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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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39 payable at me 4611 of course, EDMON- CE COM- Newspaper SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1929. - ik: G IN Northern While in the southern part of the province harvesting 1s much earlier. Sept. 5. w 3 6 onesses Sais thal She: grows cereameat cele thet (roms Show 65 Per Cent. of No. everything. from the top te the, zs Sa ee 1cnd No. 2Northern fas tne finest wheat T ever sav einai alin 38 pee Rs, tore oh be eee mi ahw district. t is not yet nearly ended. Jeans 1928 Price 1999 Price Ofticials at the Dominion grain th No.1, voc. os 114 150 cars ran: Sept. uw 5 4 INEDMONTON 2:0: 2 Cars so Far Dealt With) ditterent grades. Ono grower re- pec n offices at Edmonton say that aia 147 hard t-te average grade Nov Sey verre 4014 1378 1245, rom Sept. 210 care. dealt N 9580 with numbered 73: icy Selden 10a DIVERSIFIED GOOD OILS BUY NOW For greater security und increased earnings, buy good oils now. A marked advance is frankly predicied, Buy Okalte, Calmont or other good oils with CAMERON PETE For some time we have predicted great future for this stock. The location of the drilling alle which was sciected personally by W. 8, Herron. The acreage owned by the company, and possibilities of merger in the very near future which will enhance the value of the shares on the market, justify the immediate purchase of CAMERON. PETE. Get our lutest detalled report, don't delay, buy now * PAY ONLY 20 DOWN Balance m 20 convenient monthly installments. You cait buy CAMERON PETE. or practically any listed stock on the Partial Payment Purchase Plan through our Investment Counsel Department. Our new bulletin on the above s now BOWEN CO. 509-510 Northern Investment Bldg. Edmonton. Phone 4662 CLIP AND MALEHIS COUPON TODAY Gentlemen: Please send me your latest bulletin and information regarding Cameron Pete, and a diversified investment under your Paral Payment Purchase Plan, Name . Address, City . LIST OF MEMBERS Edmonton Real Estate Association ADDESS Telephone Credit. Foncler Bldg. 2511 9944 To1a Avenue. aot . PR. Bullding. 1285 410 Agency Building. 23577 McLeod Bullding. 1961 305 Moser-Ryder Bldg. S111 212 Empire Block. 1654 841 Tegler Bldg. 4923 C. p. R. Bullding: 2115 9576 11ith Ave. pit 10158 Jasper Ave. 214 10158 Jasper Ave, 5408 10117 00a. Bt, arr 10247 Jasper. Ave. 492 10028 101n Ave, 5119 10119 100a St. 1583 10063 101s Bt - 1373 303 Moser-Ryder Block, 330 10159 100 St. 4032 210. McLeod Bullding 2045, 10122. 1008 St. 4004 10434 Whyte Ave, 32051 Bank of Montreal Bldg. 9161 1720 Teglor Building 4344 10055 Jasper Ave. ne 202: MeLeod Butld 134 10144 Oise St. igs 429 Tegler Building. 10019 10ia. Ave. 10117 100th St. W. A, Trodeau 10129. 102ne St. Phone 4008 Edmonton Colonizaiion Society 10256 103rd St. Phone 1285 Committees Edmonton Real Estate Association t Vice-President, Secretary JJ. Duggan R, FP. Blackmer J, Yule, Executive Committee A.W, Taylor, P. J, Lorimer, 8, 8, Perrls, J. a Barrager, 8, 7, Lawrie. ee Member of Calgary Stock Exchange MAS REMOVED FROM 314 CP. Bldg. to * 906 MeLeod Bidg. Phone 6355 R, DE ROUVILLE, Representative MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES S. T. Lawrie Investment Agencies 305-6 Moser Ryder Bidg., Edmonton, Phone 5330 WE OFFER as an attractive investment: Homex Hame No. 4 made 139-foet- Frida; Latest Oil Field Flashes CALGARY, Alta, Sept. 7. North- west Assoclated Northwest Associtued ts making progress sido tracking and has drilled past the . whipstoois and is How working new-formation beside the old hole which ts 5,410 feet deep. 5 Southwest Pete Southwest Pte was reported to be drilling and was sti working in the cement plug whon reports were received. The hole 1s at 5,189 feet and the rotary drill will probably be making new hole today. Highwood Highwood, on the High- wod structure, has reamed out the hole to the bottom and will start mak- ing new hole very shortly in. the-time.. me River Bow AvtveF. on