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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Better Weather Forecast Sends Prices Down in Winnipeg Market winnipEo, wheat market for the firde time im days tailed to eee prices. invade no lightly. tmproved. Nbrougnant the pr the next. 24. hours 4 Decembe' tweet, 18 and 160s. Closing prices, were gay, frectionally higher thant the bottom uncertainty ot how oiuch scat- ured showers i the west would benefit fipetuatione on the market. Trading declined about three cents tn sym pathy with wheat. are Bria. ei Frauen, 3 2 aterm a western als of eoeral rane provinces durin ected. tater he effect of puagenes (STEM Pitumber LOW, Number Number 3 C.W: yaaible for the. erratic Total cars tn etal inapect feo are quoting dea Stockers and fe changed, prices are lower- ie Canadian DELAYS MEAN MONEY Fast confirmation of orders is an Invalusble- amset- in your trading, Whether in, grains, olls, or mines a fow second delay may mean beavy apy oltice oF a Gteamboat Specials direet to ship's side at each end Miokets and Raservations from 4, 8, Peck, , B. Fyfe, CPA, ON, C.T-A, OPR. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES. Sector tees 32 Sere ne sales to indicate prices Gut sales ragay to weak Drices ts compared. 10. yesterday) Biche. cattle gid at filly TL tower are mov trealy, ut even at that oer Beue ahd prices ave again show swenkerundertons, This is particularly true of the. Pisin kind of stock. Calves Yemain fully steady and un- Hog r etipts, p61. There were no hiogs sod up til noon end no price establlan Bheep. receipts, OP. Prices 8 a8s3 5 8.) 88 838 SSeS 35: 2 S86 Ss sess segs, SE 35 ee standing for some time witty lost liner: the machinery fog the onary installed shortly. The'hole is down 8.404 fest, lime a new gas line was being connected to the Ho turiner inoretae In gut fly has ees yaa We. 21 was standing cemented Can, Terzphone 4936 NORTHERN NAVIGATION DIVISION 200 id4 +46) ry 8a eM CaM CHICAGO GRAIN By James Michardsbn Sons, Ltd: ER 1475 Te 101 2 103 Change Low. Last Sale Last Close Am. no change 1 down Change trom Last Close Brisk. Buying Operations in Varied Assortment of Issues By STANLEY W.PRENOSIL Vinanetat sitbough the advanc Scitorm. Buying. operations were con- stuclad'wiun considerable. vigor jn a varied Bie fe Uuity. any dtanven, aceon of wed ab 8 per cont... but mda, became to. pletijful ly afternoon. United States salurned to 118 old the market der Dy climbing more than four points Republic crossed Public Service of Now Jersey, Bower ana Light, Standard Gua United. Gar to Beds fanhaa ity southern reused 108 peak and New York Central, Pennayivanin, Union Pacitie, Now Haven rate and udsan advanced. 154 Alr Reduction Allied Chemical Allis: Chalmers Am. Age. Cheon. Am. . Can. a Am, Ger Fay. Am: Ice Cea ule Copper - nryser. Coco Cols Gongoleum lt; . Cons. Gas Gont: ea. . Cont. Motors Teyeter the prin Bot been anne CAMERON PETE ON MONTREAL CURB MARKET W. S.' Herron Makes Im- portant cement Regarding Local Co. tn the deat had Exclusive to ton Balletin Application has ee oe tee, I a nem altector if operator Announcement followed message from J. W. Keo. MP. member Howie of outrement, Monten: a rominent. figure. In. federal Been added tothe board of the compan se one at the a Canadian repre: iamurea an active market the. Dominion for. Cameron further. Announcement tention: berta shortly. Sey Toronto Mines By Stoble-Porions-Mi CALGARY, July 10 Royallie No. 19 Bova 4504 feet test night and acting gals. after fishing out Jost tools. Latest Feporls indicate tha, the it ia pounding ray Ab 424 feet, In the lime Sr ure? Valley, wil start. drilice out be cement today. This well has been standing cemented at 3,931 feet. At No, Cae Southwest Fetreleume tn was drilling