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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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RS INST PENDEL of Rev. Al arratt to ped ESIGNS nvestigatior Fy caring In- ely y the Bisho; Barratt, vie Claygate, Surrey ed a system 0 y culture, adver D1 as a health re stead of conse bed euerament ing on June hearing of evi to a date to b a statemon meets aga, who represente ed the opinio: 1 now. be clow fixed, he added of the resigna, sed sensation it Pmuch discussior fer of 200 yeu le ago made t nd. good, 5 76 years of axe of Moly Trinity ars. Hus recenti don, but is now with his son. Barratt strong: wad lamieuace, ae ootfalls ane Door Un- ined The village just outside here ils that sould dt 7 ps in the dard doors and weire e week-end. wher gers. lodgers at d, were left alone were away. a gentle rattle oF when it was op- ere. countable experk in quick succes, rning heavy foot- cending the stairs was violently nx no clue to the ring the next das it at midnight the again. and t de, to find no ont ed to find wet the kitchen (1901 e cupboards scat phe weird manifes- ed when gt; house. wiiether spirit tforin of a vlever ACTS OFFICER 25 Minutes stable is ent When a police. wis called away nee Harold Stev- ate, took his place raffic for 25 min- one: of the most the town. wan Wearing light 5 said afterwards, for a plainclothes ens of people whe pn jot of motor- ttle (hroughi, bute of a motor-cyelist Thad no trouble tion him very careful and hunt as they would stable on point MYT AT COURT jee court held at meryshire, seven sons In court bore of Robert Jones, 4 with stealing the house of Mr. a, Jun, of Bwt ones gave evidence by the back door, yho gave evidence the accused with rgollen, heard before the . Alderaan David ert Jon s, and the as Mr. A. E. Jones, cand her husband to work for Mr. missed under (he te ZEMONA DE LIONS N EVERYTHING et at the corner of Walker Street and Main, Main was tho principal bual- artery of the town of ker Street led off from it and past seme of the aub- stantial. honies of the communtty, The boys and there were four of them, stopped to discuss what they could Rost do to entertain Skinny Blake, so call- od because of hin thin, mopstick- . reminded the others that would be the thing if they could get their mothers to provi the eats, and one of them to take the party in her car to the woods of Inke shore. Trot Howard scorned the den of pienic and had good deal to say about the air ciroys he had seen the day before. He propoped real, down-on-the-grownd olrcus with animals and stunts over in Jackto Bruce's barn, now by courtesy called a garage. Jackie being the youngest one of the bunch and grateful to be one of the number, roeable to the ide: Lewis, treckled-faced and with, shiny. wavy, carrot-colored hair, remarked that the new boy who had just moved with his fam- ily into the big red brick house on Walker Street, might have some ideas, and Red thought It would be a good plan to stroll along and see if Horace Hancock happened to be in sight. d sure enough, Horadee was right out on the lawn in front of his house, He had built counter out of couple of boxes and a board set between two trees, The board was covered with white na- per. There was a palltul of y l- lowish Hauld with a chunk of ice in It, and a shiny dipper and some glasses. On a near-by tree was lacked 2 white sign which invited the public to quench thelr thirst. The sign roa LEMON AID Step Right Up. Ico Kold. 3 sense 0 Gla Horace behind the counter sgrapling a tumblerful of his own wares, Skinny, Trot, Jackio and Req were speechless. with ad- milrgtion tha t is, for just a min- ute, and then they ail began to talk at once. The tenor of thelr remerkn wea about the same Whattayou goin to do with all the money A Horace, who hadn't been on the round long enough to be favored with nickname, hesitated, but upon the repetition 6f the question, he looked a little embarrassed he replied casual yh, they's a kid round 6n the next street who hasn't got: any Dad, an her mother hes to work awfy hard jest to pay the rent tul rm goin lemonade a lot of te well some St an give the money to her moth- or, an maybe somebody elne'll give her vome an she ean byy a wh chatr for Sally. over back of us. The boys were thoughtful. Skinny and Red each had three cent with which they. promptly ordered Piizzie JUNIOR CROBS-WORD PUZZLE. They live right fs demy (abbr.) 5A fabulous creature 7-Command 11 withered 12-Superiative ending 18-Character CRIBS CROSS AUTHOR PUZZLE My first ts ini Shakespeare but not tn Col ridg ss second ts in Coleridge but not Ens 5 Juckie s barn ts a vacant lot. Jet any kid ride around that lot on clown suylt yellow with black and white spots on it. masquerade party, peaked white shrugged Red, Corner; Longteliow. alno in Taytor. My fifth is in Taylor byt not in Fletcher. t net not in Shellie; Poe. My