the Jumping Pond structarfe, made 21 fect of new hole during the week and was under-reaming. preparatory to lower ing casing to the bottom at 2,850 feet last night, during the. week with cable tools and was down 6,06t-feet-wittrdritting pro- Deoding steually. No. 9 made 200 eet with standard fig during the week and Yr earth ,000 Toot nha at Royalite Royalite No, 6 ts at 4,531 feet swedging casing, No. 12 at 5.222 fect in lowering O'cinch ensing and had lowered the pipe to 6,163 feet last Bight, No, 10, at 0,000 feet, i sie- Erucking at 8008 feet No. 19, ai i635 feet is Algo side-teueitig. No. 21ts cleaning out fe hole which ands at 4436 fect anid No, 23 1s dili ing at 4001 feet, teLeod MeLsod No, 4, which re- sumed drilling Thursday, had made To'feet of new hole in the time at a (otalsdepth of fy210 or 1480 fect in the lime, and. was pounding through very hard formation last night accord- ing to reports, No. 1 well Wil be shot twit ultfovgfycerine. hist morning. in tin endeavor to bring buck'te former Boduetion of about 180 barrea of japtha per day, or to loosen the bit so that drilling may be resumed from the depth ot 199 feet tn the hin Se spudded: inn few. days. ag drilling last night with the cable tools AE 10p'feet, he crew will set surface Pipe today. Spooner Ol-Decion to dri two mor wells. was reached. ata meeting Of the directors of Bpourier Ol Co, Tie. two new wells number 3 nd ntimber 4, wil bo started tmmed ately. Cable tons will be used at both qe Alberta Oil Stocks fee a By Solloway, Mills Co. Ltd. Tigh Low cioss AP. Con, ... 430 Calmont . 470 343 255 ab 2 195 a0 Mill City Model... Homestead , Okalta New ee By the Dominion Livestock Branch EDMONTON STOCKYARDS, Sept. 7. Roeeipts; cattle 1528, calves 402, hogs 3106, sheep 382. The beginning of the week saw a decidedly slow, draggy and bearish market and salesmen found it diffi- cult to move their offerings, But, As the week progrersed, a consider ably. better tone developed,.on. the market; buyers were keener in thefr Beatie see bid tr ee eae a all: classes of butcher cattle, Prices ' hout the: week re on the whole thre mained. about. st and unchanged as compared to last week's close, This was particularly true of the better Grades of butcher cows and steers. BStockera and feeders found a fairly Feady outlet at fully steady. values. There was no material change in calf prices but tt was noticeable, that, buyers were-g1 closer. and were inclined to be m little. bearish on the heavy calves. The market was considerably lower, The forepaft, of the wi Selects were selling wt 11.25 and thick smooths. at 10.75, but at the close, selects sold at 11'and thick smooths (0.50, all on w fed and watered OPPORTUNITY UNPARALLELED We again fepeat that this ia 8 baying seal Fe ine follow tocks at A. P. CON. UNITED CALMONT MERCURY BALTAC HARGAL Foothills Finance Investment Corp. . LIMITED Members: Calgary, Stock Exchange, Standard Stock Exchani Quick Mervice Prompt Confirmation Phone 6300 10004 Jasper Ave., Room 37, Gariep; 4 is, Where 1s the big home pool ssa meptoentatreepmen tom, Alberta, Vigil 0812 Fre eanteee tect Weymarn Petroleums Ltd. 1.50 : per share 17,000 Acres in Six Different Structures in. the Province of Alberta No, 1 Well on the New Black Diamond structure now down 2500 feet. Estimated that the Dalhousie sand will be and the Hime at 3200 feet, Excellent encountered. No, 1 Well Pineher Greek structure, drilling througts cement, Expect net cash tered in th at 1000 feet. well, Product Strong Several structure test work ts progressing rapidly. mn depth estimated are being made in th Wainwright field and 960 490, 3890 8.00 5.80 9.00 setects ctedewatered) soldat. 