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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Per Whether 1's 0 ings flat or see finish to original bullding. babbitted, fitted. Cylinder int 1 tng. Repairs for All our Work 10247 103rd PHONE 2048 Can Make Them rinding, Machining, Welding. Gear Cut- fect of Ine b ed we can curacy Any and all kinds of Motor Re- necting Rods re- ons and) rings Generat anything fs Guaranteed The Liberty Machine Works, Ltd. EDMONTON SAM NICHOLS, Performance Makes Us Popular Will Give Yo na, LIMITED 10363 106th Street tT, WATER FUEL OIL job. mend it. 9661 Jasper Avenue Phone 6056. The Cost is Small, WeDo PveRT MING Ur THE EN Phone 23121 9907 107 Avenue A standard grade of CASTROL. fs recommended by the horse power DOX Giant Flying Boat, The same high ALBERTA DISTRIBUTORS Give the Car a new Coat and: protect it fr weather. OUR EXPERTS KNOW HOW AUTO-TOPS AND UPHOLSTY AUTO RENOVATORS 10172 98th Street Why not arrange for yoru Winter Car Sto We have available space at reasonable rates. W. V. . CLEATOR, Prop. 10034 - 108rd Avenue: FOR BUSY MEN AND WOMEN Inspection at regular intervals tells you how, tery stands. You save available repairs an costly replacements, COMPLETE SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR Operated by Dyson Distributors, Ltd. 10169 102nd Street Dented Fenders and Body On Your Automobile Can be Easily Repaired to Look Like New No Long Waits Dornier company for use in the largest aeroplane; The 6300 oll is available for use TAYLOR PEARSON, LTD. REPAINT NOW The GREGORY Company DUCO FINISH . Phone 5427 CAR STORAGE McLEOD S GARAGE Phone 2293 Prompt Battery Service -DYSON. SERVICE Phone 4165 4 Satisfaction Ask Your Dealer BLAIS BROS. BATTERY CO. PHONE 2770 MANUFACTURERS OF STORAGE BATTERIES AND PARTS AND POWER ENGINES Our three experts can handle any welding If it s broken let. us Darling Electric Welding Co. Edmonton, Alberta FANE AUTO WORKS, LTD. Night Phones 81875-81876 in your car. om winter rage now? your Bat- id put off EDMONTON AUTO SPRING WORKS Manufacturers of ALL KINDS of AUTO SPRINGS, We reset and temper old springs that have lost thelr tension. Corner 95th Street and Jasper Ave., Edmonton. PHONE 6892 New EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper Packard Airplane Engine XCI SEPTEMBER 1929. f ISIVE ROAD TAX sole and toaceo esate i be This x will be devoted excl roads, and taxes sources will not be util Durpos roads In Mext campaign, ever ex d when tv himself was o, as well as tie concrete Picture tng one side While ab the proving grounds of the Packard Moter-Car company Diesel type airplane engine and test it, in the tr,,Colonel Lindbergh 7 hows Lindbergh at the steering wheel. with at the wheel, he can fn the alr. test track, and in Detroit to inspect the new Packard had the fastest automobile ride he has ind. he proved to spectators that he could 4 ed on the ground, He drove a Packard speedster 112 miles an hour on the made half dozen or more laps at top speed. His face was he stepped from the far. He said it was the fastest he has ever ridden on the ground h Alvan Macauley, president of the Packard company stand- Hi dent EN-THE ness ani available in 70.8 and: Great Six. powerful shaft, extra HUPMOBILE - HAS BEAUTY INNEW MODELS DETROIT, Mich mobile s: introduction a short time ago of m new six cylinder automobile in the popular price field powered by the same engine as was the p: higher priced Century models, has brought unstinted praise from hu: dreds of thousands of persons who have geen the new car, Particularly favorable are the cotit- ments. on the striking beauty and u wiual-qUaIIty of the new ear. marvelous car for: the Har remarks a And in. this co tion Hupmobile poliits out that t new model. Sept. 1 Hup- presents 25 percent greatly reduced prices, tstanding quality feature of hew ear ui its greatly increased hich is even. greater r, In the tonnes eat width and leg Tn the new model 8 bodies Hup- inobile roduced startling new lines and refinements; In style and Appearanice the new ca represents a advanced step similar to. the vivid ight acclaim to the Century Six models. The new Hupmobile: has even less overall height-than sts predecessor yet neither headroom nor roud clearance featiiie 1s the mn ype windshield, sted by ax conveniently located cor trol crank. It can be widely opened to provide complete ventilation. Or- dinary ventilation 4a obtained from the cow ventilator. Among other details which have Hicited favorable comment on value wid appearance are included: French foof, front f nder-mounted parking Ughts; tri-spoked si type steers ing. Wheel, foot-controlied - dimmer switch, dash+mounted starter control, indirectly-lighted instrument pane with distinctive insirw grease-retaininy hydraulic shoe vision. windows Some of the outstinding mechanical quality features are: Counterbalanced crankshaft pounds, rifle-drilled connecting rods, diamond bored ting rod. bearings, force feed lubrication. to all main, connect ing rod. and piston pin bearings, com- pletely water packoted valve seats and cylinder walls, pistons balanced to within one-sixteenth -of--an ounce, honed cylinders, arid machined and glare, beauty which two years ago brought There ts only one make of electric automobile now being produced In the United States, and the drivers of that are of w kind that won't get out to repair a loose connection or any other AU thet might turn up on AL Tate, according. to A. O. Dunk, whiose company, the Detralt Electric, now bullds these vehicles, the car is built so that there ts no occasion to get out and get under at any time, However, .as most motorists, though they drive gasoline vehicles, may be interested to know how an electric automobHe performs, the column will describe The first sheeeastlh blectric autor mobite was built-in the early auto- motive days by George M. Bacon, who Was