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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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DROP IN PEG INSLOW DAY Profit-Feking Brings cline After Advances at sett be ae salt deat ut the. prat nourt oo itt ra wae revosieg, ae timost to the frost fiber 1 Northera Seer te REEMEE nore ortnern 2.2 A AIN- oe Edmonton Grin Gillespie Graln Ce. TNerinern 2 Northera 4 Northern Number Number Numb: Number Number Number rt GW. Extra t feed Number t te Number 2 feed Rejected. sy v Number2-c.W: Ruinber 4 OW. + Rejected. Peed. cae Read Fe ls sid i Number 1 0.W, Number 2 6.W. Number 3. o.W: fay, tote phn ena Greg, fe ater ates invert zi Ras etchant Siar iis Shame cat os ore mains seats ioe oa eens Haris, ees Seer Zens Saree oe ot he Temperatures in. Western Oa, smaderate with aie i th we Seca ac ane serge pun, haut fete ore pai ou Set ener Ee seca eae, omi. taroting today was largely protessionat in goaractor and the inte decline has sal Gerrected ihe tecnpical pustuon Gott tions tn the. epring wheat terrors So eat to Warrant prevent pricen, and ny ae aloe are. teceived th and) WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKETS: By James Richardson Bons, Lid. Previous Open Close Close tien 18 1384 Low 1344 Wy aay 20320 233 102- 102 105 100 1003 102 232 105, 102 103 TOTAL CANADIAN VISIBLE IULY 9, 1929 By James This Week. 95,703,000 + 11,536,500 Last, Year Last Week 97, 16,829,500 vy ie ae 2,520,000 de, Vancouver Grain Glove vancouvne mer dog Open i dayne ety a imp Gath Prlecs Numbers Wortuern Mumber 2 Norshern. Number 3 Rorthern Numper 4 Wheat Number 8 Wheat- pisiinasael NEW YORK By James Richardson Sons, Lt f change from High Low. List Bale Last Close 730 24 230 54 up Open STOCKS 5 American Tel, and Tel. ..... 294 Stobie Forlong To Open In Calgary option on fing 10, Oalgar ering IE inte an up fin e two-atores tg Sud when necessary alterations have bees wilt Montreal Stocks aca By James Richardogn Sons duly .--Natonat ot saat aun ae Hamilton Bridge Miran Walker Howard emith Hydro. loctric Imp. Tobacco Lake Ont Brewers Laks Woods Ming Massey iar? MeColl Pron Montreal Power Noatonal Brewers Sere Doar TeTF umber 8 wat + 115 18 Nat. Bteel Cor bes ous of the. finest TDetisen Genet on at Wn in good Semand, rising 2 points, asthe motere mabe bs IRREGULARITY Flurry of Selling Follows Strong Opening, But Close is Upward Ry STANUBY W. PRENOSIL metal NEW FORK, uly regularty. tl the CA high of 301 pein General Motors, Ohrysice. Packai Nash? or 8 pointe. Clenerat loved nick sa? pana and suey shares Westinghousy Manulucturing, Alilbd Shomieal, North American, Aichabo Basten Kogak Tost 3 points or Ghuett Peabody dropped tive pointe to 53, cone: a ip, 4.090.000 shires 7 Jamies Biel a eduetion ed Chevatca ait Ohsimers As. chem, Am. Lege Amt emelttag ty Am: ugar din tel de Ain Water sors Aum. Wooliens Aaweonds Copper Atenion ater Herinit ARKETS-FINANCE Goodyear Stores lc service gtation wauipment Bheedded Wh nt We offer and recommend: pson s-Limited First Mortgage Collateral Trust 6 Bonds due 1949 Price 100.00 Cumulative Preferred 6 4 -Stock (Bonus 1 Share Common with 5 Preferred) Price 100.00 , Our July News Service and List of Offerings are now available. : We cash coupons and dividend cheques free of charge for all investors. Royal Financial Corporation UME HENLEY, Imperial Bank Annex, Edmonton, Alta, Manager 10113 100 Street 1 ain 203 io abc ar 7 ott 1225 5 up 11261. 120 4 up 3 Sime 11435 36 202 arts 4643 200 344 18 17K 12644 oe General Electric ; General Motors Montgomery Ward eral Cah Register . Bain Pane i ie Hersey Pennana Port Altred Power: Corp. Price Bi Quebec Power Reliaisee Cora Toyal Bank anawintgerr Ginysier E5e0 Coin Cont Gans ont Motors udeon 09 yarreb: April May ano baeles ane For four consecutive months, Turuee Ville, Aside from. scaitered showers the Coarse grains quiet 1 Arg thts mor waite lon of goer market ye turned tine. with no fi rains, The notion tor No. 4 Muulere taking some Wilh offerings: only ate. the only small trade ME, STORIE ol ry weather in Westen Cat Shnt prattlealiy hall 6 the crap HA Seer