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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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CHINA WOULD THEN IMPORT MORE GOODS Former Chinese Premier Sees Chance for Canada- Chinese Trade Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin VICTORIA, B.C., Sept. 13. More direct trade confections be tween China and Canada are necessary to increase Chinese Imports from this country of uch essential commodities as wheat, flour and timber, according to Dr. 'V. K. Wellinglon Koo, exe Premier of-China, and foreign minis- ter, who left here today: aboard tho Canadian Pacific liner Empross of Russia, He is returning to his home in Nanking after a tour abroad. Canada is bound to be an increas- ingly important factor In providing foodstut s to: eed China's 400,000,000 people, Dr. Koo stated. We have a Great populations and are not able to Produce all we ean eat, lacking ade- quate transportation systems fo trans- Dort foodstuffs to agricultural districts Which are not self-sustaining, ho Said. For this reason, Canada, pro- ducing vast quantities of wheat and foodstuffs, will find a growing market in China, the former Chinese premier intimated. Imports Increase Within the last five years China's chnual imports have increased from 100,000,000 to 350,000.00, Dr. Koo said, and Canada has been one of the countries to benefit by this growth in trade. Dr. Koo left Canada with conviction that this is the sportsman s paradise, During fishing trip to the Campbell River district in the past few days he landed a 35 pound asl- mon which won for him a bronze lapel pin of the Tyee Salmon Fishing Club. He is wearing the pin p and proclaims the Tyee the fightingest fish on earth, Dr, Koo was accom- panied by Harry Hussey, noted Cana- dian architect, of Totonto, designer The Old Contemptibles,' held ths ment to the Guards Division at Well gallant remnant marched past. ae cir annual parade before IMngton Barracks in London, Gen- eral Sir H. L, Smith Dorrien 1s shown here taking the salute as the SEES PROGRESS Bruce Cables For Delegate To League TOOTH LEADS: Lindbergh To Visit American Countries Associated Press Announcement Having moved into our new quarters in the La-Fleche Store, we are now in a position to give the very best service to our patrons. The Fall and Winter ranges of fine imported woolens and overcoatings are now on display and an early inspection is advised, so that your reservations may be made. Now is the time for the placing of your over- coat order as they must be tailored for you. As a special inducement for you to visit our new premises and place your order early, we are offering for a limited time only the following reduced prices in overcoats 29.50 34.50 37.50 42.50 - ee, eee fe ere ry MADE TOWARD Geen Pr T0 DISCOVERY Mnderan wil vist 16 Cantal and fege ot the Rockefeller Foundation Gaeadinn, Prose A. Lindbergh wil vill i Central and Poe os eine A A asin, a ase i * Co.. Ltd- ala Weae: etd aro DISARMAMENT 222 : Be s Premier OLDEST MAN a ine Bu : 4 ; Russia today were? Rev. J. Hi. Armup, ing an urgent Message froin. Premie augurate the Miam -Dutch Guiane. ait Usi ties SS secretary o the Foreign Mission board Sisuley Bruce of Australia, . WC. mail line, the Pan-American Airways e ic 9 e t Hendersor French tramp steamer Beucls, 1,776 agreement. snd fe uy it hed accepted an invitation odie. ee tag, b-egh0 e Bnd a tal SrSbk on SEE a Ree ao Aint tM arta chce petro Jndlostlon that man existed tn China woukt make: formal announcement of Grotaley Istana tcnno af the strand: Ut lore ould he an, cnet tosend a reprsenatire oEondon 1000000 years ago. and thatthe too Ue eesion met, Tursday, YOU SENT ing of the German. trans-Atlan At Washington October 3 - 0F a discussion of procedure in the feline type of a HUMAN, ate had been set for October 31 had Tuition Fee 1.00 per Lesson SUESeSTON plane Bremen, off the coast of Lab- Mr. MacDonald is expected to reach Negotiations for renewal of trade and IEE (204 90 nwa found by Dr, persisted for two weeks without draw nee Fedor at the weaiern entrance to the Washington on either October 2 or 4. cOMMErCial relations and diplomatic te second tooth, was found by Dr. perlated for two, weeks without Se oe i Ang expectation is that Secretary engices Petween Russia and EDs ties) and. definitely dentitied and coahgenetal meeting of the Libersi- ipution* tive of President Hoover will mect the Since, it was on matters of pro- fins been atranged for Baturday night, Write Your Name and Address CWAMPSON premier at New York and accompany cedure that, the Anglo-Russian nago- Throughout the province, political act ALTIMORE him to We Hatlons broke down early in August, institution. Ivity ts increasing with convetions in 2s of heFest? of the. United Chureh in Canada; W. W; Crawford, Loulsville, y., counsel for the Pennsylvania talltoad, com- mencing a World tour;-Sir A, Freder- ek Whyte, British diplomat; Duncan MeDuttle, Oakland, California, dele fate to the Pacific Relations confer- ence in Kyota, Japan atid. Dr. Z. L. Chang, Nankitig, former Chinese co sul general in New York, and delegat gt; to tile League of Nations. Jews Tol ain To Retain Hewate Associated Press Cable LONDON, Sept. ta hord Pass tueld, for ine colons, tnformed deputation of Jews representing