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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 192v. senicchal tres Span Unit d States From Canada to Mexico jiresueca aos PARTY HOSTS Marler Calle sain cisreaara ce aetren meesorea MAN IS REMADE - LSS. eam tne saaet lay Sere is cur 0 S GIRD-LOINS On The Emperor ict mates et tte eae tha a FOR A MUSEUM OF Jap. Empire sist vay oi be Butta our Iie hoeer seis FOR BATTLE aie Chicago, Through Recon- Uahadian Press Minit struction, Visualizes Past Ten Thousand Acres Al- . he Election Pot Already Boil ec Ne alee te : of Prebistorie Are Associated Press ready Laid Waste Coal Pees 2 ing in Onta ay ied a or . q CHICAGO, sept. 18- With comple- Mine Burns 40 Hours S , . Mitealtes Bare Meter wae ieee ore an tion ef the firne authoritative lotes automobile of the Imperial house reproduction ever made of a cave- PSL anlar bertona tar eet ; : TORONTO, Sept On- hold trom his hotel to. the palace os ceremol Ld his family and his cave home at brush-covered Santa Patila mountains E opened fallowisg the dasolation of tie he Setsmmany wan brief, Rhy tor, Field Museum of Natural History, Chi: Reg nung before twa mea plage gage tne Sen eer ane nter us us cad eee er Po Marea erg ee : a v ues the world where the Gin peat of pre At ena 10,000 aaron and dentrovedt an, z , past two mouths but Gt dissuetons . wach enaia Miialat Tokugawa, abn heiore man is thus visualied, a an have been In the nature of prelimin- the emperor today prior to. tis: salt Luck alone never kept anybody well, but tg reconstruction represents one of ty he face ot inion heat to abd ous partes wil tite thelr fire heavy fuer Catiads on the Kmprens of looming large in the good health story of 12 (ipeciike Necnderthal or Mousters Rae mee oe ated te Venta mere suns within the next few daya, O millions of perele the world over, is the tan man, whowe rac ved in Western sac the plato owhieh te Con- oR OUR FOUNG wks i Fear Soh gh taka, whlch wan sta : servative kowernment. headed by Pre- LOMB ORS, OUNG OME, daily dash of ENO's Fruit Salt in a glass fd Tepresents te earliest stage of hs ks ler USN, L. Hayoc a man existence of which complete cattered tivsush the anoantalna ha : Fecelcotion tus ven aulned isthe Can pA a, WAR, Jose I. Hareock of water... Safe... dependable .. . non: Skeletons have been Yound. Ree ee tel ead eleit rani Dull moans, weed QR AMIGN he an Soupfer motor mechanioe. A the age habit-forming ENO. Refuse substitutes. Work of Expeditic : neement of af 88 Hapoel examin : a i. of the an eee cl The Rhineland, under the control of the British, French ang Belgian troops since the World War, was made, Yon qualifying him as a motor me- 5 . jg eatish tk Bt the. caves man eri burned. but the, restored, to Germoauy ns Ubi picture was iaken Of the signing of the histotlc Rhineland agreement at The Sar ginciair, Liberal Jegdat, hag an- Sotssenie es test, Sty moto Te ENOS tain Marsh sl Field nrchaciogioal o and there probably are more than 30 Arthur Henderson, representing the Brit verninent, Je shown us the right reading tho terms of the I nounced that manifesto notiing forth slaet af 160 taker 5 Pp eee te Ra eee eee Gil devricks burned. they sab. Lrcuty, De. Gustay stres uiann, German foreign minister, ix pictured at the extreme eft as he heard his six- ee netine nt wie nu en, oP 5b a A Seiten to. Rerape, tioeee the eats or ma ab hie ove seriously year Tuite for evavanon of German teritry Fewurded. fn the centre (reading papean ie'Pramier daapas e,Povele on whch his party ape t3 Washington Talks Of FRUIT SAU wmuseum'santhropelogieat statt, tn ye work of the expedition and the Injured ond x otbers Gucued slighUy. of Belgium, president of the conference, and at his left ts Premier Arlatide Briand of France be issued thorlly. Me