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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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The Financ Department Bulletin s ial and Markets EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1929. The Bulletin s Daily News From All Markets WINNIPEG, Sept rain in sections of Argentina und lsequent lowering of wheat values at) Liverpool quickly reflected in the local market today. Wheat prices here re- jeorded a sharp dive rst jery found ready r found values still ty to xc Tower Lor the tim Cs fing with spreads generally unchang- ed. RAIN REPORTS SEND WHEAT VALUESDOWN, - Sharp Decline Recorded in Winnipeg Se vy at t hour and. th session. While the volume jeomparatively small, selling was at 168 quite ih wheat cont Liquidation. Iwas in evidence, tim: than. yesterday's. close. Jand rye eased slightly Number 1 Northern Number 2 Northern Number 3 Northern... . being mo Number 4 Number 5.: No. 6.. Reiceted Tre me TOUGH WHEAT Number 2 Northern N N N Ni x jumber 3 North umber 4... + romber lumber rack OATS Ni N EX. N amber umber No SARLEY N jumber 3 Ni Number 2 jumber 1 N. ic: Number 3 . fack. jected, YE Number 1 C.W. Number 3 C.W. Track WHEAT N N N N N Ni Ni Ni Gillespie North jumber 2 Northi funab r 3 North funrber 4 mber 5. jumber 6. iyiaber umber 6 IRYE. Ni m R N N umber 2 CW. fummber 3 C.W. ejoeted No, J Rejocted No.3 CW. Rejected 2... Rejected (ergot) : AX. limber 1 C.W.. umber 2 CW Number 3 Cw. Se Vancow than six ecnts lower I feed jumber 1 feed... ber 2 feed. ig Hea- Times es, November Getober of b ne Of Tye A the pough partial re ponse, the closing October nber New New of trade wa May tinued slow in trad tn all coarse. grail flax futures atone ats, barley WHEAT May September December March CORN May 2 September December March, oaTs May September December March RYE Ma . September December March Hits ces No. 3 Nor. No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 oats No.1 Feed .... 2 No.2 Feed 210) 2 BARLEY 3 CW. naa . 8 en WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKETS: By James Richardson Sons, Ltd. Previous Open High Low Close Close 15B', 158 1874 187 159 1371, 158 , -156 3 156 1584, 158 1581) 1584; 1ST 15834 1 163 162 1625, 1631, n cat 1 au 11 n i 4 , 80 19 cc W. a, 81 aly a 85 85 , : 1B aly 302 402 301 303 204 303 gil 312308 3 Moe ag N64 16 4 a wat 121 119 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKETS By James Richardson Sons, Ltd, Previous Open High Low Close Close 158 153 15345 153 1361347 136 144 4314350148 149 ; 1481S 149 ) 149 seeeees 107 1084; 10743 1077 108 1034, 103 108 10355 103 . 101 1013 100 101 2011, 21051), 10813105 105 10444 60 59 Ty 52 521, 52h B5ie 55ta BSNS 58 584,584 1201: 11944 119 , 12015 105 104 108 150 M1 Md ate Nit Te 118 Total cars inspected for Sept. 12.33 Total inspected for Sept 2189 2 A.P.Con... 3.73 i Associated 2138, 1 Calmont. 3.65. Com'wealth Dalhousie .. 2.80 Dallas Devenish Easterest Fabyan Pete 15 Freehold 1180 Hargal 168 Home 19.20 Ts, Alias). 64 s Mayland Advance New Mercury : Vancouver Stocks Mil Cily : : Moder: : Solloway, Mills Go, ta. McD. S.New 135 Li0 cy Relerwnys INE AICO LAM Tem, Soe 810-8016, , , VANCOUVER, BC.. Sept. 13. F McLeod . lowing the trend of the eastern mark- Regeny- lt;ri 48 48 : els ihe local exchange was extremely Revalite Grain Co, Weak Thursday with heavy offerings SW. Pete 250 Coming out nthe oll Yarues. on ail Spponer 101 an Feeessions, however, buying support Sten, Pac tet Ey came ott but. the clos was weak United ere Tocces ranging from a few cents to'as United New 100 104 much 25 9.00. Vulent Jats 3.25; A.B. Con Calmont off 21 Weaker at 5.40. was 9.00 lower 2.90. to close at 1.85 clesing 3 cel Home oll sagged 65 cenits to close lost 27 cents cents at 3 and C. and E. Corprn., closed 45 cents Royalite ats McLeod off 35 cents at 03.10; Dalhousie lost 15 cents at 20 George Copper moved up 10 cents 5.20 and premier touched 3 firmer at 1.79, Pend Oreille was off 10 cents: at 5.00 High Low Close Bayview 2 ; 02 ; 02). es A 1a 105 108 09 Cotton Bett Duthie Georgia Rv Geo. Cope: Golconda. Grandview Z . 