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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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EDMONTON BULLETIN 'sorta s Oldest Netanaper TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1929. 13 ity Golf Tournament Will Be He ver Mayfair Country Club Course sma QUALIFYING ROUND TOTAKE iiracies of Sport - - By Robert Edgren (CUBS CHALK prexrar NEW MENTORS thing ae PLACE ON JU ned fi od. 2 ACE ON JULY 27 AND 28) UP ANOTHER WILL DIRECT lt; Actual Competition Will Take Place on August 3, 4, 5 : a isrbers ae, WAS EA Expect Record Field for Various Program WIN, 14 12 int Nanonal pea a H. L. T MS of Events Carded Stockyard Bulls Outhit the a Cala Gorma and Gerard Latest SS HE annual city golf tournament will-be played : League Leaders But , aes . Managers - Han in over the coufse of the. Mayfair Galf and Lost Out c Resignations rani b accordugto he Progra us ? pula ough ousting, their ane posal re ie ares will unect yesterday afternoon by Tom K wa forced to. ngouptts 1 ia defeat at He rearon, Tommy Corman, tithes the hands of the Chevrolet, Cubs in of the New York Americans and Eddie ment secretary. Yast night s Senior Amateur Baseball Gorard, stout mentor of Montreal 5 With an exceptionally good program a baiot, AmateReseball Ger mentor i rizes have me played at Boyle Street roonss, announced thelr mn seas carded, for Weick some fine trophies and pi ave iengon ant Acercpie, Sane er ert eee j the puree ey is expected fa eet Satine Tt was wild and iree-hitting battie Teer's artng from the Chicago Black Iylarge fl of elitries this year and should prove throughout, the two teams getting a Hawks and Odle Cleghorn ture total of 28. hits, 17 of which were from, his post. with the Pittaburgh oe res segs Sie gredited to. tha losers: Despite the Pires caine ga some Time, 60. ilow Yarge score, However, the boys plays i adaltin it was reported recentiy TOURNAMENT Singers to, quale 08 fli B baseball: for the part, of that Cecil Hart would. be supplanted g Bog.weperal sonditions J less ayes sone EE / Re coctest and every None ot the ag manager of the, Mo Can ae a5 titi n for encti of the geaenle lowest scores second large crowd of fans thoroughly en- Gieng, but nothing further ag Bee Pho eompetition mi Jorea are of the matters. -Juck Adams, ip events will be open to THERE Tas soorde third flight. lead changed hands on several Detroit, Connie symthe, Baber gnfera have been rec Butzance, foo 41.00 Sievers was not finaly settled Kea raha nem So, Re ers 7 re set ston, rt cat Bit peek een tint the last frame when te Cubs stage, will be the managers to carry on F sidont ox led in the olty of ane pup -pecsenied By. E broke up. a Bull rally to pull out in the major league next season, Going into the last trame six A Dea them Gorman Gels New Post Hmodiately preceeding the date, of e compe all entrance held 05 OH yon a Funs to the Y good, the Garagemen By AL DEMAREE Gorman in arinouncing is resigna fees must be paid when entering. the same r it shall become her F were preased to the limit to win when * tn ton, yesterday, sald he had been ap- tact Sst ot Mantionpe forall winner shall hold the i SemNet, sli 1, 2TS avery anize an elf tno. eto Ei ig elite tase of a DS 7 lady cham four runs but short of tying the v e new lente re m pa eee et . count by couple of tallies. iu the 1998 National 2 Sees at pane Mexico. will retain his as Pields in Chicago, Secretary, of the Connaught Park frembers entering from his club, such Hue of amateur dy r be based on par, the ae z eer Sabine Tandicame ander , Second prise Runnes-up in ail Bisdes Hit Hurd ed one of his tee shots and it might jockey Club, near Ottawa. The irs eee a eee wale Pigze for best gross'acore in qualify- 3 Logan Blades, whose hitting. in- have gone out of Bounds if it hadn't ropressible Tommy has. been an olt Calkin s syne oe Laie Goll for F cldentally, was one of the features, of hit an obliging tor s head and standing figure in hockey for years, ing. round. 