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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Reasons For Trend To Four SpeedsAre Given B y Engineer Seueer Me St Advantage of New Drive is Explained by Expert, S. O. White By 8.0, WIUTE The four-specd. Internal-gea transmission h for over t urs and i the hand: De Of many Wousatids Of owner-deive opped but from tte questions asked duly, 1 1 Probes is evident engineers and kuown that t Bull more, the geiverat dely sn compArAL do not have much idea as to what ii Is all about. Primarily, it make tieable a fi rm a fast axl For hill climbing. heay slows dowh en ler snow speeds, making for economy of gas the dicect drive of three-speed tra And. oil, greatly lessetied vibration missions should be compared with troubles, quiet running, longer Life third transmis for the engine and all related moving parts; better cooling, greater comfort for the occupants. of the car, and par- and nervous have last an atrain for the driver on long trips. thelr original The general effect in smoothness of Threespeed peration and road performance may axle ratios have Jong bec comp be determined by comparing two mise, The combination of n fast a fone with four speeds, the other with and four-speed. transmission was three. Speed car equipped by its manufactur neers many years ago, and a few c F with a 48.1 axle and regarded as were built that having. excelient performance with There were som that ratio, At 65 miles per hour, the engine ts oing 3,500 rp.m., and s rably past the peak of the Surve. With a 3.69:1 ratio (as used with the four-speed transmission) the engine at 65 1s doing only 2.700 r.p.m. featcund andl Ue wily Mtb red as we go well over golong astire nile and Consider-a. 4.000 pound thre cognized aX desirable by some engi- 6 collision. EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta's Oldest Newspaper Aupposediy rough engines They were MEspur geated tratoniissions ald te Kent nose Was promibitive from the Suan pOING Of most Users, With the application of interval gears, owas Mound. that tranam sions contd be made which would run quleLly inv geste In order most out of any Useen the two top speeds should be ie and easy. For years i have been trying to find an and while Uiere has beets ss In thls direction, those usually Impractieal for uring Or service reasons, oF very expensive The Internal drive mechanism hap- pens to be such that it is not diftie Hor expensive to means While provide shitting permit of changing back And forth between the top speeds. at y Toad speed. This 1s partly, be- cause the internal train of gears 1s. in fly cons.ant mesh and. the engaging Lah wher-con- techanomis a Hghtweght clutch, difficulties en- t momentum of which 4 so small ai that ils speed of rotation can be autckly changed in Uitte this easy shifting feature that makes the modern. four-speed. trans: Mist mission so convenient and flexible th the hands of the driver, on , It is. Worth while to. point out that from the standpoint of eafety, 4 sure dnd easy shiit between. the two. top cds ts highly dealrubie, One soon ot aequires. the habit of shitting. Baek no third at railroad crossings, of un Tinsmisson ratios and KHOWN grades, and in heavy traffic, ro- Where the extra: jump that ts possessed le DY gear may be just ie lo get It clear of an impend- In hill or. mountala are driving, If the car begins to roll down, grade too fast In high, it requires no skill to drop it back into third and thus check the speed, while saving the brakes, Supose the advantages of a fast axle and a smoot shiit between the two top speeds, even of the relative ness of Internal gears for the to top speed, are all granted Why not have all these features with a tiree-speed transmission? Flexibility Demanded un objection 1s that the rati You Are Buying: Proved Performance When youbuy the New Ford, you know exactly what it will do there is nothing of an experiment about A well kiiown tire company, solely to test tires, drove 8 New Ford Wiore than 90,000 miles In six months. Throughout that time the car was run day and night, an average of twenty-two hours out of every twenty- four. The entire cost of repair parts was only 38.00 for the ninety thousand miles. Another tire company, making m similar test, drove the New Ford more than 80,000 miles in a short period, at a cost per-mile that was fully G06, tess than any figure t had previously known. We can make immediate deliveries on all models. DOMINION MOTORS, LIMITED Edmonton s Ford Dealers Phone 2421-2288. 