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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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The Bulletin : Financial and Markets Department The Bulletin s Daily News From All Markets PRICES FOR , GRAIN RISE ' INWINNIPEG Weak Liverpool Cables Responsible for Opening Decline a WINNIPEG, Sept, 7 Wenie Liv cables resulted tna decline ai BARLEY opening of today s wheat market eae but busing orders entered Des Around mid-session and malty slow upward movement roan Satobar tinted until) the close, wi wore So higher to unchanged. ihe December Top estimates iwued by the Manitoba) May Pree Press and the Canadian Wheat RYE. Pool were not market factors, Cash October... Wheat was n good demand and pilecs Decerber Were fo to Me higher. A Rood ex- May s+ Port trade was in evidenc SA sudden spurt in flax featured th woarse grain trade. ade Yance at Duluth was yr here when flax shot upward of 11. en eding tn fairly active at sllehtly Prices WHEAT Number 1 Northern. .20.0. 1 cNumber 2 Northern. 20. ae i Number 3 Northern. 7 Number 4 ..- Number 5 Number May oats. Novembet October December WHEAT May. 150 September . tea 382 December 2.020000) 14 March... 148 December. eds, 108 March 105, Regs soe cva cee toesiiaes 88 tex sae 50 52 50 track... 01. 02 TOUGH WHEAT Number 1 Northern. . Number 2 Northern gt;. Number 3 Northern. September 1 December . 54 March ...ccesee 57 RYE. May . 19 September 103 December . March 116: Number 2 C.w. Number 3 CW. Extra 1 Feed Number 1 Feed Number 2 Feed, Rejected Track Number 3 C.W... rack... 000 cos 11034 Number 3 C.W.. Number 4 C.W..- Rejected ... . Feed, WHEAT + Number 1 Northern. Number 2 Northern... Number 3 Northern. + 270 ) Number 4.. 24134 Number 5.- 241 Number 6, Feed... oaTs Number BUY BONDS There are. exceptional opportunities at the present time for the purehase of High Class Securities at attractive yields, Please phone or write us for our latest list of offerings. Gitlespie Grain Co, ge Sie 274 W. Ross Alger Corporation Limited BONDS, STOCKS FOREIGN SECURITIES 606 McLeod Bldg. Phone 4330. Edmonton, Alta. Watch Wainwright We suggest. purchase of the following stocks at market: FABYAN PETROLEUMS, LIMITED, around 20 cents WEYMAEN PETROLEUMS LIMITED, at 1.50 PETROLEUM ROYALTIES, around 16 cents. EDMONTON ROYALTIES, around 12 cents, Interesting developments are expected. from this field shortly which we believe will be responsible for much higher prices belay rests for the above stocks. oe ee ee H. W. DEVITT, Limited Members Standard Stock Exchange of Edmonton, Ltd. Phone 4736. . 10129 - 100A. Street Wainwright Oil Stocks and Leases We-suggest the purchase of: PETROLEUM ROYALTIES EDMONTON ROYALTIES CAPITAL ROYALTIES MARVEL OILS WEYMARN .PETROLEUMS At the market Wo have a few well located leases in tracts of Yorty aerce THE LOCATORS LIMITED N. C. LEGGE, Manager * Phone 4632. 10159 - 108A St., Edmonton, Alta. corge W. Matthews Company, Ltd. - GRAIN BROKERS Announce the opening of their up-to-date board room service on Winnipeg and Chicago Grains, Monday, September the 9th, 1929. Northern Investment Bldg., Phone 9259 GEORGE W. MATTHEWS President Range in Grain Prices WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKETS e By Jautes Richardson Sons, Ltd. Open CHICAGO GRAIN MARKETS By James Richardson Sons, Ltd. Open 1041, Ay d Previous Close Close 134 161. 