26 Independ, Indian... Int. C. 6. Koot. Flor. i Koot King . 31 Lakeview : L. L. eww ver Grain VANCOUVER, B. C., Sept. By Malden El Putures WH Ne 2. umber 1 funtoer EAS 5 155b 156 een ber 6 Wheat Local In: Government T- i Hard 1 Nor. 2 Nor Open High 155b 15642b 15434 Northern jumber 2 Northern 3 Northern umber 4 Wheat Number. 5 Wheat Straight Tough Total Woodbine Liieky Jin) L) Marmot M. Mohawk Mort, Wols'y, Nat. Silver Noble Five Ore, Copper Old Colony. Pend, Or, P. Idaho. Premier. Rutus Ruth Hope Reeves. McD, Silverado Silvercrest Silversmith Snowflake Slocon King Sunloch, Topley Rich: Torts Mines Whitewater levator Co.. Lid. B Low 153340, Close 153 b 1543 ses 15155 1493 13435 spections Grain taspectors 2 ois 516 08 09 Low Watch the Advancement OF Alberta Superior Oils Limited LIEUT.-CoL, Ast Vie W. W. PREVEY, MLA. vi Pres. Edmonton City Dairy ARCH. McGAVIN Director MeGavin Limited Tk, ' 520 Directorate . GEO. B. McLEOD ice-President 1B. B. ARMIT, Director Armitage Lbr. Co. Director, ce- Preside Ds 01m Operator, PHONE, WRITE. OR WIRE Tegler Buildin EDMONTON e PHONE 4346 AGE, Nancouver W. H. PEARSON - gary Sons. Contractors-of an- couver and Calgary. For Information Regarding this New Company Cal, and Ed. to a9 00 Beacon O11... Canada Bread Cansda Bread A Canada Bread B Canada Gypsum City Dairy... ee cee Consumers Gas... 10 Cockshutt Plow 1.) 2.) Canadian Bakeries... Canadian O11 5 Canadian Goodyear. Dominion Stores PON, Burts. we Gren West Saddiery Haye, Wheels... . Imperial Bank 2... Kelvinator of Ganada Laura Secord ... + Loblaw .. Northern Bakeries. . Photo Engravers... 10... Service Station Equipment Western Canada Flour i Winnipeg Grain Letter James Richardson Sons, Ltd. ) WINNIPEG; Sept. 13 Wheat open ed steady inspite of Liverpool weak- Hess and reports of rain in the Ar- gentine, but later wien the forecast, for unsvttled weather in that coun- try was published, concentrated sell- ing developed and the market declin- ed. closing 1 to lower in spite of firmness in American markets which closed practically unchanged. Light rainy were reported im the no:th and south Argentine, although the last reports stated. that weather was now clear and the Buenos Aires market at Boon was only 3 to lower. Export. business was again disap- pointing, although advices from sea board. indicated a better demand from the continent, There were some reins in Western - Canada, but marketings continue steady, yesterday's figures again being fe excess of three million bushels. Wheat went, into good hands: today aiid the technical position is proved, z The trade continues top largely professional for a really healthy mor- ket. Immediate price trend will be governed by Argentine weather con- itlons, 5 Wall Street J By das. Richardson Sons NEW YORK, Sept, 13 Good sized gains from ithe previous close took Place in Steel, American Can and ther industrial: leaders, while Colum bia Gas ted a vigorous demonstration in the utilities, and Standard of New York in the oils. Urgentt pressure was concentrated in U... 8. Steel, which broke sharply to new low groups on the eurrent reaction. Gall money was 'm good supply throughout the day at the: renewal rate of 8 per cent, and nothing happened in the outside news to account for the heaviness of the general list. Reports. were circulated that som bad news was overhanging, but there was no knowledge in well- Informed quarters of an Unfavorable j development pending. Experienced observers felt that the resumption of the decline demonstrated that an im. palred technical sitvation still ts'ed in the main body of stocks, and argued that it was idle to seek any other explanation on the further as and Electric and its in the utility division and ls plan of corporate rcorganiza:ion is now a re prices on the mid-day by cent, surprised Groene early afternoo eight: Points but rall cov up 6? The closing By James Air Reduction Allied Cl Am. Can, Armour A Am. : Tee Loco Smet, Sugar. Tel. Wi . Woollens Annaconda, Atchison Barnsdall Beth, Sizel A Briggs Mig. Calif. Pack Canada Dry CPR... Gerro de Pasei Chic. St. Paul Chrysler Coco Cola