the Jewish agency and the Zionists Thures day thatjnere could be no question of the British government's giving up fhe puaftdnte tor Palestine. of depart ing from the policy embodied in the Balfour declaration of establishing if Palestine a national home for the Fert people ne for The Palatine, Arab executive tn notice issued by its chairman, denied Fumors prevalent: among Moslems. in peenara aepe FA ee CH 2 ona 0 Bin ty bom stacks. The notice Called oon ail Atabe ta beep, the .TRAMP STEAMER ASHORE ST. JOHN'S, N. B., Sept. 13 The Visit of British Premier to U.S. Taken as Good Sign Associated Press WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Detinite progress toward an: early Anglo-Am- rican agreement-on Tiaval limitations was seen in Washingt.n Thureday as fa result of Premier MacDonald's de- cision to:vialt. the United States early next month. Word from London of the prertiet's intent gave rise to reports that the two nations were on the verge of an accotd. The only official information, however, was a statement by Secre- tary Stimson that the last note sent by Washington to Ambassador Dawes was of such a character that it would have oause Mr. MacDonald to be) confident that there would be an agreement, The secretary of state said the eh- nouncement of Premier: MacDonald coming meant, we are at J ast hope- ful of an agreement. The note last night, he continued, wag not of such a nature that you could say that it brought an agree- ment, but 4 was working toward an' The chiet executive 1s expected to welooms the British statesman atthe Marr, the chief Australian the: League of Nations Eh started racing home. Mr. Matr- was Preparing to sail at the end of the month. Come on the first boat, Premier Biuce cabled. Thursday, and at ax o'clock this morning Mr. Marr was on his way. The Australian parliament was solved Thursday after the gov ments defeat on an amendment to ts arbitration abolition bill and an election will be held in October. BRITAIN GETS ANSWER FROM SOVIET GOV'T. Reply to British Note is Handed to Norwegian Counsel Thursday Press Cable MOSCOW, Sept, 13 The Russian government officially announced to- te to fhe (fret dicussions, fh London will voted. to clearing a - Houlties of this kind. Molar Found in Chinese Cave Said to be One Million Years Old Canadian Press PEIPING, Sept. 13, The Peiping man, who with his human teeth and a monkey jaw, roamed the earth about 1,000,000 yeaa. ago, is-the nearest thlng. to-the missing tists ave yot examined, paleontolo- ent Wve yet examined, paleontolo- ists here declare. A cave about 28 miles from Pelping bit by bit has been yielding the story of this individual. Tt has required nine years of study, excavations. and careful calibration of the various finds to put together the reconstruction to- y. The story beging with the finding of a tooth in 1920. by Dr. A. Zdansky, Russian, Tts latest. chapier 1s an- other tooth recently dug up, the third to be found, Along with these teeth and other finds, tere are excavated evidences that thelr human or semi- human owner was contemporary. of toothed tigers and primitive hy- The teak appear to have, re- d 'more of the scientific story than any, other objects. Dr. A. W. Grabau, formerly of Columbia Unt- Yerstiy, now professor of paleontology hore and. chief. paleontologist of the Chinese Geological Survey, feels con- fident that in the discovery is every pines oe snnounced Thursday. Col, Lindbergh wil fly 6,000 miles ine his tour and will: be accompanied by Mrs, Lindbergh. He will have also a crew consisting of co-pilot, Tadio operator and steward and will on the first. leg of as San Juan, Report Places Date For Voting as October 31 This Year Canadian Press TORONTO, Sept. 13 Reports Thursday that a provincial election would be held October 31 .went with out dental last night A prominent party leader affirmed auithentlety of the report. He would notallow his name, how- ever. Tho report, published in the Los don Pree Press, gave October 31 election date and stated Thursday October 24, would be nomination day. It was added that Premier Ferguson varous ridings called to: choose can- didates cecuring daily. Many others Union station and to accompany him the - human and anthropold are scheduled for the tiext week. ) FASRICE either to the White House or the Brit- Cable apes. The time estimate of 1,000,000 Premier Ferguson has declined to J FLAMBEAU, ish Embassy, the place depen ears is based on the recent advances make.any statement, reiterating when leasure of Mr. MacDonald, MOSCOW, Sept. 13 A reply to the the earth's age, queried that the government woul? go FRATEIN 8508. Free Fre Free Complete Violin Outfit Have you often wished to give your child a musical education but have been prevented by the initial expense of the instrument? Your wish has now been granted, don t over- look the opportunity ACT NOW THE ART MUSIC. VIOLIN SCHOOL is offer- ing FREE violin outfit to boys or girls who are interested in taking lessons. You pay only a very reasonable tuition fee. Now is the time Come and see us; only a limited number of outfits will be given away Phone wis. upen the ae tology, whereb ; While the strictest re note suggesting resumption of and that of its Tiving creatures, is v1 iretched Past maintained as to the contents of he N gotations, for