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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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MONTON BULLETIN Atberta s.coudent Newapaper ERIDAY, JULY-19,1929. 92 Auto Wreckage WE BAVE YOU MONEY ON USED OARS find wed parts. ROYAL Auto Wreckers Successor To, DOMINION AUTD. WRECKAGE a boars ie, ayerimanons a) ibd. punranings,c 7 Saat of Pow Oia suite Ph. O76 600 Tester. Doll Hospital OGL MOSEITAL T00 EX CAR OWNERS wrecked 1007, 6 1908 This gives os parts to We hare, ma eae aes ot all Eevee sorte candice You Can Save 1 Spoctal Attention to. Mall Orders Auto Wreckage Ltd 10240 97th Street ree ioe narms Business Directory Continuse at, beat Bids na Ave. (Bret i Myery cane. oa RSoTRIOAL, tor, lotsa tase treat. Tuba. Detective Agencies COMIMION DETECTIVE AGENCY, scuigped to eily WD daskeon cat COnTaAC Prone 444 OLD. evera pargains in ightly Used OUT OUR WAY By Williams QUEER WAY OF DOING. ROPING YOUR MOLE, AND OW 1S YO TINK 7 1Se Gwe rer BE. CARRYIN DAT SADDLE ALL OE WAY Ter DAT MOLE ed ee et ree Fimpine cariial du. GROWING fositea, sounder. fleshed pallets, CAPITAL SEED FOULTRE BUPELY Youse oe treet? Peng ee Business and Professional Directory fhe following 1 complete dat ot tecat Biusineas und Ys rms lectrio Weldiog Pb. farm Lanes suite 103, tusurance Loans, Investment FOR FUR TRUDE WELDING. WP 00 ff. DARLINO *gloctrs Weld 6086 8661 Jasper Financlal and Reat Bstate McCALLUM AGENCIES Real Estate ida auvoer Ave. Ph 1044 : ue Floor Resurfacing ieee He Coste: ini 100 COLD STORAGE S L 10028 102nd Avenue CANADIAN G82 WORKE (edies sng Gente eats GRANT MeALPING FAINTING AND Decorating, urea solicited 9 Tele: phones... othes..igii stenidenes 163) jaresa: 1014 104th strech MicA-1 W. Virb On Everything tn Painting and Uscorating, (aida Jasper Ava Phoue 61 Pass oureDE i TRIN Warnishing, (papel Prank Birch MBetimater tree. Rellable ore. Phone sai. sis Physicians and Surgeons YSICLAN AND SURGEON toate a-106 de. wanisbion Phone aan DENTIST, LD 8.0 Dw 1011 JASPER AVENUE AOver Meintoman Hall) PHONE e223 Taecauie On 0 URGBON DER e Gas equipment ofee Mate onto tr'PAYs TO WANT Tha came a po aeRO SEE 7, Diseases of Women, Midwite Skin Aftectione Office 424 Tegler Bil Phone iets mam Guharen smptre wlsck. ie Teale, CO caine wa ter oidg Pnise lean ane sibee Gnats SEDONELL pa 4 3900 FeGLEN BUG 231i sin6 bones READ BULLETLV vy ADS Phone 91 . SEREROTHROCE SYD DR J. OISEABES OF RAILWAYS Tenders for the Plumbing and Heatin; and lo. Wiring of. the New Dormi- tory Building at the Provincial . Mental. Insti- tute, Oliver. Separate seated tenders and ehdpracd fenders addressed to the undersigned f6c ihecPlumbing and Meating end. Electric Wirng of ins New Dormitory Bullding mt he Frovincial. Mental -Tnaifeute, Olfver. Eh be recelvea up until iz eetoce Boon, Monday, duly aan. an 2Pice Suldine match thee he. Buildin en en ie Works, Parliament que the 1 appl Bepartmen of Public Bulldings, on deposit of marked Tor 42000, which wil be held. wail Slant snd. specifications, are speturned The Department. be the Coronation church rendered an- Contract. the au bigs. CANADIAN. NATIONAL Western Division) ied janders will bo. received, at, the otfice atte, Chet Moginer,. Wanctpes. Sait tweive ocleck, Thureday, July twenty ith, mineteen twenty-nine, for the follow Bariial demolition and re-erection of 18 ier rps et aries eae sae e Song aie ee otitis: Gt act, sac Seater ae st me Sere eee Plant, specifications and form of con tract may be seen anti form cf. tenc ebtained as tie efter, allot 98. considered. uniess as Spthy Vena scrompetied by a0 ccepted cheque on, a cheritred ial to five per cent of the value of the eau Dei of tae Seer fear iff Coronation U.F.A. To Hold Big Picnic Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin, CORONATION, July 19 The U.PA, joint convention of the Coro- nation and Ribstone provincial con stituencies will be held at Gooseberry