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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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PRODUCT LIKED Shipments Will be Increas- ed, Mr. Stutchbury Declares An extension of a further coal ope. .tors of the province in the time fixed for the spe cial freight rate to Ontario the reason that at present the mine-own lore Days EDMONTON BULLETIN 4lberta s Oldest Newspaner TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1929. ate Perio 13 oO ity Go NAME CHIEFS - OF NORTHERN days is being asked by the advanced being 7 ers are being swamped with orders for coal from dealers in Eastern Canada, according to Howard Stutchbury, Al- beta Trade commissioner, who Has just returned from an extended trip in Eastern om ce Canada: Mr. Stutchbuzy stated that users of the Alberta coal in Uniario are gradu: y increas- ing,. and that shipments-this /* - year will be greatly in excess of.the shipments of last year. Users are finding the coal ; satisfactory, and are urging ? their friends to purchase the viberta prc.uct, stated Mr. Stutchbury, and with the final date of the .pecial rate in + rouring in froma ...ers in the east. Being suspended. from amateur ding in the pretty Helen Meany from enjoying Crops Arourid Per see sonore Weimar, snots- Gde. Prairie Are Healthy, er Olympic champ, poised gracefully aboard a fast-travelling aquaplane at Rye Beach, N. ., the other day Amateur officials, in. their ruling said Helen. participated in unsanc- tioned contests doesn t kee fs vicespresident. The Central Cans jada Express Company 1s headed by to Re Separ. ite Entity Name Though the Canadian Pacitic Rail- way and Canadian National Raliways mye Joined together in the ownerstilp of the Northern Alberta Railways, the holding company for the--Hdmonto Dunvegan and British Columbia and associated lines formerly owned bi the provinalal government. and. will jon an equal baais, they will continue ta compete as separate systems for iy coming freight. from outslde polit according to information made avail able on Y. In conformance with recent practice, traing for the northern Ines will be operated:to and from the ON.R. sta- Roittng stock wusle repainted so as to bear the legend of the Northern Alberta Railways, although* for pur- Bowes OF terior. ir units comprising the N.A.R. will be known. as formerly, namely, the E.D. wid B.C.,-the Contral Canada Ratl- Ways, the 'Pembine Valley Railway and -the Alberta.-and- -Great...Waterways Raliway. Separate Chiefs Each of the four lines hag its of- fleers, who are.mainly D. C. Coleman, Vicespresident in charge of western Kingsland, imes, C.P.R., and W. A. general manager western region, CNR. For- instance, Mr. Coleman-is-presi- Yaent of the ED. and BC. and Mr. Kingsland is vice Kingsland. ts president of-the man is vi ingsland also ts pres- Hdent of the C.C-R.-and Mr. Coleman vice-president. At the organization meeting of the Northern: Alberta Railways, held at Montreal on Thursday, June 27, the following board of officers was pointed: President, E. K.C,, president Canadian Pacific Rai way: vice-president, sir Thornton, president and board of directors, y 1 Henry W. chairman CNR. general share freight originating on those lines had, not: apparent inished. The. roomy lobby, the eotirtable sits, Sumptuous mezzanine AT OPENING - NEW RIAETO Mayor Bury . Lauds- En- Inthe progress not -as- an institution. but oF the city as whole, Historic Occasion That 4s was a significant and his of ul PeneGatey for biccka Rumors. and stories of cold hard facts, had told of the elegance, sumptuousriess..-com the re-built Bouse: was ready and. had arrived. floors. were aoe oe oo ate, fon this and that and what net it promptly at 6:30 pu ae, DFOR: food Willan J; Lange the manager, declared all was ready and the doors Fans. dntrieued Movie fans intrigued by the advance rum of the manifold attractions ae ees Jong queue formed and no fewer than were on hand to lend their gental supepsigjon to the operation. before 7 p.m., when the first showing was' timed to- commence, every one of tho. 1400 available seats were occupied and the queue outside floor, the. -costly furnishings inthe men's and women s retiring rooms, Crops ure in excellent shape manager, John Callaghan; auditor, F. HC 2 SPC ane ura decorations and around Whitecourt, Buffalo Lake. J. Kavanegh; secretary, Henry Phil- feny bther, features of the theatre Grande Prai im iB ae ETT