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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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LLING g Francii r Won three . (Jimmy) Minn., and neither of t it out to- he United areer, ad teran 1914 ve, in. Fri- Chandler thstandin; of the sene retary of the A. U, of Ons umpire, Jack and Johnny the xentor akers heard a ; kache that nagging This ame e circulation, and quickly 5 reatment of the frequency that annoying 4 ntiseptic lini uite andl S tI i King Edward Hot TWO GREAT PITCHERS ARE el Trophy Baseb all Series Gets Un HEADING FOR WORLD SERIES George Earnshaw and Mississippi Gus Bush Ad- mittedly Two Best Right-handers in Baseball Today and are Almost a Cinch to Play in Series By WERNER LAUFER Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin N YORK, Sept. 7 George Earnshaw of the Phila- delphia Athletics and Guy Bush of the Chicago Cubs, the two greatest righthanders, if not the two greatest pitch- ers in baseball today, will probably come face to face in the world series this fall. That is, of course, if the Cubs and A s go through with their present purpose of running away from the rest of the ama, which seems a foregone conclusion. Where-do we get that two greatest pitchers stuff ?. How do we figure these teammate, and Burleigh One moment, while little we shall attempt to explain. All the sad and solemn pleces that were wrliten about the passing of the Babe a few. weeks. ago obviously were Wasted wards, For the season at least, The bier fellow Isn't on the way to Hew homecun record, but he 1s play- ing just about as well as he ever did. And that s plenty. I got three years of playing ahead of me, Ruth sald a few days ago, And at the end of three years T won't be through With baseball. Til never be throug with baseball until they dig the hole for me. When I get through playing I'm going to be manager. I think 1 could handle a major league club and maybe hit once in a whil never give up baseball, It's ever done and all I cat do. ail T've Wanted (o Play First Ed Barrow, when he was the man- ager of the Boston Red Sox, converted Ruth from a pitcher into an outfleld- er. li was a rather daring exper ment because the Babe was one ot the best left handed pitchers in the game, But he Was showing himself to) be sucha hitter that Jt was folly to Keep him on tho bench three out of four days. Later the Babe went, to the New York Yankees and so did Barrow and Barrow (ells the story, that the Babe approached him and said he wanted to play first bave. Buy The Yanks, Babe We've got first basemen and we're not loaded down with outfielders, Batrow told him. You stay out there in the field. I'm not sure that you could play first every day anyway. T can play. first base, the Babe roured,bavk at him, and 171 be a first baseman some day if I have to buy my own ball club. Me Ain't No Bust Lyn Lary, who cost the Yankees a Jarge chuk of money, has been tliged ids one of the busts of ths season, He was expected to be the regular short stop or the third baseman, but he has. scen most, of his service as a pinch-hitter or a runner for some. Slower member of the club. Mouthy Durocher razed him out of the shortstop fob early in the sea gon and Robertson got the daily duty at third base, ce It may be the general opinion that Lary hasn't made -good. but Miller Huggins, manager of the club, says that hess going to make good. Give The Boy Time The boy has the makings of a Great third baseman, Huggins says. There:are some things that he has to learn, But how many young players come up from the minor leagues a5 a finished product? You will notice that the 4s. still: with our club and that he 4s not on the roster because he cost us a lot of money. We are going through a pro- cess of rebuilding our club and he is one of the new men I am counting on with great confidence. Important Changes In Football Regulations Made by Dominion Body MONTREAL, Sept, 7 The Domin+ fon Football Association has made an important series of changes in the. Tules of the dominion championships under which deductions. by provincial associations are made uniform. Under the new rules 7 (not seventy 8s erroneusly reported nreviously) per cent, will be deducted from the gross Tecelpts of all matches up to the semi-finals and fifteen per cent from: genul-finals and finals. The provinc- jal bodies will retain two