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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Mr. Babson F Meanwhile They Fight Certainly Arbitration Only Way By Arthur Brisbane (Copyright 1929) 1B. BABSON sent the stock mar- ket down merely by saying must go down. Stock gamblers are Uke children. It doesn't take much of ghost to frighten them. Friday men that really know about stocks contradicted Mr. Babson and stocks went up. Mr. Babson, like the rest of us, only: knows what Mr. Babson knows, Recently bo was in the. middle of Brisbane, the Florida land boom and perhaps that warps his vision. If he keeps bis Florida land, bi make money, if he bought it with in- telligence. Those that have bought stocks with intelligence will make money if kept. eee ENEVA cables that Wilson's League of Woodrow Nations iCANADA GETS PRAISE FROM STRESEMANN 49TH YEAR. VOL. XXVIII, 211. EDMONTON, ALBERTA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1929, PRICE FIVE CENTS Arbitration Also Needed for World Peace, Says ANOTHER ALTA. TOWN BURNS Foreign Minister By GEORGE HAMBLETON Canadian Pree Staff Correoponaent GENEVA, Sept. 9. Ger- many took a stand for arbi- tration and disarmament be- fore the assembly of the League of Nations. Dr. Gus- OHATON MAIN STREET RAZED EARLY MONDAY Loss 40,000 to 50,000 Origin of Fire Unknown Lack of Water Exclusive to Edmenton Bulletin CAMROSE, Alta., Sept. 9. The business section of the village of Ohaton, ten miles east of Camrose, is in ruins following a fire of unknown origin which broke out about 4:30 Monday morning. Every store the village possessed was burned and the loss will run between 40,000 and 50,- idea has discovered that it can t 000. Prevent war, even among ts members. Arthur Henderson, secretary In Brl-. taln s Labor government, ta an agreement among seven big nations to outlaw war, banish it,, Excellent (dea, Should stop fight- ing, if possible. But good resolutions that drunk- ards make when sober are forgotten Continued on Page Two EMBARGO ON STOCK FROM OLD COUNTRY Dominion Places Ban on Scotland Owing to Dis- ease Outbreak Cansdian Frees OTTAWA; Sept: 9 A ministerial onder dated today and aigned by J. H. Grisdit , federal: deputy minister of agriculture, cancels all permits for the importation of cattle, sheep, goats, other ruminants and swine from Boot- land-to Canada. The only exceptions to this order are those already em- barked on vessel en route to the do- Qnlon's main street ts swept, Lack of ap organized fire department:ham- ered in the battle against the fans but volunteers did all they could and men from Camross helped in the com at W. G. Reed discovered the fire. He Saw a strange light shining through his bedroom window and investigating found the store of L. F. Patterson, general merchant, was ablaze, Mr. Reed turned in the alarm and also telephoned to Camrose 6r assistance, Camrose sent a chemical engine and men to man it but owing to ths Inck of Ohaton ft was not able to operate at the peak of its ability. Men from Camrose. assisted the Ohaton volunteers in every way possible. Origin Is Mystery While the fire apparently started in the entrance to the hardware depart- ment of the Patterson store its calise remains a mystery. When discovered it had gained such headway that it was impossible to save building or contents, From. the Patterson building the. flames spread to an adjoining struc- ture occupied as an office by A. W, Fleming, mayor of Ohaton, two buildings were in dlightly to the north stood another Group of Usree bulldlngs, also destroy Malt i southerly of these three The , nearest to the Patterson Calgary Woman, Tired Fighting Heavy Bog, Dies Canadian Press CALGARY, Sept. 9. Overcome ustion after struggling for hours against the bog in which she had become mired, Mrs. Taylor, who resides with her sons, Joseph and Fred, farmers living about 10 miles north of Cochrane, died some time during Friday even- tng. The body was found by her sons Saturday. ett the farm- house about. two o'clock Friday at- ternoon to. visit ' nelghbor (wo miles stant, taking short cu ye was caught unawares by a bo half concealed by bushes, ASK VEREGIN BE SENT OUT OF DOMINION Citizens of Kamsack Make Application to Hon. Ro- bert Forke Canadian Press OTTAWA, Sept. 9. Telegrams from the people of Kamsack, Sask aabing that Peter Verogin, head of the Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood, more esmmonly known 88 Doukhobors, be deported, have