Lake on Friday and Saturday, July 19th and 20th. with special services on Sunday, in charge of Rev. J. Dor- of Calka On Sunday afternoon the new United Church at Bulwark was ded - cated. Rev. Thos. Powell, D.D.. of Calgary conducting the zervice. The new bullding 1s a pleasing: frame structure, 26 by 40 feet in the interior with ane ghteen-foot vatilted celling. The furnishings, pulpit, seats and organ, are being provided by the Tadles Aid: Services are in: charge of the pastor of Trinity Church ot Coronation and Tor 8 number of years hate been conducted UPA. hall in the The excellent cho'r of thems and other occasion, The yote on the waterworks exten- music for the -on Friday and tenders have aires been let for the work. Material and eauipment. are to be delivered not hater than the 15th of August and the work 1s to b completed ot later than the 15th of October. At least hundred and forty seven new tomers will be served by the ex- tension of the mains, which will cover the -whole town, except five houses in. outlying. The Griling of a new well at the water tower will: be in- cluded in the est'mated cost of 37,000 whieh. 1s being obtained by twenty- year debentures. Ss Waskatenau Plans Baseball Tourney Exclusive'to Edmonton Bulletin WASKATENAU, a d d-garaen crops have betn much Amproved by the recent-rains and heat. There is a great deal of land being broken in this district, The annual Sprucetield ponte, held last Tuesday was well attended. A dance was held in the eyening in the Pianos, OMAPTER XLVIII Xt was Gunday evening, the fourth ay of Curtis almost fatal Uiness. Nan rose from a ebair in tho front hail and faced Dr. Black, who had just come downstairs from his usual eal mother and father were sulll with Curtis; now was Nan , opportunity, 1eF voice Was 50 cl wi i. ation that at first the doctor could not understand what she ay to him idiaend the boy Yes, yes, child to be all'right, Dr. Black asured ber, taking-the- girl's writhing hands and separating? thent. You must foretbl Rot let yourself go like this, Nan, or i struggting Jou be my next patient ty anid Non to release her hands, thet if Curtis ls going to get Well, then I'm I'm. not needed more, and I can go Go? . Black interrupted with astonishment, Ge where, end? are you E believe I am Nan moanod. It Tm, not now. 1 will be. unless I get away I tell you, T can't star? it any Tonger, Dr. Black So you're.e quilter,Nan? the old stor asked ly. r- quitter, f-you want to call me that Nan agreed passionate cant stand any longer the three of us, John, Iris and 1, under the same roof, There are some things toe arg for muman endurance, Dr ck - fran. -vhy d you tharry John Gur- tis Morgant* the. doctor hnterrupted up her ih und glared at her former champion. fou now with all my heart, Nan cried, But I married him because he needed me he and And you're willing to quit now, be- cause you. believe- you agg no. longes heeded? the docier prodded They. have her reminded him vehemently, They both seem to want her more than ne Listen, Nan . I'm telling you,,tn al cerlouariess, that they never needed You mere... No, watt Listen to ie Have you thought what. would happen to John Ourtis Morgan if you desert-liim now? You would be leav him athe maroy of every seat daimonger in the town. ?is falc repu ation, which no one as guarded more jealously than you have, would bee rilned. tris Morgan i not his wife, As it is, with you here as a chaperon : wild, hysterics out of Nan's thro ane fasped. I'm needed 8.8 sop to con- vention My sole: functions now are fo be a servant to Irie Morganend chaperon oht. Delicious irony And ul-sound: Stop tt, Nan the doctor comman- Ged, almost roughly. I know it's pur- gatory for you, child, but you've: got fp stick it until Curtis ts well enough for me to send that woman packing: T'can't do it now, with the boy stil as rick as he is, But I give you m: word, New, that Til send her -across. the street as soon ae