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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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What We Need Is Not Trial Marriage but Trial Divorce, For if Nine-tenths of the Fighting Couples Were Separated for a Year They Would Kiss and Make Up. Says Dorothy Dix kage (hat has in it a moral story that a woman told me no he ng wistfully toward the 4 mariied couple W801 fereeMty husband and T had been married to years and Tad ROU along peacefully and Iuuppily, enough. she said, never seemed ut that he was ns contented as T Miss then suddenly the blow fell. He toid Te that he no longer cared for mie and bw Mien ii tore with another woman and 1 Runted. me to divorce him sy Hat he cou muarry her wns stunned, of cvunee But 1 had to meh ns du to hinidon to Ha of me. So. ter over, 2 prope and heart if respect much pride as trying to get iad thought the mat is, and during that tins miugieatian whatever willt each othe at would give him a chance fo find out how deep was his feeling for the ther woman and if le still preferred her to bie we would arrange the matter decently s as to cause as little lulk as possible He'agreed (0 this and T packed my trunk ad went to a nice hotel to live. Me. made sultable. financial arrange: ont ter rch tefore my. marriage. didn't wear the willow nor go that Mane gu the, breasts of my frlendy and demanding that. they mourn with me over the sorrows of a poor forsaken wite, on the contrary, I got myself some pretty new clothes and T went eyerywhere Twas Invited and because T was being a good sport about being QNched even people T hardly knew went out of thelr way to give me a hand So T kept too bury to have any lelsure for self-pity and 1 found out that the Srorld has mimber of things in it besides husbands. Especially besides hus Bands who are in love with other women. tp all the six-months 1 never wrote or telephoned or spoke to my husband, and when at the end of the probation we met to discuss our Affairs I found that he had been completely disiltusioned with the other woman and that his love for me had revived and was stronger than ever, and that his one ardent desire was for me to forgive him and come back home. But I played foxy. T told him that T wasn't sure of my own feelings: hat Thad enjoyed my freedom, and that there was another man in whom T had become interested, That settled Friend Ht and he started in on a Bliirlwind courtship that 1 permitted to sweep m off my feet and in the end T went back and we re-established our home; with no hearts broken. That was five years ago and there is no happier couple than we are, and no husband in. the world who is more vamp proof now than mine. This story confirms a theory 1 have long held, that what.we need is not trial marriage, but trlal divorce, for if mine-tenths of the fighting couples who want to break the marriage bond were separated for year and given time to cool off and think it over they would kiss and: make up, instead of wrecking their homes, rhe thing that makes husbands and wives get. on each other's nerves is seeing each other too closely for too long a time. They get so thst they can pniy behold each other's faults. Every: little hablt and. pecularity trritates them beyond enduraiice, and by contrast every stranger takes on an allur- ing charm, Every. woman whom the man only sees when she is dolled up becomes siren; Every man that the wife only meets occasionally is a sheik. And it ix the same way. with domestic life. The home becomes a prison that they hate. All lis duties and obligations become loathsame. he man feels as it he was returning to a Jail when he comes home at night the wife feels that she is nothing but a Slave doomed to perform Beh endless round of domestic tasks. bach longs for f Nide-open spaces of the might-chubs-amt cabarets and the wild life that has no fetters upon it. isfied, disillusioned married couple look upon divorce , a sort of Elysium. They believe that a decree absolute will work a sort. of miracle and transiate them tw a state of ecstatic bliss in which they will have ho more troubles or worries and that. above all, st will restore them to their former estate m which they were laughing carefree boys and girls. Therefore, they. rush to the divorce courts and they find out too late that divorce iy not the universal cure-all. that