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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1929. EATON S DAILY STORE NEWS WEDNESDAY STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ER REAM Attempts rid Fam- t 13. with for expert+ --SILK TIES That Provide Men a Pleasant Surprise, Priced at Half a Dollar (THERE is not a tie in the lot that has not been cut from high grade ailk. All have high grade wool linings making them crease resisting. Some of the season's dressiest patterns are included such as two-tone effects, Paisley and novelty de- signs, Each tle cut and tatlo ure neat knotting. Salo price . x Now Men Can Settle all Suit Problems and Effect a Good Sized Saving er Pads Remarkably Low Priced Men's Tweed, Serge OD BESS Es AGE a SR Oe and Worsted Suits 2 for 19 Ink Exercise Books Clearing at a Surprisingly Low Price 32-Page Books at Sale Price ibility of hare 1 the part broke the vet m, causing 000. vould continue ing his. prior year of labor (Hiclent enerKy the fast flow- ult Stream vo g foe (Cube. Boys All Wool Toques . Neatly ruled and margined books with atvonely Bound colored fact that the Bvtiwordinary: value it m quarter. The last of shipment, priced at Trust the man who has an eye for style and fine Rafe ae (oroe: Stese ide nls yetl take Hecvaningniet: tha -veiot roplct k igure suid certain aieey : se ooote io ua S aitted in'u wide Tange of plain and combination color et tailoring to appraise these suits as excellent value at es. Centigrade, of the es Centigrade, n great depths face water Dr. anywhere from 22.00 to 30.00. They are modelled in latest styles, featuring single and double-breasted effects in high favor this season among particular el FU Je at 12 for 29c- P Royal Doulton Dinnerware pan eee Langham Design Half Pri dryasert: os gt; lt; angham Design Ha rice : . . 2 oink Capel Hk See kak Bias It s the last thing men would expect to find, suits Is gap Cassone 1 85 jain, Hut mee ST 10 like these priced at 15.00. Most of these suits are Boys Tweed and Worsted Suits 5 wu and Saucers. Rew 6 Cake Titec, Bee... tailored in imported tweeds and worsteds with a good Another Prize Offering to Saturday's Hatt price ... BSsOO. se, Half Price, esen 44c showing of blue and plain grey serges. Mostly two- Early Shoppers ETS 2 only, Blon Bawls. BQ) ita rice ens vo. TOC and three-button models, favored by young men and MOTHERS can button master hopeful into one of these martes 1 . dor, Boullions, Reg. 67.50. jdir Price 2 50 as well types preferred by conservative dressers. Sizes ee ee aa phevaneve manish en * H ot yie, rt earance to win the approv: Oo fie 2t . Sale price, triti al Western juror, and the price but 7.50 Remarle able value, These suite are tailored tn single- and double-breasted styles, in imported tweeds and worsteds, A lot are herringbone effects in grey, brown and fawn, Two-piece models, with coat and one pair of trousers. Bzen 28 ta 4, 7.50 Sale price . Fatt Pee, doven 3.00 2 doz. Plates, 7-ineh, Reg Malt Price, doren, 2679 6-12 doz, Plates, 6-meh. Reg fom asec GOOD 2g, doe, Fria, Tee 42.9 ten ipcnan Patent neg. coum oe. 185 San PMT Be aro ait Price, eacn TOC Royal Doulton Avon Design 14 dog, ,S-inch uutes. Reg. 2 only, Platters, 14-inch. Reg . ese 5.00. Hal 2.50 1.12 IDEAL winter underwear. Heavy weight combinations knitted in a ribbed stitch and each garment one hundred per cent