evi- dently tome direct. to Hon. Hobert Forke, minister of immigration, who i now. in Manitoba. No fecord of thelr having been received by the depart- ment here could be found. Over 8 Beck ago. group of members of the Sons Preedom, an organization Fithia the community, were arrested dor appearing nude. As a protest many For thelr companions also took off thelt clothes. The result was that 103 of them were sentenced this week-end at Nelson, B.A to six months in jail for indecent, exponure, Meanwiile tnd the WO, ML ET near ameck and MPs near . a oe Dowkbobors started a par- Officials of the department of im- migration here declined to discuss the situation in the absence of the minis- ter, but it ts known this is not. the first time request has been made that Peter Veregin be deported. He 1s, Peter III of the Douhobors. H was in Russia when his father ruled the destinies of the community, and eame out after his father was illled in at to tered the Anderson ministry in that Province. cabinet minister was announced this afternoon. PEACE RIVER Politicians from Northland lt; Important political developasen: are mecting today ,fthe Liberal enectie 6 fine conse River 1 Ostensibly the business of the ing ts to.fix a time and p annual meeting of Liberal Association, but in all such cases the annual meeting 1s secondary * pr, HON: DRE. STIPE. . Biipe, leader-of the Progres- shewan, has en- ve party in Saskate His appointment as a For the present he sits minister without portfolio. LIBERALS IN SESSION HERE land Gather in Annual oot Session Tiding, being held at the hotel, meet- for the the Peace River the selection of a candidate. 1s our ei New Sask. Cabinet + 10 MINISTERS ARE NAMED BY DR. ANDERSON Premier to Also Hold Port- folio of ducation Bry- int Chosen By THOMAS GREEN Canadian Press Correspondent REGINA, Sept. 9. The new. co- operative cabinet sworn fi this af- ternoon is officially announced as follows: Mon. J. T.-M. Anderson, premier, president of gouneil and minister of education. Hon. M. A..MacPherson, attorney- general, Hon. W. C. Buckle, minister of agriculture, Hon. J. A. Merkley, minister in charge of bureau of labor and in- dustries and provincial secretary. Hon. H. McConnell, provinci treasurer; minister of municipal af. airs and minister in charge of of- fee of king's printer, bureau of Publications, the loan compantes Act and the trust companies act, Hon. J. F. Bryant, minister of public works; minister of telegraphs and: telephones and minister in charge of the fire prevention act, the prairie and forest fires act the Saskatchewan insurance act, : Hon, Dr. F. Munroe, minister of public health and minister in chi of child welfare act, S Hon. A. C. Stewart, minister of highways and minister of railways. Hon. Dr, R. Stipe, minister with- out. portfolio. . Hon. W. W. Smith, minister. withi out portfolio, Peru Elected To League Of Natiorts ra, Sent. 9 Fen was today to the seat on the Langue of Nations, from whieh Chile wetired this year. was elected to succeed Rumania, which also retired, and Hol- and was re-elected to the council. named today by Hon. J.T. derson, , 5 provincia secretary and minister of Provincial Sec y HON. J. A, MERKLEY, Premier of Saskatcher labor in the new government. who British Fliers Will Go After New Speed Mark Press Cable Associated CALSHOT, England, Sept. British seaplanes, which set a new world record speed Saturday in the Schneider Squadron Leader A. T. Ortebar, id not race Saturday, was ex: Pected to make the first attempt with the same seaplane in. which Flying Officer H.-R. D. Waghorn won the race. SEVEN DIE IN ONTARIO OVER PAST WEEKEND Four Children Included in List of Fatalities in East (Canadian Press TORONTO, Sept. 9. Four children and three youths were numbered in tav Stresemann, German for- eign minister, described. thi British and French signa: tures of the optional clause in the statutes of the world court as the victorious gress of the idea of arbitra- tion. Turning to the reference by Premier Aristide Briand of France to gaps in the work of the league, in which MM. Briand had asked What the league would do if some member went beyond the covenant and declared war, the German delegate said, You canhot defeat war with war You can de- feat it only, by suppresanig the cause of war, Instead of talking about the appll- cation of new sanctions to preserve peace, Dr. Stresemann believed 1 chapter of genera disarmament should be opened. The league needee