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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-10-01 - 1929-10-31
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la Drive Your Messa Camentendinlictie ALBERTA'S OLDES1 NEWSPAPER fo ad taken for lens than 20 cents, th eae sat aes saree twelve tints of taro ber insertion: exch additions ihe oper merton. To ewinate now. si five or tgs fi Wha Sark caborevielons tala fster gt; Sign es cus wort garstee sect ores saertnme . Sata Saas ae ot measur siead ie Siafag Guesified Display mar be tnd Upon applica Be Postal replies i 2 SeRRRF Fe Fes nae BRASRBRE F Pentesee 8 Re bPee sere ie Peeeekene eantte Fence ines: He 10 conta. GENERAL CONDITIONS and. ot all sdvertisemonts are set out, 1p. the lt; gt; CLASSUVIKD ADVERTISING RATES 8 maxeiagen, deaths, in memoriam, sdveriisement, allow ix words te chagsiriep oisrpLay ta sing O80 02 the count tine. Riles defi- ton Bulletin standard gov to the. pr visions -ot tbe oP eee diravied to's ber sh toe Bamonten ase eee se aiirhers rebecca conditions f0r the insertion Batiste, published ate cet, Sf wien may be ad poo epi ules and white PERSONAL w COMING EVENTS Continued ee LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, WHIST lance, Saturday, Getoder 19, o7th, Bt. and. Jasper Ave. to 10:00; dancing, 10:00 to evita in attendance. File NORWOOD PATRICIA COMMUNETT Weague Wil hold whist drive and dance is oct. lath Garde 15. Dancing 10 pom. Admunston Se. EDMONTON LEGION WisT DRIVE AND Did Time Dance. Monday, October 21st Sine Moose ai. Afuaio by Moose Or- chestra. vergbody. welcome URPNEY DANCE IN MOOSE HALL, LEDUG, every. Saturday night, 8:30 to. 13:00, Guring the summer months, Good musie, 9 FLORISTS ra mugen non marry cogeate Meenas Fe iia wt teat eae es FRANK WHITTON ig AE Tn en rate We Deliver Promptly TAXI SERVICE PETE'S Dollar Taxi New Willys-Knight sedans at Your Service Cheap Rates fot Country Trips 1660 Phone 1772 P-6-Z0D 10 MONUMENT WORKS ram -WRET GRANITE Co, 8837 10D GL Phone 81678, a LOST AND FOUND LOST BAY MARE, OLD CUTS ON HIPS. Shed all around. Aged, sleeved from Dastute near Dun a about Sonth age. Ph. MeGuvin's Bakery. ova-308 Yoet FawALe BULL PUP ANSWERS TO name of Tippy. Reward. Call 3820, 13633-2466 ORRMAN LESSONS BY EXPERIENCED native teacher. Shortest and most prac- Heal meted. Phone 35180. 10823-246 BUSINESS AND. SIONAL DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS en nt A. M. CALDERON REGISTERED ARCHI: eek Guna 14 0066 0008 st. Phone EDWARD UNDERWOOp, REGISTERED Architect, 21-23 Union Bullding. Jasper Avenue, , Phone 821. EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta Oldest Newspaper SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1929. ERFORT to DOMINION DETECTIVE AGENCY, OLD- et, best equipped in city, 83 Jackson Bids. Phone 3642. QUR BOARDING HOUSE * EGAD You DONT MEANT TELL ME THAT Nou ARE OUT OF A DOB 2? GREAT CAESAR, SOMETHING MUST BE DONE IMMEDIATELY -FOR You, DAKE NOUR UNEMPLOYMENT WILL SMBARRASS ME GREATLY ww Heme T WILL USE EVERY GET You A PosiTioN BEFORE MARTHA STARTS 6 WAGGLE-THe BOTH OF US 10008 Jasper LEATHER GOODS REPAIRED SADDLERY. 00. Avenue. Phone 6720 Guest AS TH OFFICIAL LOAFER OF TH HOOPLE FAMILY IM A GUEST HERE AT PRESENT So WHY DoART YoU Go AN KNOCK OFF A DOB FoR 'SELF 2? BEING TH Host, You SHOULD MAKE Some SACRIFICE FoR YouR NORTH-WEST DETECTIVE AGENCY Westigations, all kinds: guaranteed re- ita Phone 8716 600 Tegler cparlenee. gynes, polle expe i achiet Meyer aad cots WoO eit aa ena anna a cnawronb, AupTioonmE a alee opeclaint, Ottiog 10000 Hed te Just south of Jasper. used ye. