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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Annual Fall Opening Sale See Pages 3 and 4 A Special Purchase of 100 Smart Silk Dresses For Juniors, Misses and Women 10 All Sizes 16 to 44 Just Received and Shown for the First Time Charming frocks that. simulate the lines and details of higher priced models, featuring both straight line and flared silhouettes. Made from fine flat crepes in a good selection of smart fall shades. A number of two-piece styles with pleated skirts others with moulded hip lines and flared skirts, Sizes for misses and women, Sizes 16 to'44 Second Floor A Special Purchase Sale of Wood's Lavender Line Silk Rayon Pyjamas 3.95 Made to Sell at 5.50 The name Woods Lavender Line is your guarantee of higher quality. Lust- rous, first quality silk rayon pyjamas in tailored styles, trimmed with contrasting pipings and one coat pocket. Shown in daintiest pastel shades: and combinations, Standard sizes for misses and women. Early choosing is in order 1 at the special price of ............ 3.95 Light Weight Wool Bloomers 4 For Misses and: Women, Pair, 1. The 180 garments should clear in double quick time at the Fall Sale pricing of 1. Light-weight, all wool bloomers, for the smart women who like comfort without weight or bulkiness. Shades of peach, green, mauve, pink, blue, white and light beige. Perfect fitting, unshrimkable, bloomer with elastic at waist and cuffed knee. Specially purchased and priced at 1. Second Floor, HBC Girls School Dresses es 8 ta - 2:9 5 14 Years . Smart new dresses in up-to-the-minute styles for school girls Flannel, faille and navy serge frocks in trimly tailored styles with trimmings of red braid. Front pleated . skirts belts long sleeves be- coming little-collars and ever so many other smart details. that. add greatly to their chic. Practical. and attractive frocks that girls will greatly: appreciate tor school wear. Sizes 8 to 14 years. 50 High-Grade Fur-Trimmed Coats For Girls 10,95 8 to 14 Years Warm and wonderfully good value are these jaunty little coats of all wool yelour with their cosy collars and cuffs of fur collars are shaw or crush style shades of red, blue, green, brown and navy. All cosily lined and interlined. Just such little coats as school girls will appreciate for cold days ahead. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Fall sale 10.95, Secorid Floor, HBC 300 English Felt Hats dust Received and Shown for the First Time - 1.95 Autumn hats of soft imported felts No. clever woman wil eee these up Chic, forehead styles so much talked about small brims long sides tricky. new styles one ex) to find only in imported hats. Hats that tell their fashion story in colors sand, brown, green, red, rosewood, independence blue, and ofcourse, pat of black. They won't tarry lon; at this price. Fall Sale ...:.0....0-. 00-0002. 19 Second Floor, HBC Special Purchase of Women s Shoes Actual Value 7 Pair 4.95 240 pairs of novelty shoes for women and modern misses. Novelty two eyelet ties, kid and suede combinations, patent and suede, lizard and kid, with cuban and spike covered Heels. Smart fancy centre buckle straps, also pumps, oxfords and wide straps in a great variety of styles. A. B.C. fittings, Every pair, worth at least 7 Specially pri r the Fall Sale and featured Satu: day at, pair ....... 4. EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 1929. Dudsgon's Ban Campann. INCORPORATED 2 MAY 1670.. 50 Men's and Young 2 5 Men's Suits ..... Made by One of Canada s Leading Clothing Makers New fall tweeds, smartly tailored and finished with linings and trimniings that will ee every satisfaction, Dressy models that fit. Suits that are made by one of Canada s best clothing manufacturers and priced as a value giving feature of the Fall Sale. Sizes 35 to 44. Shop early for best choice. Smart Styles and Popular Materials 25 Choose your Winter Overcoat Saturday. in th popular Guards model also Ulster style coats with loose box back or half belt. Tailored from Scotch Tweeds, blue Meltons, and Chinchillas. Many are lined with ; : Men s Winter Overcoats tTruly a wonderful selection of smart yours men s models Included are blue chinchillas art silk to the waist and interlined with chamoisette. Size 34 to 46. Main Floor, HBC sound investment to buy your fall supply Saturday. Stanfield s All Wool Shirts and Men s Natural Wool English Drawers Combinations 1.95 Suit 2.65 Per garment es wale Seconds of the well known Red Label quality. Although sold to us as seconds they have been - so mended at the factory that the wear of the gar- ment is not impaired in the least, Most men, es- pecially those who require heavy wool underwear are familiar with this popular brand. Shirts sizes 34 to 44, Drawers, sizes 34 to 42. Merino.and Heavy Wool Work . Socks, Pair 29c Two popular lines in men s work socks socks of first grade quality and heavy wool work socks. Stock up your winter supply at this low price Full-fitting average size. A feature special Saturday in the Fall Sale at, pair ....