whole helps to hequaint us with these famous men, second letter of second word, pro- cted diagonally down to t Jetter of last word and find a color. FRACTION FROM THE KITCHEN lemonade: offering to share with Trot and Jackie. It was Jackte who byrst out as foon ay he had swallowed the la: Ip of the sweet-sour mixture, y. let's have the clrous just like we said, an put on lots of acts, an charge five cents admission. We'll make a big pile of money an give It to Sally, too. 1 know her. Her mother does some sew- ing for my mother. Aw go on, sniffed Skin: They wouldn't be many who'd pay. money to see our cirous. If the admission was pins, t would be dif- ferent, but pins won't buy a wheel to, lots of folks Trot differed. I could bring my pony, and next to Horace Was Sampling A Tambicr Full Of His Own Wares ri Pinto twice for five cents. And I could. bring my sister's Persian Kitten, It's a beaut. 1 could put ft in a bird cage that'n f0F lttle lame girl. Say, what up in the attic an make a side Sally can't get dut show-of it an charge tw for a p ep at the catamoat was wetting interested. he offered, T wore It to a and they's a ip with a bla k top- be. the clown clewn you'll make, but Skinny didn't My third is Whitman but not in My fourth is in Longfellow but My sixth is in Fletcher bat not In Wotdaworth. My seventh In in Wore Hawthorne, My eighth 1s in Hawthorne but orth but My ninth ts tn Shelley but not in Keats. Se as My tenth is in Keats but not in COLORED DIAGONALS Take the first letter of first word, last FIVE LETTER WORDS: 1 A flower. 2 An: Ancient Mexican race. 3 A temporary peace. 4 Grace. 6 Portion. GARDEN Ada: together 4-5 of a room on a boat 1-6 of an insect buy any attention, The plans for the circus went forward swimmingly. Horace of fered to move his lemonade bus aa to the circus grounds it the Doya would help hin carry. the boxes and the board for u counter. Ho was sure too that hin mother would let them have her, poodle 7the-efternoan,-and th Teive it te name of some ferocious, wild animal, Red hud had little to say, but the boys were Used to that. When he did apeak, the reat always. list- ened. He spoke now. Say you fellas. he Interrupted at last. Goor tous have a big wuy viaitin them. He has written a book, ant he gives lectures, an my. mother says he's a real lon. A. circus Won't amount to much without: on. T know him because he comes over to our plazea an talks to, my Gad. Til ask him to come an talie to us. He can say sofe of his poema for the people an I bet lots of folks will come just to hear him, But we'll have to advertise to let em know about it. Tho boys looked dubious. How'll we do that? Skinny de- manded. Red shook his head, We can tell all our friends the circus s tomorrow at two o'clock, and that the famous lion, Arnold Wakefold, will be right there al ready to roar, and that the admix- ston money fs to buy wheel chair the matter, Horace Hancock, with you getting your. father to put a free notico in the Turnbul Daily News?: He's the new editor, sn't he Horace nodded, but he didn't look very certain about the matter. T can ask him, he sald, but Perhaps he'd bo surer to do it Red if you asked: him. AML right, returned Red. 'T gotta dollar of my own, an I'll give him that if he'll write it up for us an'-ask everybody to come, an put a border around it. And thet s how t came about that there was a crowd all Juckie Bruce's barn would held, wt the cireux, And sure snough, the lion roared good-naturedly, and overy- body loved the poems:and the stor- feu he told. The lemonade. sold amazingly well. Tho pony was kept as busy as a frog on a fish hook, and the catumost was a huge success, for everyom: came laugh- ing and weilldn t tell anyone: elxe what ft was all.about. The poodle wan fastened to a post with a tire chain, and although he looked very meek, the public was Warned to a distance. The clown did himgeif proud. Then. an old lady interviewed Red and told him where he could get a good wheel chalr for a little money. When the circus was over and the chalr bargained for, there was till ton dollars left, for a lot of people had pald more than five cents admission, agd the lion of the afternoon had slipped a gold piece into the fund, So. with the wheel chair went an envelope with a Jot of Coins in it, On the on- velope was written: For Salie in Horace's best hand-writing. It was x good thing he had taken this precaution, for at the Jast moment the boys: were stra ly tongue-tied: and wouldn't wait to see Sally lifted fn to tho, chair. But they were happy just the wame, and so was the little 3-4 of old And find vegetabl Jane girl. +eould The people who live next He saw them st A ll looking just But soon he tried to keep awake all He slept to well be never OY BLUE was very lazy and he-slept most all the day While sheep and cattle wandered he was stretched upon. the hay. For this his parents scolded him