they thought it was, The woman who gets a divorce because she caught her husband kissing the cook finds that she has not only lost her husband but she has lost her Rice home and a good comfortable living and she has to go out into the world Support herself, The woman who divorces her husband because he Goesn't understand her aud isn t her affinity and who goes back home to mother doesn t find welcome on the doormat, nor does she find that she can slip back into her old group and be one of the girls again, Blessings. notoriously brighten as they fade and home and home cooking begin to look mighty good to a man who has been accustomed to them, after he-has lived for a few months in a restaurant or club where he has had to order bis own meals and rub his own rheumatism, Nor does it take a woman lang to find out that it is just as monotonous to punch a timeclock In an office as it Is to answer the alarm clock in the Kitchen, Furthermore, the divorced husbands and wives who marry their affinities discover that they are no easier to get along with, and have just as many. faults and eccentricities and as many knobs on thelr dispositions as their first husbands and wives had. Perhaps more. And they Are no better off In thelr Recond estate than they were in thelr first, to say nothing of the alimony and their half-orphaned children: Sometimes divorce does improve the situation. General A trial divoree would give men and women a chance to prove whether they are really temperamentally-Incompatible, or whether they. were Just bored with each other and needed a vacation, Therefore, 1 recammend * it to all disgruntied husbands and wives DOROTHY Dr are viot particularly pretty, however, a short, waved bob might. be better, Che wind-blown 1s especially flattering to dainty, piquant faces. (3) Use a com- mercial freckle bleach or a lotion made of equal parts of lemon juice, glycerin and rose water. Use It daily but do not expect tmmediate results. Bleaches hat act slowly are safer than quick ones. LOIS LEEDS Mr. X. . Zs Problems Dear Miss Leeds (1) Is tar soap good for complexion and hair? (2) Al- though .T am 19 years old, I smoke very-little. Instead of tobacco T smoke tea and coffee. Is this better than to- bacco? (3).1 hate to shave and would like to have the hairs on my upper lip removed permanently by electrolysis. Would this be advisable? Is it painful Milady Beautiful By LOIS LEEDS Store Opens 9 o'Clock 0 Closes at 6 The Only Departmental Store in Edmonton, Qwned, Controlled and Operated. by nstone W ers Daily Store News Special Purchase Sale of 100 Men s and Young Men s Winter Overcoats All Below Manufacturer s Cost Regular Values from 19.50 to 35.00, Saturday at 14.95 Right at a time when most men are beginningste-r ate that it is only a matter A of a few weeks until they will have to invest in a new winter overcoat, comes this good news telling of a special purchase shipment of snappy new styles offered in a special sale at less than the manufacturer's cost. Beautifully tailored warm Winter Overcoats, made up from mill ends of tweeds and blanket cloths in plain nay Bome com for city wear; others ins collars and half belts. plush and art allk. Sizes 36 to 44, terns. On Sale Saturday oS Men s Medium Weight Jombinations at 1.75 The popular medium weight cream cotton yams interwoven with a silk ankle length. Sizes 34 to 44. Special at Penman knit garments of ripe. Made with long sleeves and rey and brown shades, also smart new check pat- Mhe stylish plain back models with medium collars ager Ulster styles with full depth storm They are lined with soft polo cloth. fine tweed Regularly 19.50 to 35.00. . 1.75 ms. 14.9 Men s Fine Wool, and Silk and Wool Sox, 75c Pair Choice of good makes, in fine wool cashmere and fine silic and wool, in plain colors, checks: and stripe: Good fall weights. Sizes 10 to Special at, per pair . . 75 Interwoven Penman s and other Men s Silk and Wool Sweater Coats at 7.00 Just the thing for golf and other Fall sports. Of fine silk and wool yarns in blue, tan and grey colorings, cardigan style, with open V-neck and two pockets. Sizes 36 to 46. Special value .. * 7.00 Women s Stylish New Fall Handbags at 1.95 Scarcely necessary to say they are spe- clally priced. for this fact ts quite evident by the quality of the leathers and the way they are fitted and finished. Come in assorted. leathers, made on strong frames, lined with corded silk and fitted with mirror and change . 