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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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TOR ) continents, inadditionto 1 always rec nolive Soap. eran eyarechoked a8 secretions kheads, pim- of Palmolive foot sitar will aha OF PROMOTING WORLD PEACE cont at Institute of Nationel Affairs Canadian Press Cable LONDON, July 9.--There wan Uant gathering at the mansion hoi Memorate the gift of by Sir Abe Bailey, towards the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The Prince of Wales presided sind tha com. Pany included representatives of every Walk of life, 00,000, mace The Prince, while proposing Sir Abe Bailey's health, pointed out that the of National Affairs waa, founded during the: Paris con ference for the study of international Affatrs by men of-the : Bix years ago, ais Royal Highness: said, Re acceptsd from Colonel and Mrs. Leonard, m house in which Chat ham, Derby and Gladstone had lived. as the home of the institution. Can-T Ada had set an example in contribut- ng to the work, the Prinee added, and Beotland had dove ite bit, also South Africa. His Royal Highness emphasized that knowledgn was the first need in the task of and the raw material of knowledge was in- formation. This instution was learn- amaking+ excellent progress. Sir Abe Bailey, replying, described -the-natltute-ax- ty which bust amen wereinvited. to. nowledge they had acquired so that t-might be available to other business mien ang others who need it. Ho said. hhe hid advocated tariff preference for 30 years as the most useful means of Promoting both sentiments. and. Inter- sts which were the only tes whereby the. Empir could: eet together. The: whole economic structure of the Empire must be strengthened, he con chided, and he hoped the next imperia) gonference would work, with this object in view. FOR LONDON oul : 7 ry OY, en for Four Years Associated Presa Cable LONDON, Jilly 9 Right Hon. J. H. Thomas, Lord nrivy-seal.-and mintater eharged with handling the unemploy- ment problem, Js said consider- Viscount of an don, Sey Seventy five. miley of track would, dink all the rajlway stations, wharves freight. Viscount Ellbank estimates the work wollld cost. 40,000,000 (about 200,000,000) and. would provide four years . work for 60,000. men, He added lly obtain ed and the government would only. asked to guarantee the interest on the capital outlay, Dr. Anderson s Uncle illed- When an Auto Turns Over In Mud aes TORONTO, July Anderson, 8; ineniber ofS plonect family at Fairbank, Toronto subur, was killed Monday in a motorcar nv- cident on his farm at Fairbank. Mr. Whale Fight Fights To To : Disable Steamers ee Bask, mneer resident of Kinley. Fiding is plow home aa ce ee ot at ax, bcesee war were aie struck and. The coroner was, called but decided an not, ware survived by bile wife, aes eee. FOR KING a rsa of epee is Ma on the ; Kins. president, and Stampede Crowds On Opening Day Throng Calgary By Staft Correspondent Exelusive to. Bulletin CALGARY, Alts., July 0. Cal- She s Prettiest Girl On Old Broadway Percale Dresses. Each Practieal little frocks that will'stand the tubbing. smocked dresses with matching bloomers for little cla For bigg r retty frocks with dainty trimmings of rls a. charming variet; Seat f aon All sleeveless little atyles. eee. ly and contrasting 14 years, F Boe Bar pmpant.; Dining Room and Cafeteria Will Not Be Open sre Cc Smart straight 3S INCORPORATED 2 MAY 1670. : 7 7 . o Annual Store Picnic Wednesday, Store Closes at 12 To enable our entire staff to enjoy the half-holiday at Alberta Beach, Wednesday, July 10th, this store Wi itead of 1 o'clock, f Men s i Tweed Trousers. Pair... Sharply reduced-for-quick-selling- Wednesday morning. Hard-' wearing tweeds in medium grey, brown and fancies. Sizes 34 to 40. Men s Wool Bathing Suits Will Clear Quickly at 1 HUDSON BAY