and one alt per cent of the deductions made prior to the semi-finals and five per cent ofthe semi-finals and finals, The balance of the percentage will go to the dominion aasociation. R MISSAPUTTA Oe CUB BY BARRIE PAYNE 7 T can ing Amerienn League officiais ya ahead of Lefty Grove, Earnshaw's rimes of the Pittsburgh Pirates? caches changes her costui and Berea aan ack earners pitching job in the National League. tie mero Ae Pa A ieee ie Saar eh oie ate Saas Sih es net og a ete ran: rene ieee emer il Se Se deen Sree See ee ee big-dough games if the Athletics do aoe es ae wis fed aes ere see seam tes cern en Beers cane enel eat feet ages to ae ee ee bees ote Sit as Tv, Demy eee re ieee a eee tae ee ee Se time came around? All had given. val- jant service to their clubs, but only Serene oe Gat an oe to cut into any t of that series. baat eee eee oe a place and show money. Dazzy Vance, a standout pitcher in the old league, won all his games for the Broowlyn Robins, who Were floundering close to last place. St taht Lt oe ee eee ca inder in their prime usually hurled for second division teams. Not until they were past their -best days- did: they really get a break. True, Alex ie aa ae ieee oc mule tect ase ee epee ae SE Sec secon to itcher of each league in World ser- ies duel is a spectacle for the bleach- Ei isemas Shenae te oe ere ee Cub and Athletic pitchers will turn in thelr better games. That is usually What happens when a scribe gocs i ee a oot nay ui pesuend rn ag Poe ees pty Poy ch go ahead and suc ny Hulbert Winner of : Quebec Open Title MONTREAL, Que., Sept. 7 J. Hul- bert, of the Toronto Thornhill Club, Friday won the Quebec open -cham- ip with rounds of 72-75 for a (otal of 147; He was two strokes up Robert Cunningham and Andy. both Toronto pros. vee: Believe It or Not By Ripley WHO LIVED THERE 15 YEARS, IRISH Dat ANSLELLAN PICKED I1O.CLOVER LEAVES OF 4. WH LESS THAN AN HOUR... We SMALLEST. HOUSE IN EUROPE FRONTAGE 72 wicHes, DEPTH 100 INCHES, NELGHT 22 INCHES) WAS OCCUPIED BY A TENANT FEET, 3 INCHES TALL Ga children were born wit) -6 PETALS EACH Porliend.. fe. Aut1039, TORONTO SWIM SQ) STAGED FRIDAY Te HIGH HAT oF PAPUA. YOU MUST MURDER A MAN BEFORE You ARE PRIVILEGED To WEAR IT WuITe BLACK BIRDS UE ON THE ee LI eee Sent MADE 7 SUCCESSIVE EXTRMBASE HITS Exhibition Race is Won by Iowan Youth From Fort Dodge TORONTO, Sept. 1A 17 year old Towan youth, Marvin Nelson, of Kort Dodge, Priday stroked his vay over Lnt e-niile course to wim sponsored by the Honal Exiubition, leading Wash, to the finish by, 200 yan Young Nelson, Liehoos heart-breaking collapso oe hundred yards from te hiad sixth place and 500 apps safely tucked away. gave one of the most perfect exhibiiions of swimming ever seen here yesterday shat: Won the three mile test. for women by jawimming Miss Olive Gatterdam, of Toronto, into aubmission with a driving finish. The winner's time was 1:30. Witiners and the prizes they col- lected from thelr efforts were: Women: Jan Thoms, Terre: Haute, Ind., 300; Olive Gatterdam, Toronto, 200; Anna Benolt, Holyok, Mass., 100; Jerry Widmer, Seattle, Wash., 70; Jewel, Cheatwood, Toronto, 8503 1 Ford; Toronto, 40; Baim , All- Toronto, 30; Doris Berestord, to, 20. 1: Marvin Nelson, Port 6, 200; Maurice. Hume, Seattle, ., 200; William Sadllo, New York 150; Allred Sully, Toronto, 100; David Hillington, England, 78: Wil- lam Brickson, New York, 50; W. Anderson, Sydney, N. 8, 40; W. Riggs, Toronto, 25, VETERAN STAR NOT ENTERED Fear Felt That Tilden Will Not Compete at Los Angeles LOS ANGELES,-Sept. 6 Fear-ts: felt that William Tilden IT will pass D the coming Pacttic Southwest ten is tournament, which will be cor- ducted. at the Los Angeles Tennis Club, September 20 to 29, according to Clift RUTH BEST OF BALL PLAYERS. SAYS HARRIS * Wisi Notes of Appreciation Sports Editor, Edmonton Builetin, Hdmonton, Alta. Dear Sir: T wish to thank you for placing 50 of your valuabie space to the much cause of cricket. Herd, official of the mest. Yesterday Herd sent Tilden a wire asking him to decide definitely whether he will come here for the event. Recently Tilden was offered n cou- tract to take part in a motion pte- ture this. fall in London, and in ad- dition arrangements would be made for him. to do his tennis instruction The acceptance of this contract would prevent him from appearing in .the local, meet. If Tilden does