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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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ssociation k to one of fers to the ne, the Teas nthe thir for all I Paes, 38, A gt; the super naib man it. sof March intance with a enough ved that The you were to have it done on want ihe sclenee. itetence be Inking a que taining the ay Hones ocaa: reason w sand warn ve disprove ro outgrown therwise wa it as we are, a hangvover race. wag taught It ts easily he, college at rticular sub- music. Cer- sense, by his a ren t SSS EDMONTON BUILETIN 4lberta s Oldest Newspaner FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1929. Values par excellence throughout this store Saturday Every item listed is a real bargain, and, as most every shopper in this city knows, store means greater savings of their personal-and household expenditures every single bit Cash and Carry Grocery Specials PRAGMA tin per o., SBC ara Cieae sae OU 1B rea Turf 3 a5 SEBTEM2 2dc ic IYORY AOA FLAKES. kee, CORN Chajce 2 276 RUOAR oRtsP CORN FLAKES courrey ony ORAPE sie 2 25q i per tiene AME AZ 10-inch Double-sided Records another shipment of these splendid records. Buy them Saturday at a saving. Coats forthe Season Extra Value 12,95 About fifty good Comte that are price-tagged as a Saturday featur Stylish models, good material, warmly interlined and tr mmed.with tine Jarge collary of Tbibetine, either crush or shaw style. Goats very seldom Sold so reasonable. The shades are all the season's popular ones, includ- ing navy, lzes 14 to 44. rie 12.95 Saturday's Geat Special Handsome Knitted Suits About twenty-five very practical suits in all-wool knit yarn. Fall de gt; mands 1.2 use of knitted outfit. In this: lot two gnd (hrearpleco styles, pullover or Cardigan atyles, and sizes 34 tp 40. All reduced:to lear to Saturday Customers. At Woodward's 12 95 Business Women's White Hoover Dresses Long and short sleeved style, heavy white cotton dresses with plenty of wrap over front, neat collar and lapel, wide belt and twe pockets. Dresses Usat will stand the strain of frequent washings. 1 0 5 Sizes 94 to 44. Woodward value Fancy Pullover Sweaters: Colors for many admirers and the plain shades or oftice or business wear are included in with a lot for sports wear styles, The well-known Knlteto-Pit manufactuyers send us this fine assortment, Siees 33 to 88. Saturday Bargain +... et 1.98 Satin Afternoon Frocks ea Just got ready for a Saturday feature. Won- satin, show the uum le ard nrc tt pl ancy etd Me cee Greens, wines and reds and black predominate, izes 16 to 42. Without doubt a special valye at this prige .......,., 7.95 Silk and Wool Jersey Dresses With Saat enous weight to be comfort on easly Fall days, and stylish too, im the smart straight ling effect, dark iy by Pie facing tio gg ou choles ct tse opens vee 91,98 Girls Vest and Bloomers for active girls in the well-known Watson White Wnitted garments. nloey: brushed fintah. Van's come shee Mel Heeves oF no sleeves, tailored (iniah. Bloomers are properly shaped and Tit well, Rigey 6.00 16: years: 39 Gach garment, special .. . High-Grade Rayon Lingerie Best quality gar i, ng )-pLant rayon, ratty shades inet all wom ike 12 eli Farmer is oF misses oF women. On Sele Saturday only at. Very apeclelbrige, Per garment ... B5 In a glorious arr fertuf arenes inf Bpcolnl for. Saturday only .,..,.. . 