sinclair will he fire was strung out 4 0- w) speak at Blmvale todsy, whore he ts a se tran anvve fea were held fer tkpected. to alscuas the Comservatve Whee From Canada Vk Saad esta ot the erup the acentats ce ured, ad had the co-operation of Jeading ne valety of the Geurby oll flelds If manifesto mn deta. Canadian aot have the presean uinad connisted Tae hie IAN ON WoRE anous MACDONALD TO Both To Speak WASHINGTON, 'Sepi. 18. The auihropologists of England and tervening country. is thickly grown Thursday, Premler Ferguson witl be practice of importing Canadian wheat i an France, pr ; the group cer with bust Tf the famies Teach the quest et members of tis party at n bond for mixing purposea, and ts : The individual tigures o tie derricks incu 0c Gallforda TODAY, . 2. i monsiee banquet al Terado. te subsequent export at bor to Gabe onsit of man about 83 years id, Inegest producing wrews, tercible fire CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE / may address the 5,000 persons who under the preferentin agreement wlth a Yuba a a baby in her arms, and an, older is inevitable, rangers sald will attend. ( The first speech of the that county, was under discussion baby in ve ee ceo etl ones : yoman, These figures have all been he hatte between Tah and fee Franco will have a separate naval con- Pe detivered oe EL NEES, ll abso during the course of debate Tuesday. Seereaity These Tiguses Date All een An : be delivered at. Elmvate Gajurday. fm the dry fields In the weet ranged ference, Britain asks France to aban- British Premier Will Make a. a, teihuridge leader at the Pro- ments, casts atid models made of the last night on w far-flung front rang- Oh 5 gressiv s, has nob announced hls cam rkulls and skeletons of Nean with lapaes, from Ge sanereaten she Sree reeks) nly O:.s Addreas'in /fuign'plans. Rescuon to the govern: whieh have been found fo. various los Ne, we need eubaarines, Canada met manifisto showed that ta iguor calities of Europe, The figures are My cptengieny tg yen in Toki With small fleet under water, we conte potas ap cveyraeeal ia fle atludes, and ae repre: we 5 pce sented as engaged tn occupations typ south fronts, with muuy.sblazes it an, In case of need, take care of alll oqy Cauda Prom would be indir Heayy firey the or. tne heed in occa the whole appeared that the tines , TORONTO. Sent. 18 Canadians your ships afloat, So we keep the wORPAWA: SePt, --Premior Ram: /saitization. Me. Lethbridge by the 4 a Z pealine had been, bested and would be pree NMG Will attend the third ennial r the government of Canada at an of- Polity of the party, Tb was. reported sivas teats had be ied and would, be Pre: conference of the institute of Pacitic *bmarines. ficialdinner here when be visite tied Guat Mr. Lethbridge hed explained f eal Srieeeseibte ot tears Minded Of workers, Some gt Shea Retablons wit sald from Vancouver) France, tlhe America, Is self-mup- qai,cininey here, when he vine the) (hat Mr Lethbridge, had explain (OSRPORATED ayy MAY lero: Shera enaracere of ne Nean huundieds of workers. (Some of thet October 3, and October IT. porting or, if anything is Iacking, President Hoover, stated Mac. definition of the Liberal sitiiude to- These Include ery. prominent. and week, et Ualing against odds for a). ache party. has been divided into 5 kenale King yesterday. Mr. ing said ward the liquor question given in an These Jnchude ery prosiineht and ditferent groups under jhe names of France can get it from adjoining Kenale King : yeecray ee Ring seic are the Siyuar Reenrin.gprencia an rl r coninus brow ree end fam i ea, wn, None nae LEER AE ME nor anna ee ee all RA a a eas ne ow for the Weekly Grocery Cott, pe or ec nee at ti, mast, distructive Gordian Rowell KC. . Betain ls not selfosupporting, and *eeeh during the three