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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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EDMONTON BULLETIN --Social and Personal-: re lub Ne his plan. Then he again approached son ana touind everewd and gaa: he plan, en he east surest Lier fee ang pucks teetcent Sent A Lucille Lorraine Style t GANDER SAUCE Sear ae nee er Te Little Stories tincianeitue tear a they aurea vo Styled at Paris ne hue turned then 0 ulid screaming at the top of tee walked out-of. the president's oftien ri For Bedtime ene Pattern Made at New York lungs. Bowser was trying to come to The Bulletin s Dally Short Story Brom ttea Life. with a strangely deflant expression in ws-:-City Charitie -:-Fashions-:-Features hit but Waal, hand work, and ; his dare eyes which completely escap. Hurt dreadsully with every step. You eine ed Mr. Kirkwood. already dlatructed see, the trap whiet tind hin by one attention egw teatened by n chain tow hear The following day Goodhue was ab sifee of wood, and he liad to drug sent from work, and although Is fall that after him : tire to telephone eatised aurprise ft. was Lie down, Bowser Lie down taken for granted by the office that commanded Farmer rown's Boy as ho was IiuiThe second day, however Soon as he was tear cnough, Now, the performance was repeated, and. Bowser had beon taught one thi finding this completely without pre and that was (omind when spoken ti cedent, Kirkwood s secretary was In- Bat nae eth Te od young. Siege ere eeanave amy a ater he as toa Hot to As hl rinse ehvee at roe wat dou ae 7 ing ter reac him ho held up the leg eher ut e Eee amu, Conversation. rans held 40 ant in the avis of the crue open Vaneekline iS finished with trap, ind there Were big tears tn. his ne Buttons below neckline end below mer Brown's Boy didn't need Bu Pie: its Tinsn, por tectly Well tank Tnow doy langumge Zo une ens walaline are docorslye. sitcscs sith ee y 7 exactly what Bowser was asking for turn-back cufls are fitted with darts to give arms slender appearance. pe Stylo No, 1334 ts designed in sises 16, 16 years, 40, 38, 40, 42, 44, 40 nnd 48 Inches bust Yt is. made with 3 yards of 40-inch material with Yard of 32-inch contrasting in the iedlumt sie. Tt 4s splendid type for wool jer eon Poor Old Bowser It is with deep and sincere regret , that I, on behait-of Oarter,-Long, Ine, ignation from the pos- A foathorwelght woolen in commery ca OHO BY OSU Oe tones that will be amart addition (9 to your Pall wardrobs Ib is onesplece Grouped plaits at front are inserted to provide neces- sary width and flare to hem. Il y accept your t iWon of Chief Cashier of this firm, I take great pleasure in informing you that, in acknowledgment and ap: The Cast of Characters in preclation of your many years of Gander Sauce STANLEY GOODHUE, cashier, whose accounts are rather muddl- ed. Ho decided to resign. FREDERICK KIRKWOOD, pres- ident of the firm. who gladly ac- cepts Stanicy's resignation, By THORNTON BURGESS (Copyright) Bulletin Fashion Books with the latest autumn modes from Paria may be obtained from he Pattern Department, Edmonton Bulletin, for fitteen vents. Pat- terns of any of the Lucille Lor- raine styles may also be obtal ed by writing the same depai ment and enclosing size aud * pattern number and twenty centa, association with this corporation, the directors lave voted .you bonus of one hundred thousand doliars, Asguring you that your connection with us will always remain a delight full memory, we aro Yours very truly, Carter, Long, Inc., (Signed) Prederick 8. Kirkwood, Some were sorry und some were-aad, But most of the Ittle folks were glad. Tvs a fact, modt, of the tule people of the Greeti Meadows arnt the Green Forest were glad when they heard the plufal voloe, of Bowser the Hound (a hevwinined milituly, Mo was bebe What was tho Matier with him, but SME his master to take off the tran, they dd know from the sound ot his ,j92t, Bowser, Poor old Bowser, olce that he was in trouble of some yaa ho ten we were glad. eotuaily SeF1 bound up the brulsed paw after Slag, You see, moat of them are very tin Sas orm and the wee eae, BIC Finch afraid of Bowser, To be