RMesars. Coleman and Ing pele sa iaSceane Ree ached Wiihioen ee 4 Movietone performance to begin: barley receiyed by John Blue, sec- retary of the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Tuesday. One bunch of heat, picked July 3, at Floen's farm at Buffalo Eake, Grande Prairie, 12 miles west of Sexsmith, measured 27 Inches. In Tength, i tarm at Topland; near ieming's Fort Assiniboine, across the river from Whitecourt, was recelved sample of barley which measured STAMPEDE HAS GREAT CROWDS Watrin Brothers Again Prove to be Best Bronc Nere appointed to supervise operations. of the road under the direction of the board. When the formal transfer of the roads tock place in this city on July 2 and the cld directors tendered their Tealgnations, the following were ap- pointed in their stead: Gilbert M Hair, K.C., CNR, western regional Great Features On such an important occasion, it may seem superfluous to ad that there was program. Yet. there was. And what ts even more Important. was. . thumping one; ohe that is likely to stand out as One of the Pleteness and general attractiveness ; SAMUSEMENTSSS) ongstress got over in snappy fashion She is a well-built young indy, whe wears a striking series of gowns and We Tas We PIOMEANE, MrUstCAT sing votes. Granese in some 7Keep Movin pep and genuine man erage. Tk comitiea.Leh Bistovisal adueation. ithe fia ters tainment and deplets ths construction of the telegra Gnited States in tale-with a kick an foot of film. timely views. Her cholee of numbers and her method of putting them over left bite to be deslred. She ts ably as- sisted by couple of not Uttle comedy into the proceeds ings apd who combined with Miss od sextet of galloping girl. comprise the company. One and. all A Pahtages news ree gives some First Accompant wa played ae ai like and nis most. excellent orchestt is. might: The star ts given ruler of a savage tribe, brings down vengeance on the culprit, It Is-a story of primitive passion of the Kind that Just sults Chaney's he- man type of scting to perfection. by the large and capable company ne acre ltractiqn for Lmpress patrons and on Monday Tom Gardner ehestra supplied mente throughout. first. rate support there were prises handed. round. COMING TO MONARCH Thureday to Saturday many sur- pletures of the heavyweight, boxi eRe his Empress between Max. meling wae ere keer, Mn, covets on ae QUALIFYING ROU: seg OA neund, the: fist boxing PLACE ON Bicture ever to be flied In. sound. wit show Phe feature flim on the program is . we exclusive Mother : : - a oe Be a who Inject fine singing. is an act which for entertainment can be Wine across the days of the Civil punch in every. n the 6 ental muste y Al Preston ra, AT .THE PRINCESS q Quaint Russian customs, hitherto, unrecorded on tie soreen,-are seen In The Wheel of- Nationsl-Richard ow enjoying Princess Wheatre, Gontuines, ablis jars lt;Ghanck the First- Barthelmess feature Popular run at the with Imess. And'w 400 All-Talking Mystery Drama with Jack Holt, Dorothy Revier and oo Senora cela Thien. parses 23 The-rates-of gotta and Cs amended by. the Royal Canadian Golt THE BEE S BUZZ . Seaseittion with the local rules of the Mack Sennett All-Talking Comedy Creation Sensational Baritone of Expect Record Field f of Events HE annual city gol over the course s Actual Competition Will Tak terprise of Long are espert daucersand how they 4 and 5, accor Brothers 0 arnce anc armle, compeasions yereeey ere rogioe: i. - ment secretary. bat mM ith bes on a ee a eM They Came....They Saw... They Marvelled With an exo belied euaty se Soaring na, hight olece or etoettesse aaa events carded, for which some fi atory of His Worship Mayor A. U. O. 9 08 high plane of excellence ai tens one ape Bae arene, oh ie ad bite Sas Hae na waa ; poet usr afd of entricn ths year Seen ati, ae eel aa abenC TAG) bs Hi len Ward which serves aa- art Edmonton's Finest Theatre Is now a Reality. Its Beauty cn 1y ge rie tal staged since its mortals lstened to and sav admirable for the dancing of Is the Talk of the Town + most su ae in on imprestive and significant Jinette Valion and her talented assoc- mr FOR ceremony, the re-built Rialto theatre tates. oa Ss ? TOURNAMENT ... feature picture, entitied The gt; 8 Sonditions for the meet Gverland Telegraph is of more than are a5 follows: The compotitidn for each of the chhimplocaiip events. will be open to sea gnfeta whe have been re: c . Sent ose Somictiea. in the city of Sersontontor-at loast thres- monthi