or four days tncentive 0 the 'two opponttion parties y Sonar ar is eat ad We gaa Ald Ml W, Aled iors would ntarve without gurtae fects Go ty GRONGR ah wee il br covrainating ther ffi. : Phone 9353 Wm wich made, Ipoarie fr tacuba in Oregon. ers 2, Hun: Professor, George Wronk. feed her, Perhaps that is why Bri- snd if Promuse Mueepelatl hee eee: on, we, Neb te KC. former at- these, people to stand uite rect: of datacaba. in Oregon. Were Co... 6. Minelnnes: A. J aig. Gain is building gigantic Zeppelins, ng to tell the Canadian people torney-geseral of tye province: walled 5 Drond) fat owed: et knees, ke, 19,000, the Kiamatls fesior Wallace and Miss MacDonald, about his discussions with President rumors that he would Jead prohibition to. ad by Mrs. N. W. Roxell, whey could bring food through the alr. Hoover, he will probably tell St on tray int fight. The time GOMOIOM RRCLEANED ws, were FE lee Ported wel acted tected. fre er Hoover, be ve ion it rey to sion gt. toe EXTRA SPECIALS Aadehetet tari ebay saat at and scorched. Bix families were made atreal W, M. Birks, Colonel Trance has not forgotten thas the) PoXir' Hing sald that he had been ad- Was, 20, iROrt, 80, sap SQUIRREL BRAND PEA- ROLLED OATS, 6 1b, sacks. 2, ort and of stout build, Their heads Hometes, one. fire fighter wan devon att Wap yeti Ct watson snomument war bellt te some vised that Mr. MacDonatd would leave xp sinclair termed. the government Nur BUTTER, 2i 5. Ree Beer 2 35c were proportionately large and the tosane, nd 200,000 in estimated Best and Prancis Hankin, memorate a French defeat at sea, Washington for Canada on October maniiests ane of trecilens Hoe oe Batra spectal BSc Prk IBC size of thelr brains was, damage done. : Thomas : mone or modern man's according to Dr. Oll Fire Fighters: Eneape nd Miss Submarines and airplanes are France s inne tabor prime minister wilt plote Mente eae deta eorteany Se ies Ner GC. Farrington, curator of geology. cn trapped in the AB0G0 ene TaG Margaret. Goutham, accompanied by need. The French government is run abiy vine retta Monee Mo ee tae Bee FUVEALTHY APPLES, Tess Oren ALTE While tn votume thei brain eubetanee been trapped in the 19,000 were fire jenrearel, Southan beo, in addition to Ottawa. to add MALKIN'S TEA SPECIAL Mhade thelr way safely into Eatacaba Winnipeg AEE. Nichols, Dr. Jolin for France exclusively. Brlet Trip ae ele ee i od eae Eire neta, TBO 2 79 tran, ihe proportions were more lke Hosters nd Yacolt, Wash, ap- MacKayand BJ. Tatr, KC: ee Premier Mackensie ting proposes ancement of inst might and refused Contains one piece of Chinn, casos. de Woes ot; spats, noourding to Ds, Fan peau under cnr aaacecpan Geaege iid EAD 8: GUNATOR WALSH ot Montana, tm- ta mae, ly, broly ed mo lieaee eens ot hee rer pk 1,65 ceawnros nance wan-) EU xtrn speci Jest tacked the mebiity of those 00 acre. outed ver uhe aauule Kendo Lawreuce, Kath and atte. pertant among Democrat pra: Geiser Ik woulg he mpomewat bubs MEE sn ae Per pet. Ly SEMPRESE ORANG 5 46c Mi Todor ron The nrman Were Tele Intid nd thet Getiaace ak tine eta Milas. ential possiblities, rather remote Ted (rip, the prime minster said inst g Totloeabie rallyigg at party forces, SSaW CARDEN ace SmaEL HENS 49c ively shorter. than the Hews and the nd an fe a d night, ie Many nom a c , see es shorter e of, ,more, shan, 00' eo, hte Possibilities. just now, gives an imlla- of spcechies, some of them ls all moe Sn ATOn c eneventons, Bre special, per pali lt;P. G. WHITE NAPTHA SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA Peta thas indtacligg that, tose fighters bad beet injured6r Ba ability, on the way to the west, Def. heduled, z ye BOAP. Bxtra special, Speelal Se nN eae Sfurring unfavorable developments wonr amour Hom af ene orytog tn the wilderness. Sbilty on the way to the west. Det per. a people were clumsy. a see ae ancien Seseepmiaiie aaa Me alarmed by the menace of teen mew etd up wing tock Durty On U.S, Coal. - Sime ft 63 13 51c 2 21c Fetes Ee now burning to be in hand by Wed: rer deal tn. fork, ex- of Information as. to just 1V PLAI . a8 A aa ht peed (cose 0 pero of te) at hamaay ead wat one Would Not Affect Sle 83. 