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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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'g Reunion senten Bulletin A very pretty e at the home of 7 one asion being re- of Mr. and Mrs This is-the fit n the family were mber sitting down persons, including 1 Society held tts y Fair Grounds ou oaay Plenty of Hatred Aluminum Street Car Too Big a Trust By Arthur Brisbane (Copyright 1929). aE ev De. Calkins tells the Wo- mized, When each of the two great parti s adds feven or ight millions te thelr vote on a religious fsvue, you Yearn that religious bitterness ts not extinct. tae firet strect car made of slu- minum, shown in Pittsburgh, Is as comfortable and handsome ss 2 Pullmaa coach, weighs half as much aa though made of steel, and carries passengers comfortably at 45 miles 0 hour. The uso of aluminum, which, Continued oni Page Five CONSUL S WIFE. HAD OPIUM IN HER WARDROBE Mrs. Ying Kao Brought 1,000,009 Worth of Drug Into United States At 49TH YEAR. VOL. XXVIII, 160. TOBA CRACK BRITISH SUB AT BOTTOM; 22 MEN PERISH ) Naval Vessels Crash in Channel Cre.7 of One is Lost Associated Cable LONDON, July 9. The British sub- marine H- ?, with 21 of her crew be- Heved dead or trapped within her, to- day was sunk tn 270 fect of water in St. George's Channel, off: the Pem: Broke Coas , to the west of Fishguard. The a craft was struck the submarine 1-12, a larger vessel, and sank 60 quickly'that only twt of her normal crew of 23 were saved. These were Lieut. R. J. Gardner, her commanding officer, and Sidney Cle- burn, of Devonport, telegraph oper- lator. Both of these, presumably, were in, the conning tower. The L-12 lost one man, Charles Ed- ward Bull, chief signaller, who is miss- ing, while Arthur Sampson, seaman. was in critical condition from in- Juries he suffered in the crash, Attempt at Salvay As soon as word of the was recelved, the dockyard tugs, Resolve and Grappler, hurriedly prepared to go to sea with salvage gear from Portsmouth. Details of. the clrcum- stances under which the disaster took place or how badly the submarine was smashed, when she. went down were lacking, Tt appeared, however, that the H- 7 nal a vage operations at a depth of this na- rrttail. pure would be exceedingly difficult. the K re were found by customs officers in vite consul Here. Ofticials opened. the seven largo wardrobe trunks and fourguiteades in f the, hinese ice ximately 3,000 tins of Flared to-be srorth 1,000,000 . fy, gate emerueNey WAE program of Tr was of the admirsity saddle tank type extensive equipment, that for launching balloons. The submarine L-12 belonged tothe gt; sccoond : scrtes whtch were begurr Paris and Zurlen above hoisting the Photo you see the wreckage of the gant 6f the bodies were removed. Fr nnce s' Worst Air Disaster in the English channel. Pive others, Moliding the pilot, were. injured, A iaivage Gout itt eaioe to the pest ous 1s f water. rom. the water. Its the C arto 3 5 SN ean CLIIAN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN EDMONTON, ALBERTA Alberta s: Oldest Newspaper TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1929. TTLE WASTAGE 0 HOPES T0 FIND JOBS FOR MANY INWORK FOR US Thomas Hopes to Help British Unemployed on Orders From Canada Canadtin Press Cable LONDON; July 9 The main point in the. mind of Rignt Hon: J, H. Thomas, minister of employment, as he prepares for his forthcoming visit to Canada, 1s to.-discover whether somethirig cannot pe don there to find work for British. people, not by wholesale migration but by providing more work for them in England, througtr the development of Cgnadian enterprises which would require Brit- tah materials and manufactures. This was made nt, as Mr, tary -for the dominions Had an in. mt an in- formal talic-at the dominiona office today with. the visiting Canadian sper owners and editors. The was arranged at short notice but was probably one of the most in. te And informative experiences of the since they reached Burope some weeks ago. sont, Thomas Ht Beemed, had ino lus ebuntry end nothing seis S gaildts ovey/ two 7B? Lea on Continued on Page Two customs the trunks ri Poe the: a Mefien. were held on arrival iy ms to eres fete acetyl Cirigge rom ation od DOCTOR. MAY REFUSE HIS i FEE AND STILL BE SANE + NEW. YORK, July, 9. Bven if a physician returns their money. to some of his patients with letters ex- could heal them they should not pay cash to a doctor it is no sign he is insane, Magistrate Haubert in Piat tush Gourt, ruled yesterday. Ho freed Dr. James A. Buchanan bring Churchill May ome to Canada Fate Of Two Planes Wrap ped In M; stery Untin . 