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS BRICE, EDWARD, BARRIBTER, tor, 408 TeulerBidg. Money sourc- to loan, BEECROFT ELECTRIC GRresacw, OR O'CONNOR Mational Trust. Bigg. Bamouton. Phone Sao a Fae ag car orf tea, oe ae ae ie a : LD WELLS, BAR- wd Golicltors, 622 Tegler, Bldg. LINDGAY, EMERY FORD, Barristers, ete. Canada Permanent Bldg. 6 DDS 104) JASPER AVENUE (Over Wetntsma fall) * Prone e229 Open kvevings, 7 to 9 o'clock. 1D DOMESTIC Dit PRUTON, G. V..K, 0, SOLICITOR, AL- Derta, Nova Seolta. Britis Columbia. Tegler Bldg. DOLL HOSPITAL KDMONTOR DOLL HOSrrTAL ome Whyle Ays., (Birch s Btore). Phone sail. Every cams treated. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ELECTRICIANS, Prompt service. 400 1i avenue, Phone AVES, ELECTRICAL CONTRAG- 130 161s Street, Phone 4486 loa 07 STREET. friend FTEOTIVE GERVICE, is WeUIaNoR DETsorivE EDMONTON Multiple a3 EDMONTON forse, cal Letter Service. Fogler Bids. Job Department, Loose iaat Ghests and Binders. 110018 YOO Ave. Phone See eee MASQUERADE COSTUMES PUBLIO MULTIGRAPHERS. Phone. B6S0. LOOSE LEAF EQUIPMENT 0, MABQUERADE 0O. HAS. Querads ang theatrical eupplica, 10313 Phone 1346, MATERNITY HOSPITALS SALVATION ARMY QRACE MATERNITY and girls. Ph. 2667. Mespital for women MEDICAL MASSAGE EXPERT MAL EVERETT. wu. SSKUR. Belentific Mastage, Gwedisn Worements, Hydrotherapy. Phone io007 Seaper. ist e SWEDISR WAGBAGE WeTTTOTE CERTIFIED SWEDISH Mani MABBEDRS,, 5. Electrical treatments, 110. ae. DR WH ALBRGrr. ORNERAL a Nervous, Diessea iagomnis, tammer- ROOFING AND REPAIRS BN Se pee Northwest Root Co. OSTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANS ger, mE ae Geotianee sim Gubottown work a specials. fores. 108th Ph sare De Mee THERE 18 NO SUBSTITUTE. FOR BUL- stin Want ads, Phone 03 we will OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS BOSINESS AND PROVESSIONAL DIRECLORY Contiausd PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS : To Paton RNS RE jIBBON, BPECIALIST (ViENNAS, Thyes, Hare, Hove. Throat, Wend. Meck Bldg. PLUMBING AND HEATING Fharme Frama, PcuhgaIN, ire ing end gas fitting. N Janper Ave. Phas e2et. - CARVER, PLUMBING, GEATING, TReatiing torts. sath Pros tert TRRELY 00, PLOMUING, HEA Metnitloe Spriakisr eatipment. ois Aver SS PRINTING BULLETIN Job Department 10018 1004 Ave. Phone 2273 REPAIR EXPERTS Sammy's Beer WORK ON LAWN ADEE phous ote otto Yoon otrect WEL RINDS OF REPAIR WORK, Ox- ord Machine atop. 8116 1ith Avene Phone TH t RUBBER STAMPS EDMOMTON RUBBER STAMP OO. UTD. Stamps and Seals 10037 10LA Ave Pond an. x Dermid, Mgr SALESMEN, AGENTS, W'T'D. Continued AND FRENCH CON. ORreitlens Nirane sienna 20178 107 Bu, Phous 4076. S 23 SITUATIONS WANTED, MALS GET Youn sRusHiNG KOW sap ce eee DONE while Delp ts cheap and plentiful. Hun ferian-Blovak Colontsation Beard, 10213 Sih Bi, Phone 6404. H-46x SHAN AND WIPE WOULD LIKE WORK AS or apartment Sook. is 10890-947 24 SITUATIONS WANTED. FEMALE be ngs ge Home to the Right Party WithaBulletinWantAd Bay Phone 64a? a SHEET METAL WoRmEns 40 WOULD LUGE TD mos DABy IM Ree er ne eater 1900-248 OFTICEANS- BARRY OnRET ETAT : momma PRrnacen avetroueh, Water Tanker os fowls waitin ram omy Govenn. Guroeee Cems Tiswaithing. Phoos 88 DRESSMAKERS -trained optician in Cansds, 100) 5623 b . Porvcent acitsisetion given Phone sea pRESSMAKINO, REMGDEULING. yUR Teh ea atet ane tor tlied: ee S0iA ave. ehooe UPSTAIRS SRT te Ba ES oe SpromrS onsets sare, pepo, voce exaree, vad erat ste Ramovtan, Drona . Toma Will fabs m litevime, 10008 100 Bt: og, Srudle, 11 Ellehen Blook. Chose SRLANOER, 3, nD rane Ria getnattaatys Foone. 