sure.. ing, but no bones were broken, It was The prospective fiance need write only, Paithtully followed by Luls name of tus initials; generally, the inscription 1s plac d in the lower teft 48 to be tn residence tha photograp ve jailed to hi there; Af not tt should be sent to he that an admirable What s What fl mctiot Mt nett fahed. Would it be all au, find himself a steady position with fairly easy hours, and in bis Jeisure e would struggle with the diotates of hig inventive mind Almost at once af President, ler reaching this decision he found As Stanley Goodhue reread this place with the great firm of Carter, letter addressed to himself, folded it Long, Tne and placed it carefully in his safe, an It was a humble berth, but he re- ie college, ved. joing back, calmly an- nounced ue. that 0? and why not may I t DAMMIT, MAN, THE CASH 18 100,000 SHORT. WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT? You'll know why when Collins re- porta on the cash tonigt was his assistant) Bul, Goodhun continued quietly, I wouldn't alse any alarm if T. wee you, Publicity of that sort wouldn't be very advantag- cous, Tl be here if you want mo again. In half hour Goodhue again an- swered the imperious ringing of the deal, and perhaps they are. not to be Biatied for being glad that he had at last got into trouble. But there are a lot whom Bowser never had bothered at all, and it didn t seem right that they should smile and say they were lad of it when they knew that some- hing was hurting him very much in- deed. And, of course, it wasn't right. Bowser isn't nearly so bad as a great hg has hunted some of them a great (08 Dut ne bones were Bowser couldn't put his foot to the Found st all, but had to walle on reo legs, Brown's to learn fo keap out of traps. He sot the trap just as before, caver- nd sore that Poor old Bowser y once more. said* Parmer You'll have Then what do you think he did? it all up-so that it could not be sey which Is fashionable this sexson in purple, Ro Prints are al combined lked in this one-piece type, with plain sillk erepe in blending tone for con- trast, ton crepe, crepe By HELEN DECIE blue and bottle green, very smart in jersey with plain. jersey. A young man (Adair) wants to vend ile crepe in tweed pattern ts well- his photograph to Miss T., who wil enter her sentor year at X college this month, Although she ts not set enguged to him, it ts understood (hal they are to be married next June, and that he wilt buy the engagement ring Novelties in woolen fabrics, can- atin, crepe - mato- copy to you live to her at summor resort last month? There is no In the elroumatances, proper for Miss G. to send her photo graph. DECORATIVE FRUIT Tn. you mak a centrepioce for your dining cae cain, and velvet popular abries noted at Obrtstmas. Should he. mi 1 the tabib, don t forget the pletorial qual many think he ts, seepbeae. Cred yea Of course, when his yelps and howls was angry and rather dazed, Dammit, man the cash ix 100,000 short, What is it all about? he de- manded. FULL CONFESSION OF 100,000 THEFT ava, not explainable over phone, retorted Goodhue. T'd suggest sir, that you assemble cnough the directors 4. form a quorum. and call meeting here, Tl bs waiting for you, About four this afternoon would 0 nicely. Of course you won't notify any ane else, 15 four o'clock convenient or yout, Yes? Very well T shall expect oe, In less than an hour the distracted chiet executive ad rounded up. his fellow officers and at five minites to four the group ef bewildered pluto: rats entered the home of their former Gashler. They. wore ushered. into the library where Goodhue. greeted. themn politely, and calmly requested them to Fake seats, wrhen he apoke, S*Now gentlemen he sald tet us come to the point at once, T have stol en 100,000 from the firm and Tin fend to keep tt. Ts hidden where no one could find tt, You haven't treated fnenquavety,-t worked for you fer twenty years, I gave you everything you could have asked for-lovaly, abe We'll get Old Man Coyote yet, in tailored sports frocks. photograph to her home or io her col sald he us be started back home, lege? What inscription, if any, should Bowser limping at his heels. be