-..-...-..-.4..--2 Men s Fine Socks Rayon, Silk and Wool, or Cashmeres in a Rousing Special 3 Pairs for 1.25 From: Penmans and from I, R. Morleys, England, come these fine socks. An assortment that will please. the most fastidious, and at a price that suggests buying a whole sea- son s supply. All are perfeet goods, properly proportioned in sizes 10 to 1114: Main Floor, HBC Tobacco and Pouch 1 High ide pouch real Jeather, Ewo-button ith 4 Ib. tin of MacDonald's Briar, Many- men have. paid fifty: per cent more for this ceived good value for their money. Flat knit style and every garment perfect; no seconds. Thoroughly proportioned throughout and: perfect fitting. Full, standard sized garments. Sizes 34 to 44. at Just Unpacked and Specially: Priced Sizes 25 to 31. one pair golf knickers, 1 pair longs. Sizes 32 to 86 Two palr longs. -100 Boys Two-Pant Suits Underwear Day in the Fall Sale Three Underwear bargains of the most remarkable character featured for Saturday's selling. It will prove English, Medium Weight Natural Combinations suit 3.50 A Wool, Garments For men who must have medium weight wool under- wear, here's an opportunity to save underwear and have re- funy soft English fine all wool gar- ments are. flat stitch style, non irrit- ating. Natural color. Quan- tity is limited so early shopping is suggested. Sizes 34 to 44. nerously Beauti- its as onl: Knit in a fine Main Floor, HBC Men s Heavy: Blue Denim Overalls Pair 1.39 Sizes 38, 40, 42 and 44 Not often can men pur- chas overalls of this quality such a low price Good, strong, hard-wear- ing blue denim with double stitched seams and usuat pockets. Cut on good full- fitting standard sizes. Every pair bears the Union label. Main Floor, HBC 9.95 boys Treed sae stand the rough Fiat oases sees 9.95 Ogden s or 4-point Tobacco. Double breasted models that fit the for . . 1 in greys, that make ideal school clothes an : usage of active boys. Good quality linings throughout. A bar Saturday Cigars gain for early morning-shoppers. Satu: 7 for 50c, Manufacturer s Clearance of Youths 10c: Jap Cigars and Tuc- kett's Marquerites, Main Floor, HBC Fresh Dipped Cream lt; Macaroons, Per Ib. 39c. Rich jersey cream centres, dipped in cream fondant coating and all rolled in toasted cocoanut and done right in the department. An especially delicious confec- tion Main Floor, HBC collection is warmly lined throughout. loose box back, and big storm collars. Boys High Grade English Superior high Men s English Footwear Regular Values 8, 9 and 10. Pair... 5.95 The men of Edmonton know. the high grade English footwear obtainable at HBC. This lot comprises broken lines selected from our stock. Both boots and oxfodrs in black and tan. At least a dozen styles. They are built of superior quality calf and kid leathers, having genuine oak tanned leather soles of different weight. Narrow, medium and wide fittings. Every pair carries: our Honor Built stamp. Sizes 6 to 11.. Values 8, 9 and 10. To clear Saturday a pair. 5 Goodyear Welted Oxfords, Pair 2.95 Men s and young men s black and tan, Goodyear welted oxfords in pair ..... , ae dg antares eeleh anaes eM tener Name cee 2.95 2.50 Grey, Box Cloth Spats, 1.49 Chilly round the ankles these mornings and evenings. Better get a i pair of spats Saturday. Here's an extra special, rightat the pegisning Superior of the season, 120 pairs of good quality English grey boxcloth spats, Blucher neatly tailored and all seams leather bound. All buttons sewn by with two extra buttons attached. Leather round tops. Made in England. All sizes, Boys 3.45 School Boots, 2.50 60 pairs of boys solid leather school boots in black only, The sol both sewn and nailed. Rubber heels. Sizes 11, 12, 13 ani 1lto s oe Jasper Ave. HBC hand Smartly Styled Winter Overcoats ... A number are Tweed lined, others Fleece lined. Sizes 12 to 18 Years. male A fortunate purchase of Boys snappy. tweed and blanket cloth Overcoats s cured at,a big saving Every coat in the South African Field Boots for Men, 3.95 These famous work boots are made in England expressly