4 gy English All-Woo Combinations Pure white fine wool for Barly Fal use, Zhe syle, 0. straight opern tions Fibbed garments or built-up wide strap Warm garme Popular Corseleties fp, four ditterent. mogels tor . stout: and si s, une wh de ena of gong slate wetatg, '? NM G20 90 to 40. Woodward Vetus, each i Fancy Crepe Nightgowns These gowns all made to sell at higher price. 50 sa ing on Saturday. They come in ober V-neck - man uty both sleeveless, and in a big range of fancy colo: s, garment well made gnd utmost in yalue. Sizes for misses and Womeng Saturday only, at Woodward's, each . 98c Becond Floor : Bargain Day, Saturday in the * Millinery Dept. Painted Hats, hand-e Hats, lle, and Velvet and many more in combination effect, .. 5.00 * 6.50 AM smast, nitty shapes, Bach lt; lt;. ting than ever before, Jong vo 9B Wonderful showing of dressy Felts, more fascl .. 2.95, 3.95 * 7.50 from borough. Cavandish, Joan Marilyn, Cascadia, mn hn 10.00 15.00 Art Needle Dept. weet 69c misters eis 1.49 1.75 Boys Nicker Bocks in olength, made of woo , with turned-down we fine tebool ek. Bee Fie Tela reinforced at heels and tees ana Seturdey Bpscial, pair ..,... as ee . o9C Main Ploor Candy Specials Sessa) candy, mixture, consiog of creams, covered ites. All fresh and tasty, cereale ees ovr SOC Jelly Beans, a general favorite with all. Saturday Special, I, SHOP EARLY SATURDAY Groceries Fairy say. 4 24c Espo Brand 1. Qe Milk, tin .. Aylmer Soups (assorted) tin... OC Pure Dutch Cocoa, 101 Street at 102 Ay. Store Hours 8:80 A, Precious Little Thing Called Love Little Bit of a Lawn, The Wedding of the Painted Doll Let's Play House, Woary River. The Rose You Gave to Me Vm Just Vagabond Lover. a Sale of Costume Jewelry A glorious array of dainty neckia es and chokers tn splendid assust- ment of colors. Brooches in every conceivable shape and color, Bracelets and earrings, also novelty alendars and oth r odd: novelty 15 pleoes. All to clear at this greatly reduced price, Bach ........ c Marmalade Jars: A Gainty clear glass or pressed tn floral and Jeat dzsign, Com. viele With HP.N.B: silver cover and spoon, Bxcellent value at In the Drug Dept, 69c PLIT Des:r0 moths, bedbugs, et 4-08. bottle . ve MILK OF MAGNESIA (Squlbbs), 4-02. bottle . MILA OF MAGNEBIA (Wampolen) 16-02. bettie anne EPSOM SALTS, 4 ths, LIQUID PRTROLATUM, Heavy, 16-02, bottle .. 47c . 25e un 50 wie BS Hitec MOO 29c 49c 69c . 89c .77 wv 15 . 896 anowicrin se sou ee Sct 19 baile 35c,3 1.00 MacMILLAN'S SYRUP OF FIGA: 25c 50c. LYDIA PINKH) bottle sap. NUJOL, farge slee ........775. ABS. 0. TABLETS. WO virereeee LITHIA TABLETS, 5 grain, 40 for ...... MEOOA OINTMENT. small sive... Laxative, two sizes... MacMILLAN'S JUNIPER KIDNEY PILLS, por box .. s HOUSEHOLD. OINTMENTS Carbolle, Sulpi: C16 DEF MDE ee eservvee ere AGETYLSALICYLIO ACID TABLETS. BP, Aspirin, 100 ...,.++. sh MecMILLAN'S DIGESTIVE TONIC, per bottle .. SQUIBB'S TOOTH PASTE, MILK OF The pntegid dentifrice .. LISTERING TOOTH PASTE, two tibia cetipcisacasiterazccersst ee GLYCERINE AND ROSE WATER, 4-05, bottle lt;7. E 2: SPRCIAL COMBINATION PACKAGE Thiee Flowers Pace Powder, large size, and bottle of perfume, DU-BOIS COLD-AND VANISHING CREAM. the. two BU BOIS FACE POWDER, All phages. per box . : EXTRA SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN. Two dosen lead pencils for ORAM OF MALT AND HOPS, Separate or combined, contents: 215 Ibs. STOUTHORSE BARLEY MALT, 2 Ibe. Trou BUDWEISER BARLEY MALT, BWM, Ge fee besee Staple Section 1000 Yards Yama Flannel, 28 Yard Flannel beautiful range of designs, light aud Gare cclors Allg inches wide and guaranted