written on the photograph, atid Next Story: Rejoicing on the Green nee Meadows, of frults, A low basket of shiny red apples, yellow pears, and clusters. of Rrapes 13 a delight to the eye as well to. the palate YOUR BABY AND MINE by Myrtle Meyer Eldred CHILD CONFUSED BY SEEMING CONTRADICTIONS A mother told me an amusing story yecently. Her amall daughter, aged two, was, according to the mother, persistent in putting her hands on valuable piece of pottery. Growing Hred of constant efforts to keep het kway the mother slapped her ands, Immediately the child said to her? Bad. Mama, go stand in the corner have often wondered just what must be the confusion in the child's mind when the mother epeatedly. slaps her, and yet if baby retallates : she finds that what. she has done F a is all Fight for meiner to aie hee oj . nf Fashion Declares Brown The Smart Daytime Color This Season fae she pleases, but just let baby give che slap in return and the whole family Is told about ii The child ts looked. upon asa. bad-tempered and Uugly-dispositioned ehild. To my. no- And the last shipment just re- ccived contains many outstand- ing examples of this dominat- ing color in velvet, satin and georgette. Priced from (Opposite Huaon s Bay Ca.) GOWNS OUIWO ALIKE He almost ran into Reddy Fox of pain and fright were heard ev body was greatly excited, Peter Ral bit. knew perfectly-welt that he-oughe not to leave the Dear Old Brier Patch at that time of day, but he just couldn't sit still; he hud to know what expression ot complete ast it, aTwaya Epeud aver fia tentures diligently (6 his tasks and, shouglh The old fools he ejaculated, and slowly ever progressing up the lndaee lapsed into though 4 : of Suse, ices, until, pitey Tiftoen, ae UrACcy, Panotaaly sone nat Te never occurred to men in the years with the organiestlone he: hod get in return? A. measly ttle t stil; he hind t0 kno ponlon of those, director fold been appointed chet cashier. Tis aaiary that would keep ae working ad happened, te promiped ite Nimscit, unat anyone beneath hem postion he held for five gears atthe unt was to9 old, never allow me us ME Pete: that, he woulda go spell and financially may outvit ime of his reception ot that, almost elie. not enougt to. permit me-and ANd that he vould be very, ver care Ahem, They expect to acgomplis their unbetlevable fetter from the head of my family the thing we deserve afuer/ ul Now, It was lucky for Petar that petty larcenies and felonies. without the corporation. my many years of service. Re arning. - He almo belng apprehended, but in thelr cgois- Stanley Goodhue hed been x Td Wwhhen t finally asked you to fTMNE. He, almort ran into Reddy tle minds an inferior who dares rueh : : (i id eager to find out what had hat certain to be caught aid ed that he didn't see Peter at all, (T'S NOT EXPLAINABLE OVERTHE PHONE applying himselt ton what 1 good for the goose is Just as good for the gosling. What confusion must reign in the child's mind when one of mother's friends in an orgy of irritation says W nee big cuss word and then when baby repeats this mouth-filling word she Js hustled upstairs and her mouth Washed with soap. Why can't she aay it if Mrs. Brown can? Why didnt for which Peter was very thankful. At the very first yelp from Bowser OF Mistah Burzard sailed Into the air from his special dead. tree in the them at their own gam, aid r've reason to be proud of mys:li T have all 1 want to make me com: forlable for the remainder of my fe Green Forest and started straight or mother wash oct Min Brom cement I apitat wit whic to conduct my exe He remembered hose trae Nec ass eyWZn enuaren Bla fat natural ea 25.50 yles periments, Someday. thn world wil thi day etore for Old Aur Covote Hroatanag fer eplidtee i ae Pe ee Se Froognize, me as rarilig and right asiay he guessed what hed toyn fro eae ethene eee me Seas leasin; Mareont and Ford happened. 