and neighbors blamed him, too, Until of straying sheep and cows he dreamed nding by his bed and leaping thro the air, if they said, We're wholly without care. 1e whole night thro , day and then at night w another ugly sight. ANY birds g t their names just as some of us get ours. When we meet a-Mr. Car- penter, we can safely put i down, that away back yonder some of his ancestors were handy with. tools, and that they could make better rabbit traps, or better benches than thelr neighbors so they. called him a carpenter, and luter, Mr. Carpenter. And when we ure introduced to Mr. Westfeld, we know at once, that some of hii afield or clearing, that was-weat of the settlonient, or at least, west of something, xo the place he called home, gave him is name. Mr. Smith's name came from the word te, to strike, as with a ham- mer. The'first Smith was probably. n expert at hammering out things from fron, copper, ullver er nome other metal. So, In time he came to be known as Mr. Smith, So the common:numes of many of our bird frivnds can be traced back the sume way, only, with this difference: . If a bird's ancestors all the descendants of that bird, down. to the ones hutched yerterduy, aro noted ter exactly the same thing for birds never cfunge their trades or the characteristics that won the nume in the first Place. lt;The names of those birds that are castor traced, of course, are the ones that refer to thelr color, as the blackbird, the bluebird, the redbird und 0 on. Some get their names rom thelr trades, as It were, or from the-thingy-they at generally seen doing. As that brawny Worker in wood the wood: pecker; and his big cousin, the yel- low hammer both of them being able to keep up abput-as deafoning racket us-e-steam riveter. The sqp-sucker, who-drilts per- f clly round holes in th bark of frult trees, and who fs suppowed to) either eat the sap, or the insects that gather around. The tallorbird that sows two leaves together for a Rest; the weaverbird that usen its Dill for a weaver s shuttle, and actually weaves a grass cradle for the babies. And there ts the butcherbird that ighters small birds, feldmice and grasshoppers, and hangs.them on thorns for future uso, And quite a number get their fames from the places where they are often seen, as. the sky lurk that Joves to soar high up in the sky, and sings as he soars; the fleld Hark, that haunts the open stubble fields; the wood thrush, that retires to tho solitude of the deepest. woos when in a singing .humor; the orchard oriole; the cedar bird; the swamp wren and many others, Some are nam d frotitthe kin) of nests they build; for instane the oven bird, whose nest looks like an old-fashioned Dutch oven, with the entrance on the side; the hang, fhat hangs its pouch from: the Up of a twig; the bower bird that arden among tho with flowers and walks, and then builds a summer house of twigd and grass stalks in the shady retrout. Some peculiar habit of the bird may be responsible for the name 8 the scissors tail, that opens and shuts its tall, for all the world as you.would open and clone a pair of selsors; the wag tail that waxs its tail, every time is draws a breath. Tho shape of the bill often has a lot to do with the name of a bird: 4s the spoon bill; the cross bill; the horn. bill; the ivory Bill, and 20 forth. Some birds ar named from thelr favorite food; am the oyster catcher; the sparrow hawk; the grasshopper sparrow; the fish hawk: the Izard- bird and many oth, The great famtly of vireos, the Latin word vireo meaning T am green, wmbrace a great many What object often seen in theaky? What kind of hat? ' wnat treeshunting birds, thet fevd- mainiy on insects, every one of them having touch of olive-or How Some Birds Get Their Names green somewhere about their per- son. There are about seventy known apectes of vireos, and they. are found ndwhere except in America: The warbiers are another big famlly about one hundred and does It tay? And the whip-poor Will almost spells ite name every UUme It opens Ite mouth Shake your fist at a blu jay and ast him hie a His ear-aplit ting Jay-Jay ty the answe When bob-white nits on a fence pout, In the edge of whoat fheld, and calls to iy mate, he Lv making no secret of his name. So it tx) 1 ith othe -dickaisail, th: bell bird, und many others, Of courte, his wondertul power as mimic, gave the mocking bird his hume; and th doleful mewing of the catbird his, THE /UaR Cvar FRESH PEACH TARTLETS When mother or cook ts making a pie, get them to make for you fone extra crust. Or make crust of pastry. yourself, following a standard recipe. . Divide tho pastry into six por- fons, prem daintily into a ball and roll out thin Buke in tart shells, making pretty rim around the edge befor placing in the oven. When ready to serve, slice fresh peaches and fill the tart shells. Sprinkle generously with con fectioners sugar: Top with a spoonful of whipped cream