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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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ROSS: 5 PAIR RACES Minutes in vent on 'y Two spectace tthe week-end record of Cla Klyn speedster. yred the world s o minutes in , three-mitle tn ntreal Sunday ers to the fin 88. record of one S seconds, Ross Mt by Frank in the three- Nelson, Fort d and Stanley Frank, fourth, s time at Mon- way two hours, onds. hed second to owed by Lyall Morris tum lam Salo, J. rmstrong, Fely ahead of Dolborne, Ont. r, and Jewel roesed the line lew York, was hree mile wo in which five iead from the vy with first srmstrong, De but the real between Ruth Tower, position. Miss Apna Benolt, : fifth. entrant, unning. om o Another lt;Umpire Jim biter who has the Central Three-I last Wyle, who. as a hablt of ound. ty 13 EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1 13s i iog Hang Up Victories King Edward Hotel Series Sunday , Webb King's Stockyard Bulls a Ken Dugan's Sing Benard Hotes Wopny series Site Par their wine iu the doub header at Boyle Street Park Yester- day afternoon, the Bulls winning over the Young Liberals 10 to 5, and the Cubs swamped the Eouth Bide to the tune of 16 to 8. A large crowd of rabid bascball enthusiasts witnessed a very mediocre brand of baseball dished out by the competing teams. There Was some measure of excuse for both the Youns Liberals and the South Bide as nei- ther team have been playing for a month and were in need of practice, but their wasn t much excuse for the 11 errors made by the Cubs, in th: econ contest. In the first game the Young Liberal we the Bulls quite a seare when ney made a rally in the last of the fifth to score three runs to lead three to two, but their hopes of annexing the game was short lived, howe1 in the first of the sixth the took advantage of a few of the Lib- erals errors which, combined with some lusty wallops brought in six. counters to safely tuck the game away. Jor Stoessel On The pitching of Joe Stocsse was one seventeen of the hightlights of the game. struck out no less than opposing batters which, with Kind of support at all should be enough to win a ball game but was what Stoesse didn't have. Murphy, Bull twirler. into a bad spot in the last of the fit and George Dame went in to rel him and pulled the game out of the fire. The second game was a walk-away for the Cubs. They took tiie lead 2 they were in no danger of headed. The South Side were a off form and showed the need of pra tice badly. ly disorganized and played bau, should have been sure put outs. Hall Was. Good Al Hall was right on form an pilched a smart brand of ball except for the last inning. when he becam a iittle careless and allowed a te more hits than he should have, The final game of the series. w be played at Boyle Street Park betwe the Bulls and the Cubs on Sunda; 821 Feauly when these two old. rival ae BOX SCORE Fust Game oa a, Veteran Southpaw About * 3 100 of Only Pitcher to Take 220300 Regular Turn .*: : t20 22 biieao BY WERNER LAUFER BEE eo) ve Pyonie Sept Oe they. call 4 1 0 3 3 0 Tom Zachary, veteran left-hander of 12 28 ol ietnew wot Yamtees a snotateg 268 8 Slptene 4 notuing pitche is ont 3 1 6.0. 6 who his wtle suutt on his ball tn the way of rent speed of charp-bresking 4010-7 27 10.73 cutven, Leal who depends great deal A5'R i Po'R Bl on his dnticid andouneld f get by. Hel fr APE HE EO A.B er baller Hupp Hed Gwe of thee Pima ib i 8 1a 8. bt more taotuinn lectin om tis weet Marvell et 17.8 6 lite rom Zachary. he would epoud Kitchener, ss 5 0 2 1 1 2/doubt have his Yatiks as far out .n MacDonald, 3b . 3 0 1 0 1 1 ftont as are the Philadelphia Ath- Mutchay. 2 2169 2 Ol ittes ae orcsent Stoessel, p ...00:. 