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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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EDMONTON BULLE a TIN Alberta s Oldest Newepaper TUESDAY, JULY 9 See a Women s Realm-:-Social and Personal-:-Club News-:-City Charities-:-Fashions-:-Features American Nursing Profession For the Honeymoon Trip Had Strong Belief in Power of F ith Over Farm Women Have Exten: Would Have Training Schools ed Average Nurse Earns 1 ,36 on Account of Loss 'o Universities. 5 in Spite of High Daily Fee of Time One Nurse Now for Every 600 People Qu registry-as-x means Of furnishing nuraing care ut. modera cost in the United States and at the kame time-of-eupplying regular em- Social ployment for the private duty nurse Was stressed by Miss Janet M. Qelster, ot-New York city, headquarters di- Teotor of the American Nurses assoc - Allon, in an address today before the purses of 42 countries attending the rreas of the International Council Of, Nurses. Gaty nurses from six to eight dollars today Miss Gelster-sald- TT more than many persons of moderate means can afford to pays But be- cause of the irregularity of her work, the private duty nurse averaged in 1927 only 1,385 In income. The trouble seems to be that nurs- ting can be purchased only by the day, ho matter whether the patient be con- Valescent needing four hours of care, of a very ill person requiring con- Hmuous service. The result 15 high ost to the patient-and oss to the nurse in the time she spends with the convalescent or . ximilar case which requires only a relatively small Amount of skilled care. AS a solution Of this aittiation many Nilew Irene Sparks, who hasbeen official registries in the United States, the speaker said, have introduced nursing care by the hour, instead of method of nursing by the day. The she explained, does her work n'a regular salary basis, being paid by the registry, while the patient-pays only for the amount of skilled nursing care of which he is in actual need. Miss Gelster pointed out that the seasonal: work of the private duty nurse 45 the result n part of the trend in. medicine toward the prevention Father than the cure, and of the re- duction of sickness dirys through tm- proved. diagnostic and. treatment methods. More nurses are available, moreover, the number having increased trom one graduate nurse for every 6,000 citizens, in-1900 to one graduate nurse for ry 600 citizens in 1928, Miss Gelster spoke b sion of the private duty section at which the subject. for general discus sion was The Status .and Problems of the Private Duty Nurse. Miss As nes Chan, superintendent of nurse Wesleyan ' hospital, Fatshan Tui Miss A. Gordon, matron of Victoria Numes Institute, Cs a Africa, represented Africa; and Miss Else C, Kaltoft, of Denmark, present ed the private duty situation In Bur- through the now antiquated fore tie-6es Transferred to Universities Public health section. and nuirsi mg the day, while at a: general session in the evening Miss M. Adelaide Nutting, emeritils professor of nuriing. educa tion, Teachers college Columbus uni- Rersity. urged that, nursing education from-hospita training sehols. to universitier T-would see schools of nursing Placed among the professional schools, Of the universjties of this country, and other countries, she sald. In ail the changing Iife of the nursing profes- gion, the position of- the nursing School in the hospital has not been changed. It is.still without indepen- dent life of its own, without funds, with ttle freedom to initiate or change educational policies or meth- ods, and burdened-with-heavy respon- sibilities and routine duties in the ser- Vice of the hospital. Much has been said of the necessity for securing in this active and rapidiy-growing pro- tassion, the. freedom. to develop its IF CORTORM hie change quirements of the ever-changing To