mediately preceeding the of ihe compel tnd all entrance foes must be paid whoo entering. . The secretary of each club shall furnish list of handicaps for sll members entering. trom his club, such pi sh ns q oh He he Ed : c th 1 : Rich reserves the right to alter the ferms or dates of the program. * cGlumn of the entry an, the qualifying round: The draw PLEASE ATTEND counsel, Winnipeg;* Gcorge Walker KC. CPR. solicitor, Calgary; A Halkett, general superintendent, C.PR,, for Alberta, and Messrs, Cole- finest of the current year, L sie : rous-start with: Ta combination of Columbia pictures and. Victor, sound. reproduction. Jules Bledsoe. who came to the fore with -his singing of Old Man River, it Ee eches. Riders man and Kingsland. Wil Name Board The 1929 Stampede at Calgary. 0) which officislly opened on Monday, On with Honl.g--D- Mecregor, leutenant Town Planning Council Decides sting of the mayor, two aldermen si erento appointed to act under the ma ehinery of the new town planning act the elty council decided Monday Right. The appointees to: this com, kston wi Be ehoser tthe ear governor of Manitoba, pioneer and - -40-be-ae ater success than any in pre- s gathering heard-him recount the stirring times when-he opened the first exhibition held in Calgary. heard him outline the many changes effected in the intervening years. Thrills a plenty marked: the open- Ing of the stampede with the Wate NEWSIES BAND IN CITY Made Great Imp People of Foothills fra munisal somedy, Snow Boat anata by the way Wa Negro, con fibited-a race of songs, Ole Ma rouble: and Wadia dy the. Water baritone was indeed a treat-and the staging of the whole was: most effec- tive. Mack Knows How A Mack Sennett talkie. The Bee's Buzz was.a knock out. it retains all the Vivacity peculinr-to-Mack-Sennett pictires a feature in which Mack ion of i Original recommendation of the by-laws committee was that the com- Mission should consist of five mem- pere-of councit and four eftizens, but i. F. D. Tanqueray. assistant town. Planning director. told council of the error of this step, pointing out the formation of town planning commis- sions in other: cities, and stating that an alderman, with his numerous oth- BF duties, would. not be able to give sufficient time to town planning. Alta. Fair Season With the ming of th Exhibition and Stampesie, the seseon mer Talis in Alberta: hasbeen set in motion. Next week Is the Sot. Iwersary air of the Edmonton Bx- hibition essocistion. and these two the province. Class B fairs and thelr dates are a5 follows: Lethbridge, July 17-20: Red Deer, July 22-24; Cami a 25-27; Vegreville, July 29-31; -Ver- milion, August 1-3; Lloydminster, - August 5-7, Class fairs will commence at ito on July-16'and 17, and. will continue for two months, finishing Fits Priddis and Mullardviiie on Sep the-two-Ciass- A -tairs-for Insurance Chief Now Visiting City Mr. Mannings, who 8 on his from'n visit to the const tiated conditions were, ax far eens tat -Meady fecling of, Hodge. Oalga: Shae we roe, July general manager tor-Canade -rehicls coho ones be os ies three 2 Sprit to the fist aertake Brothers of High River, carrying ail) before them in the opening contests, Sitm winning first money in the Can- dian Championships. while Leo. who last year won the Canadian Cham- Pionship, took first place in the Am- erlcan championshfp. Eddie Watrin, a younger brother, put up some st:rring Fides but was finally bucked off. Jim Ross was the hero of the even- ing program of the Stampede, the Elnora teamster piloting . his chuck wagon drawn by a team of four straining horses round: the trac to win the thick wagon race -by three of 1 minute The most, thrilling monient of the entire day occurred during. the pricing, brutes crashed through the: fence on to the-track-Don Jackson, 12 year oid standing almost directiy ih the steer s path, and was felled by the frenzied animal. He roll safety, and Cheyenne Kaiser, the Hider, who inst year, established e re- ig worne thas a cut thoes ana cut cl swollen forehead. snl Increase sn noth quality and num- ber, of exhibits marked the livestock Sections, and-e-much-hightr standard is Belng set for fusure years. Chautauqua Opens With Good Comedy Appearing before an audie taxed the capacliy of the ig: tant the Martin Erwin players opened the 1929 Canadian Chautauqua season in ae xtending on If of baie an hilarious comedy, adapted to Chautauqua Presentation, as it demands. but s+ mmall cast and no scenic changes. eee ee Ape 2 aon eae er ese aee it the second Chautauqua EF Lele time cer apm u News fieshes, cour reer Pa Riverside Sales Co, Progra. 