some tangible progres twowards the goal of general disarmament rather than the stagnations which had pr - vatled in the last few years Wants General Disarmament In preventing the eventuality of war. Dr. Siresemann declared, let us make prevention sure by general disarmament. On representations of Canada and Germany, real progress had been made in improving the cedure for dealing with petitions minorities. -He felt, however, that the league's guiranteo to . minorities should be made more effective, Tt was not enough for the league to confine itself to petitions from dis affected minorities. There should be / constant supervision of - minority. rights through a permanent commis- slot as in the case of the mandates commission. Dr. Stresemann said he did not share the pessimistic view that M. Continued'on Page Two MANCHURIAN TRAIN BLOWN UP, 2 KILLED Russian Troops Use Air- planes in Attack on Chi- nese Town Sr eres ae Ronald Conley, four, Rochester, was sant cay Sa eae a Sena ee Saree meee fae een eae cee ere saree eee injuries. Joyce Berry, four, Grantham township, was fatally injured when o. ee ao oe ree c thrown from the seat of a tractor in front of the sharp biades of a plow he wag operating. A Bathe. E the lives, of Ben Wetstein snd Rubin- off, both 18, of Toronto, when two cass collided near New Geatle. Ea DEATH LIST FROM TYPHOON IS NOW 200 Associated Preas Cable MANILA, Sept. 9 Desths caused the typhoon which swept. southern won increased to more than 200 Sunday, with thousands of persons homeless in the stricken arear Reports of additional casualties were OLD TIMER OF A Ruswlan attack on the of Tungning was said to haye been re- received from the devastated regions near the town of Infanta an the wes tern cocst of Irabayas province. The United States destroyer Bdsall was en route to the east coast of Li inion, train wreck. He ts understood to haye the Ti ie crete whl ebay dete pubes Ate tenting caine TODAY'S ljze ie sus eats cue ome tae The ord r 1s under the provisions of the Contagious Diseases Act, and fs made on.accolint of an outbreak in Lanarkshire, Scotland, of foot and mouth: disease. Similar restrictions fare. in effect regarding shipments of Unese animals.from England. Farmers In U.S. Seek High Tariff wi cron yt. 9. Furthes Repl. 9 Further saurenees in many of the eericeiteral duties in the senate tariff bill were ina made public day in organized Ameri- can farmers, The farmers proclamation called for provided hy the hosts bill and di provided by the hoses bi eae manded ites he, Mon- treal, was over two hours behind the Face was run in two 50 Trophies were awarded the The Weather Local Foreeast coot. Total precipitation over a7. chs t torope the weekend. re. undsy, barometer iy clonay couay floudy fa cloudy far nonTMa Geaien Yotre ESETMRE panes iis te, ee, toe Grande Prairie, ioe Seasertesessess 28 ioudy, Biche. cloudy, calm , thabascs, cloudy, calm comparatively Thy weather Droviness witht ant been many pats of Gaskatchenan, TOMECASTS ght and Tuecday, and cool to. Will Make Through Road From Boundary to Alaska By THOMAS WAYLING Edmonton Bulletin Statt Correspondent OTTAWA, Sept. 9 The old, Yukon trall, now a highway from Carcross to Dawson, 15 to be linked up at. both ends, making. a through roed. from the international boundary to Alaska, Premier 8. F..Tolmie, of British Columbia, i in Ottawa, and today had a conference with Hon, Charles Stewart, minister of the interior, There Js gap in the highway be- tween Atlin, B.C. and Carcross, YU yon Territory, aiid another between Dawson andthe Alaska boundary, with-m feeder road in from Prince Rupert. The project ts for the bulld- ing of the 76 miles between Atlin and Carcross. and 80 miles from Dawson to the Alaska 7. The United States ie also an in- terested party, there being proposal Afook to connect the Canadian road Where it strikes the Alaska boundary with the main road: from the Alaska Goast to the interior, - The state of Ws mis particularly interested the through highway would provide motor road from Washingt, Alaska, through Camadian territory, Rummers and Guards Have Pistol Battle Associated Press DETROIT, Mich, Sept. 9. Rum runners.and men met in the Detroit: river early today and en- gaged in pistol battle, leaving the government, forces in possession of iwo bouts loaded with 550 cases of liquor, No casi jere reported. The smuggling convoy, consiting of speed boat. and two other cratte, was discovered in the river