160 70 68 6915 18 19K 84 216 264 216, 85 There was a bellef in some quarters ps PIE Pthatvesterday s recovery had been rs wt 1 Ns 113 184; 120 111 Lai 9? Previous. Low Close Close 150 15115145 1325, 193 ) TSS W0 42 141 46 147 , 1473 High 151 Lo 133 142 , 4 MIS 101 107 108 104 103 ) 103 104 Me 401 100 101 tor 105 10413 10510544 108 58 50 544 A 50 8B 5916 51 55 S 58. Me 58K STN OTH 9 116 He 4 1035, 103 1037S -102 yintd 110 1 ood 16 116 Number 3.C.W. Extra 1 feed Nu Number Number 6: RYE Number 2 CW. .. Number C.W. Rejected No. 2 C.W, Rejected No. 3 G.W... Rejected Winnipeg Grain Letter 1 By James Richardson Sons Ltd. WINNIPEG, Sept: 7. A much bet- ter fecling exists in the cash whet market, Lots of buyers for all grades at spreads 4 to 4c higher, on the atter on some of the red: winters... Ofver- ings are not heavy with sellers not inclined to consider disposing of the holdings uniess at. advanced From reliable reports. an. x large bustness was done late day in American 2 hard nd Duluth springs. There was also, a pret good cleanup of fair amounts of high: grade wheat now in the east held by j the trade. ls combined b gss-ruis Into several million bushels, Millers report below demand fair 01 domestic. There 1s a much better in- terest shown: in the Durums with a much larger trade now passing, No 1 and No. 2 have been sold for export. Spreads a cent better with offerings increasing. FLASH The firm undertone shown by the market, 83 ing some sma.t outside buying: Liver pool reports American. winters beliig Offered ata parity with Argentine variety and a gradual improvement in export demand is expected. ee ae War Loans i sh eae aL By Jas. Richardson Sons WAR LOAN 1931 5 vest ICTORY 1933 61 1934 51) 1937 5 WAR - 1932 5io .. RENEWAL REFUNDING 19435 100.10 1948. 415. 95.75, 1940 413 05. 11) 9575 1946 413 95.15 Bid 99.65, 101.40 Asked 9.20 101. 0 100.85 100.45, 109.30 100.50 100.70 100/30 104.90 10025 90.00 96.10 96.00 Exempt from Federal Incoite Tax Payable in New York He as well as DOMINION WAR. BONDS WINNIPEG, Sep, 7 The Domin- fon, war Issue price ie Bonds: War oes, 1981, 6 per cent, 9050; war loun, i032, 9 per cent, 101.50; vietory Joan, 1929, 512 per cent, 100.50, victory oan, 1994, 8 nit, 100,40; Victory, toa 5 per cent, 104.79, 0 8 1897. War Joan renewal: 1932, 53; per 1943, 5 per cent, oe hae A es ; Some Profit-taking Caused i i Goodyear 3 its is Slight Irregularity at ribiit'Service 0... ie 18 Montgomery: Ward : 130 130 Simmons Beds 2 musi- Goodrich Gran Real Silk Fiose MARKET TREND STILLUPWARD IN NEW YORK Opening Session NEW YORIC, Sept, 7 Heayy wee end profit-taking tn some of the ine lustrat- leaders browght about sotne irregularity tn today's beet session ef the market, but the gonctal trend was upward Case Thi Machine was the spectacular individual, yoaring, 20 points to-a-new high T-cord-nt-389- -A Simmons was run up more than 12 Ac points to a new high at 170 : Allied Ai Chemical was marked up 10 points. A: American Machinery 9 points, and Columbla Gr ne, National Cosh Register, Air Reduction and Union Tank Cs advanced 4 points or more, American Waterworks rose seven ints to a new high at 192 and Gj tandard Gas and Electric stained a Of 3 points Radio was hammered down tour points, American and Forelgn Power 334 and United Btates Steel com- mon, General - Electric Wiles sold down 2 points or more. The. closing was irregular. Total sales 2,400,000 shares. By James Richardsn . Sons Alr Reduction ... .4. ee. +++ 209 Allied Chem: 0 ... Allis Chalmers , far tee 803 Am. Agr. Chem. i Ain, Ci in Pi Beth, Sirel Bosch Mas Brigas Mir Ghie St, Pau 222 2b TL a Gu Shr ; Sons, Gas Sengoleum Sout. Meter Davlion Caem 0 vss: Deleware a udgin 020 200 12 i Dupont bsvvaer iz Copper r Eastman Kodak 22.77 Eute pees Fleischmann .. Gen. Aspilat Gen: Elect Gen. Movors Gen, Rl Goodyear -.s ss + 4 m Paige o Granby Copper ay Houston. O11 Hudsoh Motore . Hupmobile Mm, Central B. Inter, Nickel Inter. Tel, de-Ted Kansas City South . Kennvestt ... 5 Lambert -. A e Liggett Myers .. i 2 Monty Ward Pan Am. . B Penn. RR. Postum Cereal. Public Service Pullman Co. ... Pure Ol Radio, Rem, Rand PSchultz, Stores Scars Roobur BChell Union Simmons Beds : Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Standard Gas. Safeway Stores. Stan-Oll of Cali, Sten, Ol of NJ. st Ea Texas Corp. ... Texas Gulf Union Pacttic - United Cigar .-- United Fruit US, Ind, Aleoh US, Rubber US. Steel... Union Carbide Mi Vanadium West. Electric... Willys Overland Woolworth Wright Acro Amosican Bethichem Steel Auburn Motors 408 c Del, Sack, . Dupont Powder ... Barry Hollinge phouse Electric, Bathurst ahd Loose Hudson Bay Asgestos . : 9 a s Ass. Br 25 Howe Sound... Anh S Bank of Montreai 5 Bank of Nova Scotia +387 Bell Telephone... ... 