4 1 1 1 4 1 Zachary at this writing is une only Rays a bd sh 301 pitemee oes nat ben ehaaeee oc Da Williams, if 30 0 0 regular turn in the box to remain un- ae defeated this season. To date he has rrotale .....-- 36879 10 4 won nine games, But pow thee th Seore. by innings Kvuniticn he wil probably. be shelled BS ee a0 006 o11 10 ott nent time We goce onthe mound, Young Libe ais 300 090 oa0 's CHime out for Tom Zachary. and all Summary: Three-base hits Klichener, Stoessel tworhaso hits Lammie, MacDonald, Btruck Helm. Carruthers, Williams; out by Stoessel 17, by Murph Damie 3; bases on balls oft Bt 6,-off Murph: pitch Stoessel 3, Di Williams; Jeft on bases Bulls 11, Lib- erals 8; time of. game 1:50; umpires Drayton snd Merakel. STOCKYARDS 10 MEET CUBS IN BALL PLAY-OFF Chevrolet hat fot himsett ond inning and from then on being The Cubs were still bad- erratic mussing up a lot of plays that 15 and a real ball game sfould toesse 3, off Dame 1; wild ball Kelly; Stolen bases Van Camp, Thompson, Berg, Henning, Martell, MacDonald, in i nd by ie lt;s* BALL Boul A PAR wy 3 th na TOM ZACHARY ; BEARS BRUNT YANK HURLING 3. nls admirers to knock on wood). AU Washed Up Just about a year ago Zachary was about, to be shipped to the minors by y. the Senators. Clark. Griffith wanted immediate delivery on young Ad Lis- Ka of Minneapolis and intended to Send Tom in part payment. Tom was all washed up as fer as Washington was concerned. Griff asked the cys- tomary waivers, figuring nobody would claim the Jeft-handed relic. But Hug- fins crossed him up by refusing wo Walve, Gift was core as a bal Second Game The Old. Fox couldn't understand South Sie ABR HPO A E why Suggine thought tere was: any Garruthers, 2, 284.4 1 9-1 2-1 malor league phecbing left inthe Lover, ef 4 13 0 0 1 yateig stung pitcher ie trorned Bunge, 9 1.8 9 2) tp telepnone wees vlog to armue enon, 3b 42 1-1 2 0 Hug out of claiming him, Buy aMilier MeDoninell, 3:4: 0 110 ees Senant aaa atone eamer en 3.1.0 1 1 1) forche waiver piice of 81.500, Huge Z 110 0 1/ging had the idea Zachary would be 2 0 0 9 1 11 fuse the man to take the ailing Herb 2 0 1 0 0 1 Bennocky place, Huggins wae reht, 9 0 0 1 0 0) ana it wes a case of the Ola Fox 49.0 9 1 1 Being outtoxea, a 31 03 1 0) Tom won seven games for the Yanks 99 0 0 0/ the balance of that season and bout 1000 8/ the St ous cancion im cae tied game of the world series, This yent Toials ....... 40 8 8 24 9 6 gume,of the nig. spots for X Batted for Aartell sn oighth, Zackary, He hes bees cuset not 0 Spetabieg oy neg He HB alin, Pat gen stcin on that eying tom Chevrolet Cubs AB RH PO:AE By vorkine Tom too often that Meher, cf. ab --:-. 3 3 1 1-1 0 one reason why Zachasy has been the Doppa ge 824 1 2 3 ugheat wy to But another eh 2 reat feher. Mecitis: if 0 ien a iiiard, rf. 5995 When they call a guy nothing Duct AB -cccstss 4 11.12 0, 1 pucker hee wally eeintiog ee Marshall o 2219 0 1) E e man who gets. knoked oat 3 2 1-1 3 Ol sepuiariy tus the player's tymeathy 1-1-0 0 0 0 ahd never drawe such a sarcastic ape 42.9 0 3 2 pellation Nothing pileners at's sor TAS peeps 98 16 19:26 12 re by innings South Sid 000 110 024 8 Chevrolet Cubs . 013 401 OTx 16 Summary: Home. run Lovar;, three-base hite RicHugh, Hall Ura-bese hils- Maper. Moher, MeDairmi4. Mcaill Struck out by Hall 6: by Eaton 5: Bases on pitch Hal: passed it by: pitcher Dodge by Brow stoley bases Carruthers, Loyer. Pen- ton, MeDonpell (2), Croft, MeDiirmd, Martell. Maher (2). Duggan, McGil- lis, Ducey, Moher, Hall; ls, Duce. Dodge, Hall; wild ; Chevrolet Cubs 2 hours kell, Tyle are smart pitchers, They pitch with their heads and have excellent peal bee Tom Zachary is ok the batters popup fits oF 0 out Via the Bie Bul route. A Big BI is an infielders expression for an easy bounder. And nothin dim Bagby of the 1920 pennant- winning Cleveland Indians