Cons. Can. Cons, Gas Congoleum Deleware Eston Axle Erie oe Fleischmann Gen. Asphalt Gen. Elect Gen: Motors Gen. Rly, Goodrich Goodyear Granby Coppe Houston O11 Howe Sound Hupmobile... TOM, Centrai Inter. Harvesti Inter. Tel. Kennecott. Lambert Ling Monty Ward Nash Motors N.Y. Central. Packard Mot Publi Pullman: Co Pure Ol Radio Rem. Rand . Shell Union Smelair Oil Southern Paci Stand. O11 of Btand. OM of Texas Corn. Texas Gulf Timken Rolie United Cigar US: Rubber UB. Steel. Vanadium Wright Aero Call Money . Electric Bond Celenese Clty. Bery Ford of Engl Imperial Oil Int. Utilities ality. It is expected that Stan and Electrie will absorb all Louisville Gas Co, stock outstand- ing in the. excl charge Will approsimate one of Standard Gas for each Loulsvitte, a a. propacgl would - 38 Lavise te, Standard zn around 3700 Int. Utilities, Int. Pete Newmont Min Standard O11 Blandard OH Standard Ol Butte United Cn ue dry: dropped 1 new high at 176 . Sig... Graham Paige Hudson Motors Inter. Combust. Inter, Nickel .. Kansas City South Union Pacific Yellow Cab . Marks Writer movement, n. In the morning break, Steel Products common and preferred Sagged, American Machine and Foun- American Telephone Simmons. company Westinghouse Electric, General. Elec- trle, Dupont, North American and Air Reduction to 62 points, States Steel common broke below 231 for an cxtreme loss of more than 4 American and Foreign Power led. the afternoon te- ry soaring nearly ten points to a Columbia Gas:ran points to a new-high at 10912. Vanadium Steel extended its gain to 514 points, Pullman to five points and Republican Steel to 34 by touching 0 new high at 139 Hed later. was strong, Richardson Allis. Chalmers. Am. Agr Chom. Allegheny Corp. Car Fary, Tel iterworks Balt. Ohto ... 1.) Bosch Magneto : 0 Che:. Ohio . Chie: Rock Tete Chile Copper. ... Cont. Moto-s Davison Chem, Hudson Dupont Powder Fastman Kodak... ee er. Tel Myers Miss. Pecitic ... Nat. Cash Reg. rs Postum Cereoi ... Service Real Silk Hose Schultz Stores Sears Rorbuk . Simmons Brds ... . tic Standard Gas . Safeway Stores... Bisnd. Oll of Calf, NS, NY. Stewart: Warner a United Frait 0000.07 UB. Ind. Alcohol : . Union Carbide West. Airbraice . West. Electric Willys Overland Woolworth .. New York Curb James Ricrardson Sons. Ltd. Auburn Motors... Share Club Aluminum Ford of Canada B' Ford of Canada A land. Kn B ing of Ohio, of Kentiieny of Tadiana MUCHLOST AS PRICES BREAK IN NEW YORK Selling Bombardment Car- ries Issues to New Low ton un- confirmed reports that the red metal was again being sold at 18 cents a pound, Anaconda dropping five points, Cananea 43, and several others one to three points, but they rallied with the rest of the list In the Total sales 5,000,000 shares, Sons By STANLEY W. PRENOSIL Associated Press Financial NEW YORK, Sept. 13 The stock market was subjected today to bombardment of selling which carried most of the active issues. to new low The brewk which ran from 3 to 15 points. in scores of issues was checked about the lowering of the call money rate from elght to seven per other While Wall Street undoubtedly was the inerease of 120,000,. 000 in federal reserve brokers last week, today's selling was generally characterized as a further correction Of a top-heavy speculative position. Copper shares turned Toans Midland and United Balt. Ohio Chrysler... Columbia Gas Inter, Harvester Pullman Car North Amerieait Go U, 8. Rubber West, Elec. U. 8. Alcohol sTocKs Brazilian... BLA. ON Dominion Bridge Nickel a8 Wayagamack .... Abana feonda Amity Amuiet Arno Area Base eee ie ae Se eee Se ee janie Se sane ne Bas Fi seh ae sa ae Pioneer Premier. Sher. Gordon .. Blseoe .. -. + St Anthony Stadacona Sud. Basin Sylvanite Teek Hughes Towagamec Ventures Waite-Ack. Wright Hare. Associated f Baltac Dalhous Com. Pete. Pootiitl's Rasterest -) vs vs vs Cal, Edm. Corpn. Home Oil .. Imp. New 8. W. Fete Wainwell Int, Pete. By James Richardson Auantic: Su 5 Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scot Bell Telephone BC. Fishing gt;. Brazilian Ba Ow. B.C. Powe BO. Power BE. Steel . BE. Steel Pid. BE. Stecl 2 Pld. ... - Brompton Paper ..