11.00 : i030 wells, The orew is rigsing up, for Tummber 8 at the present time and the focation for nuniber 4 in the. north fod of te field will be mee within few days, Marlam Marland umber 2, in the extreme soul end of he valley, wan Grilling in Une Tower. Bentons a 2000 feet Friday night, nccording to Fepot ls. Turner:Basin Tumnet Basin, he north end. of Turner Valley, was re- ported to be driling: ae 2100 feet asi Right. The 13 , ineh casing has been fot at 2048 feet and all caving trouble wwas repe ted to be eliminated Anoconda Anaconda, spidded tn tnfs weeks near Turner bssin, was. re With 0 incl surface canin act at 65 Ported as heing down 180 feet Friday fe Badel Beorl, half a mile south of ject Turner Basin, ns drilling at 5260 fect Friday, after overcoming difficulty erased entering the hole through fructur from the Dalhousie wands ng was curried to. 200 foet and. ll flow was shut off Structure strteture number 1 was own over 1600 feet nnd driling. with 15-inch open hole last night. The ext string of 1272 inch casing will be Tun. shorty Mercury -Mercury number 2 made 20 fect of new hole with rotary equlp ment during the past week, accord forthe. Union Drilling repcasciiative Friday. who siated that the. well wa TOWN OONEWHAN, Garlling at 1600 feet, Number 1 Was now quvetor of the Lake Superior Gtiling at 3040 feet when the Teport Corporation, was released Tiomeniend lt; Homestead nunbir 1 was delayed temporarily while the Grew installed a hew drilling exbl Sa ae a ee, the ise oat Wall Street Journal the bottom of the hole and will con- * tae Unueating with sie-ncked al) y Jax, Mlemardvon Bone (othe ime, Outwen Fete Outwest Pete. on the NEW YORK, Sept, 1 Btocke ral- new inek Diamond structure, was down tied vigorousty from Thursday envy 3010 feet and drilling. after making 70 selling movement in today's sessior feet of new hole during the week. No. extension of the previous. day's Prechold reenold Humber 2 south declines took plage notwithsiandin of Home, reported to be driling with evernighet. aiwouncemmut that, broke at all gu Tow yesterday, made 163 ers loons iat New York ells-rad-seor feet'at new hole ducing. th week: and ed a further gain of 147000,000 to Snow atm deptin of 8600 feet, No. '1 new secord inigh during the past week. fe ariling at-3490 feet Fears over the fonn Intreaso were off: * flanterent Baaterest Ket'by the weekly) bane statements, dried. with henvy rotary wie showed. tha: member. borrow own 1450: feot Priday nicht Toate federal furan were cay a own year age. tinportant finan 30s teat Initia: Pa as the expansion of collateral borro tnuerents look the aeitude that s0 tong ings made no inroads on federal ree omens: e reise Wen ho tena the centeni. bunting authorities to Good to choice to. 8.50 concern themselves over the loan. sit- Medium ++ +.+ down uation. This viewpoint was borne HEIVERS out by Washington ndvices that. the Good to choice . federal reser d saw no ne ce: Medium .. lt; ... + sity for further corrective measures cows a vo ors mths me A good part of the oe OT 1 6.75 ing in Thursday's late. trading - repre Goo to choice 0.8.80 pented panleky liquidation by conunis- : te 2 10 tion Nouns. traders. Lysastricnt. Tr down and powerfill groujys sponsoring repre- 0 4.50 sentative issues took advantage of the be break to increease their holdings. This down Bassing. of sthocks from weale to down . strong Hands was reflected in sharp to--0:88 Fecoverien inthe carly declines, ale -00 ying. tendeneles stendily picked up fhomentum as the session. progressed Bearish professionals, who. ad. pul Gut. short ines on the, previous: da decines, found a scarelly. of offerings for covering puiposen, and where fo ta to bid up ou themisives.Lmproves ss) gt; ment in the general Hat was given tmz Pets by definite casement of money Eonaltions. No, 2. being rig, was making basis, Cattle Prices to 8.00 down Feeder steers Heifers Cows ..0: CALVES Good to choice . Good heavies Common to medluin HOGS Belects vee vee oe. 1500 Thick nmooths. 10.80 (All on fed and watered bas SHEEP LAMBS. 9.09 to 10.00 50 to 11.00 900 to 9.50 5.09 to 7.00 Good to choice lambs Yearlings to, 8.50 to 625 . oa REPRESENTATIVE SALES - New York Letter EDMONTON STOCKYARDS, Sept. s, 71 Representative sales at Edmonton Bisa Riana stockyards, Sept. 6, 1920: Steers NEW YORK, Sept. 7 At the time No, Welght Price No. Welght:Price when abou: to sssume leadership of sees B70 6.00 1..., -520 5.00 the alr group by establishing a new 810 5.50. 