'Sammy day and Biagky iors fot frilled pleasing aaron ad ore the Crow also. hnirried in. the minitJe ikea simbettee, Mannetsy and st ia wes co For 15 YEARS WORK Gtrection, though they had io idea fto hit ench other mate ehee a aifered) walgc ate. new ait are AS he finished fir confident, ret What had happened. But most of ail descend to. absolute priniivenees oek notes of this season's mode of rospection, Geodhue stepped out 1 hurtied Farmer Brown's Boy... Al first, 'one gives the otheg re a ) the inviting ttie veranda, that sur- the couldn't think what could be the Tat Is, wear a foods hard bite, feminlitity- to any. mother, something has anid the ustal tounded his charming cottage. Several years, before he and his pretty young wife had purcliased: tis place in an attractive and easily ai essible subarb of New York. They were extremely popular in their community and, despite the fact loodiue was al most twice as old as his ar old wife, his frlends were equally fond of her, and vice versa, Bince childhood he had had a cur- fous and original brain. In fact he was one of those abominable children who, unless constantly supervised, take everything to pleces from father's watch to his. own bicycle, Immediately on leaving, school he took fob in x garage and for m time the machinery intrigued him, but tt was not long be- fore he realized he was on the wrong track. He couldn't work Uke that, always being watched by. someone. He would Hart Bros. Going Strong on their 25th Anniversary ratier. Ho though that ie mi te that Oia Man Covoto: haa tunmaay Oe Bowser and that Bonaae gc on whipped in a fight Bute ds Sound ke nt gh Ang inn ait suddenly he thought of the traps and. essed just as ON dsr ap a Bed gucded, So he tured, aad Z Unul he was quibersut oir g When he reached the ae oe ot tne Green Mendon wheet Gla da Coyote had made his heen te Mee ben Sover (ieing mt comfy Sd eae el velping with pain. there would be no heet tore Ol Mintan Buzzard was - ealling the email ber rel earns and a eat psn ek ttt sighed the letter addressed to iirk- lier teeth, but the adult merely cont eh to Kirk- tages. the sue when she ites ie punish the child. There is no reason for her actions and the child ts mere- ly embittered and resentful, and her tinger at the child who ran and told Will drive: her to do more biting the ext, Ume the opportunity. presente itself, The child's world, especially the very young. child's, ts a most confur- ing place, made of processions of con tradicuions. She can't touch the household treasures but her tather can; she can't slap but her mother van; she can repeat omy a choice selection of words she hears, for some of them are the property. of adults only. Adulis would do. well to. view their acts from the child's angle. Then their methods of discipline would be more reasonable and less. confusing, thie absolute timtt tobe done about that thing ote in to bite the ella an ree urn: Fit-for-iat, an eye for ni eve, bite for bite, is . But what cau this teach the child? Only that she had better be more a creet, in her biting and. Rot gel caught, because adults ean bite. a Ist harder'than abe ean, Also. ahe hasnt bitten the: grown-up so. why should grown-up. bite her? If the eniia4 who war bitten had retaliated tn kind ROMER'S OTHER SALONS ARE AT VANCOUVER, B.C, AND NICE, FRANCE. Tea Talk Having. distinguished itself by com- leting summer marked for its les of smart and lovely weddings, the ounger set 13 preparing to color the riety of Inter esting and clever entertainments, Breakfast Bacon, streaky side. . 33c sliced, er. Ib. Ayrshire Roll, sliced, per Ib, 30c Shamrock. Peamealed. Back Bacon, sliced, per Ib. 48c blend Coffee, fresh choice quality, special 4A9c 59c oe Class Tea, range Pekoe, 69c Special, per Ib. Henry Wilson Co Fresh Villet of Pike + Fresh Pickerel Fresh Salinon Per. Ib. . Fresh Red Spring Salmon, Per Ib. 2 35c 2c 25c 30c Halibut, Cod, Shrimps, Crabs, Herring, Lake Athabasea Trout,Smoked Salmon, Smoked Gold- eyes. et of Per Ib, Club women are arranging ai ties of teas with enthusiasm, and matrons are busy with private and organization plans for what promises be a particularly busy autumn. In spite of the well: devised social calendar of the elders and. the or- dered business of thie days of late Se tember, October and November, with the Armistice Ball in the background and New Year's. Evo festivities just over the horlgon; the young. brides and the debutantes. are promising to take a. very prominent