was great a pitcher, Possessed great control and a sweet change of pace. He also had the hap- Py faculty to be pitching when fates were hitting. Billy Evans, al that time the American eS Dre mier umpire, called him a rocking chair . pitcher. Billy would bet he could sit behing the plate in a rocking chair and call Jim's slants right. Another nothing piteher who Tron Man Joe s starred in the National League was Sil Bellee. Slim had wonderful cone Health Fails Him toi. Sallec's ferocious Wundup ind BROOKLYN. sept. 9. many batters seared auf, He. woul nity famous Wor men oes ay get mw wleked. gleam in is eye ahd twenty years ago, wax taken to a Brooklyn hospital recently and or- dered to remain therc for observation He has been in poor healtly for month oF go. McGinnity fs best ree membered for his great work with the New York Giants. * Cards Ge: Nephew of Famous Athlete ST. LOUIS. Sept. 9. Outtielder Ireel Wilson. nephew of Jim Thorpe the great Indian Athlete, -has been signa by the St. Louls Cardinals. He has been plaving with a team. in Holdcnvitte. Ok e will report to the Carcis or one of thelr farms next into cat fit before delivering the ball. And when it came over St was Usually a cripple, But it was where the batter wasn't expecting it and it made Slim a great pitcher. Devore Takes Tt Christy Mathewson once told of When Baltes was pitching for the st Vouis Cardinals and the Giants. had Jesh Devore playing in: the outield Jesh was scared silly of Slim's sinuous Nindup, He was duck soup for the, big pitcher until one day John Me- Graw called young Devore aside and ordered him to Tet kimaelt be hit by ono of siim's pitehes That guy can't break ane ot dings at 60 paces. whisnersd MeGra Sten in there and jet him plunk you Miracles of Sport - OFF THE FAIRW ATTA SPECTATOR, on -ted WeRp BACK To FAIRWAY e TemCettoucer died sce SRE OP MITA WBAACH DEMPSEY INlocKED DUT SAREY, BASEBALL f: He altere go back to the bench and ial: tll thelr mates we an 3: off Roberts 1; off Eat 1 wis ? i ott eaton 3: wid nothing Be a ball MacDonsid: have a great amount No stut but Ay HERD seer NCES Woe SconED Ni So Sy ae Ve elt v wert es Cyr. Toy AIT) TRE HOLES. AMERICAN LEAGUE. wW La Phlladeipnia os BY aE New York 76 55 580 Cleveland. 1 Gi 334 St Louls ..1 67 62 S19- Detroit. vvvcvcces Bl Tk 462 Washington V0.1... 99 7a 450 j Chicago. 5278. 400 Boston 46 85 351 Sunday's Games Babe Ruth s 42nd homer, Lou Geh- g's 30th, and Bill Dickey's 10th made iife a misery for Detroit hurlers Sun- day and alded in New York's 9 to 3 win over. the Tigers. Boston's Red Sox did a heavy Sunday's work to cop the first game of a twin card from St. Louls 4 to 3, but falled to take the second tlt when the game was called in the tenth without a run having been scored. Washington missed a chance to ain fifth place by losing to Chicago 4 fo 8 in the only other geme of the an Beorcs:* First. Gam gt; BL. Louis . . . 000 009 102 3- 8-1 Boston. + 000 101 110 4-11-1 Blacholder, Gray and Ferrell; Mor- rx and Heving. Second Game: : 000 090 000 0 0-8-0 Boston lt; lt; 000 000 000 0 0-8-0 Shen initia called Sunday ta). Blacholder and Msnion; M. Gas cago 310 000 000 4-8-2 pe aes 5 Washington . . 110 000 100 3-7-3 Faher. vons. and. Bere: Burke sind Tate. Detroit... 000 001 002 3-11-0 New oric . . 100 803 00x 0-10 Sorrell, Yde and Hayworth; She and Dickey. Ouly three games scheduled, Saturday's Games + 103 010 000 5 14 1 200 110 000 4 7-0 Wells, Rhodes, Thoms, New. York Uhle and Phillips; and Dickey. Second game Detrolt. 001 050 c10 78.3 New York... 102053 o0x 11 14 1 Carfoll, Graham, Prudhomme and Hargraves; Hoyt, Pipgras and Dickey. First. gamne Cieveland 109 000 000 1.9' 2 100 002 :20x 5'9 1 Sewell; Grove and Philadelphia Muler and LL. 000 000 1034 8 0 5 000 900 000-6 8 0 Dudiln and L. Sowell; Walberg and Cochrane. 