1.95 Women s New Fine Pleated Scarfs Regularly 1.95, 1.29 Charmingly pretty pleated Scarfs of so t finished georgcttes and rich crepe de chine, in shades of Grotto bhie, rose flesh, nile, mauve. apricot, sand, white and black. Regularly 1.95, Special Saturday .. 3 . M129 Women s Fine Linen Handkerchiefs 25 Each, 4 for 95c Dainty set practical hanks of fine sheer Baek wits wandcflied hens: hase eae broidered designs, appliques and drawn- Taped eo bight Good eae Sora oe : Stuurtay Beer... 4. 95e SOHIEDREN'S SCHOOL HANKIES- OE Hae ehlls law medlamh ate Special 8 25 Saturday ... Lingerie Ribbons, Notions, ete. Lingerie Ribbons, reg. 0c. Saturday Straw Shopping Bags, regular to. 96c. Saturday eee eee cee 396 Large Coat Buttons. Special per dozen Small Coat per dozen ........ Children s Supporters. purse. Special Satuday . day specie eitede Hair Nets, regular 15c, Saiurday 2 for Se pride in any company. Women s Imported Capeskin Gloves Priced... 91.98 Priced .. recognize these Women will instantly gloves as being qualities that would or- dinarily sell at 2.50 to 3.00. They are of fine quality in cape, kid, and suede in beaver, tan, brown, grey and black, ,Some have plain cuffs, others the popillar turn-back . cuffs. Sizes 6 to 8, but not all sizes in each shade. Extra Special Saturday .. 1.95 Women s Holeproof Silk Hose at 1 Pair Sure to be a big demand for these splendid new Holeproof Hose at 1.00 pair. Tunis, champagne, beige, castor, grain, Laleure, blonde dior shades. izes 8's to 10 1.00 Exceptional value at .. Boys Serviceable School Suits With 2 Pair Bloomers or 1 Pairs Bloomers and 1 Pair Plus-Fours 4t 10,95 * 12.00 Smartly* tailored suits boys will wear with Priced at 300 Pieces Women s Fall Jewelry Sturdy .. 99C Lovely new Jewelry specially selected to liven up new -Fall frocks. Necklets, pendants, ear- Hings, bracelets and. novelty pins ng and finishes, set with rich glowing stones. etc., for street or evening wear. Choice of three hundred pieces. Special Saturday ....... B80 Smart New Felt Hats at 2.95 Stylish new felts for sports wear and business, offering chotce of a great num- ber of individual styles including clone fitting off-the-face styles in the popular ornaments or self. Cholce of a good selection of shades Priced at apy A few of Many New Fall Styles in Women s Footwear Priced at 990 3 sg One has only to see our splendid collection of new Fall Shoes to understand why it is that so many women say: Oh, I never think of going anywhere else than Johnstone. Walker's when I want footwear. Imagaine the satisfaction of being able to choose from twenty or more styles at 2,95, 3.95 and 4.95. They come in One-.and Two-Strap Slippers, Ties and Oxfords of light colored leather, also black patent, black kid and tan calf teathers. featuring cut-outs or under-lays of contrasting leathers or colors. Every type of heel, trom low walking heights to spikes. Beautifunly finished and very. comfortable. fitting. Shoes. Women s Cosy White *Flette Nightgowns Special 1.00 Just. suc Nighties as women are feeling the-need of now that nights are chilly. Made of soft white flannelette, elipover style, round neck and short sleeves, dainty embroidered yoke neck and sleeves are piped in Bree) eevee 1.00 All. sizes, from 21 to 8, and different widths. 9266 Ask for Dept. Edmonton People Wxtra Special Saturday 450 Yards All-wool English Velour and Blanket Cloth Coatings . At 135 Yd. The soft wooly finish and good winter weight of these.materials will induce most women to bu these coatings without a moment's hesita- tion for boys and girls winter coats. Also for bath and lounging robes. They come in Khaki, own, Navy, French Blue, Electric Blue, Blue Spruce, Sand, Sandal- wood, Rosewood and Claret 54-inch Navy Blue All-Wool English Chinchillas at 2.95 Yard An exceptionally fine quality Navy Blue All-Wool Chinchilla Coating with a nice soft nap finish. 54 inches wide and weighing 2 95 22 ounces to the yard. Special value, per yard ..... Ae 50 only, Feather Filled Comforters at 7.50 Beautiful Comforters, light as feather and as warm ss can be, Made with coverings of pretty floral and Paisley patterned English art sateen, panelled in plain colors and well filled with feather down, Colorings .to match any room, Size 66x72 inches, 7.50 Special value .. 