renewing diplomatic Griculated at fat higher gures Than sdotMeq eee her ante ms AN J ney Boley fram the American government Britain wan handed to the Norwegian 5,8, fe Years, Me. NO DENIAL. y: pees which reached London yesterday, Charge d'affaires Inst night On this time clock, the Pelping man NO RAPIDS, here, were Indieations thai it con- Sommusar Litvineff, Ss Trees antedates, Neanderthal man, But is) oy nt R d ICH tained some suggestions in the nature trom Landon an- Souk contemporaneous with the Held- igme. eserves ieee 9f counter-proporals to the British Soe elberg man of Europe. . Viewpoint as to the precise meuns of the Labor government ee In C.N.R. Rate Case . Wali pe teeae attaining parity, or cruiser equality, N AME ICE . e rt usiC ViOlln 00 HARRIS Canadian Press : 4s LONDON, Sept. 13- The im OTTAWA, Sept. 13. Judgment was OGDOCHES, EXAS oS? visit of Premier, Ramsay MacDo to the United States was aceepted generally hore today as signifying the don and Washington governments were very near an accord on naval Umitation. Me. Macbonsid wil leave England . MacDonald. wil leave Seplember 28, aboard the: Berenguria, arriving in New work October 4 His Visit probably will be of short dures IN BIG RING 28 Los Angeles Officers Charged by Man Under Arrest reserved late. by Mr. Justice Lamont in the Supreme Court of Canada, on, the application of the Canadian National Railways for leave to appeal against an order of the of railways commissioners, The order, which came into effect on tember 12, 1927, compelled the rall- Westford and. Armstrong to the port 34 cents per cut Tt 10127 - 101st Street Edmonton Phone 7160 / YourHome) iD GAS aa milk for the best cooking. Twice as rich in cream as ton, possibly s week or more, most of Quebec at 1 FUTURE ne will be spent in con- had been 3414 cents befor e PAPERS Washingt, ee Oe Fl toe acy. Ce ie. Coane ceo fresh milk. IN TRE He is expected back in Great Bri- cussed. tain in time for the reconvening of RECIPE BOOK TE BUNS he can face parllament, hi ends OF GOURSE the WK ZOA-C verve todty with s uval reduction pips RADIOTRON Powerful, Durable. Electrical Service Shop egreement with the United States to Soe en cae ene ie ie ae cen ee of his government in June. The annous ing. Visit was made at. number 10, Downing street, traditional hone of British premiers, yesterday, shortly afters conference between the pre: miler and the third United States am. bassador, G. Dawes, was ut 01 note relating to. the egotistions to Mr, 3 he presumption was My. MacDon ald found the new United States note highly: antatactory Comment The Dally News said the informe tion General Dawes was able to give the British premier revealed the United Slates government. lsd come very near the British point ot view adding there can be little doubt: Mr. MacDonald would not make the visit lunless agreement in prineiple previe been reached. Peace lovers, says the writer, will therefore recelve the announcement with a sigh -f relief and with the ex- Pectation of successful iseus * the In view of the enosinous technical neament of the impend- . Official Speed Mark f Orlebar 3577 Millen ifficultles of the subject, 1 may yet 594. Be rz Seca seer tat aoe beset ts Hh bata: Ing problem of cruiser strength can HULL, Que., Sept. 13 Pive deaths hava now occurred in Gatineat Point REGISTERED Ee over a period of five years, Went- ean. tela a ght the district aro ea fat Dut, declared to be Harry Lauder Songs ON THE : Edison Diamond Disc Edison Amberola I e ai Pasteurized Milk is Good Milk It builds up strong healthy bodies, makes bone and muscle for growing girls and boys. Good for Old Folks too, and everyone in between, To enjoy good health, drink plenty of Milk, a quart a day is not too much. All Dairy Products are healthful. You can always depend on the high quality of our Milk and Cream, The E.C.D. Company, Limited Phone 9264 Use Goupon Co, naval Ton Boge Woot, Montreal Dept. 473. Please.cond me ree St. Charlee For the Latest Styles at the Right Prices Vogue Ladywear 10328 Jasper Avenue be reached. WITHDRAW CHARGE Canadion Press Ger charg preferred against Mrs. An fie Posowenty hus beet withdrawn. 1 was announced Thursday. She was Charged with the murder of her hus band: Wick Posowesty, on August 1, iter her son, John, who had already been arrested on the same charge. was Alleged to have accused his my the crime. The son will stand for murde district from typhoid in the five weeks during which the epidemic has been raging there. Mins Simonne Gaston, 14; dled at her home in the village yesterday. At the same time another jase was Feported. SCULPTOR SUICIDES NEW YORK, Sept. 13 The body of Edmond T. Quinn, widely known American sculptor, who four, months ago made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide by taking poison, was ound floating in New York bay yesterday, 10165 101st Street Phones 1154-1155 Phonographs MUSIC STORE Electrical. Engineers Electrical Berviee Shop Phone 5544 10048 - 105 Street se enonee iis We have s white wagon om every street every day, See the Westinghouse Badlo at J. A. Werner Hardware Co., Ltd. Market Square. Phone 2230
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Image 1278 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1278, (CU11184365). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.