eolore, Weary quatity and 8 soft fleecy finish. this bargain. Saturday, yard pes foe 28c 559 Full Size Cotton Comforters, 1.88 Each Here is comforter that will tg make thoee cold nights warm, They are size and well qui and extra well filled with pure cotton. designs and colorings. At wing. Neem - 91,88 500 Extra Heavy White Terry Towels, 47 Each + aan extra large size in snowy white tek Turk Marans inches and they go'en sale st'a very low. 4c Yards Square, Puro Linen Tablecloths, 1.98 Each Bienchod potect we, Marked at 'price Whar wil eear few hours. Saturday moro 1 98 kets, weighing ine. A blanket 5.48 Sale of Silk Spreads, 3.75 Each 100 full sige Colored Bedspreads in this extra good hi m silk, B0x105, inches. Saree ots And lla sig. blue, old, Foxe helio, and green. This spread is worth coi ly more than 3. 75 the priced asked om Saturday, each .......-.-..0. 540.05 200 Pairs of the Largest Flannelette Blankets, 2,29 Pair 200 of these, the finest quality and the extra large sige, to go on sale -as-long-as this Maig Ficor They Don't Come Better Than Betty 2 Tl Always Be In Love with You Lat Me Dream and Dream of You Forever, * 200 yards of good strong Ttalian loth in 35c - Finest Quality Numaid Buiter 2 79c Bauisroup, Buuer,. specie 2 75c Be ea tg BSC aire, 1 ib. lots, per We 29c finn ere ee 336 to 6:00 P.M. pice vials or nait BOC Deep Night Nobody Knows Loutse Sce My Tennessee Honey Brogdway Melody Leys Try All Over Again One Alone + Silks 500 Yards Duchesse Satin, 75 Yard 900 yards in Black only, of this heavy quality Duchesse Satin, with a twill back..Made to give gopd wear in constant use. 75 Come 36 inches wide, On Sale Saturday, yard ......... c 54-inch Black Italian Cloth, 38 Yard raven binck with a rich fais ih Laces wide Maphad a 9 erent rohicten, GR for speedy selling Saturday, yard c 54-inch English Tweed, 99 Yard 100 Yards only in this lot te go on sale at reduction. Cames 64 Anehes wide, In beautitul tweeds of f A good 99 Coating at a specig price for Spturday, yard ,...... Cc 44-inch Printed English Rayon Silks 400 yards of these beautiful figured silks, 36 inshes wide. A lovely range of colors to choose from. Marked at price that will make 42 speedy. selling Saturday, yard... Oe c 84-inch All-Silk Pongee, 430 Yard 400 yards of this extre good quality, all pure silk, No, 1 quality, 43c natural shade 34 wide. On sale at big reduction. Saturday, yd. 36-inch Canton Crepe, 880 Yard 360 yards only, in this tot extra heavy quality Canton Crepe. 96 inches wide. At an sbourdly low price, Belge, Sky, Sand, Scarlet, Copen, 88 Blue, White, Navy. To clear Saturdey, yard sensi c Main Floor Drapery Section ; Rayon Silk Nets, 75c, 85 and 95c: Yard A new showing of Rayon Silk Nets. Several patterns to choose from. Honey shades. 75c, 85 95c 96 to 62 inches wide. Yard 50-inch Oretonne, 49c Yard Several attractive designs and colorings to choose from of this 49. heavy quality 50 reversible tretonne. Yard Casedies c Madras Curtains, 1.89 Pair 100 Pairs of Sgotch Cream Madras Ouriains, otearing Saturday at s very special price. Four designs and each curtain is 36 inches 1 39 wide. by 2 yards Jong. Pair . feteead Becond Floor Carpets 86x72-inch Washable Rag Rugs, 95c Another shipment of these Jarge size Washable Reg Tugs, 95 ize 96x72 inches. Clearing Saturday. each . c Dominion Floor Oileloth, 2 Yds. Wide, 2 Sq. Yds: 1.00 Several patterns. to this hard-wearing Dominion Floor Qyejoth, Patterns a ide. erany oot sgore Yeas . 