PORT KNOWN IN LONG AGO 20 Women s Silk Rayon Bloomers. Each 55c or Seldom,-indeed, will-one find-silk-rayon bloomers-of -this-quality at 80 low-a-price Regular Bobette style with. reinforced Busset and firm elitic at waist and knee. Shi and white, Standard sizes for misses anc 150,Felt and Straw Hats. 1 For Misses and Women, at .......... A. Good Worth coralngy when the store opens for this Wednesday special Soft imported felts and becoming straws, smartly trimmed with tailored ribbon bands and ornaments. Small brims or brimless styles. A variety of smart colors from which to choose. 2 for 1. les of pink, peach, maize women. Second Floor, HBC and fawn. Sizes 34 to 40. 160 Pairs Boys Tweed Pants; Two Styles, Pair Long pants or bloomers. A-good-selection-of patterns, selected from-higher priced lines and grouped for quick selling. All sizes in both bloomers and longs. Sizes 24 to 35, 175 : Jasper Ave, HBC days, The Stamy than ever before to. his haw nt e al way. Transcontisental trains run- ning in several sections have poured continuous stream of humanity into Calgary from, east, west, and south for. several days, and a vast, of rangeland da; One feature of The Stampede this year lies in'the extraordinary num- ber of Visitors from overseas, with f Sroatly increased contingent froma the-United States, Hotel accontine- dation, of course, is at a premium and private citizens have had to come to the rescue of hundreds of Stampede sight-seers. TO DISCUSS WITH BRITAIN dress Co-operative Un-. Canadian WINNIPEG, July. 9. Closer co-operation, embodying. greater ree ieealen relations netween Great io night at the opening of the Co-opete- trade tive Union of Canada. congress, foremost representatives of the two raat British eo-operaiive fedbratione Pilbe present eluding SOA operative Wholeshie Boclety. mh Wiking i nn intervie id an w atrensni Sdvisabliliy of Canads is ks covoperative system ag extensivel iactised in Bneland and Seotia rade between: the mother country. and Gans s, he Tiered. would prove to be to the mtoel -crowd ot more. than-50,005 milling. 56,000 Eee meee oF Can the rebirth of the famous Port de Munck. The map is ig Musnipt or Big iver name tbat ee ee een English Speakers, to Ad- fun: ix woeroh Sroaaat de Munck on Map USN SE g, omen s Broadcloth Smocks Canadian Press OHURCHILL, July 9. Churchiti, Ube terminus of the Hadson Bay rail- way at the mouth of Churchill River that of the French mapmaker publi ie 1Ose) Reet aT tg Jens Munck, the Danish naval offi- cer. who wintreed there vin 16:0-20 with the Joss of all the members cf Ris crew except himself and three ORS candy wo deisel tragedy x0 tives that they called the river Nano etittee Mslecnpesy Reet ae Seo cas cases Daten ment gesd ae jing he French regime on Hudson Bay. names are mentioned by the apace Jeremie, who resided twenty years on the Bay and pitblished an s) :29.- beveesente Thomas Button hed ealled down the Saat can ae ms o SHoubert s Hope; P10 Churchill Bay. io The oldest Indian name of the Hver from Montreal reached its upper Salers and intercepted Indians, bound Company, for whom Cal Abraham established post and river After John. Lord Churehil, afterwards advantage: of both countries. Spalding s Ardmore Tennis Racquets at Spalding s 50c Golf.Balls.....:.......... iding s Red Dot 146 Only Teapots : To Sell Quickly at, each Plain brown ro k and fancy floral desighs phone orders please. eae 2 to a customer; Chita Dinnersets at ee ree es colored floral desi; china, with narrow gold line, Set consi plates, 6.bread and butter plates, 6 cups and saucers, 6 oatmeals, 6 fruits, 1 salad; 1 bowl, 1 sugar, 1 cream and 1 platter. Clock Special, Pure Thread Silk Hose olf balls with, mesh, marking. Just received and priced to dispose of 500 in double quick time. button-front smocks finished with two pockets. Shown in rose, green, blue and mauve. Sizes 34 to 42. You'll want two or three of them at Wednesday. M orning s price of, each 3.95 Dependable frame, depressed-throat, reinforcement inside of bow, trimmed and bound in black. Good quality gut stringing. 