those who have given serious your toilet Cuticura and medicaied, imparts to the person a delicate and distinive fragrance anid leaves the Se. Olemment 3c alcum 236. e private UAE y9 has for some Personal. guest of Mrs. Edward Un- Miss -Vio -Sullivan, 1s, ie. this. evening. Use, derwood heaving for her nox Mr. James Hunt, who has been the guest of Mr, aud. Mrs, Edward Under od for the past two weeks, x leav- ing on Wednesday fcr Wainwright, where he will remain for the rest of the summer. Mrs, George Arch:vald had as ber guest for the week-end at her: cot age at Wabamun, Miss Cherry Moore of Los Angeles. ti gt; guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chard, left on Monday evening for Banff,-where she will join her parents, tot, and Mrs. John Sparks, who. are guests at the Banff Springs hotel. nkin eptertained at of Mrs, Mra, Richard Jancheon today in honor James Friel of Chicago. firs. .R. B, Wells fs entertaining at K.acheon on 'Thursday at her rest: -deneo ti- Connaught-Drice- His/Honor Judge J. L. Crawford and cific coast n a fortnight. Miss. Josephine Connelly 1s spend- 7m few days in Calgary. Mrs. Gordon Robertson is enter- -fsining a+ abe tanehicon on Wed. hesday niternoon. in honor. of -heF guest, Mrs. James Priel of Chicago. re will be told for sixtect Mrs. T. M Prust will be a hostess on Thursday evening fn honor of Mrs. Jenies Friel of Chicago, who isthe guest of Mr. and Mrs? Gordon Rob- crtson, Mrs, A. E. Cook, who has been visit ing in Toronto, is expected home in u fortnight, Mrs, Teafter, who have been. the guests of Dr, and Mrz. W..A, Atkinson for a fortnight, are relurning-to-their-home in Toronto on Thursday. Mrs. C. G. Geggic will be a Junch- cm fiv-in honor of Mrs, James Friel of Chicago. Mrs. 1 guest of Mr, Fyertson for a few weeks, is return- ing to Fer home in Chicago on Friday evening. James Friel, who lias t2en and Mrs,- Gordon Mr .-Jolm Gillespie will return. at the week-end from Yakima, Washing- Increasingly. clear. that such freedom gained only. by separating the school from. the hospital and transforming. t-into an: institution Concerned wholly with the edueation of the nurse. es colleges: ina in the United Mrs, Crawford are leaving for the Pa- This July bride has a head start js'an emerald gisdied by 8 wide gleaming back fi wide ele Brack satan * Mrs..8.IW. Pield reluirned-last-week from Yakima, Washing on, Mrs, W. R. May has gone to Calgary WR, Rowai tof her son, Mr. J. at nok ae howe, iod avenbe for the Inst few weeks, is leaving this evening for her home in Winntpeg. Mr. aiid Mrs, Charles Fox are holt- daying in: Vancouver. Mis, G orge Hall of Winniper if the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harling Rogerson and Mr. Rogerson. She wil fon to Bawlt to-visit her mother. Sie kowlee before returning to Win nipeg. if the ea For Exhibition Miss Bun Dewdney of Calgary will be In Edmonton next week to exhibit ther horses in the Exhibition, and wil) be accompanied back by Miss Willa Sandison, who is her guest this week. Miss Dewdney and Mrs. May expect to go on to Regina and Saskatoon, following. the Edmonton show. Mr. and Mrs. . W. Boon are in Calgary this week, for the Stampede, and willreturn- to-Edmonton ons Thursday. 1. where she has b:ca visiting h + Hi ton. wher : ws het Rabbit Hill Ladies owafds chic, for going- has a gloriously colorful overblouse cut like a man s shirt and fashioned of chartreuse, flat erepe sult with s-eute cape coat and pleated skirt. Neasantly novel ix the INcquer red-and black ensemble, The frock. of- red. flat erepe-has pleated poplum and satin belt. Black gloves and a black felt hat with s perky bow in front make an Aid Entertains in -Honor of Bride-Elect jay last by the Rabblt Hill Ladtes- Atd, The gathering, which was at Te hone or Mrs. Stantey Garter, was arranged in honor of Miss Rosa Hodgson, whose marriage tales place the latter part