- Bullding Products... Bronze... ... es Canada-Genent Gan, Ca Foundry ... Can: Bank Commerce . Can. Celenese . Gan Converters Gan. Ind. Alcohol Can, Malting 3 Gan. Power Paper Gan. Steamship Can. Steamship Pfd. Can. Vickers, Garling ... Coast Copper... Cocksiautt Plow .., Cony. Smelting. . Distillers Seagrants Dom. Bridge. Dom. Unginceting -- Dom, Glass so. ns cre wee Dom Ter Chem: Dom. Textile... Donaconda ,. Dryden Paper Famous Players - Easte'n Dairies Praser lt;2. 21. 32. i e General Steel Wares ... Ham. Bridge... -. + -- Howard smith s Hydro Electric Tobacco Shik ke On'ario Brewers... Lake Woods Milling Peter Lyall -. Massey Harr's MeColl Frontenac ... jontreal Tramways. Nal. Steel Car Oplivis 2... + Page Hersey Port Alfred Powe Corp. Price Br Rehance Grain Shawinigon Sherwin Willams BC Power Btrel of Cnad: Tucketis Ped. CLOSING STOCKS Steel Canada fab Today s Most Active Stocks NEW By James Richardson Sons Open High Low. Last Sale, Last close gor 2028 98 gg ane up 125 135 1224 135 ts up os 1431384335 up Toe 134 73 2 UD 110 uo 1 up 10 130 4, ett ar e Bs uD 181188 163 up 53 80 3up 260 asses ft 203, 200-201 otf MONTREAL: Change trom Open High Low, Last Sale, Last close GB GS ROS oy gs eee oo 12 if 2 4 Tie 'e baa 55 Lot Mabe Toronto Mining Exchange By Soloway, Mills Co. Ltd. High 1.80 4 18 3144 33 12 8.26 20 YORK Change from Sales in Previous Low Clase 100's Close 174 175 68. 175 12 95 13 18 35 19 3.23, 1100 3339 170 35 Montrea) Stocks j 3 Sons 14 gt; 102 2 195 554 Montreal Light Power... stock continues to be recommended Deleware, Lackawanna and Western, ; News From the Mines pec siesiraaleinestt any Tay und elseed ony Ty at Tower on the day. Inthe fact of the sharp downward plunge that got Under way War Loans ; in Wall Street. ee By Jas. Richardson Sons Within a year the company s earnings will begin to re- flect the results of the great develop- ments program in which the frood ore WAR LOAN. 99.55 99.70 Lyal yesterday sold off to the new xr1937 7 10148 10163, lace their extreme optimisin vicrory fis on this that bulls on the stock *1943. 514 190.00 100.80 will play such an important part, and 1934 5 100.25 100.35, low of 1444 and closed at 16 Yor a net 1987 Stas 10495 108.08 Joss of 2 paints, and took its place WAR among the worst market rectors on the 1932 512 100.10 100.20 local list for the past year. The high RENEWAL REFUNDING. for the year was 65, and was made in 1943 5 2.0... 100.15 100.25 March. While during 1928. the stock 194d 4556. 9590 9618 fold-up to 78. Following the spilt 1940 4850 8585 9610 Up of tne stock of the company ast 19a 7 93.90 96.18, Year the new shares were placed on a Exe ederal Income Sash dividend basis of 2, per, share ca ee per annum, but in May of this year x*Payeble in New-York as well as cash payments were suspended and Canada, the last. two. quarterly declarations - have stock dividends. While STERLING EXCHANGE time to time the officials of the com- pany have spoken of the outlook of the company as extremely bright, the verdict of the market 1s far from op- timistte Asbestos, another of the poor mar- ket performers in the past. year, yesterday sank to the new low level of 7 and closed at that level for a net loss of 2 points. With trading in only : 35 at the close the stock was 3 bld PARIS, Sept, 13 Prices were firin Weed 1 suede OF ae 64, Aaveston, 2 00, the, Bocas tea NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Bterling exchange irregular at 4.79 5-16 for sixty day bills and at 484 5-16 for demand. Foreign bar silver 51 5-8; Canadian dollars 21-31 discount; francs 3.90 7 lire 522 5-16, PARIS BOURSE concerned it has been no secret for Three per cent, rentes, 78 francs, 70 some time that operations of the com- ecntimes. pany, were being conducted on a high. Five per cent Unsatisfactory basis, although in centimes, Tecent times, reports have indicated Exchange on some improvement, with the new 91 centimes. management introducing new and The United States dollar was quot vigorous methods, ed at 25 francs, 56 centime: Joan, 105 francs, 45 London, 123 franes, Calgary Power 6 Preferred Aas Offices: Monreat