1.63 roar sonr maces, ns Fine Fairs Held At while the hoped-for rain was CONTINUKD BOM PAGE ONE Dected to control 80 per cent gf the) to Ottawa. Ie hab now heen settle . GOLDEN tekLow on; pie Fresh Fruits and ka And Peers elng ferventiy prayed for state's power. Si whan Mr. MucDonsid will be inthe C',P.R, Says Beatty Beer nNoWN Suche 3 29c Voactabler Mahaska ee) CALDWELI., Ohio, Sept. 18. Pour for, Landon. where be will confer Crying will do no good: We ive in after the debertute of the Brita - Rxtra. special HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP, sap eee en te A hundred mincis fought fo check the with Premier Macbonald later. in.the age of mergers, and governiest funn seta : Qn Qe jarge, 7 BSUOTOR, PRUNE PLUMB, splendid fait wes held in Peers Come spread of a fire in the, Cambridge y Much Coal eee Extra special : L re hoo Calitics company 'mits gear hes LONDON, Sept. 18s Wiliam J, by corporations, benevolent cerpors ied pain a 8 ay onc 27c gee. 89c poseneg oa by toe coated ost a fected by, the imposition of s duty. which: had been Taging for the past Noble, prominent shipping executive, tions, on the whole. - : rhe ae om Shaadhe ct SACO Tat SP. meyers wil gro Maer and te wer oor Hone inlmeted te wile per eServapeci OP TEM EEARTOMETTES, small sol. pqZASMINGTON RLBERTA tolehdl exhibits of Towers and. Vem Three mien wes tr ia, sald, he . 8Be,- Special rings. in e . 2 3 of severe bur suffcred las tient when mor wile tt, the dominion that Rt ger. Al power will be under variows CAR ACCIDENT nenese, 10 sive trial order of: ane 3 1.65 Special sauce. ) Perea. LAS fables trom the schoo gardens, The they were building walls to amother Hon, J. H. Thomas, minister of 0 ames and ane control eventoatie: hag for tse in Octane Soa, Geter ees . WEALTHY APPLES Thee Serbs bee coe sas ones cocks. Panes He Rae ee RNa OoTEEE sat te money po it SOMBER FROM FAGE OME price ix made satistactory. President HBC. SPECIAL -BLERD-COP- Por Ce ee ae ee oy oe mall hane bens consUnEe tytn Netican and Genet Pack hat hparaslio sed etbee Patel pee ; EW, Beatty of the Canadian Pacie ff PEE bor ib, tac, Opecll-s crate 2.25 ine showing. Peers sehool wom the shaft have been coustnes National an i 4 0 : a 3 Bevereerertiaee showing. fina sion flloned ae explosion wave to fake bout 100001 tort of Gent hams are aeergiee ae rosid 22 gfe twas eh ytamily were saked fe arit slsed of eines 2 95c Fae BRAND tne onances svort and reas forthe, beat group exhibit. m the main.compartment of the tune,/ bituminous coal from Great Sriiatn. Sees banas are, meret he move- Feturning to thelr home after day in Goat imported by Ganda, trom 18, Bpecial duley: (Special, per dos, ite. tule was held In Bera hal ner the 7 Take Fi were correct. he belleved the Newcastlc ment of the age, industrial feudalism ' i oo the operations-of the Canadian Pact en ee 2 33c Sate nf Catiot Oe Pete. and aps Lake First srs youd venett : replacing military feudallom, a3 pre- 41 the time of the arash the train fic atager tr lg CHOICE SWEET TOTA- Mahaski The fancy work exhib St Tendi: Tr aie oe Aloted by Charles Yourier 125 years wae oniy traveling, at abouk, ight 2' 45c TOES, HEARS 01 a ars mseives and Miles an hour inginecr EPs Lending LO WAss OoS8e OF a ears that kee tHomssalves and EOt Or uitoc, made A ariet aller carn Interest replace soldiers that had to bring his Walt to, stop, Due as were good In every class. Cooking 3 25 td