for HBC, uppers, 15 belted style with . Tailored in all wool tweeds and blanket cloths. Saturday in the Fall Sale only 15, Golf Hose, 1.35 quality golf-hose that ordinarily sell at a much higher price. Nine shades including tan mixtures, lovats and fancy greys and blues. All sizes. Fall sale special, pair 1.35, Jasper Ave. HBC quality tan kiv cut. Double waterproof bellows tongue, full double oak soles and leather heels. Fully teather lined, Every pair carries our Honor Built stamp. Widths E. and EE. in sizes 6 to 11. Regular 5.95 3.95 Opening Sale See Pages 3 and 4 Tailored Coats Of Popular Tweeds and Navy Chinchilla 12.50 An Outstanding Coat Value Smart fall coats, priced to save the wearers many dollars Manishly tailored in heavy navy chinchilla cloth and warm soft tweeds. Every coat neatly lined and finished. Plain tailored atyles with straight or inverted pleat in back with belt or beltless. Sizes 14 to 20. Second Floor, HBC 50 New Fur- Trimmed Coats 35 Distinctive in Style Remarkable in Value ? Fashioned of soft, silky toned broad- cloth with lavish fur trimmings of blended muskrat, natural and dyed opossum, caracul, French beaver and mole. Straight, and flared styles -so madam may choose the style she finds most becoming. New fall colors lovely shades of brown, red, bright blue, navy, black, cte, All warmly lined. Figure a substantial saving at Satur- days sale price of ...........+++ 35 Second Floor. HBC oe Pair 1.48 J ( 300 pairs of silk to the top i one of our standard 2 lines. Made with the popular Contour Shades of Lido, Shell, Nude, Tussa, Deau- ville, Valencia, Sunni, Moonlight, Crane, Silk-to-the-Top Hose With Contour Heel hose at-a special pricing Satur- j day in the Fall Sale. Rejects of Heel. The imperfections are exceptionally rare and can only be detected. by experts. ee eee Sizes 81 to 10.- Fall os Stamped Tea Towels 3 for 1 Pure linen crash tea towels, 21 by 28 , finished ready for use. 114 border on each side in-red, or blue:- Printed with the word Glass cloth stamped int appropriate designs. Just receiyed and specially priced. Stamped Runners, 3 for 1. Something new in runners Dainty, easily worked designs, stamped on good quailty plin. Shades of nile, sand, peach and rose. all ale special, each ae OF BLOT Li. sce re serene cent eceesees eedes ee tee Stamped Buffet Sets, 29c Three-piece buffet, set stamped on good quality, white embroidery cloth. Special, each .... 2 Runners to match buffet set . 290 2.75 Stamped Bed Spreads, 1.95 Tinted in blue and green in dainty, floral cosine Regular 2.75. Saturday sae eine 5 Fringe to 0 4 Pies ome eS Main Floor, HBC Another Great Handbag Special 299 A new shipment of these ex- cellent bags just received and priced for rapid selling, Every bag of genuine leather and distinctive style. Pouch, back strap and envelope bags in a variety of smart leather finishes and patterns. Trimmings of amber, enamel and mottled leather. Guarani linings. Every bag a creation. Fall sale, Saturday .... 2.95 12 Distinctive Styles in Alabaster Clocks A special purchase of these dainty clocks of regular 3.50 value is offered for Saturday Taorning selling at only 1.79. A very attractive clock for bedroot or tinted, Twelve distinctive styles, cut from rose, cream -alabaster. Clear faces and good time keepers. Fall Sale Saturday, each . ieetiees 1 Main Fleor, HBG Don t let interfere with y anyth attendance her Saturday at 9 A 200 Women Winter Weight, Softly. Fleeced, Roomily c cotton bloor give extra waist and k Shades of sand. Stan Extra spe No pl No. 120 Girl s Cc Winter Weight for Little Up to 14 Ye Fine, winterweight knit slightly fleeced on inside +t warmth. Shown in button-front, styles in knee or ankle le: smaller sizes and losed crot special Saturday at ..... No phone ord No dealers : 600 Pillox Each Usu Good low slip stitched at this Extra s No N Colored Duc ss Nd A o'clock attraction . Assorted colors, including Heavy quality, lustrous: fi Extra special Saturday 2, jo phone No dealers Arm Wind: 39 Only, in a Ru 3.9 walhut thigh Ineluded which may be finished to m Strongly made. Extra spec 15 Windsc 2.4 Walnut finish Windsor Windsor Arm Chairs, Onl early. Extra special Sature fh cam ord io dealers 1 6ft. Printed Square Yard ......... Cholce of three patterns wearing linoleum. Brin; Saturday Cover ur ra, special Saturday, squ No hone ord lo dealers
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Image 1271 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1271, (CU11184372). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.