102nd St, South of Jasper. Phone 2611-2029 2 Corners, Jasper and 106th Street Phones 5468 - 1822. When Your Battery Leaves Our Shop it is ready to give your car new life and service. our 8-HOUR-BATTERY SERVICE Electrical Work a Specialty WHEN IN TROUBLE. PHONE-US. SMITH BATTERY * AUTO ELECTRIC 10052 105 Street Phone 2649 Replacement Parts for the-motor or-chnssis Stock of fy most complete. Our Prices compare favorably with the. lowest SNC en aU ated AACE Gees Business REPAIR IT fs auto repalring.; We make a NOW fally of fi afa try alnays eee satiny. BERT S GARAGE Modze Spectatists STREETER S SERVICE GARAGE 10086 REAR OF 10ITL to:h ST th St Phone 6238 Phone (1 SIDE GLANCES Another woman driver 9 We 48 OB eat SEPTEMBER 1929. MONO-PIECE CONSTRUCTION IN DODGE i I Recognition of the Dodge Brothers mono-plece body as an advanced step in modern motor car body design hae been given added significance by perimental aud research work. con- ducted by automotive engineering students of the Oregon Institute of Technology at Portland. To carry on the Investigations, sccttons of the mono-plece bodies. were sent from the factory at Detroit. We regard the mono-piece body, found exclusively on the New Dodge Brothers Six models, as one of the most significant. contributions to modern motor ear design, sald C. E. Spencer, principal of the automotive division of the school, Our alm in obtaining sections of this body from the factory was to acquaint our stu- dents with this latest development in automotive body engineering. Rigid ity and strength in construction, free- dom from body noises and ease of repair were found to be outstanding advantages in this construction. The mono-piec construction n- troduced with the announcement of the New Dodge Brothers. Six models ls an all metal seamless body that Incorporates strength, safety, room- Iness and improved appearance, Four major sections are welded into one piece, and ortzontal-vertieal bolting to the cltassly frame ellminates the conventional sill separating the body and chassis in other forms of con- struction, This lowsring of the pas- Senger load makes for lower centre of gravity and perfect. balance under all driving conditions without -sacrific if head room, The mono-plece body adapts ttself to the trend In modern body styles by its longer and lower appearance. Ex- terior finish without seams or Joints affords a smooth unbroken surface for tly Hesuen that te cay wil aot have deck so the: spillage will go tn the Shu istincise Mead sola fiexipiliy and. performance that DIETS wT OWTEOFE. Tcombinations features on cach of the motoring publie demands today List Of Dont?s 2, 2 t alow big park in the Cimnt models Suppose we put enough engine abil ty In the car to handie 19st axle, then? To accomplish this fully, ns a larger engine than ts usuully realized, With consequent added cost, weight, and loss oi economy. With the three-speed: transmission cre 48'no step bewween second and /sugh and; one must stay in- second bull the engine can handle high with a2 desired acceleration, With the vurespeed. transmission, Une 3 som second to. third and from third fourth are short, making for easy ushifting and providing more xivillty. Botn theory and experience show order to get the smoothest and satisfactory performance from car logecher with maximim econ- Cmy and length of life for its operas hon, the engine and all rotating parts back to the axle, should be run much slower than has been the gen- cial practice. The rapld extension of rd surface ronds, with easy curves, ins that the general average of oad speed is. going up and the driy- ing public expce.s to make better time, safely, between points, than In ie past, The fast axle ratio accom- piishes the desired slowing down of tating parts, but if we are not to Hexibility, ease of operation and safety, wo must also have a four- sbesd transmission of suitable ratios, with a next to top speed sufficiently quiet that the driver will want to use Mt, and with type of shift that will permit him to use it promptly, easily and at any spee Essex Establishes New Record In Mountain Climbing Bisex the Challenger. established a tiew Teeord last weels when fv acourn plished. the climb. to-the summit: of Fable Rock Mountain, being the fisst car to accomplish the feat HP. Lange, Hudson- ssex deal- fy Was a he wheel and tes ta was surperv newspaper. meh, The tall leading up the su-baked sides of tae steep incline. is macs of rocks and a tangle of aharp curves and grades ranging trom 28 to, 39 degree slopes. Table Rock is famous in early Anierlean. history as the piace where Major Phil Kearney, with one hund- Fed United. States Dragoons, stormed the Rogue River, Indians stronghold jen ane 29, 100i Touring Tips Are Aids To Motorists Here are three mote touring. tips: . Posture may not be everything. in Hdiiving failgue, but ie is great deal of the total effect. The driver who slts-ercet with the back of the seat providing support for his whole spine Js the one who ends eight or ten hours behind the wheel in. tho beat physical condition, ovording to ail Authorities : When the road is clear and straight ahead and with congestion at a min- ldmum, drive with the hand throttle Te permits n restful change in. poct- tion for m brict restful interval. Tt docs not. pay, to assume that the water supply in the cooling systern be haves onthe: tour ax it does In: or- ditiary driving. It disappears at a much taster rate, and the radiator should be checked with every stop. for mae. S Sees Auto Dealers Selling Planes ST. LOUIS, Sept 7, Within five Yyears; automobtie deal rs throughout the country will be handling alrplane franchises, according to B.D. Adams, Of the Ryan Aircraft Corporation. dealer. who does t One airplane five bbe as out of date s owner, he. says, vThe airplane sales, field is one which the aliomobiledealer in any town with population of 30,000 or over can enter without Investment and a field which will pay at least as large returns a of work pu partes More Autos Than Telephones In Use Statistics for humanity iz v Jersey. with 491 motorvehicl tate highway, Nas more yas mile Ohana il CROWDED IN JE i (it An authority upon, motor-boatin has listed the following as dont' s which might well gain general servance in the interest of reducing the number of fires, following explo- sion, which take place upon engine room; keep the commutation down, 3-Don't allow gasoline in the bilge. 