srcerves, wor, Ther ahare of Ry Amr EN prae and the weee i c1 Credit tothe garden Ne avy Reductions) . Ganadlan Press Batt. to be fed and clothed. he was given practically Uttle or no at THREAD MAROEALE HOICE CORN. Special cuorce cooKING Mrs, W. Lee won several first prizes , warning at all when the car proceed- tins ONIONS, Special with her bedspread, Tunceon set, can- Associated Press Cable - . Corteapandent ee Ing out over the crossing right 10, the 8lc 3 47c 7 25) Tied vegetables, carrots and cabbage, en eet, te tapan's tint LONDON. Bept. 18 Among those P gt;USSIA S effort to plant, commu- Pato the eee ee ne oe Or EMPRESS STRAWBERRY OR- a fe ic Hin. J Haddock won tite with et igh, on the movement for naval interested in the great snipoullding Hile force and carried about 12 feet BLACK -CURRANT: JAM, 45, cyenes Rotanepie Hooked rug, cauliflowers, cabbage a Gisarmament wis announced Tues- industries on the Tyne the impress siem in Chine is ne more of 8 down the right-of-way before belng Bpectal, F Special, rhubarb, Mrs. J. Batey and Misa Soy cuban the navy ministry order sion prevails that Right Hon. J. B. failure than a northern atate 's effort orind ve Gea Por-tin ...... 65c Per bushel 1.25 Fite cee ae ee ee Sf Commander Tamon Yamaguchl, Thomas during is visit to Canada (ar ines tui, Tnmediately after the accident the ee cy varlous articles of fancy work. Mrs, of the naval general staff, to pre- achieved something definite towards Plant communi even Pawerfull injured persous were rushed to the A CORN. BTAI Backs Se extra, C. Hellekson carried off both first Tebantee Watlington to oln the orders for new Canadian ships to be labor unionism in the South. The Hyite*:ber they were attended by: BoAnany STARCH, and second prize with hand-painted Japancie embassy stat? ult here, Sir William Noble: south thinks 4 wants mers north Dr. Ad, Wert and Dr. . Sawdon, Bpecial 8 PORK AND BEANS, Soe Dette cas gene Fy eonfer- prominent shipping man w) rs oth of Three. Hills. pits, pie also Sasa fer naval shakes Felurned hint from Canade us eapal, more tecteris, more employ- DOG ot hres tly. 1 2 19c ae Fresh Meats the Giri clus van booth of novel: oon dupa Sept aren Will sail thermore said he head w report that ment, and objects te anything thet ed Gat dite ones conenion ee 3 31c Phone 6141. tes which was well patronized. from.Japan- Sept. 21. Mr. Thomas bad persuaded the tW0 wong gisee Mightly improved, but Mr. and Mrs. POST TOASTIES AND . one Outting. and atooking 18 done and Canadian railways each to take 100, rene northern capital, Aceciuskey were still in m critical SHREDDED WHEAT. Special SHREDDED dicate SIM Doreen: Cris oan, Kidnapping Charge tons'of British cos). A truckload of all-age communists state. The three seriously hurt. will kts, 7 QHOICE MINCED BREF with An averase yield of 20, bushels of UPTO THOMAS Now Griving to meeting ot protest, In Gas- .be removed to the Municipal: hospital 4 3 31c 174c wbiat (is 60 Sn ee i FF Per MD sss coe oe vA t. standing when the Laid Against Two s4v5 any exrness tons, N.C. were stopped by utmed St Trochu Wednesday morning for Be Trost came. Oats were aamaged, bY Peart sane Men In US. City ety Bac) men fn astm and. ordeced tro bore I al be Eun Friday SeSeT TE ETMATO ot eee oe 8C SEs wie cet asin i : if whether oF CHOICE SEEDLESS RAIS: Cc making. another pment Associated Press. Cable torially, ere ee ost Special Wigs Aas aoe ing big shipment the absence o Fz INS, 4 Ibs. Special, DETROIT, Mich. Sept. 18. wara tain of Right Mond. HTiemas, eed TREY obeyed: the automobiles and 5. crew of the Seg ats sour 3 Ale Per pkt, . 