200 Imported English Bath Towels at 50c Each Thick and firmly woven Terry Towels. rig anh at Magra WE: wey ee ee ee rae MEP Wit gi. catchers Serres. Stas 50c 20x40 and 24x44 Inches, Speclal Saturday, each 600 Yards Imported Chiffon Taffeta Silk at 1.25 Yard An excellent quality for afternoon frocks, Imported from Switzerland at price that enables us to sell it at 1.25 yard. Has rich chiffon. finish and comes. in hewest. plain shades and. shot of two- tone effects. 40 inches, wide, Special Valu . 1.25 Ber yard sees sesesee 480 Yards White Saxony- Flannelette at 25 Yard Soft fleecy finished Flannelettes from one of the foremost Canadians mills. An Seeal weight and quality for men women's and children s night shirts, etc. 36 inches wide. Temptingly Priced at, yard ... Cc Boys Sturdy Boots and Oxfords, Priced at 2.95 to 4.50 Dependable makes in Boots and Ovfords. In blucher or balmoral style. Have medlum or heavy weight soles and rub- ber heels... Come in. black or brown leathers. All sizes, 11 to 1344 and 11 to 2.95, 8.95, 4.95 5 . Prices ranging from 2.95 to 4.50 Distinctive New Fall Hats at 5.95 to 16.50 Cleverly designed Hats, featuring all the newest types of brims and trimming ideas. They come in felts, velvets, solicl and combinations of different tabrics. They are pert ttle turbans, tricornes, irregular brims end many other shapes. Smartly trimmed.with sequin, nose vells, embroidery inserts of vel- vet or felt, chenille ornaments and feather pads. Priced at. + 5.95 to 16.50 Luxurious Furs, Fine Fabrics and Clever New Lines Distinguish These New Fall and Winter Coats 4* 39.50 85.00 Luxurious fur trimmings; soft lustrous fine wool fabrics, princess lines and low flares distinguish the new coats for fall. and winter. Years, CONSTRUCTION T0 BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY Local Firm to Build Big Addition to. Engine House Here She's my baby. said Sir Henry Thornton,.in reference to Edmonton, when. replying to delegations recently in this city, And he promptly vin- dicates his clatm to parental solicl- tude, by giving orders for s 100,000 Addlilon to the Calder machine shops. A Montreal wire to the Bulletin to- day states thet it has been officially Announced that the R. H. Trouth Co. of this city have been awarded a con- tract for the building of the addition to the engine house at Calder. The plans call for ten stalls, the building being of concrete, steel and brick construction. The contractors state that the work will be commenced immediately. The C.NR. announce that the extension 1s rendered necessary by increased traf- fic in the province. WELL-KNOWN BISLEY SHOT PASSES HERE Full Military Honors Will be Accorded Sergt. McInnes Bergt. Dugald McInnes, one of the Dominion s best rifle shots and for Years a member of the 19th Alberta Dragoons, died at the University hos- pital on Thursday at the age of 52 Fie will be accorded a. funeral with ful: military honors, at the Ganadian Lesiot Memorial Hall. at 2:30 p.m Saturday, and then. to the Soldiers: at Edmonton cemetery. . McInnes was born in Argyll- Scotland. Ho came to the Do- malta 30 years ago, and coming west th 19:4, settled in Manitoba. He came to this eity-in 1907. Fitor to coming to Canada, Serst. Mcinnes served with the lst Volunteer Battalion of the Highland Light In- far , and for years was a regular Papentor at the Bisley rifle meet- ng. Stnce coming to Canada he had been connected with the MUIUA. first wits the, 90th Winnipeg Rifles, the famrus Little Black Devils, and Intec with the 19th Alberta, Dragoons Gr is first appearance as petlior at the Dominion rifle matcher in 1906. he won a place on te Cana? dian Bisley team for 1905, but being in Glasgow at the time of the meet, for his old regiment and wont lexandra, one of the major Biney or agular Competitor om Returning to this city, he was a regular competitor at the Dominion rifle meetings at Ottawa, and he rarely missed winning a place on the Bisley teams. In 1907, when leading shots trom Britain and Australla: were among the comipetitors, he won the Governor-General s prize, tl chief event of the Dominion meeling. He followed this up in 1909 by again wins hing the event, feat few have at- tained. Gergt. Mctnnes shot many times. as a: member of. the team in the McKinnon, Kolapore and other matches, winning the Pree- mantle Cup for his individual