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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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recently carried the 1 Into the Verneuk itory in the Afelean days journey from ping Accident s * 1h oy. vamery CHICAGO. Sept. 7. Waten these that man: acoldent causes. for they are the chief about, hazards of motorists on their vaca- De tons, according to the National Safe- tybricant ty, Counell: Transportation accidents; poisoning: firearms or fireworks; swim- Sooner oF Int Accidents; a nipple of scullancous, melding alls, use of tools, tall: There ts one handy variety of space notorists never Uiink popular make It 1s m grease nipple that can radio recetver will be given free, used as 4 substitute for the one that retuses to permit the passage of wardless of what the car When repl owner doe: electric relieve the situation, light. bulb, remember to see that the ery car owner meets new oie Is of the same power. It was) farlety and one of the fixed at the factory with the drain on best ways out of the dilemma, as well the electrical ayelem very much in king accl- as eastest, is lo Install new one, mind, oe i Motor Throbs ese Spare Parts of News Pick- ed.up Among Dealers and Other Gasoline : Destroyers. Howdy Folks? * He ts back from the beach And he feels he's been done Skinned by the landlord And skinned by the sun, AIL bitten and biistered, His hair no more curls He's been stung by the akeeters And stung by the girls, But at that holidays are a great institution If one can get enough. Irving Backus spent a few days last week around Banff and the foothills of Calgary. Irving says that he would have stayed longer but some Umes business does interfere with pleasure. R. . Morrison, formerly with Gtaham-Paige, returned this week from a protracted stay at British Columbia points, R. O, looks ab if the holiday did him good and be expects to spend the winter in the old town, An overcrowded coupe 1s one con- taining a woman driver and a yellow- Jacket. Bob. Price, of Calgary, was noted among the distinguished guests that gathered for the Chamber of Com- merce luncheon at the Macdonald on Thursday. Bob will be in fown for a day or two, Fred Penal, of Dodge Bros., truck division, Windsor, Ont., was a busi: hess visitor to Edmontdn this week. 4. M. Johnston, ot the Freeman from. should do, room only for 9678 14 be lo discover how machine the new fere to park 16876 cars where there 1s Is Jim Dawson, telling ws ail about the hol J. Wesley Martin, Alberta sentative for Whippet and Knight, leaves today for winnipeg where he will confer with heads. of the company from the east ' Al. Butlin, of Dominion Motors, sneaked away last week for a short time. Jack Humphries, department, General Motors Winui- eg, was in town for a few days this week. City people own cars to get out) be equipped with a hew flexible sprin into the country, and country people cover being put. on the market by twe own care. to get out of the way of companies city people who come out into the spring and aro efficient in retaining grease and keeping out dust, country. Bill Giddy has returned. trot holiday spent around Banif and Waterton Lakes, and is back on the Job once more, Alex, Dalgleish, Dodge dealer at Grand Prairie, wax an out of town visitor noted along Motor Row this week. H K. our office vamp, sex: The motor car manufacturer who. wins out next year will be the one who turns out an automobile carrying: tts own parking space, And the next thing we sce will be the suntanned girl who has to. peel and goes to the masa As an open package of cori We Saw in Our Rambl Bill Trimble, parked in front of well known hostelry on a rainy night, dim Whyte, taking things easy tong the maith drag ill Giddy and Jim Allen, making big whoopee at th Gyro carnival. Les. Mould, inviting all and. sun- dry to spend freely and help the play- ground fund to grow, Archie Wigle, here. there and everywhere, doing his bit to make the Say a alah Sis tS bare i Hee Holiday, Alvdidn' leave un is for Ade ot the same substance, take warding address 0 we have no menna Meh eavier blows before they, suc; Of knowing where he wat ihe present Guam, RUE every me the, moter cm vad cree s nliees ta he ts ing the same of Sales Promotion paniahn ae pect to the toy balloon, Ian't it LIKE TOY BALLOONS Every motorist who ever bas stop- ped beside the way to buy his young a toy balloon knows that it tal lo the Ure that the lap 1s, Covered Springs In the near future automobiles may The covers fit over the Automotive and Radio Equipment MOTOR CAR SUPPLY Co. OF CANADA, LTD. amonton Calgary 10,000 Miles This is the life of an oil Filter. Refills for all makes of cars car- rled-In-stock, always, A Refill costs very Uttle but tt adds years to the life of your engine. GET A REFILL Saturday an extended trip that took him across Canada and back through, the United States to California, before. arriving home, While:in the East he visited the Hudson-Essex plants at Detroit and was able to gather a great deal Of first. hand information regarding