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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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ustry of France is important every Hie across the sea. almgst two million iy in the evening. arly hungry after d of 100,000 snails neelbarrow load of t quality of snails odin wine, A half 6 raised on mers in the depart. ) thelr whole time from va and tame, complexion, n the same, eating, end, ce 80 hatetut nol seems. to bd EDMONTON BULLE Mn 4lberta s Oldest Newsp ver SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER SEPSIS icient Worker s For. ery Small W 36 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture, Musleal Instruments, Radio. Wearing Apparel. Ete. WESTERN EXCHANGE Fimited PHONE 1332 Address 10121 98th St, Just a tep froma Jasper. All care pasa within a few fects shine direct the factory, ard goods of the very best, We live taken Bee or boiight out ich enabes is tore At ehiormously reduced. prices, What have you to sell? What do you want to buy? What hava you to exchange? Why don't you come. and inspect our stock like hundreds of other people do, Whether vou Buy of not, ta establishment sat your service, You may Inspect to your ears. cone tee Anching wey have. ti Our plage of more tse to you than that, something that ha: outlived its. use, well, com long cd feta reason together tind fomething can be scom- pushed of mutual benefit. jood gracious You can't con- Hue forever to throw. your t tend lecleve by publishing broadcast. that we, are having September Scie and reducing our prices by 50 per cent. You wouldn't Reubve it tt we anid it You have abit of common aenee But, ote, tees prices learn why we can do these things We have - mmugifleent solid waindt rine- lees, dining suite, the most Qovely in tne eliy, perfect positively worth 300. We are empowered to sell for 189 Wer tave a perfectly new Shesterteld and two mag- hullgpat full ate chairs, new for 40780. We have several Seuutinul gas amd coal ranges cetprioce that wil asta JoueWe-have in, new and Seetnahend, some iitehen cab inet ona cablneta and sep WSS Shitets he prices: we Sie empowered to quote them at will astonish you. In beds, mattresses and springs we fear no vcompeting House nd, 18 tre drop sida couchss, -davenoe, convertable and side arm couches. Bret have a. wainut player piano, Hke new, cost 1150. Weare: pet. entrtalaex- Mange ea good. Sepaseen: ger car. We have a splendid Sean in plano frame case, Ct'yash) ere te is . ths cert of wil ell it, for. 60.00. S rother Unaf coat's260, we are Anpowered to. bell, for 40. Wonderfug ya for country Churches 2 Fo short, bf money, come here ewe wilt help You if you are worthy and will re spect your obligations when the We sone burden yor (tit interest elther, For dressers, chiffonleres, wardrobes Singer searing a: ware ora tables, lino leums, floor coverings, pillows. Something of almost. every thing ho If you WATER SUPPLY NOW ait ehh resent ae fT sei panne Seer tae east tet Eps tBo ae ile Se ag edna ay 8 Place therein J. A. Patent Quick Sand Filter (hies) The. Migr around must be fant 3 to 3 feet entirely under mimediately uround the titer 3d must bp paced at men, ron. or wood piping must be id extended to the Sn vetwom of filer. You will pump erystal ithier and more