222 22. 170 Inter. Harvester We V0 L007 ge BS Miss Pacific... ..+ + 3 Se eas : Buiding Products Bronze.. 2... Canada Gemini Packard Motors z reniD Car, Foundry Par. Famous Play ;, Ganadian Celenese Can: Steamship... 1, Can, Steamships, Pd. . Can, ; Dom: Engineering Dom: Glass... 5 Dom. Ts Dom: Donacon sas Drydeni Paper... Famous Players Fraser... Gen, Steel Wi West Arora Montrent Tramwayes 1/16 Montreal Light Power ... ....-157 + National Brewers... .1. .23.1 Nat, Distillers ... Nat. Steel Car... oday s Most Active Stocks NEW YORK By James Richardson Sons - Change from STOCKS, Open Laxt Close ress IT High Low, Lust Sait, 93 eT TET 135 133133 401 2 up 18545 227 jater works: 16514 237 1691 169 Toronto Mining Exchange By Solloway, Mills Co. Ltd, Sales tn Previou stock Giose 00's Close our cond 7 mulet a1 FAO jase, Metals Law lericy inew top at the same price for'a gain DORE oo 3. + nt, Nick... Jackson Mai. Kirk Lake Koot, Flor. Lake Shore Malartic .. aye ) Mun. Basin MeDougait Mcintyre 2 .) e Mining Corp. 2. 110011 Alleah New Mottatt Muti 27 I 2) rember San Antonio . jerritt Gordan Yukon. Galit. Pack... sae Ventures *.. 3. Canada Dry ees 91 Wa . z Wright Harg. e-Ack Ohio. earn a Acin jax; Chie, Rek Este 212 Seis If aac ACB, Gon, res Home Ol Imp. New jayland W. Pete Eaton Axle 2 Wainwell Montreai Stocks* Tueketts 's Richardson Sons Twin Cuy Western G: + Winnipeg Electric Grain... Winnipeg Bice. Prd ta, Puc, ries tle Sugar... 2 3491 We offer, subject, any or all: 100,000 Province of Alberta 5 Bonds, Due Ist June 1939 Price: 99.75 and interest. free of succesni Toront These bonds ar par in Edmonto: HUNT, KILBURN, LIMITED- 423 Tegler Building Phone 4611 duties. Interest is payable a and Montreal. * . Bonds, Insurance Mortgages Trust Investments Real Estate and Rentals H. M. E, EVANS CO., Lid. FOREMOST Thegghoier of co lone ofsdhe first cs Dalles peel wIVaTREAL Bas entials of a sound invest Vhe nffleets of our Bind Deparizne Investment P James Richardson Son: STOCKS BONDS GHAIN 10053A Sasper Ave. EDMONTON mm a: by ine Phone 2391- By Stobie-Farion 1, Beaeon Ost oy Canada Bread Consds Bread A gt; : Bresa Be sian Gypsum BL Steel, BA LS, 2 ry E, Stes , 2nd Consumers, Gers Cockshutt Plow C. Fishing Dominion Stores ark Cominerce FUN, Bert. Weat Converters ee ae Gan. Ind, Aleoho . . Maiting ae eh Can, Power Paper . *Citizens of Edmonten iA) When you think of insurance you, of course, J think of The Commercial Life, EDMON- TON' S- OWN LIFE. INSURANCE COM- Head Office, Edmonton, Alberta Claims Paid Within Twenty-four Hours Photo Engia ervier Stati edded Whe Vickers... n Eqiiipinent arlings Const Copper Cockshut: Plow Cns. Smelting. Distillers, Seas . Bridge By Soloway, Mills Co, Luv: VANCOUVER, B.c., Sept ther recessions in the off and Were marked. up. on. the stock change Friday, number of issites heavy. seling ig but some ground was during the Inte trading. Home Oil was freely offered and aster Dairies .. Ham. Bridge ... touched a tow of 21.00 with cle Pimken Roller... 2 Howard Smith : .. 2125, down one-dollar; AP. Consolle Howard Smith BS down one-dollar: A.P. Gonsol Imp. Tobacco. Lake Ont. Brewers. Lake Wood Peter Lyall... o's : 9 Man. Power : dated sold off to 4.00 during the 10 morning. and: came back to close at ste tes 5 /42h down 11. conts.. Calmont ws Milling ....... 51. 