at 2 a.m by the crew of coast guard boat Under command of Chief Boatewal Mate . A. Haim, The shots were the rum funners cut jor boats and escaped in Police Seeking For Wounded Gangster Canadian Press MONTREAL, Sept. 9 Tho possl- bility thet one of the four bandits who held up and robbed the Dominion Coal company s pay car here Satur- day, and escaped with 9,600 in cash, May baye been struck by one of the: bullets fired by special constable, appeared certain Sunday. The car used by the bandits was found by Police. Police state the bullet passed through the rear window but they are unable to locate Sts stopping place, and are of the opinion the bullet struck one of the men in the rear seat. Hospitals and doctors have been Fequested to notity police of any sus- picious case, ACCUSES JEWS JERUBALEM, Sept, 9 Grand Mutu, head of the Arabs, has accused Je ish ambition and greed: of provokih the recent outbreaks In order to bring pressure to bear on the British gov ernment. suffer. greatly: in Russia, but troubles there were political and in no way could be held as a bar to his coming into Canada: Accordingly he could be deportedonly for some of- fence committed here. . May Be Final Clash The view here ts that the present trouble is the final clash which marks another step tn one of the most in- teresting racial develoments in the Continued on Page Two Charge Arabs: With Selling Poisoned Fruit H, Fi be TORONTO MINES: TORONTO, Sept. 9, Sudbury Basin: was a strong feature with an advance of 70 cents at 9.00, Falcon- showed a week-end gain of .30 Teck Hughes firmed a 650 Ofl advanced five 4t 2.55. ice changes: Newbee up 2 att Iasi Ay other. at 41; Malartic up 5 at 7. OTTAWA, Sept. Canadians. Anyone doubt to Churchill. Tt that it: migi end of the month. Tt 1s rather embarrass only buildings at Churchill dredging and the railway construction those belonging to the government Hon. C. A. Dunving. min riment. wi aplaining the whole situation there. ing to the dey the Dart of the meeting to dle eal important feature, and hose fa Prairie; Dr. Jock; H. Hunter, Rice, Kinso; J. Bi-Mclsanc, Sexsmith; Beace River; H. White, Wabamun: C: Payne, Cadomin; F. Bistie, Entyistle; Bruce'Hunter, Canyon Oreek. PARIS, Sept. 9. Prane bumper crop of wheat an timt thne able to export this commodity. How- ever, the country also has a farm re- Hef problem on its hands and Victor Boret, French ood dictator. asks the povernment that a wheat TORONTO, National Exhibivion, the mecca of thousands of visitors. closed Satuprday night with total Ee re BUS ar corey ular gongs. died Sat Am Bis Roces of Picardy, and Danny Boy. Strong Says Ottawa Many Inquiries Received at Capital Con- cerning Churchill and Adjacent Terri- tory Train Service Soon Canadian Press The lure of the Narth this should see the correspondence pouring in on the department of railways and canals asking to be allowed to go The flood of requests started when a news item announced possible trains would be running into that port by the I are those to house the men et ter of railway Preparing a statement which will 5 ane : i Thompson, of Grande Prairie. Mr. Sea MeLennan: Windsor Switzer, Edson: J.D. Lansdale, rance Has Bumper Crop; Able To Sell Amoclated Press Cable Sept. 9- France has in many years it will a the be bonus: given in he form of re- TTENDANCE DECREASED t.. S The Canadian for two weeks fendance. record 60,000 lower than ten COMPOSER DIES 9 Frederic BA- compositions were ts strong in the hearts ot, partment because at present the ged on the The only food supplies there a: announced Sunday that tus be published soom Wolseley exped WEST PASSES C. V. Alloway Came From Ontario in 1871 to Winnipeg Canadian Press WINNIPEG, Sept, 9, Charles Val- gntine Alloway, pioneer citizen of Winnlpeg, who came west with the Hon in 1871 to. check the: Riel outbreaks in Manitobs and Femained to become one of this cll best-known residents, is dead here following. lengthy illness, Mr, Al- loway traveled extensively through morthern sections of the west apd gt one time was within sixty miles of tiie Arctic circle, He was one of the earlier visitors to Churchill, Man,, and several years ago predicted that: the Peace River district in Alberta would see heavy farm settlement. Born in Ireland, Mr, Alloway came with his parents in infancy. at Shettield U. 7 Westham United 5, Newcastle U. 1. Second. Division BI 5, Nottingham Forest Chariton Athletic 4, Stoke City 4, Notts Go. 2, Bradford City 0. Prescon North End 2, Cardiff 3. Southampton 3, West B. Albion 2. Wolverbampton W. 2, Reading 1. 