49c noney coms A farewell banquet wns held at fanto cherging kidnapping were privy seal, developments have consid- armed men following them. The truck sisted of: Engineer W, Mel mad a: TRIPE, per I. -..... Pulham. school for the student who Wen as ay staat btn te ated (he Dern ant po- ram tnt am atlomoble.uninention: ste cardet, nn Contr Wilms i Led eitney Holarat, 34, an the When the Laver gSreament sate aly: The collion annoved the law- tie ak Sted sean Bae oat San mane food or water fn 1 praterizoner without into power, Mr. Thomas was undoubt- and-order men and a volley was fired 697: 4 ins food oF water in w Detroit home for atx gely regarded as tis. trump card, Use inte the truck. , Joint Control paren fe ae, 2 28e0. eu care a tr iain rym renner ge Joint Control RAM, 1oING on Loker av. Menon 2G Mills At Whitecourt SSO Paice Mopdiy nit, he e leltett rage clean eed al ares wing ne ot OF 16 Railways On wemts SOMONT Sass. PM oe, 19 Se. . a Special .- HOME MADE POTATO ound him chained to a cot th the would not leat upon him in vain. shelr number dead on the road. a (aliced oF halves), Epcciai a ipaeunent Sunday, night the elder TMennwaile much has happened, The dead one war Mrs, tila May 2 RE Atlantic Coast other meting ber tin 25 . SCHOICE PRUNES, Der Ib: 150. Porte . .20c Closed For Seasoi 5,000 for hs son's release, lt;P WpryePeper canted. Wiseing, mother of four young chil. wags wGTON, sept 18 Peimls- 2 45c 3 Jdentifiention of the suspects came Thomas dren. You may say that mother ef sion to obtain control of sixicen Palle 38c 2 mle te eae walir Bight a nial onal ate uN Blamgrok's Wie of VOT shlldren should ot .go riding ronda An eastern and Mew Bogiand after -haviag completsd. thelr season th police. More than. s4tnn (ES 3 Henders *ith a truck load of communists, she Mates, Was soueht ae ae nee contri cut of over ten million feet. Tt. is found in thetr pockets at the ume te Succeeded in bringing about might ay that she should have been fudson company, to form 's compre company will erry on 10 reedor bt Om Ge ey eae nee, the evaciction of the Rhineland And de- weeneg that nies eon ty hensive terminal system for the North tig oersioe dee Gn eee fansom mioney Whey had secured trom serves the compiiarente sed. wists farses. Atlantic seaboerd. reveal the. mmesting : ing opera ing the: coming arnt x lortons S me OR DESSICATED Special lt;ALYMER CHICKEN LC, GRANULATED ee cling. in the various cnt SOUP. Special, per eeTED SUGAR, swaer PICKLED figiplet tn tee outros. ontiar ibe, 20 Iba. RIBBON Ravi H, J. Hellekson, who underwent his 10 bbc 430 eee a Per Ib, Sher arrest. that have secrued to him. Premier The incident has ereated a painful The tem would .con- eeoonala piting Anaad TH guilt ha arene patel Fi proposed ram, wo eee covering Tall the nerve of man whose luck s in and of Canada. Obtinetive Kedcy-to- oe Hard To Estimate fang even thote inclined to think hie that North Caroiios will mot tolerate New Boa As far out ns Northe ee North Land Sie f, Tle spectacular canuot deny communism er emything that North folk and an tar west, ah Deepwater, ( Something New Every Da int Char chtl Cese ees esse Ces a a et Sah a le a - ure ase Chilly Welcome ment on Dec: 31. was 2,530,391,338. adian Press ere, th fore, awaits Mr. Thom- The lergest railroad. in terms of WINN ll a6 the grat ition of hearis the a nd tng pon wha bec a aeRO Renietegeceruen, of nesting the Carried Samples See rae ae teak See . AL wan exttemely difficult to fie a lnent colleagues semi cy OF British Coal York, ew Haven end Hartford, which Value upon property taken from ue extolled. Thave wy tee 3,118 miles. aton an OME FURNISHERS Chure Inn., estalc of the, late less pleasing disco zs R310 Street 10154 ist Street Witten Bevery Spin Bok bettered 12 The Delaware and Hudson operates - 11st S Jon of . J. Isbister, assistant rights mpeclal province. Today. nea 445 miles of line in New York, Penn: of-way agent of the departme are unemployed than Consdian Press