4 for 1 See on. cream body. ie on fine white its-of 6 dinner . Third Floor. HBC Mercerized finish, regulation style, Seco enee 1.19 Second-Fioor, HBG Solid Oak Arm Chairs 7 9 5 : in Fumed Finish, Each , Extra strong frames iri fumed finish. Made with deep coil spring seats upholstered in heavy quality imitation leather. o Strong Cable Springs, T 96 ai This ball 4 6 size only. Each 3 793 ue Ting springs. They are easy to keep clean, are very restful and will give lasting wear. 15 only to clear Wednesday morning at, each ..........0.c0seeeceze neuen 1.95 . 8 ft. by.3 ft. Gold Seal 8 5 * Congoleum Mats .. iC eo terns in these useful Gold Seal Congoleum mats, They will le flat without fastening of any ind. Drapery Remnants Priced to Clear Useful lengths of almost every imaginable-drapery-fabric-priced for quick selling, Wednesday morning. : Third Floor, HBC in youths to 1 in men's, Pair oo. and will become ea known as the King's Highway, if pro Jected legislation ss adopted. cd - Three-Hour Specials inthe. Toy nent 29 ONLY CHILDREN S KIDDIE BARS SANOy in green, and: i A Rasa of Bs Belial Salar : toty. of Gainty prantey pe York Factory and chose for a new Shoot Well reinforced in heels and toes. Suitable for holiday or general wear. Shades of 0 Ther Kills Self rain, ta, Platinum, Patio, Black, etc. Sizes 8 to 9/4. Three-hour - en ee e special, pair 65 or 2 pairs for 1.25. Sia E Main-Floor, HBC 2 ; EASEA TOON duly eee to tae ae Baines; daughier of farmer 13.mlles Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers. 9.49 Rush Clearance 800 ere ee Ourrie, gravel truck or. Es Fancy- ns. z o later killed herself with her father's 12 onlv extra quality Ball . Ideal women shild: mer frocks, Big assortment: fiom Sai when be, wrnened oO Tange 16-inch size with 4 Sinden, Hew Heavy sll-ateel handle, Order . oe Se etace bs ete sun patterns, 32 inches aT ESRhing Sateen ae kate early, Wednesday morning at ........:.+ Ss aleane NTR Th o. wide, Choose several dress lengths Wednesday morning. ea 100Pairs Men s and Boys) fount at tore orclook, Eth poreiag anvas Shoes and Oxfords. Pair Dainty Printed Silks, Stree rid wo Ue ety owt Saree ee ei ien casas bories g be hour Special at Yard Emplove and war beinz o gt;-/ Et -reinforced With Tul ald on the more I SEES we aay ane arin as fier on ide Al se An excellent fabric for summer drestes silk Women s Dainty - 27 ONLY KIDDIES METAL WAGONS finished in red and blue. Just the thing for playing in the sand. Each 1.25 oes Ave., HBC Handkerchiefs ......... 6 for 85c So pretty and yet so serviceable are these pure linen and fine mer- cerized lawn handkerchiefs. Plain white, solid-colors and white with colored borders in a host of pretty patterns ae colorings. Embroi- dered corners, . Main Fleor, HBC in each fine. HBC Seal of Quality -Creamery Butter . Hake deotunae consisting Aes pumips, strap slippers, ani aay patords te in fps fisck kid, Aan calf and a few in the new sunburn kid. Wednesday Three-hour special, pair 21bs.71c ithe butter that is famous for quality. Extra special at 2 Ibs. Tie Low, tedium and spike heels. Sizes 3 to 6 in the lot, but not Jasper Ave., HBC 37c 35c Mer Tooth Paste and : 25e Tooth Brush. The two for... A three-hour special at the Drug Counters. No phone orders please. Toilet-P: PBEAS Choice ae 3 Peas. Somenes cy aad Two-process creped paper of good quality. ek 8 S8C 11 Pure Pork Sausage; 4-1, Candy Special, 69 Tobacco Special, 59 eae : tobacco-n high-grade: tobnoco te aS, a Soc . o 7o 0 0 0 S00 00 oro 6
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Image 127 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 127, (CU11116901). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.