0 oe 3 fhe game, Dut the Bulls ahead 4m the Severe Bago to bs sae: xine He was part owner and manager of 2 Fitst and second prizes in each ming with a home run. The , the same to New, encore not antl ate re ning wi om, he une he me ecto aha Gta, Sermons etre ging, ew amended by, the Royal C: ine eal ep of 18 hole ind add to (he dsirve local rules of the sthnse, but lost the advantage in the bole and helped the disinteg . Association, with the es of the une fast Hell of the same inning, when the tation of Roland Hancock, mis partner PlDRMe, OMe 1. sive nis reason Mayfair Golf and Country Club, shall Pieklor Champlenship 5 at conapetitions lew up and lost the title by one govern all Junior champlonship open to-bovs Cubs scored, three runs to go-ahead Who foe reaipatiag Dut tated he woud be SMASHE 3-2. The team from. North Edmon- stoke. Game in some capacity, nex BT Waicom alva dined to woul nye Sa, Pie Saal, oat Sei ws ap eee ee : Pinich sesecves the right to alter the WHLBS wt hoe ) AME TOMORROW have won the last Los Angeles Open be attached to Ottawa Senators, which aS it an in Anes Si we Sone Gtbvruce Choe es un Murapprath BGT Chat Sdgs ein mou amp the sennin of Sees 81008 ; cai green with her cont and dropped it MAnAger Dave Gill or Newsy talons in heel print in a yawning sand gt; 2:7 engaged iv Set Eka eGlumn of the entey Winte s form what and ne chataplonsutp-cop-prerentady cl an Sin gualieying round be cre Sy Mr. 3. 6. MacDougall, cum 5 staan RL athena omen os Siloti EE Ad the Openin, Lacrosse Gam Biens, who had lowed Biss for the Tar as possible. ec HESS saaike Mamalos of Bamonton ; a . ee rnc season, but recalled him. st ite. close,- 8. Inthe event of a tie under mea) Hlle of Junior, champlon of Edmonton . arsregatio At South Side Tonight He was then sold to Boston where he iy condense, score for te ltt GsStad peine munnet up ok. fixture carded for will play next season. Odie Cleghorn i Bine holes shall decide. or beg wross, score inthe Firs Seite omen cnt mil went semis Sout side Atuetie quit Benny Leonard in Pittabargh be ee ee eee flone there No euunotuoement Of fis 1-Any-compatlor-wa Is nat Dies qcefttyground: . went at the first. teeing ground when Annual Handle: tT. Hall will lkely pitch for the Mi wit, any otter Ohi hae at eee is called, will be liable to Ee . disqualification. holes, me plays two , pean ee: eaakss ane it damit shall be seed 2 Conipettor i. thiecomsettion aii acre. a sca on is tis pie ed carte Shimins Caen Ue Reet nana tournament comm ee vp and rarin* wulino Uzeudun, the heavy well, baa - 5. The Maytair Golf and Cousty e py yaa ee Prank Drayton itl umpire. : these two feams should put claims a world record for wood chop- Club will be open to players who have faeifers of iterent club sha an bing reat battle in the first game ping. He severed a log 20 inches in entered in the competit and paid This competition ton again showed the in the fifth jale. Play ie diameter in 34 seconds four years ago : fiir entrance fees three days uly WSCE hoody amag. AUpusE 8. by notching three markers but they at the Cirque d'Hiver, Paris. 4 D4. 25, and 26) immediately prior to ae ee-0100. Entries close Jost this when the Motormen -came ae . the the day - on which the. qualifying on to bat and got the same number of. ; round will be played, July 27. Any Ladies Annual Handicap Funs, making the count 6-5,, pes Player wishing to play during the agnteen holes, medal Puy, two The Bulls again got three markers - - following week, July 27 to August 2.) prizes, fe in. sixth, only to drop behind 10-8. es q Snolusive, must be introduced. inthe Competitors in this Competition i . wher the Cubs tallied four in the Halt bs Po and pay green fees, secretary as far as sible so that brought the Garagemen s total Ae e io. the course will b open to members of aifferen luos shail Up to 14, giving them a siz-run lead, Z i Hee te epertoe wil oe Webb King's aggregation bunched five 7 Fe 4 gpmpeilions and paid enity toes tor played Monday morning, August 8 hits in the ninth for four runs but re z 100 the three days immediately. preoeed- Entries close 11 am. Entrance fee hd could not ite Ao the tiecessary acd iJ iy Canadian ing the day of the quallfyitig round, 50 cena, aoe Pot. Stunber to. fuot. the esore; and the ee, ay) S oft Owned duy 27, List of Events: Medal ee tition will ew York : s . Ne a Dodge if th ster iq play. This competition wili ew on : jorman the veteran right- s The list of competitions follow: ye neki-on Sunday afternoon, August St, Louis o anders outs einted three ul pitehers aS a ott Bren eee ns A ii ammanton, There willbe qualiing her, Prives for fit 4 3 Score 322 Runs for Eight 0, chs up 8 bug aoe ees Tentor Ad EST Beets 3 Dare Yo cult Sx Slgee, TASS rs 2 ae Wickets in Match inchs, ia tanral was qed and ae follows: : he rogram for the tournament 1s * mew YORK, Jniy. A fine pitching team played good ball him. ie ee forfour fans a Dhnny Maeaodes Jou oy, tarry Benton gave the. Gianie Pe erage oer eit eed. pugegasive.vievory over ane LO) Of SDMe-/-ohcinnatl Maas yesterday. The seote cricket match way. to. considerable rame-in-amateur 5 wus a'to 0, Beptod gave. but, three hits circles Bere 8 good many years tgo, seston Try ee but wea pulled by Manager ing in Suly' 35. Entrarice fe091.50. fiand. 