1.00 95 Each - Oval Chenille Bedroom Rugs, 18 only, Braided vol Chenille Rugs for bedrooms. A rug which can be washed and will give real good wear. 4 95 Size 27x84 imahes, Oval, cach .. rae * Second Floor Crepe de Chine Scarfs Wonderful vajues in Orepe de Chene and Georgette Scarts. Shown in Jong style spd designed in lovely hand-painted effects that will not wash off. Pastel shades only, Selling at price that will ensu 98 quick buying. Bach ., ateinste c Triangular Scarfs will still retain prominent, place in the coming sca- sons mode. You should therefore take this opportunity to secure one at this greatly reduced price. In snappy mottied effects of attractive color combinations and of soft quality crepe de chen 79 Specially. priced, cach ... ia ic Windsor Ties Fine quatity Crepe de Chene Windsor Ties. In the regular ise, Featuring almost every wanted shade. Plain colors only. 39 On Sale Saturday, each .. ease ce Becoming seta of up-to-date neckwear, Consisting of linen vestess and collar and cuff sets, and lace collar and cuff sets to suit every neckline, + In numetrous patterns, shown in white, cream and. ecru. These cannot last long. at the sale price which s just-a fraction of 49c their value. Por one day only, set... feacses Bargain Saturday in the Shoe Dept. 180 Pairs Boys Black Chrome School Boots. Panco and leather soleg, solid throughout, Speciglly priced for this day. 2 49 Biees' 1 to 5 a ty yee 3 280 Pairs Men's Black Chrome Work Boots. Panco and Jeathsr soles. rer pale seeanioed. Only the bet leider iad in thee: a 79 manufacture, Sizes 6 to.11. Saturday's price .. ie 100 Putts Men's Goodyear-welted brown oxfords and boots. Rubber heels All wow styles. Extraordinary value for best wear. 3. 95 Sizes 6 to 11, . oh vp De Misses and Children s Patent and Brown Leather Sandals. Flexible leather soles and rubber heels. Best quality sandals. 93. Sines 10 and 11 to 2... sethaae c Misses and Children'y Bleck Leather Oxfords, Sewn Jeather soles wud Fubber heels, Strong and servigcable for school wear, 1.45 Sines 8 to 10 and 11 to 2.) Outstanding value ...:.....) . Women's felt Boudolr Slippers, Chrome leather soles, pom-pom and ribbon trim, Golors blue, brown, erimson, mauve and old 75 rose. Sites 3 to Bee....... actrees ic Wonl n's: fancy colored leather Boudolr Slippers, Chrome leather soles porh-pom. Sizes to. GET IT AT WOODWARD S Inv oerviceable Provisions Pure Pork Sausage, Speci pare 23c SATURDAY SPECIAL OF SHORTENING Swifts Jewel Brand Bhorieniny 1-1, eartans, por Ib. Bwitte Ji 3-1, palls, each Swifts Jewel Brand Shortening Selb, patis, cach 2 Ontario Gheese, Special, pert ei Brand Bhariching the word Bargain in this of merchandise offered is first quality no substandards or seconds. Dill Pickle large sive, per qozen Demonstration of Bure Pienlo Hi per Ib. Demons of turns Gottage Rolle, per Ib, EXTRA SPECIAL Young owl. dressed feedy for tin ens ach FOC Young Fowl, droaved ready for (ly ea Lt 117: THETA ream Cheene, 2 21c 3 for 1.00 4 Could Bland a Lot of Loving from You. Fruits Gunkist Oranges, Special, 3 53c Woodward's Oranges, special 3 1.00 -2 22c 2 35c Ripe Bananas Grape Pruit, Head Lettuce, nice Jarge heads. 2 16c New Cabbage, solid heads, 6 25c teat. 6 25 New Carrots, Specials... New Potatoes Spoctal y....+ Cooking Onions Speaal sss... Prune Plums, 6 25 25 es 25c vv 88 .. 