part in the seh ine of things, At. thelr meetings this week the Duke of York Chapter L.O.DE. and the Junjor Hospltal League both pian- ned affairs for the near future, al ways Tod letter events in the younger Set calendar. The Duke of York will concern itself with w Hallowe'e: affair with Miss. Nancy Bradiey convening, The Junior League will hold its tirst. dance. xt Mayfair Golf and Country Thank you, gentlemen, Goodby. Exactly ten years later to the very day a luncheon was held in one of New York's most exclusive hotels. The Suest of honor was Stanley Goodhue, 4nd the occasion was. the- perfection and reception. of patent of the ine vention which had been his life. work. Tho city's greatest scientists, business men and financiers were present, and it was Goodbue s supreme moment, When inevitably, it came. his turn to respond to the many laudatory re- marks made concerning him and his device, destined to revolutionize the manufacture of radio. reception ape parntus, he was decidedly modest and quiet reticent He worked:thto his briet talk numerous ofthe pintitudes that B ing exemplary employe in all those years. always aceurate, quick, never late in the morning or after lunch, sver Willing to work overtime without re- ward (despite his anxiety to get home so that he could continue with his own work). He accepted his gradual rise with appreciation and-his extrem ly gradual Increases in remuneration without adverse. comment. Six months before his resignation: he had approached President Kirkwood ind had asked, rather hesitantly, for Rive me more, youl refused. I worked fen times as tiard as any of you men would know how to work. You have had everything you wanted all your lives. And yet, gentlemen you are ot satisfied. For you. have all broken the Jaw Just as T have. You may amile Mr. Burton, but what about that 10,000 You sporoprinted in the sabler-Will Jams deal? Mr, Burton's smile froze, and his 208, Popped. The man next to him looked shocked, but jumped as Good- Mrs. James Jones CITY FISH MARKET Our Fall lines in Men s Wear has never been more attractive. Society Brand Clothes are the last word in fine clothes and we are very proud to show them: Slater Fine Shoes are recognized to be Can- ada s est Valucs, 7.00 to 10.00. We invite you to come to our Store for the world s best merchandise for men who know value. Hart Bros. Jasper Ave. - 99 St. DIAMONDS ON CREDIT Diamond Mercia r in salary and pointed out that ha been in. the, position of Chief Cashier for four and a half years with. hho increase. Mr. Kirkwood: very tactfully, but with equal firmness refused: to rant his request, and. Goodhue. retired. to his own office with a considerably de- pace idea of his importance to the. rm For days he brooded over the matter and then his inventive genius con- ceived a plan whereby he would even bis scoro with his superiors in the fccomplish his ifesiong: aniston to sccompl feslong. ambition- t have sufficient money to devote his entire time to his hobby. It took him six months to. perfect ES eee a ABBEYS Sweetens the Stomach Le Sas Have That Footlight Sheen By Kana Wallace Hopper To my audience, my hair is 0. ever- tasting interest. It always looks alive and women admire ts constant sheen, One of my secrets is mere cleanl - hess. The fascinating glow comes from T shampoo my Hair once a week 1 der ordinary circumstances. After it dries 1 comb it and apply Wave and Sheen. Then I place my combs in the direction I wish the waves, (My hair ts not curly.) You can get Wave and Sheen at any tollet counter. Your money re- funded if you are not pleased with results hue addressed his next words to him And you, Mr. Sherman, do you re- member a conversation you had with a gentleman we shall not name, dur- ing the Wayman case? I believe it had fo do, with 25,000 you happened to want. Mr. Sherman turned pale, and clutched the arm of his chair, Is tt necessary..Mr. Warren, for me to tell these gentlemen of proposit- fon you made to me.sbout a year ago? Mr, Kirkwood, it grieves me to know that you sanctioned these dealings and I know positively that you did. Nonsence, Goodhue, The president interrupting, tried to be calm, You cannot. prove