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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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og Ba Ae EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 13, 1929. anization Proposals Adoptea TOUGH TO PICK WINNER Ladies Basketball A mecting of the Edmonton Lad. fen Basketball Le in meeting ts to fF the com clubs. affiliated Hearue last season are Meeting Tonight Miracles of Sport - - By Robert Edgren + AMATEUR BODY / Bocting CHANGE NAME - WILL FOLLOW HIS NEW PLAN Entries for the Commerctal Bowl- Ing League, name of captains, and Nat of players must be im the han Of the secretary not later than Mot day, September 16, together with Can. Pro Circuit Will Be International League Cou. *:g Season . fe twa representatives eas entry toe. : E Will houghven Will Get Test in tonight, while delegates. tro Secretary J. Leslie Makes) rhe tees Huat of players may WINDSOR, Ont, dept. 13. The for ight Againgt Jack a ane. Nocaue Statement at A. A. U, be left at Recreation Academy lorgue ts now to be vermea the I harke: Convention alfige tor the secretary, ternational Hockey League as restlt vey y TON, Ont, Sept. 13. Pro- The Weave will slart September of a decision last wight. Cleveland (0 tae ay wu. saavcuen GENATORS: ARE cals for reorguniation of the Gaga: 78 M4 Monday wit be absolutely yttardey, was foray gamitted Jn ing season NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Picking a dian Olympic committee, advanced on the last day that entries witt be ME ccan at Pict of teltehener, Ont m winner of the Sharkey-Loughrun a behalf of he Alberta branch of the aecepted. ers, while Toronto il prebably recelve Sr tee lr of Sept. 26, besides about Analeur Athletic Union by Judge J:/ There will be a meeting later in the Kitchener team. Streiford was Ung of the 43 profitable a process as forecasting A. Jackson, Lethbridge, were adopted ot represented, and governora were lub execu the result of the three-Jenged races, at the A. A. U. convention Thureday. the week to draw we schedule. clected from Bultalo, London. Haris Hall last t the Elks picnic, seems Just a iit provided for a Canadian Olympic com- The sseretary will advise the cap- ton Windsor, Neronto. Pavol Ghee fle out of line with the job a sports mittee composed of representatives of tains of the date and place at which land and Nuigare atin writer is hired for. each province and each body particl- j wit be hela Charles King Waa re-clecled pret Hell in the OF course we'll be there, Not in ing 1p any braneh of Olymple sport dent of the league aaente: years have. we mised an oppewus Toscther with seven delegates, trom eek ity to see chrous even it Yui have the A.A. U. of -C., elected at the inancing Sen em all after you've seth one j i annual m cting, The A. A. U. of C. on's activ here something vlsarre anew : Fourteen Senior Clubs would have th right to appoint re- number ful about them. They ie presentative where a province, branc ee id. spectacular ana yaa rovenaue Eastern Canada All oF allied body concerned failed to act always the animals. Working Out Officers of te A. A. U. of O, would be entire ex- Philadelphia comes the news members of the committee, i and Vic Loughran has grown an OTTAWA, Ont. Sept. 13, Ottawa Olympic committee would elect of- vioe-chvat year, - Eoughran lifted the football barley recently fleera and select leginlative commit amed ant ts past 26. which might make this When the first senlor practice of the Neo of ten which would include the diately on Som tifle unusual, Dut IVs said the season was, held at Lansdowne Park, rR. resident and atcretary of the Can ticket ap- Celt What late. If you ever Joe Mullcr, former backtleld otar, being AR.. dian Olympic committee as ex-officio arker was Ree a Nem Found table full of in charge. The Senators, anxious to CuRIL. members, Other members, seven in mittee to Tom Collinses you probably have dis- tedeem themselys for thelr poor show MONTAGUE fumber, would be chogen, one from ames and covered this, Yast fall, have lured many youre BIRNIE the maritime provinces and one each get started Hap Great Punch ful candidates into the fold end ex- from the other provinces, Mt bring In meeting of Wednesday qe portant consideration ot this ran with thran