2 000 Ot 1x 38D 2 a4, bees: the thied frame. when his chances . mac : ee Brac Winner: A maementa championship. Stacrayces, Bayae abt ation ehaute May 286 Gobth; Benton en woe splendid innings by T. M. Mor- getting out of a hole did not Wok ery : and the championship cup ted 2:00 pm. Qualitying rounds Indies BROOKLYN: July se-Burieign crimes gan, had scored 822 runs for the loss Bright. Hub Thompson replaced fy Mr. Alex Livingstone. CUP and Junior championship pateee uatiy Norove put Kobe Puisoutah at tbe top af the a Bim nnd Hub did the pltshing eatl Si will be beld for one year by the Suturday, August 3 i tne Woive Box Haus), League, stands the. sixth, when he struck a rough Winner. except. that if won for turer 1:00 p.m Second round amateur Gin down swith iz fourteenth victory of, and Was relleved. by George ig years by the caine player t shall be: champ Pirst round ite to. win Harold MoKsin. Era seat eaaar by, sear: Lame. George, went the ret OF the z corse: bis peewee peace ent a a er cl ee nd fookie pitcher, Mndertook te defeat, tne : teh inaugurat of route, only getting into difficulties in 4 of B mohion for one gents ofiteamcctana gaan Sake 3 Hocking et a en cee Second prise Runner up in cham- eee eee ee imes abd. Manges Thousand spectators had: gath- wildness ofthe three Bull od Biankenatips Adkins and Bere Ballou and ietnteh, Debery- ered when play commenc d. twirlers had lot to do with the final : Opened. with careful, result, While Dodge allowed. only B plonship. Prizes for best gross score in quall- amateur ee PHILADELPHIA, July 2 The Pnitties ., Cambridge f Teopctiadine Aish soekee aatcniee shay 3 nna rie (pris J each creat ane en Place in tee Arnerican ese Tous Cardionle yenierday, oy ginning gi ad. excellent felding, Their open- 's total ot 11 tree nos pe. thts.. Tor New York sesterday by defeat othe Cotalanle geve, the Pui tag betiers, wig bed Sere whieh counted heaviih against thesr, leap 0Ur- sivais tor the post. the Browns, 16 to-3. i asso 0S Es Cae oon sees a Sor Ss hee ii ne Lay ae at See ae ehip flight, it the finals of the Monday, August 5 re i sees y flight, which shail Be 9:60 aim- Amsteur champlonahin Being ane Dickey. Gentes indeed and fights. eae eee SS i 20th See seao eine 08, em eAamual handicap and Scour. St. rae cre Phiadeipnia Ultenel and arectiand, Moore oy Tateh, con IT: eee eee: ladies) handlea for 1n) qual round: n- 2:30 pim, Amat state bamplonshi ee to be made betore qualtt7ing fais, second 18 Roles, Plone? pernorr: Suy 9 Washlusiad dnd 106 pan Presentation of pix Psttlh spit doyblciender featured By Be round. -, There will-be's quallf found of P.m. Annual eS hea iting in th Ye boles on Sunday July 28, montan Golf Association. Poe t1Tit Ke : 7 See 2 a 2.34 :8 6 hada j 1232 0 06 re iad 4, ee 4 tae tao Henn oe ; t 3 0 8 ot a eae wera Moment 4, wae Pe hab at 2G o aE au mo ke P5245 vy , wo biiiit o tie ane Pitre leo ae : P2383 3 eee . todd : eR eaeab ar as * w ie P Murphy tn third, none c 6) batted tor-Phiitipe tn xIMth; ih We? i an Burd bess 3 Gartirwaite 3 Ee thonpcs, e Deee Z e Qs 005 B94 04x 14 i 9 25 per Gallon Jar Liat on bao eb 2 SP ura gee ete BRIGHTS stasracc CONCORD time of game 1:06: umpire Prank This advertisement ls not inserted by the Liquor Control Beafd er by the Government of the Province of Alberta isten Ww. around which the best cocktails are built Attention, Motorists Heavyweight Contest Held th New York, June 27 Goooranau Wore Lnarrep Toxowto 3 eet Disses. 6 Ua tuniongs: Orteuwoods. tea 43 3, Pee a Se ee ALBERTA MOTOR ASSOCIATION a 4289, Rn Pride, 8400, 320. Pata Tn Whoiaurn ped -ta-soned- Phone 5811 McLeod Bidg., Edmonton The advertisement is not Inferted by the Liquor Gontrot Board or by the ime M 5 3:5 pan anor alberekz : Government of the Province of Alberts- Cem Lewis Poy; also ran - : E - ss - SE sae ge Pelee So ie a a
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Image 137 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 137, (CU11182768). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.