not, come, Frits Mer- + eventh rank- Bambino Better-Than- Ty. Cobb According to Detroit Boss AMERIC N LEAGUE Ww L Pet You gave the game a considerable b ost, when reporting Monday and Tuesday's inter-city games in aetall These games were thoroughly n Joyed by the Calgary team as well as cur of Harrisburg, Pr ing player, wit be tnivited. Severat other Eastern stars will more than Ukely be asked to come here when it fs certain that Bill will not perform der Way Tom (NELSON WINNER GET VLA SSIME POINT IN . THE LOST BALL There Js only one procedure to be followed where the ball becomes, lost The player must go back to the spot where the preceding stroke was played and play another ball, counting the previous strokt and adding one more as penalty. In other words if the ball was lo:t on the lee shot the player would ba snooting three. In ordiniry, friendly matches, how- ever, ils Js Tarely done, thougir it ts Tequivsd in tournament play. The usual procedure 1s to drop a. rly ts possible to where the was lost, and play from there, count- ing a stroke for the lost ball Surprise Sprung in Metropoliton Pro Meet FLUSHING, N. ., Sept, 7 Wal- ter Kozak, young pro from North Hills and Joe Turness, Ryder Cup star, meet here. today in the final for the Metropolitan professional golf cham- pionship-as-the fesult of-Kozak's sur- prising win Priday over Gene Sara- zen, 3 and 2, and Turnesa s victory over Johnny Farrell, former open champton, one up. orrow DOUBLEHEADER 1S SCHEDULED BOYLE STREET Four Senior Teams Will Compete in Series for Big Cup Vomorrow will see ihe beginning of the last baseball series to be held in Kdmonion (hu year, when the four Yeats which composed the Senior Huseball League will commence play with a doubleheader for the posses slon of the King Edward Hotel trophy. The games willbe Dinyerws usual at Boyle Street Park. fhe first game brings together the Bulls, this year's city champions, and. the Young Liberals, who, although they staged brilliant rally at the close of the season, finished at the tall end of the league standings. If Jack Barclays: crew. aren't too badly out of practice, they should make things mighty Interesting for, the Stockyard boys. The second contest is between the Chevrolet Cubs and the South Side, This should be the feature game of the, afternoon as both teams want to get another crack at the Bulls, that is providitig the Bulls win. The Cuba because they want to redeem them- selves jn the eves of the fans. and lhrove that they are a better team than they represented in the last, ger- ies, and the South Side on account of the close series they played with the Bulls to decide second place in the league and, incidentally, the second lay-off position, The two teams that win tomorrow the following Sunday to 'e will start at 1:30 and follow immediately Frank Drayton and Barney Marae kell will be the chief arbiters, No Match Swim Race Between Young, Ross TORONTO, Sept. 7. There will be no threo mile match swim between George Young and Norman Ross, Chicago star, t was announced Pris day by Ellwood Hughes, sports. dir. ector of tho Canadian, National Ex. hibition after recetving a challenge from Rosa for such a. race. Too late, Hughes sald. Get Your GUNS and USS. Shells Now NEW YORK, Sept. 6. Harold . Burr, baseball expert, says that when managers disagree newspaper men get a story. The latest- disagreement to. bring this desirable result is. the dispute between Ex-Manager Dottie Bush of the Pirates and. Manager Bucky Harris of the Tigers. Some time back Bush said, tn his opinion Ty Cobb was the greatest, ball player of ail time. Harris says the greatest is Babe Ruth. T know some things Cobb couldn't do, declares Bucky in defense of his contention: He couldn't pitch for fone thing. he Babe was one of the best leftchanders in the game when they shifted him to the outfield. Ruth has great. arm and he's smart, Harris became more enthusiastic as he went along. Do you know of anything Babe Ruth can't do. in baseball? And. do well? I can t think ofa, thing. Perhaps. he can't tnrow strikes the way Bob Meusel does from the outfield, but he knows all about turning double into s single when fresh Tuners try to take two bases fon hits to his sector. Bill Carrigan was right when he sai Ruth never made a mistake on) the ball field. And he's a mighty g004 fielder for a man of his weight. The Detroit pilot broke off hig eul- ogy to grin ruefully, Tt giv me a Taugh to read that he's all washed up. He nearly tore the head off Marty McManus trom his shoulders with Ihe drive down the third base Vine the last time he was. in: Detroit That big-boy, isn't through not this year anyway. Sammy Mandell Scores One-Sided Triumph CHICAGO, Sept. 7. Sammy Man- dell, world s lightweight champion, scored a one-sided: triumph over Louls Vincentini, one of the new ranking contenders, in a ten round no-title Wasbingion y n contest Jn the Chicago: Stadium last hight. Mandel) defeated - Vineentint in every round. Philadelphia. ...... 