algary. Power Company, Limited, Sie is the principal producer and di eee tributor -of-hydro-electrie power in Quebee the Province of Alberta. The annual the conibined production of all other electric power stations in the Prov- ince. Its generating capacity willbe. , output of its existing plants exceeds Three Rivers more than doubled on completion of i RisleedurLoap the first stage of the Ghost develop- Benton ment, now under way. ener We offer as a desirable investment Vietole the Company's 6 Cumulative Re- deemable Preferred Shares, at 98 and Se Jatt, ae accrued dividend, to yield 6.12 . London, Ent. These shares rank senior to Common Shares listed on the Montreal and London Stock Exchanges, having a market value of approximately 4,000,000. Detailed particulara of this inven: will he supplied upon reques Royal Securities Corporation Limited Northern Investment Building, Edmonton Telephone 5411 16 120 19 the few tsmes to advance substantt: ally-in the faee of yesterday's, general Selling movement. At the end of this week, the company will have attained the current manufacturing objective, which 1s production of 6500 sets per day. Offleers of the company state that, the current..sear will produce earnines equal to an approximate 10 per share, and for this. feasoh the for purchase, Continue to recommend. the. pur- chase of the ofls..particulsrly Standard of New York and Pan America, and of the rails, Erie, Baltimore and Ohio, Z + By Solioway, Mills Co, Ltd. Amulet Our field man says Ai has almost doubled ore reserves in re gent drilling and. thera ts no reason hy more ore should'not be encoun- tered: z 5 Owen Lake Our field man back in Vancouver from Portland Canal re poris Owen Lake property, recently faken over by Timmins, figs tunnel ad vanced 1.700 feet and has 300 feet to go fo intersect main sttrfacc showing. Te has already been cut through nine veins having an average: widtty of five feet. All containing values. Ninety nien are employed mining and on road cons:ruction. Topley Richfleld Topley Richfield operation still in an fneonclusive stage Of development, according to our rield pian, Driving on second level at 200 fect. Consuiting engineer thas. reeom- mended 50 ton mill International Nickel August ship- ments of ore trom Frood. Mine to 2 deposits: from. the south, or smelter nt Copper Cliff totalled about 18.000 tons. or an: average of/700 tons ver day. This ore is from development only. Recent work hea pretty well ex- 1 lished the continuity of the Interna: tional theft. to the north, or. Mond craft, Lean area has. been encoun tered at the 2.800 foot level . Silvereup Silvercup. near ten, B.C..Is treating about 70 tons per day, and had about 7,000 tons of or3- enore in the stopes on inspection. Average width of ore about two fect and grades from. forty to sixty sunces ilyer and low percentage in lead. Ths vem stands ata. deep angle. dipping 4e the south and tunnels are driven In Aircctly on the vein. says our fleld Wwflake Rumored deal for Snow flake by Gugrenhelms now eald to be fecited by Sept. 18. No. statement from either side except that property row in New York for decisinn Reno Reno Gold b stalled and ror ports on elean-uD yet Ti. dwell Yukon That the ore on Errineton Mine Is showin more tormity. in grade on. 500 foot level Is stated to have resulted ina decision to sini: to 1.500 feet. ntier the shat: connected at 00 feet Hazel- small mill ine Follow the Progress:of Work Realizing -that ti Impossible for tiie Inyeator. to, chet personally the operations of the many mining and oil companies 1 which he may be interested,-we are filling thls requirement for information. through. our Semi-Monthly Stock and Bond Report. The information contained in this report is collected by. our field staff to insure accuracy. Send us your name and address to secure this free source of information. Miller, Court Co. Ltd. INVESTMENTS Branches: London. Eng.; Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Nelson, Victoria and Seattle, Wash ee Members Vancouver, Victoria. Calgary, Standard (Edmonton) Winnipeg, Seattle and Standard (Spokane) Stock Exchanges HEAD OFFICE: STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING, - VANCOUVER, B.C, CANADA, + Have You. Our Map Of the Mines? MINES AND OILS Instantaneous quotation and formation serylee through our own offices and al- filiations in ail principal financial cent Private wire system. 