would oe ye Le aoe ge eral ner Seat el eas eee Hr he has taken on one-halt ott ieee ent more punch than he had when pacly reconil tne eacite Ot dor shat Fon Ought to be hu tareiee 3, Bae: hear 8 mi aque see ce ere be Joseph . has re inf art in big way. This in really, of arigiear a eon went in for Seeing ot geomet tina, ee ida last winter, Bome unfeeling sigh ther tracing tbe sour ate Se estheticlem, is sure to ascribe its or- igin to that meeting with Jack Demp- sey. If ever man forsook pugillam for art, Mr. Spats eis in that fight. nda There have been nights when Ghar- key was a wonder out there. On other occasions he resembled a lame sell plater in the Jast race. I is alwa; an interesting gamble whether Shark- y 1s going to be a wonder or wom- bat. Wel ster says wombat is a Sdonny eiler Wed oa teat, 2, Eee aes Joo Beckett or Pred Fulton tare pect, ae Ae Tigers and Mon- SA Zte ects Ses Ses SSeS deen eral in the days when the Capital Be Pesta eel Se Ech re eee 4 tutor. He will not tolerate rough play, and the Senators will be in+ Ea eg On Tucsday, Argos, Monireal and Tigers all held their initizl work- outs, but it will be another ten days or more before the squads are at full strength. Counter Attractions There will be fourteen senior teams in Eastern Canada this season, four in the Intercoll te Union, four in the Interprov and six in the Ontario, There will be counter at- tractions staged in Toronto, but all other cities escap: this financial dif- ficulty, Camp Borden, who formerly re most of their game in Toronto, likely perform on their own field. thus easing the pressure in tho Queen City. But with two University of Toronto teams and Bulmy Beach and Argonauts, all unions being repre- sented, Toronto fans will see enough OrVictorIk, BL. HAS SCORED, Four HOLES INV , UB ORKBAX G.C. AT VICTORIN, 244 9ZB, WAS Bstaotr Secor, OUST THE ODDEST ACE SCORED IN GOLF, F WARIS. MENEISH: PLNER D CLOB, WEN XO. SHET 150 YARD CIT AND t25vaRD WTH wh, IN ONE WEEK. ed eZ Vor football. McGill, Universtiy of Tor- onto and Queen's will not get down to business until the middie of Sept- ember, but University of Western Ontario favors early workouts. Renault Training Hard for Battle Next Wednesday NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Juck Re- NEW YACHT TO. BE TRIED OUT HOME. WATERS RA Bach branch of the A: A. U. of C. and each allied member would be em- Powered to -appalit. a special com mittee to support and assist the Ol- ympic committee. . Have Full Power The exeeutive committer of the Canadian Olympio committee woul Tave full power over all matters eon ctrning Olymple games, including at Fangemonts for f psnces, trials, s l- eetions of teams, etc. 2t would have full control and would generally see that Canada is fully and adequate) Tepresented at the Olympic games. The committee would meet, once at- hunily for the fimt year oF 80. bi Inter, especialiy in the h OWninie:wames ave Held would mert more frequently. LS The Canadian Olympic tommittee would be Fegulred to report to. the AAW U-of Oy at the angus meeting of the latter body. Provision is made to keep al ama teur bodies fully informed of the act- ivitles of the committee. An objection raised by Ontario dele- gates to conduct of track and field meets by private individuals or pro- moters Was discussed. John Leslie, Edmonton, sseretary, presented his report at the night ss- on Phe time has arrived when d tin- Ite ation should be made for the selection of teams of individuals. to take part in such competitions outside of Canada. he said Secretary Leslie urged that the in- vitation of the Canadian social hy-. Bene. eouncll to appoint two. repre: Sentatives of the ANA. U of council be accepted. The A.A. U. Genu ine HOLLANDS Gin Heart Label DE KUYPER GIN and dry ginger ale makes a tasty gin and gi DITULED THREE THES, THORDUON inger ue RECTIPNED. JOHN de KUYPER -SON Distillers ESTABLISHED Rotterdam Holland tothe TB eavertiseisent te not inserted py the Alberta Liquor Control Board or by the Government of the Province of Alberta Amples, whieh would have clarified BAU, Canadian Neavyweight, who that. detinition iittle. Hed gaeets Rene Schatf, of Boston, in the on + 4s always the chance of Semi-final ten rounder to the Victorio nde - Bharkey's: mistaking the occasion. He