Coble sylvania nd Vermont Tallways, called ss t portance. tl - court inthe Sait welcome tor peti- LIVERPOOL, Boal, Sep. 18. In gal ay yltoean the, ape Pree mipister, continued the Bx- his role of commercial traveller on from the Ganadinn hosiery ts ease, The 161,956 offered by the govern- Dress. ta be confronted by the mer- tn otis 5 ment for the land, which contin ur ellese yardatick: of nemplment fe his vistt to Canada, Right Hon, J. H. Hampton roads, should be east one system of railwayy wi ; 1,398 jus, turns, by which ges Thomas, lord privy seal, took samples 6 Je fate figure. by Mr. blstey, ind Bit performance tn office will be of British coal with him, he -aid on parame coneained Jn the Sect tne Smart og Tagnaured. Mr: Thomas is his return today. He explained he did to ail the shiet ports of; the he ea y 1X oncrete man of resource. Will he now be Atlantic coast the U, 8. The Bble to fore not limit himself to advocating ihe 3 , 4 st frtanate Hig OFeSleseics 6 n20 contrat came from any uric sboedtem ous meet that : We Guarantee made good, or will it prove when te British area or coal for special pure Henrng of the cae, which, was in Ht ten more vastus tan Ry mumion was inthe interests of REY PEARG AnD. tases. Mixed to the most exacting requirements, Duroid Roof Coatings sittuted by the department of Justieg Femunerative nut he sald, Ot course, 1 did not agctzonald: 30, wis tontanoed iene Your orders solicited. Stocked in 40 Gal. Barrel . in . Barre Stocked in 5 Gal. Tins, At Otiawa, i expeoted to conelide tor at book any orders myself, so I cannot Sears tn Portemonts Matter eee a iarhave been tads Federal Income expect Lo draw a commistion, he add- 3 tashes, by Mrs aust: teeae: hee Gay, Arrangemen' been made al m. Stocked in 1 Gal, Wd Ray Lane ed in 1 Gal. Tins mascot of the ying rita. team jake further evidence st-Onawe. ed. with laugh, between puffs of secret jury. had found nig eens ar Canadian Press ee nrenenes OTTAWA, Sopt.. 18. Income ta that Won the. Schnelder Cup races hers, among, yen Oa Taxes Increase * *. v etatuary offence neatuar peace Prompt service given. t 1 -ayipear. ALE -VERY-DISOUSTING sition of the lashes, 10 each tme, TWO-MEARTED TURK Golleciions are mounting. In the fivs LONDON, Sept. 18 Marriage is ay, 03 7 SOLD BY at Calshot, England. During early RIvOE Bes Ra, ccm tna irae ening August Calc yc m thing o bw ended to sone ROTHER ENDURANCE, RFFORT. rta Concrete Products ; i Mo Pla he ed eee Mrs, J. D. Kuhn bad a turkey whieh 60.302,142. an increase of young women. One of them won't the endurance ht sorerd ot Edmonton Pai int and Himes to stow away, but was always 50 40 ites eotabll Limerep : ; ne year above, ix offiein) Ras well supplied with hearts. Aj 9.311918 over the same period in endure it, She hes feft her ace caught. Then pilots discovered that Passing motorist recently hurt one of waiting mt the altar four times al- a rn 4 because of his small size, Ray was thet turkey Nook and eu i Glass Co. svhandy guy to slip through the a. tse as hn immedie 18 August alone, according 10 ihe Made attain tint Jour umes al; Sy onieht, tae eke : ; Ricky killed the bird. On dressing tt national revenio department's figures, reginient of mericges eT tees Bultalo Rvening News aron- Cor. 104 Ave. and 111 St. i Pe Dodies of the tiny racing crafts and he fund, hatte turkey ad two calections, were 680431 at agaist OEE whale eet rahe ates alane, Butta Riening News ron Phone 23881 Phone 9311, 105 St. Kdmouton tighten mts and ote Hots eee periectly formed hearts, 822,100 in August of Iasi year. waiting for Gifth attempt. fuelling flight record. Job.
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Image 1363 (1929-09-18), from microfilm reel 1363, (CU11110931). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.