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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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GRAIN CROPS TO BE LIGHT REPORTS SAY Every Decidedly Worthwhile at Woodward's EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1 e Saving see. s For Y See SSS u Are Instance th ny it da hun- ersatility, rome tale od in any emanding ty is oy e genera ul ting. PR. poor master of one trade fivaning: able say shall Hig Drought Has Done Much Harm in the Western Provinces the southern bait of the province have sutfersd-geriously from Inek of moist ure and stubble crops are in many ize blankets are offered Hayling slimmest Already known to thousands of Edmonton women who know the dependsble quailty under Young ladies who prefer the ohesplece garment will like these styl s in-plaliy ang: fancy ny boat quality, Tis90 inches : completed and-crop is stored the Woodward price tag. Opeta top gtyle vests, Bloomers and flawless in stencilled Rayon. Sises for misses only. 1 49 is very special concession and we suggest you come early yhder ideal conditions. it rer finish, Al) the pastel shades tn oon tg ie sand and extra in 1 00 At Woodward's oe D we anticipate them going fast. On sale Saturday only. apples and itis: apparent thet to z Misses and Women's Broadsloth Bloomers, 69 pipated. All root erope. are from drought turage alton are not, vety sabotactary. AUTO TRADE NOT HIT BY. TARE CUT Official Figures Show New Record Production in Canada Under Schedule THOMAS WAYLING sate Corrmontent 0h The Beatin OTTAWA, July 19 The advisory board on tariff and taxation is con- tinting the investigation of the eharge made by . G, Coote, M. 5 per cent reduction in. on-or pase jotions, Article) vas Keats, herlt trom at Enfield yma otto 1249 0f and by the les in 1028 and 741,247 for custom work end. repairs. - tata abe Saeed ore ee 2 pee ee ee are Eee the high priced cars for which there is not the big demand in foeee to warrant mess production is Eleven Plants at Work Eleven companics in Canada manu- factured automobiles during 1928 and 16 separate factories were in opera Hite ole Tal ase nae eg Fae IE distribution, Cars manufactured at e vase plant. in Canada were Re eget at and then fe and made , Eleven of the ready. for the factories were tdeated in Ontario, two E i a it a tia 150 yards will give Cash and Carry Grocery Specials WOODWARD RABPABRRY ZAM, Wo reserve the riehd ta timid 49c Country Orders Promptly. Attended to The Best Makes of Rayon Lingerie liar manutacturers who guarantee thelr product to us, Stanfield s Watsgn's and Fitarvey Allee he old by ws tn the wanted shades Blses sual: median aoe large. 1.00 1.50 : Ne before has such Wonderful quality s) your Own eyes and your owt the bod Evalue it is: Fifty different-col 54 English Navy. Serge, 1.29 i carson alc erent salle i, rananovohids melon pink ebb per wereue ec ice BL2Z9 seas ortpopuir alts. Siang beaut Ee fuminer Votles pine Cool and dainty are the frocks made from these fast colored votles in 40-inch width. Shades of mauve, blue, green, orange, pink, gold, scarlet, navy, black and white. Per yard, Standard High Quality Foodstuffs and Other Merchandise of Merit at the Lowest Possible Prices. Provisions PURE FORK BAvaAge, Special, th... Ghortbreed Creams, 2 59e Wameon arxun aaex ggg BAGO Lin Gites), Toe vn- Bisouite 49c 9c Aynantns nou, er OT TT ee he. OSE CHOICE SIDE BACSN Se ae en. 186 theta er belt Ie . 2le Uibsys partuerr, PRARA, Vs tn Miler, I eee seecees sees weekly quantities of Orectry pesinis to family needs. 101 Street at'102 Avenue Barement Store Hours 6:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Week-End Economy Budget for Wearing Apparel Porch Frocks, Smocks, Aprons 1.00 Each Serviceable styles for morning wear in faney Printed Cottons, plain shades of Broadcloth and Champray, DRESSES, SMOCKS and APRONS all in huge collection for Saturday shoppers, 1 00 Misses and women's sizes. Woodward Value, only... : Tub, Voile and Dimity Frocks 2.95 and 3.95 f Two extensive lots of keen values for Saturday. Lovely colors sleeveless styles and such a rang , of sizes in each, All the way from size 14 to 46... Styles sold only at: Woodward's ; iS Rayon bicended. fabric. aisee 90 to a0. 295 3.95 oe 5 Becond: Floor Fancy Pullover Sweaters Reduced to 1.95 5 Even factor it price this price well in your favor if wou suoh ae rne fumtreds of. Fi oattatte and wool and fancy pullovers, in sand, mauve, rose dawn, pine, scarlet, poudre, marsh rose and white. All clearing at this extremely good value. Sizes 32 to 38. Woodward Value... we 1 95 Corselettes at 2.95 Your style and correct fitting can be obtained in either the atraight line corselette, or the improved type with inner abdominal belts, Medium or Jong fisting type in four different models, All made in fancy Rayon Brocade fabric. D. A. or Nature's Rival, well known brands. Sizes in the assortment 32 to 44, for alight or heavy figures. Woodward Value on Saturday .. Popular Corselettes at 980 aquire much boning tm thelr Corseletten. OUnery require 1H thie prise group we have splendid motels for the 500 Pairs Flannelette Blankets, 1.95 Pair oa nity Even at Woodward Vests and Bloomers at 1.00 Combinations and Teddies, 1.49 What ai Tallored Vests and Bloomers Full tioned slses with elastic ab waist and knee, inserted V-erotch, washable and Gistinety genuine value in peach, annd, Pink, Poudre, wiauve. Gives 3 t0' 69 Walst measure. Woodward Value, each .,..4.