2 + Phone 9259 for Quotations Stope-FortenG:MartHEws Spectalius Mining Securities Northern investment Building, 3. W. PREBTON. Manager. EDMONTON RELIABILITY Inaccurate information may tead to s rious losses in stock market trading. Correct reports on actual conditicns ate necessary to Intelligent action and are essential as prompt and efficient execution of orders, Our continent-wide system proves both of Important features. We specialize OILS GRAIN MI these highly gs Westen Grocers Winnipsr Elect? ic sous veoterda with a turns The stork told leneing in fer of 415) Solleway, Mills Co,Ltd. 10039 Jasper Avenue Telophone 23418 V.H. JOHNSON, Maneg-r 33 Offices Connected by Nation-wide Private Wire howling sight signs of increasing figs . they Slated. Number three is reported 0 be pr: tueing better than 725 barrels of naphtha per cay, number two about 600 barrels, and number one between 500 and 850 barre aan Crest East Se one ilung steady with te : Ing Ne aL 8D feet. after reas fog Shrough the drilling steadily with hea Squipment at B50 feet in the Dakota, according Maylan Mayland number one. is ai steac sts ed ig ir the two days weaa-down 3,260 feet and making steady. Swan driling last night at 2.00 fect and also making good progress. Warnee Work has marted. forthe tiew Warner well in Waite Valley. to south fom hagas: Red aceon anil m Angus, and actual drilling is expected to weeks time, Banner anner, tn legal subdivi- sion six, section 3, township 17, range 3. spudded in Wednesday. afternoon with cable tools and is making its way Gown on location about two miler south and two miles east of the old Warner number two alte, Tunerfold innerfold, spudded in a few works ago west of Angus, Is make ing. steady working at ant a-ak. Colt, after making 269 feet during the eel in 2.810 feet when last. reports were re ceived and making fair Passing whieh caused much caving. Gibraltar Gibraltar, Richfleld, wes down 800 fect last, and making steady progress. Brock Spartan well, north of Richfield, is CALGARY, Alta. Sept. 1 Officials ed that Home No. i had been slightly below normal recent understood that thi ocourres 3. Latest Oil Fie By Staft Correspondent sre Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin lt; Home U of Home Oils vesterday stat- 00 but that st was Ps was 0 common Numbers two and three normal produetion and rou hard congl te whieh has caused much delay the past week, Number two was last, reports, at a toltal depth of feet in the lime, having according to last reports. No, some distance start within a few Drogress, with ' the bit depth of 1010 feet, was down: 715. fect Steady footage with cable hfleld Richtield, deepest well Waite Valley field, was down time after through a difficult formation, south af Pete Brock Pete, the old down 360 fect and making steady pro- LOOK L We again repeat that this ; Buy and Buy Now, ar stocks at present in A. P. CON. . UNITE MEROURY BALTA Foothills Finance I Menten LIMUTED: Calgary Btock Exchange, Standard St Qulek Service Frompt Contr 10004 Jasper Ave., Room A.B. KELLY, Representative, G.ASTIMS UHITED m6 OMde 6 * OFFER Your Money Back YOU When You Want It 7 WRITE, TODAY FOR FUE 1 G. A. STIMBON CO,, LIMITED. 606 Northern Investment Bldg, J. 2 send Heulars: Kindly send me particulars 0 tigi on my Offering 25,( LETHBRID( -At 50 Cents F Lethbridge Petroleum and hold over 2,000 acres on southern Alberta s most We consider Lethbridge Pe best buys in Canada. TI limited time-only. Prospe: HARRY H. CORPORATION Our new location in frorit Railways Telegraph an Ground Floor, McL Your listings or buying orde attention Real Estate and Insurance Dep
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Image 1289 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1289, (CU11184348). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.