Inthe Pernies at 4,713 hy making 30 feet of new Hole since the ih Yeport, nccording to reports from the 14, Reyalite 1 In Turner Valley, ts being delayed for fow days while the trew walt for fishing tools. The hole ts at a total depth of 6/00. feet and has bern swe Wort oud Se Turner Vale, oe tas gl inti ata ln ug Tosa endeavor 0 get the ihe Bole in aie feeb in the times ones Ne. sts itl Pala ut te Comments hes crew will probabiy ata iia neg the age Tadng fae ie. I-AE Mayland No.1 the ineariy ail on the ground. and. wil be Foothills No. 2 was down 218 fest in the Grilting after a abort delay. when ight. 8 cee abnabseteaees B25 neseceeses: ortawae Ont Maeve ute See ik reported in 2 i kets today. Toroplo Dealers paying country -ship- Fa, OOETEGAG Te pare, one a0; twin, 20, ave fo the diame at: 4.310 foer inst 5 10 feet tn the ine il struck tee This well struck the days ago and will, driling 13 19 shawinigan 10 today, closing sight teal lant spoint nt nas down to Corporation an was tp Dit nal Gh eslined 3 to fan Cat, 5 to 193. Massey to 4 and Cockshutt , to 30. By James Ricbsrdsen o Sons aN AEIONS nati canaas at pin H iy Fee z if ae8se.5 iB: . g3eee suisse: Daviion. Del. Hudson Dupont, Powaer Mupme Central... oi Combustion Int, Harvester Int, Mickel Int Tela Tel Mahsas. City Boudiern : Kennecott Coppee Lamberts... Liggett a ives. Pacitio Nat. Gash: Register BY: Central, a8 eS a a eoenSeebieece: Bieieiad Su: L e888 Five per cent. oan, 08 france, 70 Sahanay on, , London, 128 frente, 67 Soa ister dota 1 a8 fr quoted ot 28 francs, en Too Late To Classify Paaciin cease a Saas ie eee er pee come Sauurdey ars. Garde Wik to 30 6 dng o ofcloge tnt 13. dane ase Phone Write for Our Indexed Branches: London. Members Va Vietoria, Calgary, Winnipes ont Beatlie and Standard (Spahane) Stock Exchanges MEAD OFFICE: STOCK EXCHANGE BLD., VANCOUCER, B.C. CANADA. . yee isken etree eatk ans a Your Whatever. Year samy heey Dring 700 these R MALDEN ELEVATOR- COMPANY LIMITED Mead Oftices, Winnipeg. Branches in 68 good cities and towns. meio Site ea nr Bie nt a, Pans SERVICE Daily reports from the wells keep us con- tinuously advised on of . We can be of service to you in the selection of oil stocks for profit. S. W, Gilfoy Co. Ltd. W. . SWAGGERT, Manager, H meaton and Calgery 19000 101A Ave, (MeLeod Bldg. TT MINES: AND OILS Tnstantaneous quotation and information service through our own offices and at- fillation 4n.all principal financial ecntres. Private wire system. + Phone 9259 for Quotations Stop: Forene Mares: cimireS Specialists Mining Securities 3. W. PRESTON, Ma: EDMONTON Debentures Offered and Recommended By GA STIMSONES EINITED. *. lt; Bond vusein 606 N. Inv. Bldg. Phone on Edmonton, Alta. for 46 years every bond issue recommended and sold by G. A. Blimzon : Go, Limited has paid interest abd principal when dus Today the Dominion is in the Throes of one of the Greatest Mining. Developments- Ever Known Sir Henry Thornton INVESTMENTS 0, jelsen, Victoria and Seattle * Raping and Selling orders for active Oil St Stocks WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE 6500 Feothils Finance Investment Corp. Members, cage ao Exchange, Edmonton Standard Stock Exchange ee Delivered to Your Door While Wt 1s News eect ate, Rearend OE pbrenace ther foot thay abbot Phone Want It Beencion. ether province atons the veoal of this tremendope Map of the widespread cet of national mineral Miller, Court Ce Lid. Winnipeg, Begins, Calgary, if, Standard (Edmon- Thas proven te be one of the lower. The market opioions of ay ench-ay ovey oye private wires trem Phones Hib one 3D.
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Image 353 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 353, (CU11117053). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.