war tet and it will Keep good several gen- Absolutely no ertbbing to this. Any person ean fnxtall them, Over hundred already. have been vested. for lover, ree years. Mover require. repairs of cleaning. Installation im big quickeand forma- special kill ro th slide. your pump inside piping and let same rest Tt is 8 use ftered prepaid for, tirat bundred going out for 40 and 40. When ordering. write address snd auipping station distinctly. J. A. JACOBS: PORT SASKATCHEWAN Used Furniture for Sale 0 -Plece dining room sulte... Dressers... 11 up 1 Only, genuine leather Davenport... eee 35 3-Plece Chesterfield sulle : lt;: 63 Odd Buttets 15 up, 17 up NATIONAL HOME FURNISHERS, LTD. 9950 Jasper. Avene Exchange Dept. Phone 6266 N-210x 36 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Continued DELCO LIGuT PRODUCTS VOR NEW OR 4 REAL SNAP ON TWENTY-FOUR LAROE used tents ab Uucle a bfione ame SN go730-31k NE SUITABLE YOR 1Wo VIOLINS, Detunner ene fifty. year Scainer. Apply oad LORY 00. PIANO 878; MASON sch iano 278: Beanies plto- keaph 45. Robinson Bou, oppo. ther Macdonald Hotel. WE HAVE A VERY GOOD 118496 labo, mahogany case, 200. 1438-211 St. Phone 23800. 36A MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR BENT PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS AND SEW. hg tachine for rent. Music store GOURLA 10048 108 Strest Phone 6844 37 GARDEN SUPrLIEs SORBY'S ENOLISH GARDEN TOOLS Rennie's seeds. Just strived. Bil Greer Hardware, ey COAL AND woop A LOAD OF DRY MILL Woop, delivered; also coal. Phone 72394, 820 40 MACHINERY, TOOLS, ETC. 7 4 Bargain Prices. o ny, sede gine, used 2 weeks. SSeS eee es on as tinie, secs Ba i Q s ee grain . engines, 10 CHAS. A. ANDERSON: 10167 100a St. Ph, 4701, Edmonton A-1-210 41 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES CAPITAL COD LIVER OIL GROWING Mash pute your pullets in laying trim. CAPITAL, SEED POULTRY BUPFLY i Rtreet BARRED ROCKS, WHITE WYANDOTTES, RL. hens, pullets, cockrels. 6228 104 Bt. Ph. 31031, 10743-210 42 DOGS. CATS AND RABBITS 43 HORSES AND CATTLE HARNESS IN SCANADA, STRONGEST ees, oy HORSES 1 HORSES 1 Wismer ale Stables, 10518 101 Street. (4, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS EDMONTON JUNK CO. Mighest prices for scrap tron, copper, brass, rags Buys and sella sacond-hand furnitufe and tools. 96th St. end Jasper Phone. 4043, PORNTUM fm any quantity, wanted tor cash. Best. prices pald:. Davies Purniture Exchange. 0822 Jasper Phone 4482 ApPLEBY, BUYS PURNITURE, TRUNKS, bedding, tools, dresters, other odds and ends, Phone 6301, iRNITURE BOUGHT FOR CASH On commission. J. i Reed, 0831 YOUR OLD GOLD, SILVER. BOUGHT ne, Jamper for cash trving ea Look: for the clock on. the a WIGHEST MAREET PRICE AND 6POT Gash (or furniture, tools, ete. Phone SWAP COLUMN 139 Acres 4. Miles trom city mits, 100 Seres under cultivation, Price 5000 per nore or wil ex- change room binge Tow in-ctty. MAGEE AND MacRAE LIMITED . 