000 200 0103/7 1 000 000 004 4 9 2 Manion; Rufting and Ste Louts 009 000 OO1 1 61 001 010 00x 2 7.0 Thomas. and Berg; Marberry and Tate. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Sunday's Games Columbus 0-2; Didianapolis 4-6 Louisville 3-6; Toledy 2-2. Other games postponed. Saturday's Games Kansas City 9: Minneapolis 8. Milwaukee 5; St. Paul 9. Columbus 9; Indianapolis 3. Louisville 4-4; Toledo 5-1. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE every city 1-0; Baltimore 5-4 1-0; Baltimore 5. Read PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Saturday's Games Portland S*1: San Prancisco 1:2. Sunday's Gam. Portland 7-3: San Francisco 5-4 Missions 0-6; Sacramento Seattle 3-2: 'Los Angeles 8-1 cond game seven nsf Hollywood 9-4: (se- ind 87. Josh thought a lot of his ribs, but more of the money. With knees k:iock tng he closed his eyes and ducked inl the ball. McGraw was right. Josh hardly f-1t the impact. end trom. hn day on Devore wns no longer sucks Hin the ribs or tt will cast you 100. for the Missourl sheriff ENGLISH Gour CHAMPION, LS SO HARD HE KNOCKS THEM ouT OF ROUND. IN A FEW , Sept, orn League's leading pl and. lost Feral cf them four or five: : NATIONAL LEAGUE AG 0 Chicago 89 43 Pittsburg 16 56 New York 6B 6 St. Louis . 63 86 Brooklyn 62 65 Philadelphia 59 73 Cincinnati Ba 4 Boston .... 9 Sunday's Games t Chicago's rollicking Cubs were put to rout Sunday by Boston Braves, 13 to 11, but Pittsburgh stayed 13 games Retuy, behind in the National League race because the Pirates plelded to rook- lyn, 2 to. 1. Guy Bush, Chicago's most prolific game-winner, visited he showers. 4n the second inning. Tt was Dazzy Vance who. stopped Pittsburgh but he barely. won. over Larry France. The Cardinals 1 -ared. doubleheader evenly, with the Phil- , Mes losing 8 to 6 and winning 4 to 3. Scores: Boston. . . . 430 002 o40 i3. Ghicago 002 107 001 11-17 Leverett, Hrapdt, Cooney and Spoh- rer, Gowdy; Bush, Carlson and Tay- an Philadelphia , St. Louls + 100 100 051 8- 8-0 220 001 100 8-11-2 Willoughby. Elliott and Davis; Haid, Frankhouse, Hil; Jotinson end Smith, n, Second Game: Philadelphia... --. 300 000 3-6-1 St: Louis. 200 400 476-0 (Called end sixth, darkness). Smythe and Lerlan; Mitchell: and Wilson, Saturday's Games First Gam Boston... . 021 001 02 6-10-2 Chicago . . 013 700 2 . 18-19-0 Selbold, Perry and Sphorer: Blake and Taylor. Brooklyn. . . , 002 000 000 2 Pittsburgh . 200 010 30s- 6-1 Dickey and Picinich; Kremer and Hemsley, Second Game: Boston 200.000 000 2- 4-1 Chicago . 021190 20x 9-12-1 Cantwell and Legett; Malone end senulte, Philadelphia . . 102 010 000 4-11-2 St. Louls gt; gt; 000 000 OOl 1- 6-0 icoupal and Lerian; Sherdel and Wilson, New York-Cinginnati, postponed, wet grounds. YANKEE DAVIS CUP STARS WIN Sweep Throiigh Opening Tennis Matches at Forest Hills BY TED VOsSBURGH Associated Press Sports. Vriter FOREST HILLS, N.Y. Sept. 9, Members of America s Davis Cup team Swepy through the opening mate ot tho 48th United states tennis singe les at the West Side Stadium Satur- day without the loss of a single set. Big Bill Tilden, starting after his seventh American crown, annihilated his Philadelphia protege, Donald gta- chan, by soores of 8-2, G1, 6-0, while re Lott, of Chicago, Tilden s icipal rival, mowed down Elliott on, of New York at 6-1, 6-0; 8-1. Wilmer Allison, the Texan, crushed Emmett Pare of Chicago at. 6-4, 6-2 6-4 ang Johnny Van Ryan de Edward McKinght. at 6-2, 6-2, 2. while Prank Hunter subdued Young Adie Jacobs of Baltimore, 10-8, Breaks Record fo. 1000 Yard Race on -turday LONDON, Sept. 9 G. Ellis, run ning at Stamford Bridge in a London athletic club meet, bettered by one second the world s record for 3,000 ards on Saturday. Ell covered the Wistance tn 1:11 1-5 compared to Lar- record