5.2.1 5870 6.00 totp and crossing 100, it might be well 800 .75 1... 1220 5.75 to recall Mr. Nanrahan s testimony 3020- 5.75 780 6.00 tate commerce com- 650 7.50 1000 7.00 ing Erie's prospective 6590 6.00 6.50 earnings and knowing about what will 1020 7.50 5.75 be accomplished this year by simply 1060 8.25 6.00 reminding you of his prediction for 1730 8.15 1931, Erle in a purchase now, as ts St, ich will show around 9 woll as Canadian Southern Pacific and Lacka-' in the.oll grou We shill soon have new records all around for the recommended. issues so even at this early date would like to name the following: Standard of New Jersey, which will earn about Fange of 105-115, Standard Oil of New Jersey, 1)0-120, Royal Rutch spprox mately These stocks again re- commended at any figures below thelr top of the year, All of the copper group 4a goltig higher, but would con- inue to. concentrate on Kennecott, Kenngcolt.ewns practically all of N vada ted, and Nevada Con. solldated will increase its dividend to 4, which means Just that much-more o' Kennecott, Tn the industrial list Worthington Pump has become one of the features, Eisler Electric, on the curb, with earn- ings continuing to establish new re cords each month, will now join the radio issues in a big advance, with earnings of better than 6 a share, used for this yer, the stock 4s still 1n, the bargain class, Edmonton is Vitally Interested in the Activities of Alber Oil Pool Limited Undoubtedly, the outstanding ques- tion in the off situgtian tn Alberta. to 3.00 Pri 5100 4:50 v 4.58) 6.50 6.50 6.50 5.00 1 Welght Price + 1980. 5.00 + 1200 550. + 1400 8.35 140 4.75 21140. 650 2310 6.00 t-1120- .00 Heifers Weight Price 5.50 30 4.50 6.50 6.73 6.50 6.85 i 50-1 7.00 aot eon 6.75 Biss 7.50, 2280 6.50 Weight No. Welght Price No, Qeeee 1390 450 1.10. 1520 1it;. 1980 (525 1 Tih 940 6.00 Price Price 5.35, + 1090. 5.50 No. Weight Price No. 3, 770. 6.50 1.... Weight Price 220 11.00 of Edmonton, 144, Block, Wainwright end Fi tar sand deposits on the Athabasca and the olf at Fort Norman, Such substantial manifestations spread over territory extending from Fort Nor- man to Turney Valley go far to con- firm the opinions that a vast reser- voir of liquid oli exists somewhere in is area where, Fieh rewards. fabury lous beyond dreams, uwait the dis- coverer of this great Haquld oll field. The first requirements for such field from the geological standpoint is a great natural subterranean basin of the proper formation ta hold a Inge body of ofl in captivity. G. M, Daweson tn his Geological Survey of ere ot 1807, pointed 19 the Vietoris Arch nneei a northwert- of Edmonton, as the area pat Serene SPR ding this great tiatural basin, 1 findings of several geological tit Featigations leading up 9 the prese time strengthens tis belief While plans ot the Alt 2it Poot Limited fave not been divulged. tt ts Jearned from Mr. A. G. Aldridge, 1 secretary-treasuiter at 114. Adams Butlding, that this ts the property Ww of wet gas has been encoun 1700 feet. LIMITED ' Preferred Shares Price 98.00 per share. ( 100.00 Par Value) Full vulars on Request CHAUVIN, PP CO. LIMITED 202 McLeod Bldg. Phones 6228 - 1661 Clearwater well now standing at depth of 500 feet. opments are looked for in the near future We strongly recommend purchase at 1.50 per share. H. W. DEVITT, Limited Interesting devel Phone 4735. Members Standard Stock Exchinge of Edmonton, Utd. Ba elon The Company's holdings comprise som 2500 acres on tho crest. of the Vi torla Arch, some 10. miles north-eas of dmonton, The development. of this field is a venture holding tre- mendous possibilities, not merely for those associated with the Company but for Edmonton as whole. If ex- pectations are confirmed by the drill One of the richest ol fields on the 10129 - 100A Street Council Meeti cide for Acceplanee*6T The Calgary Power Comp locking agi ement electrical agreed to by the oft Ao council will be held noon to further disc It is understood Oppoatiion to the believe-they have w Population Gain In Canadian BYDNEY Australia, Sept. 7 population of Austr BL last was 6,336,786, ing the year 1928 0 monwealth statistic ponding estimate for 1,466,052, showing ai 862, The state of Ni population of ntate, 1.100,886 Queensland. 