - 5,290.80. Pinal entertained at the smoking concert the figures for the west end and south side pools will be announced later, sound quelity. Per case :., Guily, hasny pack ewer Pereas B 1, GQ Taner quali Pertease * S3,6O B.C. GREEN PEPPERS. GREEN TOMATOES In pear box caven. 6 pounds for Case 1.39 25c ITALIAN PRUNES, heavy pack, 89c fren toe Seren SYS 2 pounds .... 25 2 pounds 29c a B.C. EATING PLUMS In 6 basket cases. 69c 2.59 B.C. HYSLOP CRABAPTLES, 2.55 B.C, SILVERSKIN PICKLING ONIONS, 1.79 B.C. RIPE CANTALOUPES, ink meats, 2-for-..+...5. B.C. CELERY Crisp and white. pounds B.C. WEALTRY APPEES, household heavy pack. 25 2.30 EATON S Quality Fresh and Smoked Meats Phone 91254 Regular Store Deliveries HOUR SPECIAL Cholce Side Bacon, whole or peri... BC per Ib, bricks lard (only aioe 1 7 Seal tee, GBC Prime Bib Rolled Roast Beet. .. 35 BEE TD. ei eeseee 6 to 8 customer Special, per Ib. TL Prime Rolled Short Ribs (pot roast). Special, per Ib. , Choice Pork Hocks, Special, per Ib. Chole Loin Pork ... .. 20 .18 33c Roast See back of this Page for another EATON announcement
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Image 1212 (1929-09-09), from microfilm reel 1212, (CU11184194). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.