+ s Cc Irish. Embroidered Pillow Slips, 58c each ily of these beautiful embroidered Slips of fine quality Sita we covered combrolderea enter dost cages, At a reat reduction for Saturday, each: Full-Size Cotton Comforters, 1.93 each 100 Pull size Comforters ins range of pretty colored chintz covers: They are well quilted and filled. The comforter for the ge 4 e in Demand extra bed in camp or home. On Sale Saturday, each An Amazing Value Super Spun Silk, 39 Yd. sakes AY ani Oilicel mediase Cas thc silk been m anufactured to sell for 30c per yard: Unless you sense with 160 Besitiful Damaak Cloths and glorious sheen of this beautiful eilk you will never realize what closely woven damask in pret ipeluding black end white, On Sale Saturday only. a Feduction for Saturday, each 36-inch Raysheen Yolle, 35c Yard 81x00-Inch Hemstitched Sheets, 1.35 AT ofr. of thie exten quality pure Bleached Sheets. tn the 38 inches wide, per yard Brocaded Rayon Beautiful pasted shades of Brocaded Rayon daintily 1 self color, 38 inches wide, per yard 39c wens. House froc 54 inches wide, per yard creations in rose, blue, brown eng grey Sizes 3:10 8... trim. Hardware GAWN MOWERS, 4 blades, Sheffield 1CE/ CREAM FREEZERS, vanized, triple tetion . BOTTLE CAPS, Metal, per Ib... BOTTLE CAPPERS, metal lever SMOKES LE CIGARS, Gaturday 7 50c TOCKETT'S GAINSBORO SIGARS. AMBER FINE OR- SUT TOBACCO. in Quebec and one in Manitoba. The full capacity of these plants ts tolimated at 328,000 cars and 36,606 trucks, provision, Being for TULure ekpanslon-of ths business. ree Hale right weight f ters Just thi welghd for Beoellent quality, Black Italian, Cloth Just, the youngat aturday s F Saturday s Women's highsgrade Dress. uon's AMise s and Tt ate, Stabe ie and Ee A te te Bandaie heavy weight, colored leather Moran's taney colored Misses and 5 Patent One-Btrap Slippers, eee ve itd rubber heela: Ganbet sat py oe Saee Sete meere ee ores rs ee oe b bu 2 1 - 2.95 be wey et ws reat: Special, Ib... 29c facturert, No two allie, Women's Pat Sandals, leather soles zi oe Main Floor . Your Choice Saturday Bae teeee BBE SPE Eas Sus Men s Broade torineh wheel. 9.95 GRASS SHEARS, B-inch binds, . 55 . 1.59 25 VAN LOO or SIMONS' DIM- Saturday .,.: 25c di COARBE- Saturday per 5-36 tin 7 C ALOUETTES PIPE TOBACCO, A new ailk of wonderful washing qualities and in such lovely shades as ? beige, fewn, flesh, scarlet, blue, navy, black and white, 1.98 36 inches wide, per yard .:.. : * Y Main Floor Cool, Summery Hats. For All Summer Functions doublo-bed size, with deep hemstitehed borders. 135 a Py 10 Get your share of this greet bargain Saturday, each : Rayon Ginghams Josds beauuift colaree fepcingene tm pleasing designs. Buitadte Sc W9 Inches wide, yard Hhessiersiaaree 49O ootwear Values Children's brown and white Canvas ht, Revlyvan Tupber soles, Extra fait s...-, 6OC Candy Specials Cocoanut Fudge in as: and new 5.95 foes sto 1 DOC lendid lot of colored Feits, Bxtramely smart Mats in mod s appre- : Boys brown Wather boots, soft pliable uppers. sorted flavors and a Ang Bouddir Biippers. Panoo ruber soles. The shoe for comfort lovely candy for priate for summ r, Many difterent styles ta cheoes trom, yet every one Mis Bitrate wine 2.95 lovely candy for present Men'r Wille and Box Oalf Dress: Boots, Rolled poles and rubver heela, mart aew mre 4.85 Bizes 6 to 11... 1.25 with dash and owsgger tor sportwear, 18 the season's newest colors, Various: head siees, . 1 49 Bplendid value Bt i... eeese Special, Ib. ... 29c Chocolate Covered Dia- mond Butterscotch Wa- For best weer. th Shirts, 1.95 8 A smart showing of tine quality Broadoloth ig Pinta colors of white, afe Bere ir both collar attached of charming brim- 1.9: med straw hats in 35 pairs 100 natural straw tones to harmonize with te new summer hues. We offer them Gatumday at a extremely, tow price of 1.25 Asch, Gale ong nen a mpenantlet's G.W-G. Worsted Pants, at 2.95 ; made coat style and have poe 1.25 oe nn gee - Men's Moline Work Pants at 248 Combinations at 980 Stoney sewn pane Pree i w eae ee Tweed Long Pants Beery atntns and dealgon: Well minds pants ta and belt loopes Sines 29 ty 93, 5 paineig ON Tweed Suits thas any Boy would Nis, Single and models Fancy Pullover Jerseys * mm clothe that fentte the. sosppy ahadey'and pattoons teak arate re S104 Sire Bc ceeceeensene 248 SyRr 3 present us and at such 2 low price several pair- can. Tweed suite double. e Sults . thor ines ee, V-Neck rod tn ea te 5 ea Mh 5s, Rem iw cen nee : Carag wwe OC Boys Send aonb Yous - and splendid yarme Wopate auf wns oapee, DALE mone wanes : Biue Berge, Ore ive the knit cuffs and bend. Xnickers. Pull lined, ne 2.98 WOODWARD S Sisen 200 4... GET IT AT Wirt Ald Kita for summer vacation 30c 1.50
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Image 341 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 341, (CU11117057). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.