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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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EDMONTON, ALBERTA Alberta's. Oldest Vewspaper FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 EATON S DAILY STORE NEWS) STORE HOURS NEXT WEDNESDAY, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. To IAY and tomorrow, under way, bucked by the great ad evidenced throughout the store are t Sale Sale ray special purchase makes po: Uaranteed Regent Cords A Pleasant Sale Surprise CORDS perfect in every detail of their construction. They will add greatly to the roadability of your car. Of four-ply construction, with a good non- skid tread, 30 by 3 , Sale price, 3.75 RELIABLE BATTERIES At Extra Value AND every battery fully guaranteed for cigh- teen months. a Road King. 6 volt, 13 baltery, for Ford model 1838- 29, and Chevrolet 6 cylinder 1929, All have acid and Teak-proof containers. Come fully charged and ready to install in your car. Sale price, 7.50 Dainty Luncheon Sets S Stamped for Embroidery A VERY exceptional value are these one cloth and four serviette luncheon sets a convenient size for the small, informal luncheon table. Of snowy white cotton, each piece 4s legibly stamped and the designs are varied and pretty. Your needle and embroidery floss are all that is needed, Cloth is 36 inches and serviettes are 12 inches. Sale price, 59 Smart New Handbags At an Exceptionally Low Sale Price STYLISH pouch bag to match your new Fall outfit or would - you prefer an underarm bag that is flat and just the right size? You will find both in this new shipment that has just arrived, to sell at an amaz- ingly low price. Each ma bag is strongly thade of leatherette variety of colors. The pouch bags have hack strap bandles or top handles srith centre swing change compartment while the underarm bags have three com- partments. Both styles are neatly lined and fitted with mirrors These bago are remarkable value at this sale priciny See Back of this Page for Another EATON Announcement T. EATON Cowes intages of this organization to sceure goods of sterling q When you join the throngs here today and tomorrow you will note that the printed word has not he lowest at which articles of merit can be safely bought. Tomorrow's offerings are index of this store and its service. They are representative of the skill and power of Eaton's to gather the world s fine pro- ducts and Jay them before you at prices that can seldom be equalled. : 6OO Pieces of Rayon Lingerie Presenting an Extensive Selection, including Nightgowns, Vests, Bloomers A REGULAR rainbow of gleaming pieces of rayon, amazingly low priced for our mid-September sale. Soft. lustrous lingerie in the dainty pastel shades. Slim night gowns with wide shoulder straps, shirring agross the front, and dainty in lace trimmings. Plain bloomers and bloomers witl le such a sale price. Each garmet lace trimming. Planned for Months in Advance Saturday a Great Outpouring of Values THE EATON MID-SEPTEMBER SALE Eaton's fittingly observes a great shopping feature in Edmonton, For months past preparations for this event have been ity at remarkably low prices. over-stated facts. You will note, too, that sale prices as FurTrimmedCoats (Py S rare opportunity, this yet fresh and unhandled. Sizes 14 to 20'and 34 to 44. Seldom Sell at This Sale Price offering of a heavy cloth coat, fur-trimmed, at a pricing as low a8 12.95. Especially coats that are smart and colorful coats that are from a collection as Lustrous duvetyne fashion some. Others are of rich pin- point or of supple broadcloth. Silky linings and fleecy interlinings are a great help to combat winter winds. Blues, wines, browns and other deep warm shades are offset by lighter colors in the thick fur of the shaw col- Jars and cuffs. The furs are mandel, thibetine, or sheep. 12.95 SmartSilk Dresses smart frocks. Group blue. Sizes 14 to 20 aiid 34 to 40, 4.95 to 20 and 34 to 42. In Two Sale Groups a A large number of shoppers tn the door-opening throngs 3 tomorrow will be swaiting the chance to procure one of these y One comprises charming models of flat crepe. styled with graceful. lares or trim rows of pleats with the Y soft and flattering effects of rufMing-Jabots and with the prac- ficallty of long sleeves. Brown, navy, belge, tan or monet Group Two s amazing in its variety of choice flat crepe or gleaming satin in 22 different styles. Trimmings of eaft Ince or of embroidered georgettes. Many different colors both light and dark, and sizes for Juniors, for Misses, for short stout women and for women with average figures in sizes. 14 6.95 59c Boys Girls Those Shopping Early at Eaton's Saturday Morning Will Get A Home Town Movie Theatre No Delivery and Only One toa Customer v0 All about Bobby's'and Betty's exciting trip by airplane to the North Pole a regular thriller. Boys and girls can run it themselves, simply by turning a peg. ts made of metal, painted to represent the tage of the theatre, the orchestra pit and boxes. The reel is wound on two pegs that turn backwards or for- wards as. you wish. Tt mands about three inches high and is about five Po tnebes wide. Complete in a cardboard picture box A MOVIE show Are Chic for the Younger Miss MART and simple frocks that are dressy and ON at the same time practical. Exactly what's needed for the chilly,days of Autumn. At this sale price, many mothers will buy several. Some have dainty binding and flower appliques of soft eat velvet; others are quaintly embroidered in gay wools: while still others. have o fancy braid trimming. The skiris have neat side pleats and the necks are gracefully round or V-shaped. A-varlety of soft shades to choose from. Sizes 7 to 16, A remarkable value specially purchased for this sale, Sale price, 1 1.95 Crisp House Dresses The Ever-Popular Martha Washington Style A HOUSE frock for a dollar , you say. And we ourselves are amazed at: Such an excep- tional offering. This is a shipment specially pur- chased for thig sale. At this price the value is out- standing. The