10122 100A Street Cty Phone 22498 5009 M-1-210 iuding sbenet velsed at cally ew, o exchange for secondhand. cat Grotereoiy ord), valua about 180, 200, balatce to cauh. Write A. Uaber, Mertosl, Ac C. By Altay or Box te Bien: iiaa-a4 ee MATIONAL Cham nEOISTER OY CAKADK. UIMEETED. o1es and. Aveate Western Exchange Ltd. Ws a furpiture store; new and second hand of the. 46 - HOUSES FOR SALE EAST END CLOSE IN 9 Room modern house, 6 bed- rooms, outside entrance to up- stairs, suitable for roomers, Only 2000; 800 cash. oth Street, 110th block, 6 Tooms fully modern; 3 bed rooms. For quick sale, snap Bulletin. Want Ads Are Most Speedy and Eff se OUT OUR WAY By Williams THE 46 - sHOUSES FoR SALE Continued THERE'S A THING TWIT GETS MY NANNY, YOU GET A GooD SNAP AN TH Burt o' wou CANT ENTOY TH woops COMES ALONG AN HELPS YOU ENTOW IT. IM s' ABOUT THAT. Win T GOT A SNAP COLLABoR, ATOR. as HOUSES FOR SALE Continued lt; CONT oat WANT ANY GODY HELPIN) SS Tr Does TAKE SOME O' TH' Jov OuT OF 1. A UITTE SNAP BESIDE Some BaDy, wria's GOT BIG SNAP. i Continues 58 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIVS Continued AUTOMOBILES Contiined 320 Acres 200 Cultivated, 90 summer- fallow, 6-room' frame. bunga- low with full slze cement base ment and furnace, horve barn hold 10 head ken Touse: 2-targe-granaries Rurage, good well, excellent Gintrlet queer city. Terms Der ere 10,000 ena, be halt troy 34 FARMS FOR SALE We Mase puny ebyate ol Pence River lists HARRY HH. WIst CORPORA IO Instrane Mclicod Bid Evenings Ph, rUAT KNOWS REAL nd adjoin Couniry Clay, for only 4800, Stanley Realty, 0062 Jasper Ave, Phoie ACREAGE FOR SALE For Sale 640 Acres G. miles north of Viking in gas fields, 400 acres best hay land; 70 acres under cultivation; balance willow Good water, three wells: Fair house. 35 an acte, 6000 cash, balance arranged at 7 . Also 160: acres adjoining with Tos LANs 4 ( 1128 wy cA seme, mC. HOUSES FOR SALE Continued WEST-END Three Good Rooms 5 On Nice Lot HOME Sia aenty amen tictghoed ons cree oO 150 foot lot, facing East on izoth Street tm. the oeth bl yerything in first. aattion, Nice large tig oat anda a ee lng Bowe thrpdghout Only 3000, th abot 100 cast to. handle. H. S. Hegler Ltd. 10158 Jasper Ave, Phone 5456-31685 gt; H-1-210 WEST END 9 Rooms, steam heat, separate. beth dnd olley, Tull'Iott less trle fixtures, ete, double age. 8500, easy terms. 9-Room fully modern. house in West End, close to car. 4750; 81250 cash, balance. 50. per month, +: Insurance :: Olls Ground Floor, McLeod, Big: Phone 2265 Evenings Ph. 6211: W-207 CLOSE IN Six room sem - low; 4 maple floors do' fire- place; full basement; con sete e 4,000.00 ber 15th, Whyte Co. LIMITED EDMONTON'S HOME SPECYAL'sTs 10117 100th: Bt. Phone 9247 . Evenings Phone 81251 210 sy RL. GREENE COMPANY, LTD. 10158 Jasper Ave. Phone 0214 SNAPEY OTIVE A six room fully madern sem -bungalow, situated on the South Side: Glazsed-in ver- andah; maple floors, large livin ace; hot alr fwo bedrooms on one very large room upstairs. Owner jeaving town and must sell immediately. Price 2800, terms, MONEY TO LOAN AT 1 10188 Jasper Ave, Real Estate : Rentals : PHONE 9216 Half block to ear line; good cellar; electric light; water hydrant on lot; house ts plas- tered; neat and. comfortable. Price only 900.00 on terms of 250.00-cash and balance, like Fent. WEBER BROS. 15 acres under cultivation. Same price and terms. Apply to owner, William J. Collisson Box 88, Viking, Alberta For-212 38 FARMS FOR RENT. 40 ACRES MOSTLY TILLABLE, SHARE or cash, 13-36-3 W. of sth, Lnke water for. sock; Adaitional poor. a Los iKagetes, Caltt. 