100 pai. Mount Royal College Program WEDNESDAY, JULY. 19 120 :m CHCT: G. PF. Tull out of the screen has ever known, ietiz ora Faery of ot dae Bema 8s aa us Sine Bolger are nade eeartart, Pat tim CHCT: 0, v, Tull w Ardern NW, KC. on Behalf of the isting the chief ghost pert Bwor supplies, a deligh Calgary: Grain Putin 1 Suleaiy: res, Mid-veasion HAB sim. OKLC: Musical Selections. Tid. Cnigary Stock, Bond, Ou Quel uf Bond. Ou ui Hons: Winnipse and Chicago Grain stegy Phe The Ale i, Ma B90 pam North West Biscuit Co, Pro- yer out Prorram, fe pean Ee a, aaah Gi Sh 720 03. Lorie time News-fiashes. cour- teary The Edmonton Bulletin: Markets 9 Setther Imperial Motors Tait Son pron Maple Leat Milling Co studio Prosra: maton Bulletin: Markets, on the the Strathcona. Beh chiool heres cies anes Bein Diazers will epeat last ight . success, while on the May Halt Paving Of 103rd Street Paving of 103 street avenue fo 100 avenue may be dvopped Pa tmnderiaken on a Agaloat the. butting Pang 50 ety at large in- Read of 96:30 per cent arrangement Jamvs East declared that if these property wners did not, many tore wi eid and eas de more was e- Gided 5 give the owners mn, otherwise 108 street would dropped from the program. Finance and executive mettings have Deen arranged for the Canadian Legion committees this week, the for- mer to be eld Wednesday evening i 7:90 o'clock. and the execut of 50 per cent wae With the plaudts-mIRIcheers of 50,- 000 .Culgariuns still ringing in their ears, the Edmonton Newsboys Band returned to this city on * morning following a highly suceess(ul two-day visit to. che foothills metrop- olis, whither the organization went al the special: invitation of the Exhibi- Hon and Stampede committee. Manager John Michaels was warm in praise. of the receplion accorded the boys by the denizens of the southern city. As the band led. the mammoth, parade. with which the great exhibi- lion opetied, wave after wave of cheers to Fal din: On siuriday night iven In ald of the Red Cross at the Victoria-Pavilion;--whtch was unusii ally. successful. encore after encore be-, ing deniarided. The band Was not. allowed to. com pete in the amateur band contest on Account of the great difference in sizn in favor of the Newsies, and the. fact that in-point of nerformance it reach s professional standards. Need Arbiter On. Jamieson Claim Anarbitratorto-represent the eitye- on the board which will hear the slim of the Jamieson Construction for. 8. B. Woods, KC, Sere gaa i AT THE DREAMLAND The best romance in re: cent months, The Gate Crasher, Ruth Miller, opened at land Theatre yesterday. It 4s everything that entertainment chine. Tt concerns a0 who fewenry. The j rel there were any number of prospects Who could wear sheet of a death's head, they did not have eery, sepul- chrai-volces. Therefore, the tirector took.a half day off and tried out the, volces on was satisfactory, The turret scene in Hamlet has nothing on the haunted house scene In this picture for weird lamentations and blood - curdling Ieughter. Stepin Fetebit and Baby Mack, the honeymooners in the story for whose benefit ghosts are pro- yetreching end entirely enteriaining + one not only ay aE fF ipsa Weave soa a. concert ives Bat a of si , Spee ment True, one of the acts billed ' felt racks whieh. to. some extent could only. be visualized before the talkies Sppeared on the horizon. Such comedies as this set a new high standard. The feature plcture, The Donovan Affair. stands out as one of the Teaily great pictures of recent Umes Tt a mystery play and while iystery pleys have-Been more oF less. flooding kbs movieg of late. yet tis, by the originallty-of the mystery and Uhe skiful, deft handling of the main plot. and its subsidiaries both in con- eeption, devel and dengunce- ments, comes along as something new, If one ones to describe the plot, play, eae little use. Let it suffice to that here 1s mystery a-plenty. su ptt Senate ee bere eon ee Sees ae eee al See ee et RG eR ek De othy Revier, William Collier, Jr., and host of other favorites, all nimking their debut in the: 5. entalions. were exeellent the new totaled einen cal elsion almost unbelievable th such new : ee. Phe even was a triumph for Mr. wes ce tn Bo eure the Halt wel Santhe way to and better ey 1 THE CAPITOL One of Hollywood's story 18 one that grips. this: picture gil eyes. Tt tells of Whois blessed with four sons, on ON OPENING DAY MONDAY, JULY 15th : Commencing at 8 pan. es ae eS RFF EDs OHS GAT There Will Be a Grand Amateur : AT ig America, (Yankee tide makers sil plate seer ith suggestions the United Biates Je flowing with the proverbial her Fons with her uni the war One by one the sons are killed, the vey goes to America being the one (0 dodge death in the great confit ty ing his mother country: That's half the. story. The. other half deals with: the efforts of the mother t0 -get to Amesice -and past Ellis Isiand. Tt ends quite pappily. Margares Mann, the greatest mother short-reel laugh maker whe news of ugh Ss cn AT PANTAGES Those who found their: way. to Pantages on Monday afternoon were amply- repaid-for sny-outiay in. time and money, they bright, entertaining two hours of down find went boom somewhere en route. but it is understood: that for the. gap thus created, the. 4 ment was obtaining a substitute in time for the evening performance. However. so enjoyable was the after- vided, looked on the operations with repldation. ex it tmit Believing THIF Ing on Thursday at 7:30 p.m, i eves and ears. noon production ict Was of small consequence, 1 Jean Granese, the Talfan comedy TODAY and WEDNESDAY. Edmonton Exhibi geant 50th Anniversary Celebration AT THE EMPRESS. committees will arrange schedule to Weak of Zanzibar now playing at Ziegfeld s Show Boat AFTERNOON meet of Des tu ress with Lon Chaney in tof the leading role iss gripping, virile singing PERFORMANCES nditions, the score for the last story which should prove great holes shali decide. pases for the fist thene days.-of j 6 IF POSSIBLE a Chane; not one of- the - re ee re gent at the ee TE Ansome Airy type still manages f . jualification: or to have a tremendous ollowing and All disputes shall be settled by his latest offering he proves his the tournament committee. try fh eae 2 cits ih COUP oe ed to this story than to the average entered in the competitions and paid ing id Scanner of Geatnen. Beis te a sae ease se) inmeditely peor. 1 B the role of magician who becomes ihe Gay on whieh the qualltying (47 paralysed during a fight with the man DEAD LEGS , the round will be played, July 27. Any Who rebbed him of his wife's love i player wishing to play: during tho Not to be outdone by the ruthless following week, July 27 to August 2) py ie Rae ee to oak e * 4nelusive, must be introduced. in the r est rica Wl becoming a re (ees, eI + Z z and pay green fe ; Stee Richard Barthelmess 10. The: course will b open to i ALL-TALKING - IN VETE competitions and. paid entry tees tor pis HELEN TWEE E Th 100: 100 the three daya Immediately. preceed- ine ees e Wheel fl ciekaian Canadian ine the'aay ot the quallfyhig: round, 6 CHARLES EATON Owned Owned duy 27, DAY ant WEDNESDAY CARMEL MYERS 27 . the list of Competitions follow: wg Better Pictures Are Not Made onsh lt;5 Fanny Hurst's great ar ee or iB holes on BaturGay after Pe Wrox The Ghost :mantZcaiome Zap WEST ee rentoes 5 A Thrill-packed Life-like Drama a A: Ist 2 lowest scores hampion- as presents le OS: R oF ehip flight, sri A ss 5 J , ard 16 lowest scores tnita- fight e a a aoe os 4th -16 lowest scores fourth fight. Passed 0 GLENN TRYO) a, A rip-roaring farce comedy PATSY RUTH MILLER 5 Added 3-Act Talking Comedy Weenie 1 lt; s Clark McCullough 66 SS; ee een e ch 3 - FOX MOVIETONE NEWS G t C 29 , i asher o Ser Coming Thursday ate Ur i mm ee? Photographed in Sound es Heavyweight Contest Peet eeaeas seen es a : + Held in New York * TONIGHT a cioend WANT-ADS BEING i Zit sune 27 FUTURE ARTISTS. BIG RESULTS PHONE eS an f. b ad 2 fn 6 * mo 3 and 8:30 553 a Ba eS oe ie zs JULY 15--20,-1929- eer There are 12 Entries . . .. Each Band Plays Two Selections... . Y Listen KEEP MOVING Tere are 12 Entrios -- - Fach Band Plays Two Selections... You Can lt; PPep and Lats of tt Jamas, Dinectoe ot the Petdeaes one Adjudicator Capt. T. W. JEAN-GRANESE A A Yanderite iy Hear the Daily Concerts of the Princess P: ground whic. - SANDY McNAB : Se the best cockta Comedian and Vietin Opening Day Only Sa ae are built Feature eee P. W. ABBOTT, : oe ia Maneme Director. Goonenstaue Wonrs Lnarrep Tosowto Conadd't Oldest Distillery. vortisem nt 18 not inderted by e Government of thy - the ors
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Image 136 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 136, (CU11182749). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.