materials are crisp prints, the styles. are youthfully becoming, the colors are bright, sleeves are short and skirts are pleated or gathered. And besides all this, the well known Martha Washington Imbel. Sizes 34 to 1 At the exceedingly low price of a 1.00 Full Fashioned Service Chiffon Hose Substandards of a Higher Priced Line Eight Lovely Shades 89c URABLE enough for day-in, day-out, service cobwebby fine and The stockings for sheer enough to accompany dance frocks. which you have always paid double this pricing. MYSTERY SUN BLUSH SUN BRONZE GUNMETAL Tiny flaws merit the tow pale pricing. They, will not detract from the wearing qualities or the appearance of the sheer stocking The silk comes well up over the knew to terminate in a-snug-fitting lisle cuff. crhe heels and toes are doubled with Isle for added durability. Sizes 81 to 10. EVENGLOW LIGHT GUNMETAL MODERN eee sur moe on mows ome OO er Women s Shoes Will Walk Away Men s Black Boots and Oxfords Priced at This Low Figure SOME specially purchased, others reduced lines every pair remarkable value at a much higher pricing. The three classic styles ties, straps or slender pumps. In patents or colored Jeathers high of low of heel. Sizes from 3 to 8, in good comfortable Iasts. 1.98 Pretty Boudoir Slippers In Kid, Patent or Felt and Greatly Under-priced Resting, Jounge-about hours will take on an added comfort and smartness with the ald of these. slippers. Some ere in black kid or patent; others are in gaily colored leathers or felts. All are remarkable values st this sale price Soled with soft chrome tan or with flexible Jeathe Equipped with spring rubber neels. Sizes rom 3 to 8.:..... Brown Leather Oxfords For the Active School Girl; a Sale Prize at a Dollar GIRLS who are Lasted with an eye to the needs of growing girls footwear. yet smart and neat in line. Of sturdy brown leathers, strongly Sizes 6 to 1015 (a EES 1.00 soled and rubber heeled. into everything who greet every suggested activity with shoes. And mothers will appreciate the extraordinary lowness of the pricing. Sizes 11 to 2 1.15 180 Pairs, Each Figuring a Saving of a Dollar or More A FORTUNATE purchase from our Eastern buyer brings these smart boots and oxfords to this sale at a surprisingly low price. The value so good many. men are certain to buy an extra pair. They are smartly lasted tn a fine black leather and finished with solid leather Goodyear welted soles and ee ae Saas Boys Black Leather Boots A Shopping Prize at Less Than Two Dollars a Pair. LASTED in a fine kip leather and every pair shod with solid leather soles. Boots whicl will stand up to the rough wear of th school yard In boys and youth's sizes, 11, 17, 13. Also 1 95 Ito 5. All have rubber heels. Sale price Men s Rubber Laced Boots . Every Pair with Leather Tops and Every Pair Half Price THESE boots need no recommendation to men whose work takes them out- doors in slushy and wet weather. At half price, better buy an extra pair. Sizes 6 to 1114. Sale prie 1.47 Big Sale Value Men s Rayon and Lisle Socks Two Thousand Pairs in Snappy Patterns a a fA stock of attractive, well-wearing socks at this sale pricing. This new and ancy nose has strongly reinforced heels, tors, and soles, Closely fitting 1-1 Splendid assortment of colors and fancy check effects. Sizes 10 to Es 2 25c Eh Today Whales Lose Out Situation Safe A New War By Arthur Brisban (Copyright 1929) 'T looks Uke m real fight Standard and other big oll panies against the British She vading the States. Sta Oil cut price terday, the 1 Brisbane 5 * IN England Wednesday, Trigo ner of the Derby, added t carnings the St. Leger stakes, 62,000. May Anderson, a British girl, who wot 5 on Trigo's win Derby, bought a St. Leger swee tleket with the 5, drew Trigo's and won 120,000. She will tos tn other bets or some man w Mt away from her. And more than 120,000 mer omen, reading of her luck, come gamblers. : ++ TROUBLE. st simmers Palestine. The boycott o Continued on Page Two CHINA REFUSE OVERTURES ( SOVIET RUS: / No S- ution of Manch Difficulty Found At i cities Charged Associated Press Cable MOSCOW, Sept. 14. The Tass news agency announced Friday that Chin had reject amendments proposed by the government for a projected Int to cover the operati the Oninese astern Hallway tn shuria. Chita declined to appoint manager and assistant manower: Faflway as a preliminary conditi the gt;corielusion of such an agre and. proposed that other + amendments, be Jeft for: settlem :conference to be held tn the at Berlin: A Tong: list of alleged outrages wilted by Chinese and Russian guards along. the Manchurian during the past clx weeks, was publle Friday night. by Sovie thorities who declared that all charged were amply. corrabora ofticial documents and the tes 4. of eye witnesses. Wholesale Executions There were alleged to. have many executions, wholesale im ments, with cases. where Rt were driven to sulcide or becai sane. Tt was said that scores of hi odies had been found in Hart Many. Soviet. citizens had va without :trace. Thousands of were in unsanitary Chinese pris concentration camps without ent food, shelter or medical att In some cases, typhus and diseases had developed amon prisoners. It was said that prisoners were only: bread and water while wh etichuaug were practoed. of cruelty Thousands of children were 5 he in pitiable condition because necessity. of elther remaining their parents in prison and conc tlon camps or in open ficids, v shelter, In many cases along the bord men and children had becn ki unprovoked Chinese attacks. C firing on small Soviet river boa claimed other F SSS med victims. The Weathe Cool srasson ORT elouay. Hort at gobs, lear, calms. Tasloc, clear eat nice Cou wins Bearer Louse eigidy. cloudy. ct Take, pe cloudy, W wind Mirror Landing. clear, W. wind Menturray, cloudy. calm cloudy, NW. wind cloudy. NW. wind iver, pt cloudy. NW. wi i Petoudy., Wind
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Image 1293 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1293, (CU11184374). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.