scores dn-them. On one occasion he war third for the King s Prize. He was hoseh on, two occasions to shoot for the Canadian team in the Palma Trophy international match. and for his high individual score in this mateh+ in 1907, he was made a life member of the National Rifle Association on fhe recommendation of the inte Col Barlow. When the World War broke out in 1914, Sergt. Metnnes wan returning from Bisley. and on arriving in Can- Ada enlisted at Valcartier with the 9th Canadian Bisley Th and. about what. would it cost? (4) Does lemon squeezed in water prevent dandrust? They are of serviceable all-wool tweeds in novelty weaves and patterns in grey and brown shades. Come with double-breasted coats with 2 pair bloomers Mr. X,Y, Z. or 1 palr bloomers and 1 pair plus-fours. Splendid Answer (1) It is fine for the hair. Aitting suits, nicely: finished in every detail Battalion, with which unit he. pro- ceeded. overseas. He served as ar- morer-gergeant, and afterwards took rt in machine gun work, In France im served as a sniper with. the 26th The majority of them come tri strictly exclusive models re-. plicas of Paris successes, cleverly reproduced by noted Cana- dian houses. Beautifully tailored of finest imported English and French broad- Lovely Rayon Striped Corselettes For the face T-prefer to recommend Dre eastils soap Or a good, mild shay x ing soap. (2) Is St necessary to smoke ANSWERED at all? Doctors tell ux that tobacco is Reducing the Bust bad for young people breause it makes Dear Miss Leeds (1) Is exercising the Heart and nerves. trritable, inter- with. the arms good for reducing ine feres with the digestion and with nor- bust? (2) T have a long face, Would a mal development of the body. Grow wind-blown bob be becoming? (3) How Ing bus and girls should not drink tea can 1 get rid of freckles that. come in Or coffer. unless tt fs very weak. I have umbers in warm weather? ho. statities showing whether it 1s FRET. more or less harmful to smoke tobacco Answer C1) Yes if. you do the right ban 0. smoke tea of coffee, but. my kindof exercise. so Unat the cheat feeling s that, tobacco smoking ts more miuseels are brought Into pay. Siving harinful. (3) The elect. needle must the arms in wide circles with elbows b inverted into each tiny: hair follicle Mraight. Fling the arms togetner 9 burn it out The lpe are senaitive Across the body in front. then throw 20, that the operation ts likely to he then. back clapping the hands behivla tather painful. Only few hairs ea (2) Yes, I think so. If your features be treated at one. time. The cost. de- pends on the number of hairs treated: the operator in electrolysis usally asks from 5 to 8 an hour, Men usually preter to shave than to have the hairs Femoved in this way. (4) No. LOIS LEEDS When to Start Curling the Hair Dear Miss Leeds (1) Do you ap- prove of girl 13 years old curling her halr with hot trons2(2) How can 1 Flower fae eit ae eeea er ea Pots asa epee Inall sizes. Bring 4 Omen ware: Answer (1) No, If sou are going to party you might have your hair mar elied for the occasion, but do not be fin curling your hair so early. with Bat Hf you inte tie hair of other : young giris who use trons contents plants indoors for you Swi seo thut the ends wre apie broken and faded. Keep your hair as Fail bi healthy an sou can and when you ate Older you might have a permane: ooming. wave if you do not like it straight. (2) One inherits one's type of features and Tao not know of anything that Jou Try to. be satisfied with ite my dear find play up to other good points, (3) You must bring sour weight up to nore BEAUTY QUESTIONS your best outdoor Sires 2 Priced ai Prive wt... 10.95 fawn grey and navy blue. number of pockets and belt loops. Sizes 24 10 27, Sizen 28 to 31. Priced at Priced at 3.25 3.50 fancy turnover tops. Bees 7 to 10 . sPricad at . 12.00 Boys Corduroy Breeches at 3.25 to 3.75 Made in Edmonton by the Northwestern Migs, atcord- ing to specifications Iuid down by Johnstone Walker's Of good quality odorless corduroy in. dark brown, Roomily. cut and. made with double seat-and knees. Laced style. Have usual Boys All-Wool Golf Hose at 1.00 Good'fall weight golf hose of all wool worsted yarns in heather mixtures with Sizes 32 to 36. Priced at ir 3.750- a . 