55 fatrly steady, finishing at 4.50, down 10 cents. C and E. Corporation lost i five cents t0'6.60, The balance of the fasscy Harris 5 574 olls were mixed, closing quotations ranging from 20 cents higher lo 15 cents lower, In the mines the trend was dower, George Copper off 25 cents at 5.00: 3471 Hos Angeles-Vancouver 10. cents at steady; cheese unchariged, Cheese, finest westerns 83; finest Heasterns 18 , Butter, number 1 pasteurized 39 Eggs, storage extras 42; storage -Hpts -36;--storage seconds 32 tresh tums 62 to 96; fresh firsts 46 MINNEAPOLIS FLOUR MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Sept, 7 w unchanged, shipnients 48,074 Bran 28.50 to 29.50. Theat, numiber 1 northern 1.307) to a: December 141',; May 1.48 Corn, number, 3 yellow 974 Oats, number's white 4514 to 46 lax, number 1 3.04 to 3.06. EGG MARKET OTTAWA, Sept. 7. There was ightly easier undertone on Canada) egy markets Friday MONTREAL RODE pm MONTREAL, Sept. 7, Butrer New Yor ee Standard ON of Ohto + jes Richardson Sons 497 184 a By Ji Auburn, Motors . Electric Bond and Sha: Club Aluminum... Celanese ines 42 City Service: 52 Ford of Canada 66 Ford of England. 78 Gypsum gt; 78 Imperial Oi 39 Int, Utilities A 4254 Int, Usllities B Pete. mont Mining Standard Oil of Kentucky tandard O3 of Indiana . Swifts... ye. wes United Gas improvement Yates ose ve ok se METAL MARKETS Ontivie Page Hersey 2s Ponumans LBs Port Alfred... Power Corp. Shawinigan . . 107 Sherwin-Williams 63 eves McDonald 7 cenis at 158. Snowflake was under selling pressure and eased off 6 cents at 31. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW. YORK, Sept. 7. zoreign ex- change steady. Demand Fates in cents, th FON , lt; France 3.91 1 Belgium 13.89; Germany 251944; Montreat-09:37 1 SERVICE Our efficlenty and business ability has been demonstrated time and tine 800 Acre Fully Improved Farm For Sale Farm is located on the famous Gladys Ridge torth-of Blackie. Farm buildings cost more than 15,000. Will sell with or without full line of equipment and horses. Only 34 miles from Calgary. Down payment: of not-less than 20,000 required. Box 84 Bulletin. JOHN GILLESPIE CO., LTD. Digect Private Wire to Leading Markets Stocks Bonds Grain Futures a UNEXCELLED GRAIN SERVICE GILLESPIE GRAIN CO, LTD MeLeod Building. Edmonton, Alberta. Private Phone Exchange 23436 + or Sound investments Yielding Good Returns SEE WEBER BROS. HOT WATER ALWAYS ON TAP with Try shippers for ungraded eyes: extras 43 to 44; firsts 38 to 39, seconds 28 to 30. Prices to trailers are extras 49 to 50; firsts 44 to 45; seconds 34 to 35. Montreal zggs are jobbing on spot today at extras 45; firsts 38; seconds 28, Egg market shows a Prices are Halite slightly easier underjone, unchanged, NEW YORE: - steady, Electrolytic spot and future 18, Iron steady, unchanged. Tin eary, spot 45.62; future 46.37. Lead firm, spot New York 6.90; Bast St. Louls 5.10 to 6.15. Zine steady, East St Louis spot and future 6.80. Antimony 875, Ai London: Standard Copper, 76 12 6d; future 77 128 6d: troylic, spot 84 5s; future 66. 5s Lead, spot and future 23 128 6d. Tin spot, 205128 6dr future (205, Zine Chicago Spot 35; November 36 ; December 36 . 128 Gd: future 25 bs, again, Constant attention brings Tz own rewards in. he brokerage business Ss. Ww. Gilfoy Co., Ltd. SWAGGERT, Manager Edmonton and Calgary 10009 101a Ave. (McLeod BI Financial Agents 10019 - 101A Ave. Phone 23461 INEDMONT Cars so Far Dealt Show 65 Per Cent. of 1 znd No. 2 Norther While in the southern part province harvesting 1s much and before long will be concluc Northern Alberta and the Edn district it 1s not yet nearly end Officials at the Dominion gra m offices at Edmonton sa hardly sufticion in handled to allow of an estim te-the-ayerage grade wth numbered 32. hey hel DIVERSIFI BUY For greater security a now. A marked advai Calmont or other goo CAMEF For some tine we ha stock. The location ai personally by W. 8. 1 company, and posstbil future which will enh market, justify the i PETE, Get our now PAY ONL Balance in 20 conven buy CAMERON PETE the Partial Payment P Counsel Department. ready. -BOW 509-510 Nor Edmonton. CLIP AND M Gentlemen: Please send regarding Cameron Pete. 1 Partial Payment Purchase AT Lov S. T. Lawrie 305-6 Moser Ryder Bil WE OFFER as an attract) CHAUVIN, Al 202 McLeod Bldg.
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Image 1186 (1929-09-07), from microfilm reel 1186, (CU11184219). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.