Curtis 15 unquestionably out of danger of a, re- ve.borne grea: deal, child. Gap't you more for the man you-love? Nan stared et him long minute, year, Nan's only comfort was hid. WE was, an aegulaie Watch life and health slowly flowing back into his wasted little body, to see his black eyes widen and gion, with love when. she paid het eee epeIOUs VstG- Woe ae Every vestige of his tems hos- ves porary hos tity to her, engendered and cruclly fostered by his mother, disap clung to Nan weak, ding title hands, whieh ane E 25 i t i fst F : z iF ' ae ul a iB a8 i a ee bef ia hl a 8 a x t i 4 ca E and reach your home ga E es as fogs All city deliveries of Alberta B: permit - holder's residence, are made direct- from crazy? gt;y, You know'T loved be Curtis is doing so. well now that the away, toward Curtis door, for harp raya were welling into her betraying teal ove: How do you feel, darling? sho Asked Curtis, as tooped: to kiss Ter, proud: of his new word. My Pulde, is normal, and my tempe-ture normal. 1 guess T'm about the normalest boy they ts. I know what you are Nan ried, her voice breaking, You're the most Adorable boy they is, and I love you to distraction. * What's distraction, he demanded, toterestedly.: I love you, too. Nan, I love you to distraction.- But what 4s distraction, Nan? Tt was a happy the hard ache heart, Dr. Black found ther both laughing joyounly, over. Bit of Curtis impish nonsense when he in- vaded the room at o'clock, followed Tris and John Curtis Morgan. Well, this looks something like the doctor applauded. He says he feels normal,* Doctor, Nan laughed, shakily. Ei leave you swith your-patient now - ; jung jady, you play right hore the doctor ordered br Let's look. Ante. this normal pusl- ness, Hand the his chart, please . Umm Splendid? No temperature for three days: Pulse strong and regular... Appetite good . . lt; Well, well Looks) ike you can t pull this invalid. stuff much longer, young yn T-Youback to school? Cuttls asked. eagerly. Can. 1. Dr. Black? Pretty. soon, the doctor evaded. Well, Iris, he turned to the woman in in the girl's t the. foot of the home this: evenint Tels, shelled, This is my home ... Jack She turned to her husband: stretching out her beautiful, mands. You wont send me sway from-from. my baby, will ou *eThe man did not answer, but-Nan caw that his eyelids ad mmouth quivered and tightened with pain. answer me,* Jeck iris insisted, her vole. rising hysterically. as, a Tung herself upon, iis. breast, Qh, Jack - I love you so You can't send me away now I've-paid so-dearly the man s arms lifted, slowly, Nan walled to see and hear-no more. With choked cry she ran from the Toor. : nthe, sanctuary of her own room she stood fore. momient- against the closed door, panting, dashing the tears from her eyes. Then, resolutely, she ran to her little escritoire, seated herself, xe her fingers to her temples for a minute, then began to write furiously. Dear John she wrote, I'm going away. I suppose 17.5 will have to go, too, for while, until I can ive you your, Inga iteedom. But and the servants can take care of both of you. if I ami causing youl inconvenience, but know you will be glad that 5 have taken this step. Please don t think T blame you- ais She was so absorbed in her letter, heart was 30 ture tah d'd not hese the ing of The bathroom between her and her hus- band s room. She heard nothing, had no intimation of her husband's. pres- ene until ls volee, directly betiind and above her head, crashed through her intense preoccupation. with. grief doing, Nan Bh the peu, turned in her chair raised tragic, startled Grown eyes to'his face: Fh tact that he was smiling faintly seemed to her fhe most terrible of all Une readtul things which had happened managed zi ahe selzed her almost finished letter, thrust it Into his hand, He read it at a glance; to her 7 rs. deliberately across, the frag- ments and tore them again, The bits fluttered into the waste-basket