910,689;. about. 306.000 579,348; Wi 105,873; Tasmania, South Australia, 4 The population of Austral p cities of CITY LIKELY TO FAVOR THE CALGARY PLAN terrioon Expected to De- energy will the aldermen, includ members, ure in favor of acceptance to be forthcoming fro1 met, but those favoring the proposal ing to figures compiled by the Com- Australia now total SALADA quality never vary with market ing This Af- Offer offer made by the pany foi ter for the supply of probably be ty Council, 1t was pecial mecting of wt 4:19 this afters Tusa the offer hat a majoriiy of hneveral Labor TEA Australian Wool Clip Sets Record Price This Year Canadian. Press MELBOURNE. Australia, Sept. 7 wool from Australia's 1928-20 ilps Worth 09,170,000. for the 950,000.000 pounds toial These figures. show Sight iucrease in previous estimates and are a record for Australia, According 0 the government re- (49,000,000 1s nd export, price offer Is EARTHQUAKE pected several ald majority. Shows Australia A J, Btallworthy, ister of Health, Press SF sheep in the Commonwealth, whet te the highest total since 1891, when the of 106,421,089 was ral, at - Docamber. an increase du f 101,982, accord the record figure reached The Wool clip for the current y amounting to 424,108 tons, exceeds previous record of production in 1030- New Zeuland was 27, by 11,008 tons. ineinerease of 10,- The. tremendous strides made piveding In te past. forty yer own by the fact that although the son, who. said. th ner of sheep last season wa urge of plow the number Ta01, the Increase th. produetion of Abo 316,962, woo wus 309,000,000 pounds, oF 48 again fethe slg -eapltal ler cent. Tits gives an sed 010,248, yield af AppFoxtn nn steamer ion. Capi an, The corres als, has Victoria nu who gave changes while chcap brands constantly Fresh from the gardens SALADA s show oF Wodl, COSTS 10, which New Zeala: Between 1891 and. 1929 an inerease inthe Value WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Bept, rhe earthquake ald waste a large section of New Zens Jand will cost the Demiiiion approxte mately 10,000,000, according to Hon. recently n the first port, there are now 100,115,000-head authentic statement as to the damage me House Of wepresentatives recently, Ct STEAMER HAS STRANGE TRIP SYDNEY, Australia, Sept. 7. When elybryn was midway-be Maria van Diemen and iy, she passed close to Captain James Steven without warning ater rose, out of: he ight of efore settling. down ated that the width of the mans of water was between fit teen and twenty feet ee anniversary of the ALLEN TOTEN bs) RIEGE e founding of the German Republic. Photo shows a detachment of German sailors passing the Cenotaph in review, the occasion being the 10th Pood Mileace Fueling the houschold machine is an important item these days, After all, on the road of daily life, most of us have to get the last mile out of every dollar we spend, High food mileage means careful buying... thoughtful selection of the foods that not enly suit the tastes and physical needs of the family, hut the pocketbook as well. That's the value of advertising. Every day, here in your paper, are presented new and interesting food ideas. New ways of preparing old, reliable favorites. New combinations of the foods the family. continent will be proven, Is Edmon- Lion destined to be Canada's big..oll. Totty? The drilt wilt tell needs ... in waystheytHike; Standard, unvarying quality is the outstanding feature of advertised merchandise in general . . . and of food products in particular. Quite a factor in get- ting high food mileage Read the food advertising here in your daily paper ... it will show you the way to higher food mileage. ntun Bulle vin
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Image 1187 (1929-09-07), from microfilm reel 1187, (CU11110801). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.