of 1:1 1 ry Brown's world BRIDGEPOR cher is forly- Unree-year-old Andy Rush. Bridgeport finger who has won twenty games five. Four of Rush's vie- tories have been shutouts and seve affairs. OFFER MADE - British Fight Wants to Sign Big Argentinian NEW YORK, Sept. 6. From sim- mon Flaherty, owner of the Queens voro Stadium, comes an offer to Vit- torio Campolo, the Argentine heavy- Weight, who khocked out Tom Hecney fn the ninth round at Ebbets Field. thay may cause some surprise. Flaber- ty says he will hand over to Cam- Polo and his manager 0 per cent of the iiet receipts or nm guaranty of 20,000, if the Argentine slugger will agree to fight fifteen rounds with Chariey Smith, the English heavy- Smith recently arrived in. this country on tne trail of Phil Scott the British heavyweight champion. According to Tom O'Rouke, Smith's mentor, Scott has refused to cover a 85,000 forfeit which Smith posted in London several: months ago to bind maten, Smith ts one of the cleverest box I've ever seen, says O'Rouke.* is a six-fooier and. weighs a trifle Jess than 200 pounds. He is a boxer On the order of Jim Corbett and Gene Tunney. and I feel suro that he can make things extremely interesting for Gampoio oF any of the othere big sel- Piaherty's offer ten't bluff, Cam- polo can get 20.00 In his head. the moment. fio signs articles. to fight Smith at the Queensboro stadium. op eiMiBE, be well for. the meniors ampolo to send him against Smith. Boots, or some. other lesser light. before permitting him to tackle George Godtres. Should Godfrey. and Gampolo meet in September, there Will be plenty of betting on a knock: out, py the wiganuic negro. Playing the role of promoter. Jack Dempuey ts quoted as saying he will fry to sign Max Schmeling. the Ger man heavyweight, fore fight in Chi- B: deel sey declares that he will not be the German's cuponcnt The former champion arrived at the conclusion some time ago that Ne was through aa a fighler. Purther more, he cannot find a promoter who Wil agree to pay him 1:000.000 for his return to the ring Soccer Notes OF Interest BY HALFBACK There are those who ure of the opinion that the suspensions hand- ed out by the D.F-A, tq the Cana- dian National players, Winters and Graham, arc a litle too severe for the small amount of information to Rand it appears there must be more in the evidence than meets the The despatehes of Edmonton would Itke to know ts, what hap- pened to. the other misconduct cases arising in the same series and why broadeast the names of the we Edmenton players in particular. This seems to be clear ease of dis- At last the Hudson emblematic of the inter-sity cham. plenship, has found a new resting Place, but the conditions und which ts was secured has left a flirty taste in the mouths of, sport loving people in the province of Alberta, apa while Calgsry rep resentative team felt that an in- justice had been meted out to them, they showed sportsmanship enough not te and took their defeat like'men. The district assosia- in the provinces respect each others suspensions. Each province in the dominion does the same as alsgi.does the respective countries where football is played. but the local association could noi even re: met it reflects discredit on, thor were sible for breach of alth, It ts gratifying to kndw that Jock Davidson hap returned to. lls: First football city and the Legion. club are to be congratulated on secur- ing'the services of one who has proved: bis ability time and time again in this city. Jock: bs-a good player and well worth his place on any team in the dominion, und his id cluh (Phe Catlles) wilt no doubt i, nature to re to club, jonent igh he has put his. 9 a form belonging Football OUTBOARD RACING SCHEDULE MIAMZ; Sept. 9. The md Motor Association, latest 10 af: iiate with the