Campolo-Phil Scott battle tor titular AMERICAN LEAGUE fo SER, SARE 0 0 ables that pest on gomlendershin, Honors at Rebels Pield Three games aay, he AmezT an Hake: Wy doh Risko one night, inesday night next, has been at Leagme tive is waiting for the Hood around Sooking on wile he ee. Bs Uaining atind in the et Weis Xbeh eaged toward i Wisma nits elm, Next: Year Bis Pinay iy geniric baker boy did everything but S mnasum for the past week. they defeated Chicago 4 to 3 on Rom- new yoRK, sept, 13 Establish: SHOPS, Patay Burke game kek him in the pants, He just seems The big Canadian intends to join meil s fine relief hurling. Yankees * 7 Don Gasper, War Bight, James Whit- i Fae ple 40 forget what iv s all about. Maybe Seott at Tomkin's Cove. N. ., where broke thelr losing streak and Kept P 4 Precedent in America s Cup rac- ler, also ran. A eee ote inceaan. Lethbrigee: Ww. e's only 8 dreamer afer a, Re, will xemain until the day before futile pacs with the leaders. winning ng, the new challenging yacht of Sir Seeomd Race 700, 3-year-olds and A. PY, Dunville, Ont: J. Morkin, Sharkey should. jen the battle. t, Louis 5 to 2, oma up, claiming, 1-2. furlongs: Winnipeg and C. Shipley, Amherst, N. Ban ec beat, Loughran. ren oe ous ees new Tiger cub 7 Lipton will be tried out and SD oM 11.80 13.80 7:30 S.. were chosen as committee to sel- conditioned at racing in English wat- hen wai ect the ten from those nominated. 0 nbseat- OTTAWA, Ont. Sept 13 winiam ade, Bs mound debut. and Dewrolt en intend of over here, Matylneas Among the 21 nominated were tonDon, Shenae Poran, Ottawa sportsman, was clected slapped Washingion down 5 te 1 Her sleipper will be a British profes. Maar g Alberta Judge Jackson. Lethbridge. MEQNDON: Enaland, ept 13 The Oreadent of the Olisen beetey ae aes bs sional, yet, to bo-selected, whereas the pert Ine British Columbia J. A. Coutenay, fog YES a Oe deh moan ; Thursday to succeed Frank Ahearn. s 7sis..,.., 000 020000. 81 Rew American, defender undoubtedly Merry Man, also ta Now Wesminster. ety poor showing rersase aint an te of te club to the Audkorismn Mey ny ' 7 00 20 0002.8 it ne handled by an amaveur Third Race 800, 3-ycar-olds and Manitoba J. Morkin, Winnipeg, ng y Rompeny for, 125.00 was announie:d Gray. and Manion, Schang; Sere These two advance facta on the yp claiming, 1 gle Manitoba. to follow on. Yorkshire scored 355, to races that. wil Oni . 2 which M,C. . roplied with 146 and Newsy Lalonde wili be coach and Dave ierd and Dicker, eae tae il be Dele Jn Block tend Golden Mi, i+... 25.20 14.90, 197 Ontario O, B. Migsinboltom, Tor ty 2030. I, 28 runs for one wicket, Ca separ toe 189-20 PhilsdSpiila 310.000 Gieca 19 4 ext year vore gleaned secentiy when pean, Navel. . 5-60 725 Saskatchewan--J. W. Hamilton, Re enormae and Autry. Crows Svthe ieah Baropetn fen Wate hers weeanes, Mabel Htlbp, Mies Ta soeuey atsoclation--P bene, Rommell and Coshr ne, xince the Royal Ulsi-r Yacht Club, of gaelic G. Heathertaie Go on, Mec: H- Marples, Waniipeg. ad trge Uo tng New Mark Nacht chet is Cus superbum alsa ran, TORONTO, Gept, 19. Walder ; enge to. the New York Yacht, Olu ts : iis Sept, 13, Waldel iteving, fe MAewOrED: Morris and) fof connection with hie mug mush y,F eure, Mace 800. S-yearcolds and ,Q.OnONTO., Gept. 13. Waldek Cleveland... 000 050 000 5 13 1 10K. and is to be one of business and jerig champion, defeated Staniey Btariak in Washington . 000, 000 100-1 7 1 Pleasure of two-month duration. Dave Hurn (x) ,... 940 .05 2.45 80 Plimination wrestling bout here last Milley and L. Sewell; Thomas, Had- ,, 10 fact, sit Thomas knows Utte of Martinag to. oS. tet B80. 10 night, and will tackle Gus: Sennen: . Jey, F. Burke ond Spencer, Huet th plang for the: renewed internat- Miss Gourira, 2... lt;..