amd. serve at once. Notice that the peaches are raw an the shell is baked before the peaches are put in. OUT FOR BIG GAME OW, if you went a-fishing, Whar-wautd you tike to catch, Said Daddy, one big fish or Two little fish to match? Said Sonny: I would rather Just sail-and sail and sail Way out upon the ocean And there I'd catch a, whale, YYOUNG PEOPLE THE T ts unnecessary to discuss the desirability of additional stor- jue space for occasionally used clothing with the dweller in re- stricted quarters, To those and to mother, whose sewing room is often badly crowded the twenty double hooks upon an casily moved costumer are obvious. vantages of The boats BLUE ts, refi BLUE of the sky, of course, folks, may be far removed, lived in Shake Your Fist At A Blue Jay And Ask Hine His Name. His Ear. fe Splitting Jay-Jay Ix The Answer fifty species, dressed in gray, Ereen, low samewhere about count for the na the smaller birds them, Perhaps more birds get their imaginary, Of thelr call- hundred of these are in Asla; six me word, or hundred are in Hurops numes from. some fanciful renemblancy note, or song: to combination of letters, than in any When the chick-a-dee awings on a bending twig. and gives other way. voice to ita pent-up happiness, it does not say chick: mes of a hust of happened to be noted for any-onc -biack-erdrab-with a tinge of yel- ac There are moro than thi sand four hundred languages and or dialects in the world. Over nine two hun- dreq.and seventy-five in Africa-and sixtben hundred in America. Lead pencils are. made from If graphite, not lead. Originally me- dee, what tallte: lead was used, and it was project may be made of any. .mod- crately hard wood and fininhod ax destred by anyone who can une toolewith-a alt degree of skill Make two uprights 1 x 1 x72 , two rails x6 x 26 and one rail x4 x 261 und fone shoe shelf x 10 x 27 . Get out four feet- 1x 7 x 9 , xmooth and sandpaper theno and the uprights and fasten them with dowels and two 24 No. 10 round head ncr ws ity suggested: Make cut in each-upright at A which will allow the shoo shelf to rest from thix substance that they took their name. Wator runs off the back of -a duck because its feathers are oily, und since ofl and water will not mix, the fathers shed the water. We swim more easily in walt wa- ter than in fresh because tho for mer is heavier, and there is tess tendency for the body to alnk. (To be colored with paints or crayons. ELLOW -haired Susie in the BLUE ed. fro ond. May and TAN and BROWN lt;halred Teddy YELLOW mixed) salling their little paper The the clear color.) (use BROWN and blouse anda RED te. His font 9 ORANGE (use RED and YELLOW mixed) color with a White sail on a YEL- Susie, May has a PURPLE, boat LOW mast with big RED safl on a YELLOW White checked bloomer frock on Teddy wears BROWN trou: Oh, wee you have a Fairy P T et SuaTs May, Awd sure enough there in beautiful ra buttery with BLUE dots on tte Whenever you come to a word spelled in CAPITAL letters use that YELLOW wings. The body of the Butterfly is PURPLE. The grass Is GREEN and tho treo has a GRAY (use Black light- Jy) trunk and GREEN leaves. Both Thildren have PINK cheeks (use RUD lightly) and RED 1 border of be colored ORANGE color and the This picture can SaaS a against the Insides of-the lege, These will be fastened with 1 No, 10 round screws when project in assombled. Lay oy dowels In the ralla and Upright ccurately, b m carefully using clamps to dnd the Joints together. Finish. in natural wood or wit stain, three coats of shellac rubi down with 4/0 sandpaper or pati or lacquer in selected colors preferred, Mount ten large bi lor bronzed clothes hooks on Jupper rail and. the uprights ten rmailer ofex on the lower and uprights. If desired two mi hooks of each size may be add by: spacing them 6 Instead of apart ax in tho sketch. Domex silence or carters may be plac under the fect if the costumer to be moved about frequently, There Is so much salt in Gi Balt Lake, Uteh, that a man cus wink at all. GraMmartos Bo When winter comes some one say T'll put my ar-tics on today, Because the streets are Ve slushy. But when we speak-of sca or The sound of Ark-tic we shou use, (Without that are ,the word mushy.) 4 Take Tuesday, now; some ple use syllable chews And make the word appear: 7 Chewaday. From others Toosday we wi hear, : But Tues, like news, is clear. And Tewsday rightly with News-day. irst that sounds Ii Another word in this same. class Is Duty, which some people Along to us with sound. Doo-ty. But J've been told by thove Is more like dew-ty COLOR DIAGONAL A ster A-Z-tec Tr.-U-ce Cha R-m Shar EB FRACTION FROM THE KITOR) EN GARDEN OABIN, Beetle AGE-d. CABBAGE. ZLE 8CHOOL DAYS. lettering GREEN, REBUS Cloud, Montreal,
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Image 1193 (1929-09-07), from microfilm reel 1193, (CU11110804). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.