1 RUGBY UNION Torquay 8, Cardiff 11. RUGBY LEAGUE ), Batley 15, Oldham 12, Broughton Rangers 7. TO HOLD INQUEST ESTEVAN, Sask, Sept. 9 Phyllis Henley, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mra W. Henley, Estevan, was killed in an auto smash near Grand Forks, N.D. Sunday afternoon. An inquest 1s eld at Grand Forks today. TWO KILLED NEW YORK, Sept. 9 Two persons were killed and. several Injured on Saturday when an aeroplane made forced landing on Coney Island beach amid thousands of bathers. des maya, eastern border Chinese Eastern rallway, said Bovi advance protection Chinese and returned tho fire with machine guns. Residents were panic-stricken and hid themselves in cellars. casualties from the Positions at Manchull, on the west- orn end ratlway, Russian troops attacked but were uan the Ami van district between the Amur and ofthe Chinese Eastern ised. Russian were to have invaded the Suly- SHANGHAT, Bept. 9. A itch, timed early this attern received here tonight, aaid train on the Chinese East- Erm rallway was blown Up oa eater: diy, the tracks. having been. mained with high explosives, tAacooediag tor were killed ie Iesomotive was blowin off the ck, the base the first and second class care tele: fe train. was nichnaya to Harbin, to the report two and three. injured chen car destroyed and inese, reports to Shanghal ram- Ruimian Manchuria had rumors that na arroplanes were trope Millage fteeif was sala to Pagranichnas ichnaya, burn 9. Renewed and at both eastern Messages to Harbin from point on ir bombs Sunday afternoon set fire to the rallway-station and surrounding houses there, burning them down. considerable section was. burned. A Tt was the second air attack of the day, the Russian planes having ap- peared over the. small. city morning and launched bombs against Chinese soldier. and: wounding 20. afterward Soviet infantry 4 nthe railway. station, killing one Short to the frontier under the of their artillery tire, troops. defended themselves It was believed there were many 6 encounters and Picinich; Brame and AMERICAN LEAGUE First Game 00 100 9002 7 2 O10 101 3x 610 3 ; MacPayaen and A postponed, rain Postponed, rain and Tete ODDEST. NEWS FISHERMAN GETS BEAR AND IS SORRY HE DID i i - * PAINESVILLE, , Sept, 9 Dr. John B. Seymour and two ardent fishing companions tell a fish tale that beats anything heard around here this. season. Sa eee oe ae ay ee sree : who was hiding al The oe ees after it. Then it reversed its charge and clambered for the boat. The ee CYCLONE STRIPS CHICKS FOR KANGAS FARMER ie ete OCOLBY, Kas, Sept. 9 Roy Kist- Ter 4s thankful to a twister for one he wanted s chicken dinner, Se ers ere FAITHFUL OLD CLOCK WORKS FOR 300 YEARS. + + ISLE OF MAN. England, Sept. 9. lt;A clock in the Castle Rushen here has worked continuously for years and has not needed adjust ments until recently when it wi taken down for 4 Lawyers Talk On Variety Of Legal Matters Canadian Press QUEBEC, Sept. Discussions regarding the establishment of an office of public defender, whose surveyed the stricken districts, Thousands of persons were reported to be homeless, A water shortage in Manila, caused hem the wence broke 8 Wie Sa in, emergency flumes which brought in a small flow. Five Killed When was relieved Automobiles Meet BENTON HARBOR, Sfich., Five persons were killed and 15 in- jured i bus and a truck and trailer five miles cast of Benton Harbor Sunday. collision between a motor three of the dead have bier, Onl; ideniified They are Mss. Jose Que ones.of North Branch. Mich, infant. daughter, and Willism Stew art, 25, of Sagi he: troops une xpeet and rifle re on Soviet border troops 1n the Gre-ankove Fitaakoys: district ie Mkclke mrt . The dispatch did not gre dn Two player been taken beck from par ex bn city. Good duty it would be to furnish peer People with legal counsel, and the establishment of divorce courts, featured the final session of the Canadian Bar Association's Potice Magistrate James E. Jones, of Toronto, said the administration of Justics would be greatly al rd it poor people, unable to engage coun: sel for themselves, were provided with free counsel before the courts of Canada, both civil and ertminal
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Image 1197 (1929-09-09), from microfilm reel 1197, (CU11184216). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.