7 Atlantic on + ler Somewhere Over lop to Rome. . lt; FLASH The Pathtinder has-reached San- tandar, Spain, where s landing was Associated Prees SORTA, tein Ot FAGRT, Apores. ly 9 No news American trans-Atlantic. Pathfinder, had been received: here late The courst. of the Pathfinder have eatried her about 100 miles north of the. Azores. For Brief Visit i i g : L Qe: western pr ith fight shower 1a faw sections of Manitoba and: Goskateh Plane Falls Hundreds of Feet and Bursts Into Dad At Throttle Kills Own Child Then Collapses ie United States through the port Windsor teat month a8 compared w June 2008. a8, eee today of 357.196 Gallons . the bilby sof . CHICAGO, JuIy 5: Bowler, biasing pati across jot the world to. esealanee hidiey. Whereaboute of the bie ami had be nice Pete itera take, Obes two eays' une: eee es days azo. eave of commercial Europe over this pert of the world, follos giles ens BASEBALL RESULTS -tre ontar oth Telephone 9324 and Have The Bulletin Delivered - OF GA Plan-Meeting In . Edmonton Early In Next October Varsity Professor Gets Grant to Enable Him to Continue Economic Study of Great Alberta Resource iy Canadian Press OTTAWA, July 9. Waste gas from Alberta's oil fields, Joss from fermentation, and other problems of the Canadian honey industry, -and the use, optimum iodine content, and control of jodiztd salts in Canada will be investigated by the National Research Council, Decisions to undertake this new work, in addition to the 100 or more other problems now under-investigation, were made at a council meeting here. Bact sores C, QFE, BISHOPS FAVOR PRAYERS All partics actively engaged in seek- ng a solution of the Alberta gaz prob- Jem, which includes a wastage of 100,- 000,000 cuble. feet per. day, will be Tepresented on the associate commit tee of the coune l that will probably hold its first meeting in Edmonton early 2 October. Dr. Charles Cam- ell; deputy minister, and other rop- Tesentat: es from the Dominion de partment of mines; Dr..G. 8: Whit by, professor:of chemistry at MoGill V aliy of Alberta who heve given Action Nullifies Rejection IN 1928 BOOK) Tory. chairman of the pand-De national touncil, will be: included in the personnel. 3 Work-on honey has already beer in co-operation with the Dor minion department of-agriculture at the of-the industry and. will be ful advanced by an associate mittee appointed at the meeting. which will be held in Canada in. 1932, bringing -the members of that import- ant orga: tza:i continent for Stavestigntion ng fo damage in as inte of * eshlinglocs ny thames, fro the -Gon-slidated. Gmelters at Trail, were B. O., was reported upon. of the waste gas in the Tur- ner Valley problem wi be carried out in consuhetion. with the Dominion- commission Fecent Charles, Wallace ailace, r: Breeideat of the University of Alber and A. A. ef ine of Board of Pun + chariman of the ers, ere the provincial Rescue Solves e- Mystery Blast Of North Sea Contest Nearly Over Last Few Days : Likely to Decide Winner of Big Auto Prizes . send in an be Bulletins 9,000 contest will be over La eee have already subscribed, and paid ay Sut your favorite candiaate now. that the for your subscription in Send in your subscription bo-givento him or her. It vou have to your present subscription ex- count heavily in any candidate's favor. Bear in se The Bulletin paper delivered carrier boy, he re- Sain sposter oe solisls ibe n week you. by mull save 1.00 by in 5.00 for year's subscription, instead of paying 3.00 for. six do. not know anyone in the contest. though that seems almost candidates use the. rhe person by sending fn The Bulletin's big-auio contest are mn