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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Uncle Sam Kills Rats A Lady Would Fight Russia Seems in Earnest or Premier 1 rophy Telephone 9324 and Have The Bulletin Delivered rect f By Arthur Brisbane teopgright-1980)- VU. 8, government bureau of Diological survey helped Greens- burg, N.C. to rid tte business district of rats.. The rats, thousands of them, im the basement of one drug store, wore killed bys polson called squlll mixed with ground fresh fish-mack- Brisbane for rats, This part 1s interesting, The first rat baits were lald down where the EDMONTON, ALBERTA FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1929. 10 CANADIANS ENTER FINALS KING'S PRIZE Blair, Vancouver, Tied for Lead in Second Stage of Famous Rifle Match By THOMAS T, CHAMPION Press Correspondent wo Collide - aty would tind them without any olson in them. That inspired confi- dence. Other baits, with squill, were Inid, 11,000 of them. The rats ate and passed on. That's the plan of, get rich quick UNtis easy woney frst. Then tke other thing happens. tee . BOBBY BURNS, widow lady of Balilmore, tearned boxtog from-het Inte husband and asks the Continued on Page Two US. AUTOISTS ARE WARNED TO SHUN ONTARIO Premier Ferguson Investi- gating Complaints of Al. leged Discrimination erd.-of the, Suffolk reximent Pr schomers, They tot victims make- ) yate Garnett was tied (a the general (oot for-the second stae this- a BIG Private T. W. Garnett, of London, won the National, Rifle Association silver medal today by making the highest aggregate score-in- the sec ond stage of the King s prize. With Lieutenant-Colonel R. M. Blair, of Vancouver, and Captain E. M, Ran: PRICE FIVE CENTS a RED RUSSIA STARTS IVANCHUK PAYS WITH. LIFE FOR CRIME OF 1926 Hanged at -Heileybury, Ont., for Murder Commit- ted Three Years Ago Canadian Press HAILEYBURY, Ont. July 19 A few minutes after midnight, John - 1vanchuk, convicted murderer of Li- ea 4 le ol rane, was taken from his cell. in the district Jail and paid with his life for the orlme committed nearly three Years ago. The trap was sprunk at 12:06 and three minutes later Ivanchuk was pronounced dead. The crim The penalty was committed October 15, a morning. This afternoon the three shot Garnett won. BI a ee ee, tbe: po me bi pains itut: Colonel Mt Minit, of Var couver, tied with two English marks- men for the leadership in the ec- stage of th King s prize to- Biale wilt shoot off with Pie. T. W. Garrnett, of London, and Capt. E. M. Ramsford, of the Suffolk Ferlment, for tho N. B.A. sliver Ten Cangdians will be-in the fina for the prize tomorrow, with scores of 135 or better in today's stage, BISLEY CAMP, England, July 19- Under a hot sun with breath of wind to stir, the flags along the ranges, 300 markimen, including 15 Canadians, shot in the s oond stage pf the icing's prise today, The best undred scorers enter tomorrow's fin- and thelr scores of today are added ie the radio the 31 DROWN WHEN SHIP HITS MINE more than score of lives. The H-47, whose Water after crashing with the L-12, pioturea ator were resctied from the H-a7, while one man was missing crew of the L-12, A sister ship of the sinken H-4T is shown at top. Below. TODAY'S ODDEST Collision of two submarines in St. George's Channel, at (he lower end of the Irish Sea, threatened to cost normal complement is 28 officers and men, sank in 0 fathoms of It was reported that only the commanding officer and and another critically injured among. WOULD STOP aig'Een hat PES as ald HH estan: (f i deessszneges catty fulr and. decided. ly warm today and Gaturday sea thunder showers. fair and decidedly warm Alberia Me 2B suena -ssew CALGARY HAS WARM NIGHT z nik ongzeEsis f fia : i z S Js, 2 8g F * i Pt SHOT AL SUBWAY? GTATION i. Across Representations will be Alberta at the conference to et Winnipeg on Thursday - tween Labor Comumissioners of the Prairie governments abd ofticials of tie Western-Trattic: Association that Bo harvester excursions be run. this year to thiy province, ax it is desired to give prime consideration to the Btn already, within the province en Bo r In this connection Mr. Smitten said, (Respecting the estimated harvest. Ja a, any addlitonal labor juiremen Which may be required to available in the province will be Coh ee Al 9 Inch of rata fell at Winnilted snd Whitie and- showers-are vests. Last year the number who fo Tesponse to stich Fetters was A870 As requirement wil adequate met from the aforementioned sources, uch as may be 1926, when Inspector Harry Cons of the Ontario provincial pol hind been active in prohibition en- forcement, was shot to death near his home at: Cochrane, Ont. Ivanchuk, ald to have been engaged in the illic: Uguor trade, was not arrested and charged with, the murder until Nov- ember, 1928. Convicted in April Ivanchuk was convicted. at Coch- rane on April 11 last and sentenced by Mr, Justice Wright to be hanged June 20. He was granted a reprive of one month to enable bis counsel to submit to ppeal court new evi denee-on- hi trial was-re- Quesied. He