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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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SUBMARINE Set TSTAYPOOR e SAYS DR. LANG i have. any fear of Labor party, he ii ty tp atest Bed for asst of the ne fet : Sie to tie bar SUetpleyment snd Emigration Ths wprmoryment wcctiom, he wap rectiving the greabeat Salim 9 the ards of the government. but 2 ia nor believe much relief could be dock : and camequentiz was placed on Gieposal Hest Tee or Bd aoe 20 miles due west from Pisheuard Beyond the details of the teo men reseued from the stricken ship and the two aboard the L-12 ity tved. ome njured, the admiralty had no further details, Arrangements were made with li 41 despite the depth of the in whieh sank toe eo nounced in the House cf Commons Tey Go expect added. thin through an adjustment of the propu:: tion of immigrants from foreign cout ities and those from Great Britain: a much targer number of Britons can ecepted by the Dominions They are also prepared jo divert large sums of money now applied 1 what is called the dole to a more jus- tifiabie channel, and this can be done by gustantesing economic security. ts immigrants unt Weir labor fan be profitably wold in the iabor Markets of the Dominions, Mr. Simo- won added. In this way they expect to modity the opposition of * organized lator whose constant fear that their andards of living will be lowered oy immigrants who come here withou: material sustenance because Won't injure Canads Thomas made it very clear to us neither the members of the Pestent British Labor government nor members of the Labor. MARLER HONORED KE, Crue, Jul last night they ax well Conservatives gathered ta iret for whic British Preference 3 (Unsound Snowden i bs 7. line B47, The Rodney this afternoon was that no hope could be enteriaioed for the rematider of the crew of the submarine H-4T being reacted alive Other Disasters The worst port-war Boitish eib- matine duaster recorded took pla 1925, wisen the Bel waa came Pout with Use lous of 68 tives. Otaer disasters tochided the H-42 was rammed by a destroyer off Europa Point near Gibraltar and 26) men were killed. In 1924, the L-24 was sunk during manoeuvres off Portland and 44 were Killed. Battleship Helps BRIXHAM, Eng., July 9, noon for Fishguard to assist in the st Officers were st Dartmouth where they were attend ing a cricket game. The bai- Moms apour TWO PLANES Gay believed to be over the ocean driv- ing -; monoplane Pathfinder toward Roger Williams, pilot, aiid Lewis A Yancey, nNvigutor, determined on Beat TS miles off Portland lightahip. She vas en going fine In General Fos Lack of reports of the progress of the silver and green di Courage friends, gf ) If I can find the cause of our illness Consultation Without e. ing. Reports. of favoring winds over 08t of the course were said by friends to have been the reason for cutting down of the fuel supply. No Word Yet NEW YORK, July 9. At 8 am. Bastern Standard Time, today, there had been no advices concerning the teas pane Lightahip on her way trees O)a ae way tre : chard, Maine, to Romer St teat irae, about A hour after the hop off,yenterday, any escorts Blane returned to land, Betetis OTTAWA. July 9 Charges that the Dorninion permitted ; ae lt;SSz eS AUTO nee meee he cm onl 7 Smee we cee Be ued ecoeeret maeoee rt SS votes cpuned he raiur Latham Family From Van. TasSecar ccouined he value of meas see somes S couver Coming to Ed- monte to Live ene 2 es, CHITLIWACK. B.C. July The aomyien, BS aces Mra. Richard Latham was killed, and Mra Latham suffered injuries whic i, Len sated as she apd the baby were struck by oe oe ea ree ioe aoe oe gt taeaee ene Fae ee aie St Latham to repair a puncture to thetr x) atta ee PES inam tamiy wee motion Se eae te e eS Bansttan wee will Latham will recover. ina Cavalieri Celebrated Parisian Beauty Expert would be tolerable. Any kind of taboo in there.matters was bound ty Gefeat tis own ends. There was only ove ature, and thet was to promote the out with Star What real literature was power to enjoy st - disap. ee pearance of the K-5 in 1921, off the Scilly Islands, while 28 diving practice with the loss of 57 Ives. In 1922, the a7 Ny Ac Br. John F-Har (Pioneer Chiropractor) 108 Pantages Bldg. AIR MAIL PILOT KILLED BERLIN, N5., July Thomas W Gurley. 