the plans of the company for the coming year. Rod Morrison.says'that the quickest way to get to heaven is Close your eyes and step on the gas. carMIVAL a success. BIll Wright, coming to the conclu- sion that. the life of a working man was no bed of, roses, Jack, Starks, isqusing attairs of Harry Dudley, getting everything ready for the big used car sale- Art May, making the sparks the battery department. of Lo George Risch, admiring the new Chrysler models at Motordromo. Sam Davidson, Motor Car Supply, The first. thing Edison's successor telling friend what. a wonderful Service Automobile, Maintenance 10165 103rd Street (Next to Emplre Theatre) Service Phone 2628 Office Phone 4412 BARGAINS In Used Cars They are tremendous bar- gains every one of the guaranteed, reconditioned used cars we are now of- fering for a quick sale. Never have prices on used cars been so low. You will do well to inspect these sensational used car values at-ence. Edmonton, Alberta unin OS BURROWS MOTORS 9907 102A Avenue. 10126 106th St. REVOLUTIO NEW CHRYSLERS cHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCTS LEAVE NO BASIS FOR COMPARISON MULTI- RANGE GEAR SHIFT ELIMINATES ALL POSSIBILITY OF COMPARING CHRYSLER PER- FORMANCE WITH OTHER: PER- FORMANCE. A DEMONSTRATION SPEEDILY PROVES THIS TO YOU. N.the new Chryslers, 77 , zo and 66 , Chrysler has actually: transformed the funda- mentals of motor car design and construction. JNTI you fave deiven it, you can possess only superficial knowledge of Chevrolet. Only bebind the wheel, can you learn the whole amazing truth. There you will actuallyexperience the advaritages of a smooth, six-cylinder, valve-im-bead engine, the superiority of desigri, and staunch construction which make Body by Fisher an j emblem of distinction oa some of the world s smartest ce gesd ation can You will be astonished at the perfor- mance, luxury, and quality mow available, for the first time, im the price range of a four: And you will realize then, as never before, why over a million Chevrolet Six owners have been sold behind the wheel . . why they would never again b satisfied with anything ss than Chevrolet gives them , . and why Chevrolet is literally one-of-the most sensational values ever offered the motor car buyer. Come in and take your trial ride today. Get behind the wheel . . and sell yourself the car you want to own. eree8 CHEVROLET PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Throughout the country, thousands have been quick to appreciate and acclaim the new MULTI- RANGE GEAR SHIFT. It makes driving a joy and gear-shifting easy. Equally enthusiastic has been the reception of WITH MULTI-RANGE GEAR SHIFT the performance provided by DOWN-DRAFT CARBURETION, Thisis a principle of fuelization used 2060 Business Coupe, 2060, Roadster (with rumble seat), 2125 Royal Coupe (with with amazing success in airplane engines. rane sea) 90 Rovalseden, 21 0; Crom The smartness, style, and elegance of appoint- Googe (ho fe serene ee om THE NEW 77 CROWN SEDAN NEW CHRYSLER ment of the new ARCHITONIC BODIES combined rumble seat), 2315) Phaeton (ir with their strength and roominess, have won cee cowl and windshield), 2315. F. 0. . oe 7 general admiration, Windsor, Ontarlo, including standard factory equipment (freight and ioe extra). ares Make a note;.too, of the new Chrysler 66 rE OA? WITH MULTI-RANGE GEAR SHIFT the lowest-priced six ever to bear this honored NEW CHRYSLER name. It is safe to say that nobody ever ex- * pected even of Chrysler a motor car under 1590 Phaston, 1590) Roadster (with rumble seat), 1650; Business Coupe, 1650) ii 1250 as advanced, as capable and as ex; sive of fine value. This-new-six-is a Chrysler through and through in basic quality, in stylish Windsor, Ontario, Including standard factory design, in riding comfort, in engineering, in swift. 4vipment (freight ond taxes extra). and silky performance a Chrysler in the best i Chrysler traditions, A CHRYSLER SIX UNDER 1250 - Only. by. riding in these remarkable cars, only 4QA5 gino, Sais: ,NEW CHRYSH eu o2a Ash about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plas Royal. Coupe (with rumble seat), 1715; Royal Sedan, 1775. F. 0. B. Ny . by taking the wheel in your own hands and driv- ing, is it possible to comprehend how thoroughly E dm onton M otor 8, Limit e d Chrysler, in these sensational new creations, has revolutionized and regenerated the motor car. Sjowrooms: 10228 gsth Street and 100th Street and 102nd Avenue Chrysler Motor Cars and Federal Trucks PHONES 1766 - 2755 CHRYSLER FOR (with rumble seat), 1258) Phagton, 1285) Wo ham, 1258; Royal Coupe (with rumble , 1320) Royal Sedan, 1345. F. O. 8. Windsor, Ontario, including standard factory equipment (freight and taxes extra). A. WOLF , J. H. PERRAS, Waskatenau, Alta. MACLEOD BROS. Morinville, Alta. Athabasca, Alta, 10157 102nd STREET BETTER BECAUSE IT S CANADIAN CANADIAN-BUILT CANADIANS i il
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Image 1181 (1929-09-07), from microfilm reel 1181, (CU11184335). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.