1.00 New Fall and Winter Coats for Misses and Children Are Smart and Ranging in Price from 2.95 to 19.75 Mothers who take pride in keeping their jaughters smartly and stylishly clothed will quickly realize that last season's coats are passe if the children are to present a well-dressed appearance. The new styles for Fall and Winter, 1929 and 1930, are conspicuously different in Anes and style features. They come in fine wool velours, Kashana chinchillas and tweeds in pleasing new plain shades and novelty patterns 4 one-button side-front fastening and double-breasted styles, featuring capes, smockimg and pleats, collared and cuffed with mandel furs and nicely lined with satcen au interlined, also flannel lined, Sizes 2 to 6 years. Priced at 4... +++, 2.90 to 10.50 Sizes 7 to 14 yea: Priced at . mal Playing tennis will help dev icp the arm muscels, Bleach the hairs with peroxide 40 they do not show LOIS LEEDS Thinese used umbrellas 3,000 Little Boys Jersey Suits at 2.25 Warm and serviceable little Suits for Pall and Winter wea of all- wool Jersey in Lan, blue, green and heather mixtures, Come in Oliver Twist style or with pullover sweater with polo collar and plain panties Sizes 2 to 6 years, ried at * 2.25 Special, 1.49 Perfect fliting Oorselettes of rayon striped batiste. Come in side fastening style with clastic inserts over hips, light boning in back and reinforced and light ly boned across diaphragm, four firm elastic hose. supporters and novelty lin- gerie tape shoulder straps. Sizes 30 to 42. Setar . 1.49 Saturday .-..+ lt; Form-Fit Bandeaux and Girdles FORM-FIT BANDEAUX In back fas- made of novelty -rayon Blzes 32 to 36, .. 69e YORM-FIT SIDE HOOKING GIRDLE In medium length, apron back. bone- ess, made of novelty rayon interlined with batiste, elastic side sections. Sizes to-30, veseeees BODO Children s New Fall Hats at 1.50 to 4.95 Smart Ittle Hats of fine quality felt, shitred ribbon and felt, or velvet and crepe de chine. Some have close-filting crowns or di brims; others in off- thevtace styles Blzes 2 0 6 years Priced cloths and suedines in all the newest shades, also navy and black, featuring cleverly designed collars. and deep cutfs of . French beaver, French seal, dyed. opossum, caracul and blended wolf. Attractively ined with heavy corded silk with a wide salin stripe of same shade, and warmly interlined with chamois... All sizes, 16 years to 44. Priced at . A 39.50 to 85.00 For Early Fall Choose a Novelty Tweed Travel Coat at 25.00 to 75.00 If you are fortunate enough to possess a Juxurious Hudson Seal, French Seal or Muskrat Coat, and simply want something for tween season's wear, choose orie of thete smart anid practical new. novelty tweed Travel Coats. They are of fine woot famel's hair mlstaree and. novelty mixtures, etc fawn or brown 14 five woo tiny cheek ps Shades of Charming Pretty New Fall Frocks of Silk Crepe and Georgette at 19.75 Stylish new Frocks for afternoon teas and bridge, exemplifying the charming pretty lines of the new Autumn mode with its low placed fullness, swathed hip lines, flared and tiered skirts and new wide lice collars and cleverly designed necilines. They are fashioned of lovely soft silk crepes and georgettes in navy a sand, pine green, balsam green and many other 19.75 Trimmed with Ince, silk braid, work designs, ap: pliques and contrasting pipings, ete, Sizes 14 to 4 Priced at . Battalion, 5th Canadian, Infantry Bri- wade. Returning to England. he mained on duty until 1919. Since de- mobilization he has been living with hig brothers on afarm at Opal. Seret. McInnes leaves a wide circle of frlends and a reeotd in. marksman- ship which will be difficult: to equal, Mining Engineer Loses Action For Part Of Salary Ina written judgment handed down in the supremi hon Friday. Mr. Justice Tweedie'has dismissed: the Action brought by Leonard C, Stevens Sgainst ROvert: Spencer and other di- Fectors of the Coslspur Collieries, ne RIDE claimed 1,908 as part of wages st a yearly salary of 8,000, which defendants agreed to pay him for his services a5 a min- x KE, appeared for the G.. and Neil D. Maclean, K.C., RoCeeeeosesoneey * e ADDITIONAL LOCAL WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE SEVENTEEN a SHaoteverwesuane HOME: 12207 Stony TaeTa-ai? Saturday, Community ane: mune
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Image 1281 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1281, (CU11110779). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.