any of these things Return the money. you took, and we will forget all about your theft, In Wace we you fifteen * nee That 1s most generous of you, Mr, Kirkwood, said Goodhic, m trifle sar- castically. gentlemen, which Z should tke to pass around so that every one present can look It over. You know my records are true, And Ihave actual proot of Moga aet noted on. thal vou have read it you will realize. tha if you send me to alone. Tam. young sta over again after serving m sentence, but there are several of you who will Rot again seo sixty. There-was-e silence, Then President Kirkwood spoke in an odd, strained voles. What s the alternative? What do you want us to do? You will take this letter of my re signation written by me to you, signed and dated a week ago, You My. Kirk Wood, will sign this second letier ac- cepiing my: resignation and awarding ms bonus of 100,000 tn appreciation of my seryices. And thet you will leave me, and never mention this ter to any one ever, Hore 6 a lst of your law breakings, va fitted the occasion and he: vaguely re- ferred to the bonus from Une Carte; Long, Inc. that was, he said in rec: ognition of long and faithfut service in work that was not to his liking. A BONUS WICH HE DID NOT MERIT. ea The reward for that, he explained, made possible his consentration upori his one big objective and hts succes: at last in the field of invention. fis speech was. well renelived ay sich a one from a newly acknowledged genius deserved to be, comparatively colorless 5 it was. Conditions mada inadvie- able inJections tate it of the big punch Fevelation that he yearned to mak That was reserved for the direct- ors of Carter, Long, Inc. who the following morning re ctved Goodhue's check for 100,000, representing half of his first advance on royalties as- sured form his invention. Accompanying the check was a brief hote, opening cryptically with: What ts sauce for the goose and ing: But now that my big ambition has been realised and fortune is mine, it affords me utmost pleasure to return to you the bonus awarded me ten) years ago which made possible my Yuecess, but which in the Interim, have come to believe I dia merit THE END Tomorrow: Harold Hadley, The Bowle Knife. by life Sonnysayings By FANNY . Cony dog's hy. Mippy. has ekinch Smart Autumn Millinery Showing Styles to suit the most fastidious: The Popular Pirate and So-Wester Both letters and passed them to the directors. When the last one had fin- ished reading, he returned them to fhe president a. entemeny You are agreed nt ven tured Kirkwood. The comment was unanimous, and Kirkwood, with a hand whose trembl- ing he tried vainly to control, took fountain pen from his vest-pocket and Developed DON'T. Blue Bird Millinery 10251 - Jasper. Ave. soft new shades, as Raspberry, Claret, Independent Blue and Lovely Copper Tones, SEEING THEM. x Beauty Parlor Phone 4674. Club on September 20 with Garthena Trowbridge in charge of ara numerous ay sole the make thelr onatd ball tober is the Royal Alexandra Hospital Ladies Ald dance, which is being held in the Nurses Home on 1 Mrs, W. G. MeConachie is in charge of arrai ts, and the affair prom fies to be of that cleverly. inforsint smartness achieved by the Ald in their hospital - parties, an earthen bowl and a wooden for mixing. at color the mixture. Mie: 2681 Phone 2531 ents, WE: DELIVER ers have been chosen by the young girls clubs in the and sliver slippers and tashion- Rew evening gowns. will soon appearance in the Mac- iroom, Another interesting event ef Oc: Of Trade in the Old Keli STRAP a for 01 BACK TO EARTH: For making ex: Official ON, New Bank of Commerce or muffins use Metals are likely to dis- LIMITED 5.00 for Your Old Watch 1 of Our New aud Up-to-Date POCKET WATCHES W. A. Ferguson, Limited JEWELLERS Time Inspectors Bidg. 10116 - 101st Street PHONE 1247 VOR. CORRECT TIME. ee SPARKLING DRY The Ideal Beverage for the Party of the First Part Specially Prepared by Calgary Brewing Malting vo OF FRESH LIMES Co. Ltd
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Image 1280 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1280, (CU11184356). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.