beside RIBUTORS Limited. ORDER PHONES 6488 TRIB ADVERTISEMENT 15 NOT INSERTED BY THE ALBERTA LIQUOR CON TROL BOARD, OB BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE hour, tn, spite of bien. know 1 don t want anyone but you? After an tnierlude in which words had no place, Nan lifted her tear-wet face from his breast. I don t think Tm such a blind little fool as you say, ahe tnatsted tremutovsly. That night our nlght I arked you how you would feel toward Iris if you ever See 7 L was trying to be truthful, h know, But I soon found out, darling. I felt sorry for her, a sort of pitying affection. No man can feel wholly indifferent to a woman who has been his wife for eight years, But I knew that I loved you more than ever. The contrast was illuminating. But I was deeply ahocked for ail of irs when Iris came back as she did. not when T wanted to talk it all-out. you, you abut me out of your heart and your room thought you loved Mer, told him, I didn t want-you to come. to me out of a sense of duty, with Irik tn your heart Poor Iria I don't know what is to become of hor, but aha must nob come between us again Poor Irisi* * a mocking voles etled trom the door which Margan had left If you're. really interested, Jack, read th s Read it and iatgh ai What a fool T almost made of myself Read itt she repeated, almost hyster eal with triumphant joy. Morgan's erm did not release Nan, fo she was obliged to advance with him toward the woman in the doorway, i just came Iris excited. voice went on, as she extended an opened telegram -toward- her- husband's tin willing hand. The boy took it: to my house neross the street, and 1 wasn't there. Wasn lucky. thi one of the neighbors saw him and set him over here with it? What a joke gn me if tt had come too late, too iatel n't worry, about Poor Iris again Morgan held the telegram aq that both he and Nan could read its: mes ie. Tt Was day letter; filed in Low el Just recelved your letters forward d you terribly. Ashamed. of the wily 3 Please forgive me. Delighted of your divorce. Can you join me here immediately? Of course we will be Buried. Stopping at Biltmore. Lins ng up new proposition. All my. love, Even then, Nan tried to apare her husband, When she realized that the telegram was from Bert Crawford, and that the ugly secret from whieh ahs ad. protected the man she loved must now come to light, she tried to cover up the signature, but Joho Curtis lorgan gently lifted -her head, and held 1 against his heart as he finished res May T-congratulate you, Iris? he said, with curious-geniieneas.-as he gave back the yellow sheet. I ha dared hope tliat Crawford would ' As he hesitated, Iris finished sentence for him: Would:do-right by our Nell? She laughed hysterically, Then, Well, to tell you the trut Jack, T didn't either, or I sbould never have tried to make you take me back Well-sthank heaven for that qi sense of honor of yours, Jack two ought to be very. happy, both so damnably good . to run now, and paci Tif fust have time to ten for Los Angeles When she had g ing a ripple of excited Inughter and invisible wreaths of prfume behind her, Nan turned pussied, incredulous eyes upon her husband. z You knew about Bert Crawford Nan a divorce. Judge much longer. Haskell knew, too, but he my keeping the charge of infidelity ut of the divorce petition... . But let's try to forget it all now, and be happy. There's a very Important subs t to be- considercd our belated joneymoon. Would you . very much mind, darling, 1f a certain ttle con Naval Cadets Open Sylvan Lake Camp Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin Naval Cadets of Calgary on Wedness day opened their annual camp here in Mr. Ward. ry Products, to the by fast delivery, ready to serve. k hia:
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Image 347 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 347, (CU11117031). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.