13404:20D 56 FARMS WANTED tings of Cheap Farms Wanted Flot for settienent re toe wamonton Credit Pag. Ph TUT EDMONTON COLONIZATION SOCIETY 10238 103 8t,, Edmonton. E-1-210 ADMINISTRATION TRUST CO. REAL ESTATE FARM LANDS RENTALS: PROPERTIES. MANAGED. INSURANCE: HAIL, FIRE, AUTO. and, CASUALTY TT BONCIER BLDG. 10257 JASPER AVENUE: Phone 2511 Basement, samp, 1680.00; as rent. f4-Roomed hot water heated house, 83rd Ave., South Side. Good condition, wonderful, rooming house proposition. gio rw L school balance arranged. T-Roomed bungalow, West End; full tot; nice home, Close price; good terms. 9: D. J. 43 Tegler Bldg. geveral nouses for Gale, south ot jasper trom 4:00. up. She Ta-foomed moder prick house. Great big sbarewin: away. below aloe, only 5800, 62000. sank. Bullding Tots tor Bale all pasts of the city. DUCHY, 10060 100m street a FARMS FOR SALE Roomn 1 zimenta Rooms i: ie Sa NEAR OITY. Wt aa as w cota concer at. Hu Empire. z spells, 332 Snap, 5 rooms ith. al 2a ance 25 per month. 127th Street, 3 light Apa water on 1, Bap A. real home of six cheerful Toots, arte ymours replace, ful Bee us for West End homes, STANLEY-REALTY 9662 Jasper Ave. Phone 8-1-210 3700 3 7-room femt-t ie Buy That Car---At the Price You Want to Pay ---Read the Want Ads Before making the purchase Of that Used Car you Ee bargains No matter wnat your dest o th to buy. rent, sell oF ex- Change you will tind it pays to read and use offered today And WANTED EQUIPPED FARMS, REASON. moderate dows payment; 10211 OT Burest. 58 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES a General Store In -good district Just cast of. the clty: Stock and fixtures ' 2800.000. Turnover 22,000. Rent only 80.00 yearly, This fs an excellent proposition and gan be handled for 1600.00 cash. Hardware and Farm Machinery Good potnt in fast improving district, Stock and fixtures 7400.00. * Turnover 34,000. ean be handled for 4500. Licensed Hotel About 60 miles south-cast of Edmonton. Net revenue will Tun around 400.00 a month. This can be handied -r 4500. City Rooming House 24 Rooms. Can lease. 700 cash, balance monthly, Whyte Co. LIMITED 10117 100th Street . Phone 0247 Edmonton, Alberta 1200 Down buys Soing. con- op a alig ong sanra 10501 97th 210 Ootober 3rd. one of the best stands for a barber shop, of fruit and confectionery: gak hot anc cold Sater. Lind wilt be lett om front, Also light fittings. Rent 435.00, We havo.a house of eleven rooms ns good district. EWP. steam A Truly Conservative Investment A REAL MONEY MAKER BRICK BLOCK WITH 0 NICE ROOMS Store premt retatl bi mobile showrooms or hess of any kind, Steam heat throughout All rooms and preiise; now tiled and showing yood revent 60 Foot frotuge on Jasper Ave Good business location, L. T. MELTON Jasper Ave, Phone 6499 M-1 210 ROOMING HOUSES One 28 rooms, furnished. One 47 rooms furnished, Real Money Makers, PICARD VOYER 9949 Jasper Avenue MUSKRAT RANCH A splendid muskrat and sheep proposition near Edmonton. Forty- facre Ike, well. stocked. Butldings ALBERTA TRAPPERS MUSK- RAT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION 112 OP.R, Bldg. DAIRY BUSINESS POR SALE Inguire M4. pire Block. Phot 34 FoR SALE, TWo-CHATR BARBER SHOP, 800. Wire If you are interested. Pred Keys, Vermilion TOT a18 6 MONEY TO LOAN Chauvin Allsop Company Ltd. Insurance and Real Estate : Money to Loan 202 McLeod Bldg. PHONE 1061 C-87x NEY TO