wool. Snug fitting, too, : 2 00 Reg, 81.50; Halt Pree OC ankle top. ; Ptecsseess nly, Platters, 10-inch, Reg At two dollars a suit we advise early shopping. The yalue is too: good to last long and quantity is limited. Sizes 34 to 44, Sale price i. doz, Soups. Reg. 498 1.25. eh dor, Saumns: Regs S408 ait Peter, each... O2C 5 only, Casserole, Reg. 3.88. ten ieee DLL seta bac 1, dor Bolin Mat Price, eacn .... OTE ee te eet ee One deat Price 1 69 ge Malt Price each; OC dozen 3 only, Blops. Reg. 5 only, Salads. 480. Half Price, each. 21c 15, Halt 2 aly, Salads ii8 fra Price each OTC 15.00 FEATURE N tP IE 6081 MEN S HEAVY ALL-WOOL COMBINATIONS Special Purchase Effected at Remarkably Low Price An Opportunity to Provide a Winter's Supply from the neck to the A Sale Clearance of Men s Fancy Wind- breakers, Shaker Coats and Jumbo Sweaters Presenting.One of the Sales Outstanding Offerings EN will only need toglance at them in the window display today to realize that this is one of the portant sweater values in twelve months shopping. With c+ weather and the hunting s mt knock- ing at the door, the sweater counter is certain to be crowded with eager shoppers. tomorrow ny ne foniy, Cake Plates, Teg. 75 THE JUMBO AND SHAKER COATS have shaw collars with reinforced stole and two. pockets. Colors. Heather, Brown, Grey, White, Blue and Fawn. s Halt price 37c THE FANCY WINDBREAKERS present a good assortment of Jacquard patterns. All have 2. 50 lt; lt; : convertible collars and two breast doeKate. A heavy seasonable weight. Sizes 34 to 44. Sale price . EATON GROCET Boys Sweaters A Clearance of a Manufacturers Overstock On Sale at the EATON Groceteria, 101A Ave. 5 i * Selection Features a Good Variety of V-Neck Pullovers, Windbreakers, Coats, Well Knitted Garments, Low Priced af BU T T ER TRUST 2 boy to revel im the opportunity ta choose a sweater from this's plendid collection, And at: 1.50, rmotiines are cartalh hie Cie Bia ot E at . a the occasion. All knitted in a good quality of yarn, presenting a good range of patterns, such as stripes, checks and novelty e ects. Colors red, Eaton s Sun Glo brand creamery butt r in 3-Ib. blocks. adh bey J * z Gaturdaye iixten, Special: Par bloek gt; blue, fawn, royal grey. Sizes.24 to 32. Sale price ......-...ss05+++ A eave ee cheeil ace ibe ey ura . Bie . most im Here at a Time When Men Are in Need of a New Season s Supply Shirts of Broadcloth and Imported Materials A Timely Clearance Saturday at a Remarkably Low Sale Pricing S an exceptional opportunity. that enables. men to buy. such smart and dressy shirts as these-at less PURE BLACK CURRANT-JAM, Jasper Br i pecial, per Tin. SN TOMATOES, Choice Quality in SSS Saturday's Special, 4 Tins for ee SUGAR, B.C, Pure Cane Sugar in 10 1b, cotton nacks, Saturday's Special, per Sack snee FORK AND BEANS in Toma See than adollar, Not one in the lot but what is good value, having all the style and dressiness of SLICED OR HALF PEACHES, Quaker brand in rf tins, Saturday's Special, per Tine . SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR in 2 Baturday's Special, per Package . MI. P, BAUCE, the populat British sauce, Saturday's Special, per Bottle ; shirts at double the price. All are made in separate collar style featuring a broad selection in stripes, checks, all- over and novelty effects and in the season's smartest shades. Sizes 14 to 17.'Sale price C Special Values in the EATON Service Grocery Phone 91248 Regular Store Deliveries PR TERGasaad YELS NAPTHA SOAP, 10 Bars to Carton. Baturday Special, per Carton ; TEA, Eaton's Prairie Blond black tex, specially blended, a delicious ind hatistying tea, Saturday's Special, pet Ib. 55c COFFEE, Eaton's Java und rm. freshly ground, er Tb. : MARMALADE, h ROYAL CROWN LAUNDRY SOAP, -new big es, At the Provision TURE CANE SUGAR FOR PRESERVING PORK AND BEANS in Tomato Sauce, Libby's ala Pee TI fn Boot . 