Nations Outboard As: geciation, has ai Honing to make the 1929. season the greatest in the history of the South. Werature under the name of Commodore Lioyd K. Ireland have been sent to secretaries of all chambers and associations of om- meroz in Florida, Bouth Carolina and Georgia urging them to an outboard motor regatie as part of their winter's activities. The Florida association is now ar- ranging race schedule for the com- ing season and have informed the secretaries of the different associa Hons that all details in connection with the nd race meets will be handled by the Flor association with cooperation trom tbe executive offices of the national, association. JERSEY CITY TEAM WANTS OUTFIELDER GRMRMONT, (ape. 0-2 ty club of the International League ts interested in Qutflelder Lemons Solters of Fairmont. the league's leading home run hitter, The Cats asked for a price on the player. but Fairmont owners refuse to sell. for immediate delivery because of the tensity of the race in their own leagur. CAMPOLO FOR. LONDON BOUT Promoter TURNSINCARD : OF7 TOTAKE MEDAL HONORS Miss Cecil Smith Wins Ladies Event With Scor: of 87 JASPER PARK LODGE, Sept. 9. Gardiner White, noted golfer and runner up tn the Canadian Amateur Championships, was the winner of the match agatnst par in the first round of M: m ph felassie of Weatern openett on the Jasper course Saturday. entries, with opened by Dr Go cent. rair excellent shape as it Was during the, Fecent Canadian Amateur Champions ships and that, Judging from the ene trants, some exceptional golf will be the Totem Pole Trophy, the golf Canada, which Park Lodge Over it tleld of 75. quarters of his defeated Old He counted Th three edal handicap, White lan Par by two up. from the championship tees. Miss Cecil Smith, of Toronto, won the Ladies event with a score of 8 four down to the . L. G. V. par, officially, bert, Lieut who is also an A. J. SHills, The tournament wm. rnor of Alberta, wit his son. was ntrant, assistant to the vice-president, Cana dian National -Ratiways, who 1s chairs an of the Jasper Park Lodge golf feck commitice, stated that the Fe have put the course in as layed this week. By WERNER LAUFER Ask the folks around Rockford, Iil., who is the greatest pitcher on the Chicago Cubs staff and they will tell you Harold Gust Carlson. Charley Root, Guy Bush and Perce Malone are good, too, they will add, For the folks in Tlinals are pen- nant oragy now that the Cubs at last scem to have corralled the National ue flag. And the folks from the offences committed, and from Rockford will all be at the world to root for their townaman, Harold Gust, to come trough as the hereof the big games. Six in a Row Carlson has been great. help to MeOarthy in the Cubs successful Although his. wins I thoue of Bush, Root and Maione, he is putting on a fast finish. Carlson has been xying profes- sional bail since 1612, and this prom- ises to be his first world series. start ing out for Rockford in. the: old Wet League, he was picked off hy the Mil- meee Americat Association club in In 1917 he came up to the majors with the Pittsburgh Pirates, where he stuck for seven years, Pirates Shipped Him At Pittsburgh he continually gave promise of becoming a star pitcher. But somehow he never came a: fur ther than the promise, for the Pirates finally gave him up a3 .. bad job and shipped him back to. the Texas League. Hero he untracked. himself, winning 20 gumes and losing 10. The desper- ate Phillies took. a gamble and brought him buck in 1924, Carlson starred ever since, in 1027 the Cubs, in rebuilding for a pennant, sent Tony: Kaufmann and Simmy Cooney to tne Phils tor tho sii right-hander. Heydler Became. Umps After He Broke His Nose NEW YORK, Sept. 9.