then witit-the Cidveland Railway Light and Power Company, All he did was to take an electric street car off the tracks, put tires on the wheels, change the body somewhat and let er yo. in fact, that is about all that the electric automobile Is today Street car on wheels with storage bat teries, rather than a central electric power plant, furnishing Individual Dower. Until 1911 the electrics were driven by w double chain drive, one on either side of the car and running. to. the Tear wheels rom the crosswise motor shatt in front In 911, the motor was turned around so that its shatt would extend lengthwise to a. differential. inthe hus adopting this phase of the line Vehicle, besides the ull float: le, for its propulsion, This has iethod of drive since then. ery, on the Detroit Electric, vor of 26 electrits that once were built, is a 42-cell, 13-plate affalr that weighs between 1500. and. 1800 pounds. It Is divided Into two sec tions, half in frontand the ether half in back, in order to equalize the weight, A three-and-a-half horsepower Piotor Js driven by this battery and is so constructed, says Dunk, that it needs only the alightest attention. The battery has capacity. of 180 to 190 ampere hours and will operate a vehicle ona single charge from 75 to 110 miles, depending on the speed. It heeds rom six to seven hours for re- charging. A guarantee of three years gocs with each battery, which ts quite opti- mistic as storage batteries go, But Dunk says there are batteries on some Of his cars that have gone for seven and eight years without renewal The weight of the battery. brings the total Weight of the automobile to almost two tons, But Dunk is expect tg the day in the near future when new type of battery, lighter, cheaper when put Into-mass production, and much more powerful and. efficient, will be available. This comes from Europe and is said to have the power domed cylinder heads. LISTEN DONT TELL ME WHAT 1 SHOULD'A DoE / BESIDES, THIS IS MV CAR fn WHAT 1 SAY GOES / aes Starting Something to operate car from 350 to 650 miles ih speed. full charge in from half quarters of an hourt An electric automobile, minimum of vibration and high riding ease, 1 Ideal for elderly people, says Dunk, Furthermore, it needs little or ho attention and its operating cost 45 extremely low compared with that of the gasoline vehicle, The ing from four to five years average electric remains with its ori: one charge, depending on the Yot lt; lt; ts much lighter than the present. battery and. it will take car 1s easy on tires, a set last. to threes Finger Tip Control with its An outstanding feature of all Willys Knights. One button in the ceatre of the steering design, easy And ginal owner for more than six years, according to Dunk s figures. The demand for electrics is greater than Dunk's ability to. su there's no fear of this last of Ens line yin, DO that one sees on, They won't stand pounding. out. Jn fact, Dunk belleves popularity of electrics will grow with the advent of the superior battery and the improvement in. the lines. USE HAMMER. Those broken radiator ornaments Many cars are due to the fact that often thelr owners have tried to hammer them into place, PRICES AS LOW AS O75 AT THE FACTOKY . Yustom beauty, sleeve-valve power WILEYS-KNIGHT LINE 70-B to the Luxurious New Great Six TTTHE beauty and style of the new Willys-Knight, the power, smooth- economy of the patented dovle sleeve-valve engine, are now motor cars the pop The brilliant success of the new-style Willys-Knight 70-B proves its value as the largest, smartest and most offered at such low price. The new Willys-Knight Great Six is distinguished by an individuality thae itself in ler of desiga, luxury and of the car's many features are: Bijur one-shot lubrication tem, heavier seven-bearin, ong and Heil too fullinternal four-wheel peaks ae tions of starting the motor, operating the lights, sounding the horn. Simple steering post. j New Siyle GLYDE COMPLETE From the Low-Priced two lines of ultra-modern ular-low-priced -the distinctively-beautiful night-engined car ever her or emance. Some vanced mechanical wheel controls all func. 70-B COACH 91420 Sedan 1545; Coupe 1420; Roadster 1420; Tourmg 1325; Special Sedan 135 Wheelbase 1695. operation. No wires in 105th St. and Jasper Ave. Edmonton THE TRIUMPH OF DE SOTO It js no new thing for Chrysler-built Cars to attain astonishing sales records, but here even the highest figures for the entire industry have: been eclipsed by the De Soto Six as a first-year car. No other. make of car of any kind at any Price ever equaled, in the first. twelve months. following its introduction, the 81,065 production figure attained by De Soto Six. f f Surely no greater tribute could be paid to this brilliant and beautiful creation of Chrysler Motors. Drive a De Soto Six yourself. Test it today for smoothness, speed, power, flexibility, easy Tiding, efficient braking, quick acceleration under any conditions you wish. Assure yourself today, as so many thousands have-done, that it is the outstanding achievement in its price field. GREAT SIX SEDAN 82575 be, samme price, 6 -wirewhedla track reek facladed All ries ab factory, tases extra. WILLYS-KNIGHT McLELLAN, LIMITED See Ix recently carried the the Verneuke 1S Danen later, Touring st DE SOTO SIX 10050 100 St., opp. cunvster Motors Propuct SHOWROOM AND GARAGE Macdonald Hotel Phones Sales: 5990; Service, RS, LIMITED aor I f a Chief Vacation Accid CHICAGO, sept. 7. W Acoldent causes, for they: a hazards of motorists on tUons, according to the Nat ty, Counell: Transportation acoiden ming accidents; boating thletics; bites and stings rearms or fireworks; Edme showrooms: 1022 MACLEOD BROS. Athabasca, Alta,
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Image 1180 (1929-09-07), from microfilm reel 1180, (CU11184332). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.