LOAN ON. IMPROVED FARMS CREDIT FONCIER, F. C. EDMONTON, Alberta, G-1-210 WE LOAN MONEY ON CARS, FURNI- Ture of any securitien at lowest rate of interest. We finance and refinance your sutom MUTUAL PINANCE a LOAN co. trp. 26 Tegler Blas. Phone eet INSURANCE JOHNSON, INSURANCE LOANS MILTON MARTIN NSURANCE Agent und Broker. Fire. Camualty Plate Glass, ete. Phono 4344 129 HOUSE FOR SALE, ROOMS FOR REWr Read ond use Bulletin Want Ads. SSSSS ee 7 AUTOMOBILES Se THE. SEASON'S. -. BEST OFFER A Late Model STUTZ 4-DOOR SEDAN for 800 AND the balance 65 month for 15, month, without extra finanee charges. This also covers fnsurance Cire and theft) for 24 months, nificant im appesrar gt;, pers Giaranteed 1o 'be in perfect Giechanioal order, Penn Motor Sales Cor. 114 St. and Jasper Ave, Phono 23468, 3 P-184X READ THIS TWICE Extra Special For a Few ys Only 1928 Oldgmobile Sedan, in very. good condition. A real susp 0 Matheson s Garage HUDSON, ESSEX DEALERS 10130 114th st. Phone 82256 M-1-210 driven a few: mor trade papers discounted sed Cars At Sacrifice Comman- der, Almost like tev, 81495.00 One Ewkine Put Delivery only Ata little over half price. Now tres, ready for service, Ea 1924 Chevrolet Sedan, new patnt, good Tunning condition eae 1924 Chevrolet Touring, paint, good cond'tion. 176. new 1926 Hudson four-door sedan, Just overhauled and in first class mechanical condition, 798, Studebaker big seven passen- ger touring, A dandy service eat fn first lass running condition, We also havo fifteen others to clear at your prices. Come and wee them, MaCallum Motors 108th Bt. and Jasper Ave. Ph. 4055 M1210 Reconditioned Quality Cars Representing Honest Value Far Above Bai's Brokerage Headquartera for Quality Automobiles (Tovars srmcras 1921 Bar 8x Conch, comi- Dletely overhauled. es Achap cE oars 1928 Chevrolet Light Delivery box +2 550 1926 4-door sedan: good sturdy car 878 pees a 1926 Chevrolet Coach, and rung Uke new... BOBS Brokerage 10187 102 Btreet Phone 2992 WEST END SALES 1927 Baeox Coach, 1926 star Touritg, new YET 1928 Pontiac Couch . 1997 Kovex Sedan ..: 1927 Star Sedan 1927 Star Coach 750 8625 GREATEST-VALUES rge W. Stevens and haber Bros., Ltd. 10147 102 Street, Phone 1364 OPEN EVENINGS 8-1-3210 SPECIALS 1926 Chevrolet Coupe .. 1926 Chevrolet Coach. ee r there are some ny house. 7. EDMONTON JUNK CO, Jesper Avenue and Goth Street, Phy 404s eal ob rental terms, Pearson. Type Writer and Madlo Co, 1017 Jasper, -price, 1600, half cash. SANBORN SPRAGUE 10004 101A Avenue Phone 4311 5-1 27 Rooms; good location; st-am- hested; buuding and fornia. A died with only 1600 aah. E. R, POOLE SON 20 McLeo Bldg, Phone 2176 Pe1-210 Bulletin Want Ads PHONE 9324 WE WILL CHARGE IT would mrke money as a high class boarding house. Two frutt, and confer ion- ey 500 and 6,800, including The W. E. Goodale NEY TO PURCHASE: CARB At 6 Per Cent, THE OHAPMAN- BLESSOR CIES LIMITED AGEN. 10177 100A Bt, 5561 Agencies 9876 111 Avenue G-1-210 Phone Seo Us Pirst and Save Money O-1-220 S 1018 FORD CAR YOR SALE. ELL WiLL. cheap. Apply 9898 TOA Arena. 1926 Oldsmobile Coach... Pont'ac Roadster -. BERT 'R. REYNOLDS 10148 102nd Street
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Image 1177 (1929-09-07), from microfilm reel 1177, (CU11110787). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.