-A broken nose made an timpire of John A. Heydier, president of the Nawional League. Heydler was employed in a news- paper office at Rochester NW. Y., and Played on the office team. One day, Sliding Into third base on a close pla the eatoher s throw caught John full on the nose, While he was recovering from, the injury, Heydler turned to umpiring, He Continued umpiring after moving w Wastingion, D. C., and one day. when the regular league Uumpize was missing, he Was called on Ww officiate. He gave satiataction and Got regular job. rs bi YOU KNOW. THAT Guy Bush of the Cubs, calls hix overhand fast ball iis whiter. . He hay a side-arm fast ball, ioo, which he calin the tanger. .. He speaks with a southern drawt and when he was at Wichita Falls, Tex, he sys, Aly munt have worked every othah day. theah. .. . Nineteen years. ago the Ath- icties battled a Chicago team in a world serics. .. . There were stir Fing pitchers battles in that series lt; ---and there may be same more. Newell Banks, the checker champion, says he hay spent five times as jauch time studying the Bible as he as playing hackers Sota 4 / ) says that the Bible taught bim chat Newton's law of gravitstion was all wet... and he could prove it to you, but it would take three er four Gays . . Lord Charles Hope, British amateur, took an eight on a hole tn 1920 and failed ta qualify. They asked him how he could possibly have taken on eirht. He replied, Eany enough, MACKMEN OBTAIN KNOXVILLE PLAYER PHILADELPHIA, Sept, 9. Man- ager Connie Mack of the Athletics to- day announced the purchase of short. stop twenty-year-old Player of the Knoxville, Tenn, club, for two players yet to be named and a sum of money. McNair will not re port to the Athletics untit next spring He is the fourth recrult to be bought by the club during the week. The scribes are already engaged at the task of picking successor for the Bambino. Proving that even in hot weather, some Yellows like to work. Quality Plus Service AT THE COSMO TAILORS * Today the inter-provineial and state comptition teams of six payers cack Sill wee ete. the tovai medal round of Ait oomtestanta, for eighteen holes. to be counted. wine fa the afternoon the mised. foursome handicap. motel against Bogie wil be olay fers to get 90 pereent of the combined handles. Connie Mack: Buys New Second Sacker PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 9. Conni Mack, manager of the Athletics, ane nounced tonight that he had pure chased outright Second Baseman Wile Hams of the Little Rock, Ark, clay Williams will not report until next spring. Tho price was sald to be considerable. HARTFORD. Sept. 9. When ager Heine Gron of Hartiord hurt recently, -Pitcher Fred. Wing field. former big league twirler, went fo the keystone sack and played until relief came. Groh is apparently oub of the game for the remainder of the Bea: Edge-Holding Fast Eosy-Cutting as SAWS - Sands Point Enter U.S. Open Polo Final WESTBURY, N. ., Sept, 9. Sands Point wept into the final round of the United States open polo cham- Pionship by 14-10 triumph over the Greentree quartet Saturday. Sands Point now will clash with Btephen Sanford s Anglo-American hurricanes in the final round on Wed- nesday. Bill Tilden says this is his last year of international tennis. What, already m Tey eget Sa aay Prerrree cast? Pree the : Dray of Pere To Ui ceeecrercert ld aaa mM i eu Edmonton Warehouse E FRED M. BEATTY, Limited 10728 102 Ave., Phone 23156 Estimates gladly furnished for any job, in Grade of Seamsa-Keat Oak, Mapleor Bich eA vu CC LONDON DRY GIN Zs 10218 101st St., Edmonton This advertisement is not inserted by the Aiberta Liquor Control Board r hy the Government of the Province of Alberta.
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Image 1210 (1929-09-09), from microfilm reel 1210, (CU11110781). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.