of the mont way costymes never were loveller: (Lett to right) A stunhing suit of black flat, orange-and-melon. Bhe blouse What s: What By BELEN DECIE yn was the reciplent of many Deautiful gifts from members and friends of the Aid, The bride-to-be thanked the friends very cordially for thelr kindness. Mrs. C, C,rntham, who 1s the summer ather cottage at Seba Middleman, Mr, and Mrs. Anderson returned on Monday from a moter trip to Bantf. -Mr. and. Mrs. C. G. Sheldon and family wil return on Wednesday from Banff where they have been holiday- ing for fortnight, Mrs. F. M. Scott has arrived in town from Seattie-and is the guest of Bt 5 Gare Mrs. Scott will visit int Calgary and Banff en route home, Bench,-has as-her--guest Miss Jean ) Correspondents who ask about tea turing mock weddings st outdoor or Andoor . entertainments given for church or charity object, are inform ed that these burlesques of solemp ceremony are not approved by those who know. whats, what. fi the mock-bride aift-mock-groom are unmarried adults, there 1s danger that. rettis-of wit western represent Mopitrs and tral editor of the Winnipeg Free Preas,-are- visitors in Calgary for the Stampede, and will be in Zamonton next week for the exhibition. Mrs, Dan Bray and Miss Bray of Saskatoon are visitors in Calgary this week and will come on to Edmonton for a short visit -before-returning: their home. . Mrs.:Ohester Roberts 1s-entertaining on Thursday eve of her niece, Miss Mabel Sperry of Chiengo. Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Duggan and Mr. returned - on Tuesday GIRLS A genuine stock reducing sale of choice coats at sacri- DON T FORGET: Our Big July Fur Sale. ae Sas te pee Miss Loretto Hanley. is entert Sear yo neat : : Vieque of San Francisco. * eee ee at 2 See ever in Honor of Miss Lorraine and Papp ye f+ oe fa few weeks. Lancheon at Country Club Mrs. Donald Sharpe of oe eee ee lat the Edmonton 30 eee 8 a J ot New-York. who has, e r fs chartreuse chiffon, exquisitely pleated. lively and col The fishman ting contrast: . The coat it Twenty-Four New Shades Chosen for Autumn Chapeaux Twenty four colors for fall, and win- texte cae Gara asmelstions an Textile Color Cand-Amsootatlon, an gata chat ur be seen before many: weeks in the heath, Jeanne d, red, medic purple, Lorenzo. E ia Oe Ola Shri faciny rine + + For This Healing retary, Wiss Mabel Hingrowing Goitre Canadian Press WINNIPEG, Mun, JUIy S AD Ob servant woman, writing of experiences travelling in day oar from this city to the Kast, records thi interesting bit of feminine conversation: Three women, bound for Dryden, were discussing ailments and Cures. and the eldest, hat perched high on grey hair, lace collar and triple. row Of beads topping the neat ankle-length cotton dress, was most comforting. In country where one seldom meeis Cockney voice outalde English mage mings, it 3 a revelation to hear some- one speak. exactly as repr: tn print: je thost, Orr a growing--golire:*-aho-sxid; wn Hise to im only f'ith can cure st, At Summer School Athabasca Hall at the lunehgon hour Monday, when the election of officers for the Stud- enig Union of te Bummer choot place, Those nominated for office were us . PB. Wagner, J. gon; secretary, Mins Miss Mabel J. Nelson, Miss Carrie McKay; treasurer, Donald , Flem Glenn db, MeParigne, L.