- 290 BUFR, present Utle-holder, here on This advertisement 1s not inserted by the Alberta: Liquor Conttol Board or iy oe gt; anal races, The design of his boat ts Ninotte, Buphrosyns, Belle K., also September 26. the Government of the Province of Alberta. NATIONAL LEAGUE in the hands of Charles E, Nicholson, ran, s of Gosport, England, who turned out oa the rane eae, Cimmng Seeae hy Me ch hie ae SRLS gr a StePt closer, to that National League at the bi Fifth Race 31;200 President's Han- untsman yachting game simoct aicap, for all ages. Western Canadian Pennant. Thelt Bred Lads De of . was vitally iiterested tn. the matter of health, he added ) Nominations Were recelted last night 42 the annual meeting of the amateut Athletic Association of Canada for the ten men who will compose-the Cana- Sinclair, Foy, 4n Olymple committee. First Race 700; 3-yei ialming, 6 1-2 turloney Sir Thomas Lipton Will Have Pro Skipper at rpe Diem, La Jolla, The Oregonian, Manufactured in Canada under control f the Federal Government, rectified four times and matured in bond for yeure. THREE SIZES? 199 002 000-3. 11 4 Large. Distillery: Berthiarville, Que. Di Jeaptured the cup, Nicholson haa a 5 Fa ele Mew York Bio hte: mecdine over to go ahead andl Lacy mmamene fas bias fered, At Chicago. Rack Wid and Sir Thomas Optimistic Satnes willier 2.7 ee 10.88 eos it Stn OA SD nn usual cack mae poh Sc Gt na, ee Phe Giants wih edzed tiem clog FRCHUDE able, witn vinorcd cap, BIE Bee Sncty Wratan glee to the Pirates. Mel Ott crocked hic THOMAS was all amlles over getting an- PS Meanie : ja8th home run. Babe Herman rolled other race for the historic trophy in Sixth Race 800, 2-yenr-old ai Into. the cinelinat stands each ip AAADCIOE roars, and be wan Opte us autiate ll and Seu scent for Horace Ford's Jong clout, and tre mistic over his chances. He felt the sisster Michael (x) 8.00 i UL went for a homer-thal won for (os fugier getting away fori racibg ma Bauie Qn age against Brooklyn, 3 002 snitaneed nis Spporiunt of atityng Veneer Brookiyn .... 101 000 000-2 5 2 hs Pred Dis iife s ambition. of carrying back gj tk, Hawes, Bis fabs Gincinnat: . 100 200 o0x 3.12 9 Abroad the old empty mug, whieh he Seeriex, Ig, A. Moore and Del Rix: Contends ts of-1o use in -Prohibition Race 900, 3-year-olds and ey and. Bukeforih, eountry anyways i up, claiming, mile and one eighth. ew york 402 002 1106 119 He was 90 elated ver ns challenge Portola, utsoper) waa) Bb 27 he even ecpreceed hue shinies tae OB , Zeuett 100 C118 38 3 Sarna olf Retpect: keene how EY i ii id the New York Yacht Club, would be Phlindetphia 002 010, 210 7 11 9 hore watt than the waters off Ohieago ....; 000 000 100-1 7.1 Sandy Hook, where all his other races Witloughby and Davis: Bush, Qven- Were, held and which he had hoped ros, fison and Taylor, would be acceptable again. Boston-St. Louls, posiponed, rain, The fifth St will be com- etwas pleted next May. Tt was yht she PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Missions 4 oan, Portia 12 Gauge CANUCK DUCO FINISH, Would be sent here in June along with Lew Angeles IT eur Fran Seattle 2; Sacraments Oe (Heavy Load). Per Box Hose oe 12, Gauge IMPERIAL LONG RANGE DUCO ee ae nen, 1.00 , 1.50 the twenty-three-metre Shamrock and. the Inter used as trial horse as she was for Shamrock IV, Trialy-Plinned Abroad ; Instead, tho new yacht Will be tried out in English waters against the twenty-three - metre boat, Whit fisst tae Britannim, whieh way nor pat Britannia, which was hot put in com mission this: summer, but is expected to be next year. It anon eed ioe ste rey will get, more tuning up racing on the other she would In trials here. About the middie of the summer she will ER, and come across the Atlentic to ited out for the cup contests. Tt was tir might have Capt. Edward Sycamore, skipper of the twenty-three-metre yacht for many yeats, sail the sare but Capt. Sycamore is veteran of seven- Ay-three years and it is felt a younger. 12 Gauge U.S, CLIMAX, GUNS 12 Gauge WINCHESTER decals 55.00 22 BROWNING. REPEA iG RIFLES oe. eee tly used RED HEAD SRAND SoemNe aot 8.75 WOODS Eats Lp eeesaaclelel STOCKS OF WHIS : F KEY Sportaman's Supply Station ay AMERICAN ASSOCIATION . me 10250 - 101st Street. Opposite Royal George Hotel. Indian ee This advertisement is not Peet i seats B eatin ter eg Bae Per Box... Sones or GUNS, Model 12 . aes S: 14.7 A Big Assortment of High Grade si COATS, Regular 12.00 for .... 55.00 FROM THE OLDEST E EX Tie Government strip tells the story Thin advertizement Ih pet soserien by the Almeria Liquor Comtrot Boord or. by the Covernment of -the Province of Alberta,
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Image 1288 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1288, (CU11184373). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.