who ate prety well known througuows all Samenton and for fun pick out name that strikes your fancy, King: Baward: considerable study to the situation of 1928 Prayer Book by House of Commons BY HENRY SOMERVILLE Special Cable to the Edmonton Talletin (Copyright) LONDON, July 9. ne ly dec -rod themsetves in of al Towing such. services and prayers as the second-day of PRICE FIVE CENTS S HERE BURKE AGAIN DOES WELL AT. gt; BISLEY Ml Leads Canadians in Rail- way Shoot Wilkinson Scores By THOMAS T. CHAMPION Canadian Press Staft Correspondent, BISLEY CAMP, Eng., July 9 Lieut. Desmond Burke, of Ottawa, former King s Prize winner, continued to lead the Canadian team of marksmen here for the National Rifle Association's empire meet today, when some of the Canadians: shot in the Southern Rall- way Servien Rifle competition. Lieut. Burke scored 38 out of poe wibte 35 in this matoh, which c lled for seven shots at only 200 yards, ronto, shot Sergt. Hilson of Hamilton, 31; Captain Alex Martin, formerly of Calgary, 30; Sergt. 3-W- Sharpe, nnit-Priv The picked a team of 15 for shoot with North London Rif Club toda; ost 9 ot 60-yard E ish member of the Royal Air Force, trom Camp Borden. . The weather was delightful today, tho two: weeks meeting. aroee KINGP. the Church of England have definite- books of 1928, Thhis js. a. practics nullifiestion of the rejection of the book by the House of Commons. Ib that the new. services set linilts to vimtions from the book of 1662 which The Bishops will tolerate and some of the more extreme Anglo-Catholic practices, Ike tocessions of the ree served sactament, will be suppressed by the if they: are as good as yp of Birming- ham does not intehd to allow in his diocese what fs allowed bythe book of 1928, He intends to refuse to per- mit reservation of sucrament, He will move an amendient to the resolution which will be moved by -the Arch- bishop .of Canterbury at the convoca- , Que, July The greatest achievement of the Beane nae tek Anception was the understanding and friendship brought about among the teachers of Canada by the organiza Hon, declared Charles W. Latdiow of Winnipeg, Macy, retiring president of the federation, when Iressing the. first business session of the 10th an- Dual conferente of that body here. The financial report of M. J. Cold. well of Regina. Gask., secretary-trea- surer, showed the organization to be: in 2 flourishing condition. ad eee commas ag as works had been the establishment of oe where no common interest pre- TO COMMAND WEYBURN REGT, OTTAWA, July. 9. 1 5 ME. ies han bee to coms: the We regiment with . She: ti receiy at atl Ruhl, aged 18, was left with one side of her aral TOBY. ton and William Wyman the Empress theatre; Nelles V. Bu- ehanan on his way to the Tegler+ Mitebett chii on McDougall a nue; Fred siast on the same thoroughfare; George Montle holding forth: on the merits-of-the exhibition i front of Tackson Brthers store; Jack, Stark 4 Glasaman chatting over F : the BETTER TODAY tie Associated Press Cable LONDON, July 9 The King suffer lt; Ing from a setback in the condition of the old left lung incision, was. sald Sutthoritatively at Buckingham) Palace today, to have passed comfortable night Majesty, was up at hfs usual hour this morhing and st wax sald. at the palsies he carried out, his usual routine. Sir Stanley Hewett, one . of tls physicians, paid him a brief visit and jett shortly. after with Dr. Henry Martyn; who had spent the night there. lt; Tt was linderstoed the docior would ew. the xX. p taken. before the: special. train way due to leave Ising Grogs tor thane. in any, 1e Journey was post poned for ow days to permit of a ray examination of His ches, an-official bulletin fam women, 24. gay Kind. Will aeap, Tox Tur. probably Tm Bay. oh Juepet Aves ot Wo-Will.-Charge It in elther a new. of a renewal -wub- ; OF an-extension on your present subscription to the Edmonton and Wop May driving north on 10) street on thelr way to the air field.
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Image 125 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 125, (CU11116888). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.