Mindat ee Hallet sola yesterday covered, toda beuey hate Bar mm is ai or ere CHICAGO GRAIN Close ily t--Wheals No. 8 hard, to ei, Beptember 0614 Ne toMy. 9 Seplember 45 to het ae Rentals H. M. E. Evans Co. LE FINANCIAL AGENTS Ground Floor, 6. P. BR. Building, Edmonton 2115 -PHONES 4212 On the basis of their holdings alorie, + it is estimated that Cameron Petro- ff leum .Shares-are-worth-many-times the present market price. Buyers will profit through immediate action. Ray Cameron Petroleim shares at wiarkel, Uirougb 3 Droker or thls office, . Information and tierature Co. Bowen pana On Faquest, By. James Richardson Sons, Lid Change trom Last Glove ig ott 5 off sup 4 Wp Last: Sale se ey ee ae, Open High 50 sof oe 51 fe ore + 181 136 Sy 14 45 ad RC. Power Bisel Cannas Foe Weatgen Btset Products Winnlper Biectric Latest Oil Field Flashes atendi fog increasing flow of ga accord. Inteat reporis fromthe: fiel aho'a Vancouver firm, which willbe drilled: in. the Filing op: erations will commence withthe datmond fn: the lind at-anytime, lel Drilling is. proceeding fly at the Wlchfield well in. the Valley field, with ie hole down, feet arid: att epudding. The ci the north end of Turner Velley, now down rene over 8088 feet. Drilling Ja proceeding a as a ey scene gE, i, pmetie suse fiers ee rome Sg an Ee inery has ben hauled en ihe ground. vader The crew at the new invader Bie Buckingham Bunker, Mil Extension Castle Thretneviey Central Manitoba lt;2 Ghaput Hughes Houston Olt Howe. soud Hudson Motors Hupmobile Tit central Moni. Ward Mesh Moters Rat Gosh Merisieh be Dostum. Cereal Pullman Co. Pure ol Radio... Rest ilk Hoe. Remington Rand Ott eds Development hus Increased faster, Which means more record im output tater, Stock valuen are OHS MINES GRAINS YZ) 10039 famper Avenus -Telephone 23418 V. H. JOHNSON, Manager 22-Offiger Gonnected by Natinn-wide Private Wire Sytem Send For This New Booklet INANCING CANADA'S MINES ls: n new booklet taining expert and valuable Information ow nys Smatizing mining investments on a sound and been found practical aNd profiteble-ta-ouer inves ment fields. A copy wilt he mavied you for the saking and Bias apeaantat Mt at Third well willbe arilied Reserve field betore the-end olin ine north end af Turner aiey jis adios ttle coupe up operation Budaet Friday. The wel on Etineexbected to be spudded in about 10 days ne Sei fairly hah eepipts e ngs of butcher caltie on the on the faily iain ore iarket showed sans of good fction on the better grades of, butcher ck, nit ue pian kind are not 10 rr Saris ee eect ee co ea Ru eta enagateg et Bae ee no Fei, 3 : Serr f me fs an a Good lo choice spFIME- TES Jennings. 7m fe Hee ood 6 tie MINNEAPOLIS FLOUR AND GRAIN Minn, July 8. Bhl sestsresy: Bartheen Ligh Lt, zellow (8 te a4 seabeteds i stassboue: 38: Sun Top Mines Co. Gets Dom. ear Te moted ration wi warter bel barr rata a ert my owned Sy ) iv ny y thie company yt George River soetion Sie Portland Ganals nd 2 adjacent She property ot the Osormle. fiver Gol Mines tha The property salad to have excelient minttal showings and, is situated ine dis? het That hes been well proven seesusee Cattle prices firm today m iaancup ot supplier. Hom other 2 cents today, Thicw fambs, a earlings 10. By lames burn ators Willys Overiang iran export sez 3, sia ae te Without obligation, Send im the coupon below to our Winniper Office, Sront-Forteng MATTHEWS Linres Spccintin(s in Mining Securities J. W. PRESTON, Manager Northern Investment Bids. vies tae STOBIE-FORLONG-MATTHEWS, LIMITED, Winnipeg, Man, Please mat me new bookict Financing Canada s Min Aiiounting us 17.75 of the gross production. the 11,006.688, icy dividends Golumbis mines during 1 hight record for MILLER, COURT CO. LIMITED Fine Location To Let Corner Ground Floor Meleod Building, forii rly occupied by Bank Blrong vault. Lease to suitable tenant. Apply + 4B. LUNDY, Superintendent of Building, oom 210, oF THE ROYAL TRUST CO, Managers
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Image 139 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 139, (CU11116905). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.