1.00 sg 7 Ci us 6.00 srecis'e tus ... . 68 F bh mn Swifts Circle S Hams eae SoWanDsnends PURE GORD NEUE gttorce, coc int Average weight 5 Ibs, .. 3.10 5 Ub, tin, Spectal Per Utd vere. ser e-s- 39c EATON'S SPECIAL SOAP CHIPS. ; to turday s Extra Special, per Ib. are nis 1.25 ene one brand, No. tin. 39c air sere EATON'S, PLANTATION BLEND PURE CO le- Saturday's Special, per Io. 32c BUTTER Eaton's Imperial brand Creamery But- of coftoe, Special, pes tb i a Stlardny s Seda pen ec seeeseetvseeseteesseresn BUTTER Eaton's : waco Per sa Saturday's Special, per tb, 52c 4.75 soeciat, 2/1056... 77c 1 ist SELLIED VEAL, sliced, KATON'S FAMILY BLEND BLACK TEA. An DEST CANADIAN MACARO ty FINEST CANADIAN CHEESE 2.40 seromien vine. WO0 ean eee tin AD Lesren specn Onrton he Saturday's Special, per Ib. ..... : m At the Fruit and Vegetable Counter EATON S Quality Fresh and Smoked Meats or i, 0, RIPE TOMATOES, henry. paok Wankel Vegetable Counter Phone 91254 Regular Store Deliveries Se. ee eed as household puck. B.C, GREEN TOMATOES. 1000 tbs. Burns Special Boneless Back Bacon, whole . ve cere age fake ne 2S Ea. 2fe Lose, Spring Lamb Cholce Legs of Spring Lam mole oF tall. 97 extra Special per Ib Baturdays Special Per Caer, Zant ce MNTY PNK GIA 35c 22c BO) WEALERE AVULER, tancy wrap: 2. 98 B.C, FLEMISH BEAUTY PEARS, 1000 ths. Choice Side Bacon, ped: apecin, Cae RE, Terppes, Seca case... 3.60 Extra Special, per Ib. TTALIAN PRUNES, Heavy pack caves Saturday's Special, per Case .- rere VREKSTONE PEACHES, sound qual- 7 1000 Ibs, Choice Cottage Rolls, 5 to 8 ths, B.C, COOKING ONIONS. ; Extra Special, : , C. WEALTHY APPLES. Household heavy pack. 2.25 NE DER, Reeeiel,: Cas 1.49 3 Hal 7 Tos. 25c terug whole: Bure Special per t LOC Choice Stawing, Lamb. 17c Saturday Special, per Case Sau aasen bed sgl eecen . ITALIAN, Special Sacl 5S 1000 Ibs, Smoked Ham, 20 to 25 Ibs average Extra Special, per Ib, eoeee HONEY IN COMB, Finest 29) Special, 89c nc. onsen vervens. 25 mene iit Bam Seca, per 2Z3c See tm, Choice ide Bacon, sliced, -+ 30 ee ov sakeeaanarstasthe ic Be. ELD TOMATOES, 4 basket Special, 2 WW. eres reseseseeevservaene C1000 ths, Thistle, O.K. or Sliverteat, 10 Ib, Fails Extra Special, per tb. aheart c 7 extra Targe size, pink meats, 35: i Speelal, Coste 5 Smet CANE ALOE Led. te Cooked Ham. silced, 4 i Hy ae 1c B.C. REP CANTALOUPES. 25 8p 2 for Te BOE Extra Special, per Pat t 65 Extra Special, pet Ib. CARRY AND SAVE . Special, Basket 6, cxteny, Crinp and white Diamond E Baby Beef, Katon s Standard Beef, Choice Milk Ved Veal, Prime Young Perk, Spectul, cane --.. 2.45 Bpeckal, 3 Ibe, 2 Cc Spring Chickens, Boiling Fowl. *T. EATON Coun See Back of This Page for Another EATON Announcement
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Image 1292 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1292, (CU11184481). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.