1.50 Wealthy Apples, Fears. and Crabapples at Spectal Prices: EXTRA SPECIALS hortbread Ve, 59c Assorted : 2 ba. 49c 20m 5c Peaches, came... Bisouits ... Ick ORRAM Men Big Reductions on Seasonable M rchandise - Men's High-Grade Overcoats at 23.75 Continuing. the sale of new high-grade Qvercoats at a Fepresents a saving of many dollars. Overcheck: patterns in. browns, greys, All spendidly tallored and finished coats, at yercoats at 13.45 nomenally low price models in Chinchillas, Naps and Melton eloths. Navy Blue 30 only, coats offered at this pl price that Rich new colorings jn checks and ive a tan B97 Correct ujstel AIL are full plysh lined. Bizes 35 to 44. Bargain Saturday at .,,. 1 3.45 A Rare Men's Sweater Bargain, at 1.98 Hete s lot'of uniformly good quality sweaters at a dec for Baturday. Coat atyle with avy and maroon. Sizes 36 lo 44 Bergain Saturday ... fa Bargain Saturday-Lot of Dress Shirts at 98 edly low price awl collar, solid colors, brown, sand. 1.98 Paty buyers wi fhe: shirts OF quality seldom if over offered at this low pricing, A big lot are plain white oxtords. Every shirt a bargain All with separate soft collar, Incluo:d izes 14 to 17. 92. 200 Suits Men's Merino Combinations at 1,00 A geasonable bargain of such exceptional merit that 200 suits. will go out in hurry. Desirable weight. Splendid wearing garments. sn natural color, Biees 38 to 44. Bargain Saturday, sult... ... 1.00 500 Pairs Fine Cashmere Sox (Not Seconds) You will like-the weight and Cashmere Sox, rom one of in-black, sand, fawn and greys. Sizes 10 to 1144. in Saturday, 290 Pair j ity in this bargain Toi et ff n's ine ada's best known hosiery mills, Colors Bargain Saturday, pair we 29C A Real Work Shirt at 9 Strong woariig Work Shirts of the better weight cotton, military. flannel, dar genuine saving. grey or khaki colors, Size 1445 to 17. Bargain Saturday... Dependable shirts ab a 95c Men's Horsehide Work Gloves at 69 . in Saturday Jot of splendid weating Horsehide Gloves and A Gauntlets with sewn seams, worth-while aving, Bargain Saturday The low priced represents 69: Saevecees c Main Floor Our Boys ae nyo TworPant Suite for Boys 00d va tured 1m lege splendid tro Double-breasied models. The tmglier ne. have one, pale Weeeed one pair of Jongs. The larger sizes he. Broken sises Bargain Saturday rere SOD Boys Corduroy Lon; Bev won Sinox 96 to 82. Bargain Geturday i shades of corduroy longs. Strong, ee cloths that will give went and service, Bizes 24 to 38. * Flannelette Pyjamas Nendid sheets other ahd boy eat Sines 26 to 32. Bargain, Saturday ins for Boys, specially priced to interest every ipes in pink, blue and mauve. Boys' Dress very low for Saturday these Boys Blouses: are money-saving value, Good washable fabrics with regular turned-down 59c collar. Sizes 6 to 14. Bargain Saturday .... Fleece Lined Combinations inations that many boys will want alae 38 10's. Reicks Cae for. the solder Boys Wool Jerseys Souping of Boys Wool Jerseys, Including, polo collat, V-neck, collar. Very special value. / Sizes 20 to 92. Bargain Saturday - pers 79c Mutn Flour Hardware Specials COMBINATION STORM AND SOREN Doon, '6 x6'8 and 2'10 x0'10 , BO, Pir. Bires 2'6 x6'6 ; HAND SAWS. 7 oF B-tooth, 26-ineh: ..,.,,. MOPS. * Daisy Pollehing, large size TEA TRAYS, Combination mahogany and walnut finish, Size OX16 inches. Bach : ven 6.95 vse 109 i .. 89c 95c ROOFING 1-ply with nails and cement. 108 equate feet, per roll ......+-5-5 PAILS, Onlvanized, No. 14, och SMOK a divin Oe S 2 Basement ZUCKETTS MARGUERITE or RNN BAY-C1OARS 7 50c
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Image 1276 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1276, (CU11111097). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.