4168 ; Feater Block SURGEONS Sta hae ae she premises t Bulidisg. Pbose iit wesldence es erp eal Ponsa 28 ROOMS AND SUITES, TAILORS DRIVE YOUR MESSAGE -HOME TO THE. Tigh pasty with a Builetio Want Ad. eonIDAS A CUSTOM TAILOR, OLEAN- tng. and pressing 8721 Jasper Ave. . FINE. FURS See Buffalo King TRUDEL The The Bageage, 10750 Jasper: Ave. PEROT HUMPRRBY, vio- Mp and oslo. 16643 97th Bt Phone EE Transfer and Taxi Call Us Anytime Trunks, Furniture, Ete. Phone 6135 V-1-2466 Ee SSS *MUBIO TEACHERS TEACHER OP More You Tell Quicker x IGN, ARD Pi THentiicton Wise a Beet str War rns in Phone RETINNING OF MILK, ICR OiEAM FURNISHED ee LONSDALE APTS, BEAUTIFULLY REDECORATED AND RE- furnished 4-roomed apartments. . Water, included. Kitchenette When ship le tieted badly me the printer, not the ballast. RE:TINNING SHOPS , te ingen fer Somes eee TENTS AND AWNINGS rales ate ene to cata see, Bie nercee WATCH MAKERS Mancaiware Fant, lent el we ere See 2 TE A Few AuDKY HOTEL, 19102 97 STREE 'y decorated, fully wlodern, 92 BOARD AND KOOM BOOM AND BOARD. ON SE Trae saa par of elas He 3 MQUSES TO REN UNFURNISHED YOUR ROOM COTTAGE, SEMI- 32.00 per month, 10010 92 tte 334 VOR RENT MISCELLAL TENT OMALL BUELDINO ible for workanoo, Apu Sone Ph, 8544 ie 34 FOR SALE MISCELLANE I Worenrrpiny WESTERN EXCHANG . Tht turn concern rade furniture tn the catalog 3 We have pianos, organs, cl tertleldy, avende tn piece complete sets, ab prices never before, We have. st and ranges... oll stoves, stoves, lecirio stoves, tt: every phase of heating ap anced you may thid hare. have some wonderful beds, mattrease couches ering in general we have splendid assortment. We w: to-buy furniture of every ki age and design. There 4a no ing you have to of cannot. handle profitable Sait outtight or exstange exchange something more adaptable Your present fequitements you ave butch ot oa however large: the quan wal handle then, in eat we have some rare designs a values, If you have anyching poutine antiques we will bi fe have several good buys ee ee rs in new. Lig al the tee frat ou have 10 aell. We have wonderful line in oak and wi nut dressers, chiffonters, va ty tables, also m. bergta Hiows. We haven blanket se In to un direct from, tbe mi 8x72 for 1.55. Just 50 pal lett wba New Gtamophone Spec Each machine fully guarainte Comte: tn and. took them over NATIONAL, HOME FOURNISHERS, LTD. 9950: Jasper Avenue Exchange Dept, Phone 19 4 vunnirone atone he fing soeondstapd et tho beat 3 ee sion seat faci Beha a Sted ta Soa aar sees nc BOR Tse si EA a iota uerai atlowatcs tor tnguires will race SSurteous estactioa: FAR NATIONAL CASH Rucusres 00. OF CANADA LIMITED: 10163 toma Avenue, EDMOND 942 111 AVE. TWO ROOMS, KeWLY decornted, gee, heat, light and water supplied, siee large room and kiteh- enotte; gas range installed. R. L. GREENE COMPANY Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance 10158 Jasper Ave. Phone 9216 Our a O-RAT MODERN PLA wai round oor, Wert wad Pe Biss. 8-230 ea Oe T OUN ROOM BUTTE GROUND PidoR. ieamt ented, gun stove, Phone tafe . batecaer FE MODERN vik A Toon, f2a10 6h Bireet: Phone Heae, Toeneaer S s aoTELS WuEN t eOMONTON eto Ay Tne Rares George Howat Te oe font abd tetviok alee 8030. and o inch cou rovent Greig aad oa fort Barber ws cu ia put on, soot guth Biswas. alsadrn fu Raogerss* Bhe's wise In knowing what t But not 90 wise In knowing . what ral not to leave off, You're 2 freeh: thing aeking for kiea the first time you meet Have it your own way. Make First Fish: Know anyone wh can make big nolee at my party? Second Fish: How about Ma Drugs Fish? a yint CemD Ht 021 Terms. Mason ae Fisch 12d, 10546 per: -Ave. Mes 6b TYPEWRITERS REPAIES The More You Tell * The Quicker You Sell ee
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Image 344 (1929-10-19), from microfilm reel 344, (CU11184794). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.