4. Don't use gasoline on waste to FILLS THE COFFERS clean the engine. A Studebaker President Eight Se- dan anda fleet of eleven President Eight cabriolets equipped with Acro- ar truflers are used by the Trans- T, Don't fill tanks in the engine continental Air Transport at transfer room. Have the pipe extended to the points, Our 193 Cars TODAY Results.of collection of gasoline tax in New York state for the first month of the new law's existence totalled a revenue of more than 1,388,000. Of this amount the state will receive 1,041,000 as its share,, New York City 64,430, and 277,722 will be distribu- ted among the counties, Truck In Motion Has Terrific Force An automodii or truck only 3000 pounds and going at of 40. miles an hour has driving force of not teas than 2700 tons Stich, tn the atartuing warning, to motor drivers inaund by the Massacb- setts safety council. me To, state. this point more acct ately, the couneit continues, sucha Gar golng 40 mallee an hour strikes wilh sufficlent energy to toss a rock weighing one ton 60 feet Tigh The quickes haul this year's 1 M.C. truck. Studebaker cars shipped 1 Chinn, tor delivery to gol, hud to be deiven o lofty Mankow' pass and through the ice packed Loa Lung river in order to ach thelr new owners, AUTOMOTIVE AND RADIO EQUIPMENT Motor Car Supply Oo. of Canada, Ltd. EDMONTON CALGARY, and most economical way to wheat crop is with a These trucks are powered with the famous Buick Motor and have a stand the lieaviest load. Prices range from frame in them that will 1,570.00 2,390.00 Fully Equipped OPEN EVENINGS Price Dayton Ltd. 10048 104 ST. PHONE 2955-2951 The best looking, finest performing cars and tHe most substantial values - we have ever offered Oo Faden Ge bh Larger motor.. Longer wheelbase Adjustable seats.. Larger tires... Increased beauty throughout.... Rich new colors .... Improved upholstery..Softer.more restful - cushions... Attractive new in- strument panel...Even more brilliant performance..and with prices ranging from 1050 tos3210 : And in models 615, 621,827 and 837. - the TIME-PROVED Graham-Paige FOUR SPEED TRANSMIS STION Two Quiet High Speeds, Standard Gear Shift PENN MOTOR SALES LTD. DISTRIBUTORS Jasper Av A. Green, Ponoka, Alberta FOR GRAHAM PAIGE AND WHITE TRUCKS CANADIAN WIN A HIGH POS WITH HUDSC BUM another Canadian has promoted to the ranks of Dom fons who hold major executive flona in the United States, 3. B, McLarty, born and educate Toronto, has been promoted to 1 jotion manager of the Hu Car company, manufacti of Hudson and Essex cars, and Second largest. independent in eld. He graduated trom Toronto njeal in 1910 And took a post ar te course in engineering and acl wt Toronto tinlversity. Pollo radnation, Mr. McLarty .prospe nthe Algoma district, thereafter ing his, fitst experience in automobile business as retail 8 man in Toronto, , Mi Hence with Studer Corporation, he Jol Hudson to develop service on the G-oylinder Easex in 1918, Promo came rapidly to the Toronto 3 und the following year he became siatant service manager. Three y Inter, 1922, he was again promote technical manager, position ho ated. to step: once more to ser manager, which post he has alnce 1924, During his term as service man he became known throughout automobile world and was one of most popular men to hold down diffoult task, A keen student of salesman merchandising and advertising, lie now assume charge of the saies motion division. Though quiet and unassuming, McLarty is an able, quick thin executive who has the sincere wi of m vast number of friends on sides of the border in bis capacity. Lookin There still are: motorists in yesteryear were much better than up belter, to have taken the hil have wit all+the hard treatm Of course, these reminiscent view-has been changed somewhat fas it has the test of us, but they d The point is that the ear of than: does the car of today becaus wondrous to us, Today we have marvels of the self-propelled veh taking things for granted but pass whey mpresnons ot Out. eater 3e of our earlier ye of today. That fs why wo still t fas they tised to be, and that we w by day, on the basis of the iste , on the basis of the Selves and our means of ving, A dove: 4s better, mo: dou censors. Our first impressions leceasors. Our them. nue at 114 Street (Just West of C.P.R. Depot). Stambourg Wilson
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Image 1182 (1929-09-07), from microfilm reel 1182, (CU11110809). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.