40.695, New York .. 54 (578 Cleveland 60. (535 St. Louls: si. 5: Detrott 69 465 450 a08 Chicago i a8 Boston 2000000000 85, postponed, Friday's Games Cleveland-Philadeiphia, rain, Only games scheduled. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Friday's Games Reading 4; Jersey City, 3 Newark 1-1; Balttmore 3-6, Montreal. 1; Toronto 5,- Rochester 10; Buffalo 1. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Friday's Games Milwaukee 2; Minneapolis 9. Kansas City 6-7; St. Paul 3-7. Other games postponed, rain. NATIONAL LEAGUE a wo cago Pittsburgh New York ; Bt. Louis, Brooklyn flees BL Philadeiphia ;/.27. 2 Gineinnaty 5.403251 74 Boston... 50 (17 Robins, Pirates Divide Bilt PITTSBURGH, Sept. 7 The Robins opened final western thip of season by dividing two games with Pittsburgh here Thursday. . Brooklyn won the opener by six to five, when hits were bunehedon Burleigh Grimes, but the Pirates hit hard in the night-cap to gain the decision by 8 to 1. The first game was. Grimes fifth defeat alyainst seventeen victories, Scores: Pirst game Brooklyn ..;. 002 040 000-6 8 0 Plitsburgh .. 110 000 120 5 14 2 Clark, Morrison and Pieinich; Grimes, Fussell and Hargraves. men. The styles The to twelve rigidly defined over 12 models. smart-to-the-last-day-worn reputation irraate clothing is not an accident. Te of all-wool suitings, superior cuttingand-tailoring Most men want good, up-to-date styling in the clothes they wear, insisted Mr. Man-about-town, but they don t want to spend a fortune to get it. Thats why Eaton s Birkdal clothes are popular with well-dressed change with the changing seasons. of s the result specifications. There are our local cleyen, and Bpectators. (Sad) E,W. Parker, Captain of Tuesday Becond game Brooklyn Pittsburgh ++ex 009 100 000 1 poned rain, Only games scheduled: PACIFIC. COAST LEAGUE Hollywood .. Missions Los Angeles Portland .. San. Francisco +. Oakland. Eleven 80 030 131: 00x 8 12 2 McWeency, A. Moore, Moss and De- berry, Henline; Petty and Hemsley, Chicago-St, Louls, both games poste here, The appearance of another colortal player was assured when word was 1e- celved from Norman Farquhsrson, T member of the South Africa Davis lt;P Cup team Temio Abe of the Japanese Davis Cup team, will also play here. At resent it, is not cerigin Whether Helen ills will be here. but Helen Jacobs. and Edith Cross-will take part in the tournament, Ace Hudkins Collects for Belanger Battle SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 7. Ace Hudkins, the Nebraska. Wildest hooked the State Athletic Commis- sion in the pocketbook for 13,000 ictory inthe superior court Thurs- ny. Superior - Judge Walter held that the commission had no le right. to withhold the money represented Hudkin s share of the proceeds in his fight with Charles Belanger last: June. The commission had held that, the fight Was not a fight, but a waltz and a hippo- rome. US. Shells Are Accurate Guns to Rent GUNS SHELLS CAPS COATS LICENSES HARRIS Sporting Goods Co. SUCCESSORS TO UNITED CYCLE MOTOR CO, 10842 Whyte Ave. Phone 31181 McNEILL S VAN and STORAGE For Furnitare and Plase Packing, Crating and Skipping Send your Goods to McNEILL S PACKING PLANT Where they will be fixed in such a manner that they will reach their destination in A-1 condition, China, Cut Glass and Pictures packed by expert men, they know their job If you are leaving the city ask us to quote on the job, it will save you money and cost you nothing for an estimate. For Long Distance Hauling Use Our Large Vans Phone 23456 Bring your empty Labatts Ale bottles to McN eill s Ltd..and we will allow you,25c dozen.
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Image 1185 (1929-09-07), from microfilm reel 1185, (CU11184222). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.