sought unsuccessfully 10 establish an alibt by testifying he spent tho of the murder in the Queen s hotel, the Empire cafe and the theatre it Cochrane, In al for a new trial before the appel late division oF whe supreme court at Toronto on June 10, B, De Repentign: Montreal commercial traveller, v untarily made an affidavit that he was withrIvanchuk for an hour on the of the murder, But the appeal ew trial on the strength of this appeal for executive clemency by the Bovemor-in-counoll at Ottawa alse ari anchuk ist he had shot stimulants, Tvanch walked quietly to the gallows. vanchake aid Hangmae Atha 2 vans rangman oe eo was quite calm wi to his doom, the. violent mood at the a acl petat a eecipa hhim to the scatfaid. sumPanied Beneficial Rain Reported In South Canadian Press also: reported : report from Warner and Coutts, in Southern Alberta, on Thursday night, oo Tigee but cooling shower fell in Le district. are standing up re- arkably weil under the intense hea bol nights being saving factor: Sok heavy general rain Is, needed to Susintala fhe wheat crop at is present In North Ontario yur ES, ; ters of construction crew. 0 p, Fedak were severely cut about the Capture Two Towns, Chinese Troops On Amur Repel Attack British Press Still Doubts if General War Will Result Both Nations Mass Troops Along Manchurian Siberian Frontier Soviet Spreads Peace Py a Associated Press Cable SHANGHAI, July 19 Private advices received here to day state that Russian troops tried to cross the Amur river Chinese troops-who forced them , Japan, July 19 The Harbin correspondent of the Osaka Asahi telegraphed his paper today that the Rus- jans had assumed the offensive and had captured-the border cities of Polranichmaya and Manchuli. SHANGHAI, July 19 Russian sources today said the Soviet mercantile fleet on the Amur river, Manchuria s nor- thern boundary, was concentrating at Blagoveshchensk, whence large bodies of troops could be moved into Manchuria down the Sungari river. oe The. a . flying over Chinese territory in northern Manchuria dropping pamphlets urging the Chinese masses to support retire. LE Special Cable to Edmonton Bulletin (Copyright) LONDON, July 19. British news- papers ate all. withholding editorial comment on the Chinese-Russian con- developments, trove further The Morning. Bost Thureday elloded the League of Nations and the Soviet 40 Years Ago Today On the contrary We would be aa im- ea Presses war edi a wie te te ts Soninuniors would shrink from. Ap-. Continued On Page Two Scout To Present - Indian Head Dress To World s Chief anadian Press ry ae. MONTREAL. Que,, July 19. Among the boy scouts from all parts of the dominion who will Jeave for England today to attend the International scout jamboree at, Birkenhead 's:Ro- Beis sith s F whe wo fussian generals recenlly viait ith view to - 2 View to arrang. 30 YEARS AGO. Dawsonites returning to Victoria rex in Dawson of Dr. te veerival on Dat nN Bn. incoming train from the crashed into the sleeping quar- e men here. , G. Dubah, M. Galay and Hight others are-alightly hurt, It is expected most of the men will be from hospital in a few discharged hospit a The tricoming train, it is reported, was not. properly signalled, and. (he In Bulletin s Contest Little More Than 24 Hours Left For Can- didates to Get Into Winning Another New, Thrilling Newspaper Dramatic, Sensat: the Mttle things that count. Ths cackling of Ch ita sbi, nee ico fuk 8 hea, Brille apparent mean erence between 0 Just tact, now, test management, a f one oF BOW MaBY WIE TS There. is only obtain any Monday, lege of If any candidate 1s lying f the that soveral content However, there are. but a day away What p.m. Monday will probably Serial Gripping, 6 The Shining Talent os two CUE prise in either city Httle more then 24 working hou subscriptions for The Bulletin's 2. Olty contestanta must bringin tae fina. Temiitence ling any tame Monday before thelr post office closes, eat oe So ee cl cetants secured a very goed tions are turned in Between now and six decide the issue, geese saved en th cs io per cent. on the wee to the latest cieck up by the year subscriptions obtained or country, eft in which to auto race, which closes inted. Tt ts true in the good start ear campaign. a She fisiah fines LONDON, July 18 An Empire Olympiad 4s definitely to take aha lough, of Fort William, who, bas Just concluded a tour of Grest Britain and ing representative teams, but, sald he Chought these obstacles might be over-/ and come, Evangelist Shocks. el Down-town Toronto 04 wo ron player evat health and joy, Edward Ki Sate coats eee pike Coaeet a eax + this story of life By Eleanor Early Don't miss LSugme. will, in hat, sandals aud shirt open ab the tough as the girls whose thrdat. The evangelist, who belongs to eloth: hie admires. TODAY. and love. Starts in the Edmonton Bulletin tated that Soviet geroplanes were 3 zi i af
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Image 335 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 335, (CU11117039). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.