27, an air mail pilot of Phila- delphis, was killed last night when his plate fell several hundred feet into Phone 58382 Edmonton field near here. Gurley was off duty 4nd upon a pleasure trip when the ac- Cident oct monument on her father s rave. manufacturing tow i Sverdlovsk. Several deaths were reported. repo 7 liding all public buildings (ee 2 dog with the least inday at Kutishva, a A weil known Roglshman to, whom own Englishman to Empire trade ie BEAVERBROOK S LATEST POLICY LES SRS ot. Peer x 9 Lord fect of Empire is re- garded here as journalism and not program 3 Beaverbrook boasts of being inde- pendent of party and he shows his independence by putting forward Program of his on and inviting pol-, itieal parties to support th His pro- gram at the last election was modern- cars. He now narrow it is calculated by emer and politicians who have innumer- vICe 2-daV Uuse Loe RESeE to Canada s splen General Wolfe which ill be im the national archives. Kensington Museum im Le fore the original was shipped m to my own be aids, always recommend the soap blended of paim and olive: oils. By cleansing the pores thoroughly it leaves mous beauties of two continents, says Madame Cavalieri. In. additionto my own besiary products, I always rece ommend them to use Palmolive Soap. * Indianapolis Lawyer's Will Lays Foundation for Huge + Educational Bequests 000.000 to be available-in 2129 were made in a will: Med for. probate -here- Fossilized Footpr ate Found in te Presence of Huge Bird eta 8 i Hii th INDIANAPOLIS. Ind July 9 Pub- Hie beques s of approximately 160,- aint, dust, oi, powder and fouge get into the pores they arechoked up. To these poisonous secretions Cavalieri attributes blackheads, pim- ples, enlarged pores, blemishes. Make a bland lather of Palmolive Soapand warm water. For two minutes, Yi that a snap of pales and elive cil, ) ON WAY TO CITY itl AL OF PROMOTING WORLD PEACE There was a at the 00,000, mace a 9. SOMOS beiliant etherin mansion Bo Iemorate the ift of by Bur Abe: Bailey, towards the Roya Institute of International Affairs, The Prince of Wales presided and te coms pany included representatives of every Walk of ite, The Prince, while ing Sie Abe alleys hoaliby pouned Gut that the or n wa founded during the: Paris con ference for the study of international British common. Tartans by men of-the Six years ago, His Royal Highness said, Re accept d from Colonel and Mrs. Leonard, house in which Chat . Derby and Gladstone had li LJ the home ef the institution. Can. it ees emphasized od enue, ib need in excellent progress. ; Sir Abe Bailey, replying, described ny Which bust 30 years ax tho most useful means of Promoting both sentiments and Inter: eats which were the only ties whereby Empts rhust be strer ened, he con cluded, and he hoped the next imperial fonrerence would wore with tis object in view. : THAN U FR Hl wy FOR LONDON d 60,000 for Four Years Associated Presa Cable LONDON, July 9 Right Hon. J. H. Thomas, Lord privy-seal,-and minister eharged with handling the unemploy- ment problem, Js said to. be consider Droposed by. Viscount of an Seventy five miles of track would, Jink all the rajlway stations, wharves freight, Viscount Eiibank estimates the work would cost. 40,000,000 (about 200,000,000) and. would provide four Years .work for 60,000 men, He added i ly obtain. ed and the government: would only asked to guarantee the interest on the capital outlay. Dr. Anderson s Uncle Killed When-an Auto Turns Over In Mud july 9, George Albert TORONTO, July 9, Apderson, 63, member of ploncer family at Fairbank, Toronto subur, was killed Monday in a motorcar nv- cident on his farm at Fairbank. Mr. party in Saskatchewan, was-riding in g car- driven. by Richard Sandies et+ old friend, when. the machine sark in ie D cold cream. Gily akin Is efeshed by an astringent lotion and day cream be o Relay s fore make-up is applied, Whale Fights To Toronto, he. Gar, CScRp ed injury, a8 did Sandies,- - Disable Steamer min 1O PALMOLEIVE SOAP SH 3 FAULTY elimination of waste from he syste: ene-of th preva- ical pro- And insufficient roughage in the diet is often the cause of constipation, Help to prevent constipation by eating sufficient roughage of the right kind. Eat delicious Post s Bran Flakes regularly. once a day, You'll get just the bulk you Cases of recurrent constipation due 10 insufficient bulh in the diet should yield to Poi If yout case is abnormal consult a competent physician at once and follow bis advice, Western Boy Scouts Start For Jamboree REGINA. Bake duly Be-With fag eee Sere ses itingent fambores to Kills Sask. Farmer which 4s, translated, Not Such Help as igh Nor Such Defender Do We De Thess Times. POST'S BRAN FLAKES NAME HIGHWAY FOR KING ST, THOMAS, Ont, July 9 As ATK of eopoct to Hit Malesty, King Sect utumn: Wil meus to tee tet ind. will become officially Canadian Press if Bask ght f killed, den i ; y nown as the King's Wleh way, pro
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Image 126 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 126, (CU11182773). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.