-H. Bussard. Mr. W. EB Hay acted as chairman. and introduced each of the candidates. Sifter which those nominated for pre- Sident were given opportunity to out- line thelr platform to the student dody. Mr. E, C. Collier was elected editor of the Summer Schoo Dally Bulletin by, acclamation. The voliog by alot was handle yery fe manner by the f MoParland, JF Swan ond . : oF Bm ; Grimmett ea Miss. Molly Mat J. Nelson: treas- CGLT and CST. Guides and Boy Scouts to be Fostered Nineteen hundred and twenty-nine offers a magnificent vista of things the United Farm Women of Alberta migtt consider in thelr efforts to make life more livable for all of us. aye Mrs. Maty Bentley, convener of sdelal Welfare, in her July bulletin to m bers of the organization throughout the province. In. outlining a program for the Hise Sottie msusa number t pres: Fr erect number 3 preg: Heal suggestions to locals, among which are: First, everything must be interesting. Secondly, it must be help Pit to the-taividual, Ue ome, te school, the church and the community, mPwould eupgest. ta). the Inkrodue Hon into. yur -ditricts at once through the secretaries of ydur locale: na feieh whe: eosaperston. of yout ten peated a nd alt oublle-apitited elt used JuMhor UF As CS. all as clroumatances sccm to .aigeat to the end that our boys and gitis, young men and younk women of all es may have the opportunity of seli Geselonmient and instruction slong such lines. (by The establishment in every community, preferably in the felnity of the local school house. which yen becomes a sort of soclal centre, of properly supervised recreational grounds and facilities where commun fly athiette contests and-eames.c77 be carried on by folk of all ages nd both sexes; Where those who desire to read may eisioy the schoo library:.or who wish to rather for any wholo- fore social purpose may, Told meet ings. (o): The stressing of one clear-cut iied objective tor every: commun: To compliment. Mr. eaitorsin-chiet of the magazine, Mr, Frazier e tained at dinner in the Hotel Palliser Jast-werk- Those-who were invited to meet Mr, Long were Mr. Patrick Burns, Senator Daniel Riley, Mr. A. . Cross, Hon, A.J. McLoan, Mr... J. Christie, Mt E L, Richardson, Mr. Guy Weadick. Mr. Guy Herbert. Mr. Peter Pallesen. Mr. G. D. Brophy; Mr-G. F. Gemeroy. Mr: RS. Somers ville, Mr, John Drumheller. Mr. RG. McMillan, Mr. J. I. McParland, Mr, Frank Watt..Mr, J, Capers, and Mr. Bogell, consil general trom Denmaric, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11th, 12th and 13th The Sale. That Thrifty Buyers WaitFor, Ly apers. For Further Particulars. WRIGLEPTOOTH PASTE CO. LIMITED No connection ach any individual, firm or corporation of similar nams TOOTH PASTE Mestre, Camade The Bullein's Dally Short BY NICK Larry Graves was the ship's: bag boy on the U.8.8. South Baltimors. Drunk or sober there wasn't better seaman or more efficient gun-pointer in the enlire navy. Slim, tow-headed, and with green 164 the color of sea-water, Larry was ab -contrary as the ovepin tte- He bad been in, the ship's. bri eo. often thathekne every rive that studded the walls by heart, and he had s pet name for each cell. The eed SBREMB Bee BP os G29 7 AeEES ESSRa4aneHe SE OFS me POF Beeeeggses sues Bansal SuEAkee Bo*esuans Es fice prices. Easy monthly payments, no interest charges and free storage until winter. Come and see what good guaranteed Furs look like. .OUR FURS make winter a pleasure. ees halidaying wt the Pacific const Mrs Nicholson will remain here dn- il the end of July. ee ae if u ALBERTA BEACH Wednesday Train Service This Service fective Lach WEDNEBDAY to ahd lncluding Augunt Telepbsne 1112 4057 4132, of 47 Hculars ol Beacit os Tae pio8 bess Nye and Miss + io apent r, left on Mon enroute to New Among Edmontonians who went to : Abbott, ar. io eae Mr: Chovlen Br Fowles WEBER BROS. Financial Agents 10059 101A Ave, Phone 23561 FUR CO. 10613 Jasper Avenue nef will return from Snigary, where Etecorier of navy blue, hag ine, Por Stampede ite both front Mr ad ire, W. M. Bricor were the printed fab- Calgary or the opening ot tbe rie 1s in modernistie.eet- Slampede on Monday. ae ae where they will remain for the sum- mer months. Mr: and Mrs. Prank Pike are Jeaving this week for their cottage at sylvan
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Image 130 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 130, (CU11182757). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.