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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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. Bot respect FLL abe. tovavitch teeins, Teenty years. ago. girls DID) Molly vurveyed' her knees aid ainted, hd pulled her skirt down es far 6s Bid-tashioneds aE ae. nes wspaper on fabio, Teen and Molly reached for it rest- v. Tt was open at the. woman's page, and she noted idly that Dr. West had something to. say about the care of Dables in summer. And Aunt Emily held, in her column. that a man could tr Who indulged in pro Mucuous Hiselng, She read a eer Eight, through Banff and. Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies 600 miles of Alps in luxurious comfort on thie new deluse train, with every latest a World's Greatest Traval System Direct connections for all Pacific Coast Points, Ly. Edmonton 12.28 AM. Arr. ary, 100 AM. vTeans-Canaga Limited Calgary 0.90 ADM Reg- 1.50. Sale price W. A. Ferguson, Limited The Shining alent that LIGHTERS Onl ya Few Dozen left at These Prices: from Bashful Sixteen. aind wonder- ed if women really such. Or if the editor. made them up. But she thought of agit she knew, named Emmisline Luce, who had a by nearly ever And abe thought aria eI ne a a 7 c S08 down like eemaline and grow mediocre. and dull... But of eourse she wouldn't. Bh and Jack would berdifferent. Different from all those commonplace who i ed bridge and lstened to. the fedlo and goss about the neighbors. poe from all: other lovers every- a eager a hance Sul Poth'vas tuvarten tye glosce, A look set her heart afire, Bo genius died, for warm desire, Yet, stilt the tom glow, phant Alt Aa will never eases world wil Bee, know So-toor-as that A dull and stodgy wife ts she, And dark the lama that used to be: Bat always come to torture her Tho dreams of things that never we Go this ts the song of the wife Ab, what have T gone with my life? Molly read it through twiee-. . A girl, she bad her + A'dull and st i the world lke maline Luce po te Poor old Emmaiine ot stilt the phantom visions glow, ra wilt never know 18 dead So soon as that bright soul was wed. *I wonder, mused Molly, it there come to torture her the dreams of things that never were. Th sounded to her as, wondered what she'd. done with her tena Deas will soe pe a in will see you Burnhem. it soul Was Wed. on a. lite wi en upon any of our girls. You must not think me presumptuous, Miss Burns am- 1 am quite aware int you have your name among the ap ia for positions. But, T have ere: 8. most Unusual opportunity sn the literary world... May I ask hab, vou, Plans are forthe future? Molly flushed iike high school Claudia Cabot and the r st been able fotannounes her engagement. with. three-carat diamond and a luncheon At the sorority house. Z But I am going to be married, she added, in the fall. The Degn snap an elastic band about the note fn her hands, Then you wouldn't: be interested, she observed, in the position I was about to Stee Shame, Miss Burnham, 20 neglect shining talent like yours, We discussing the other evening, at fac- ulty meeting, your really xquiatte verse, Proftasot Hardy. Was, particu: larly impressed, The haunting little thing You eal Official O.N.R. Time Inspectors Bank of Commerce Bldg. 10116 - 101st. Street ; serve Hn Beeee at i Hl if ae i 7 f aa E i 3 i ; Hy Little Sunshine sie chided. think you hseva t that, Miss Burn ham, Only a pretty ive shining tal- T know. That point. The Dean stood mix love and s-career, my d at, admonished. and her manner hed come strangely. gentle. Bo the wo- tan who lives in pursuit of fame, con- flict is death. Bingle-minded she mu: is f evenr iove: Aso Tian can serve eae aa Beart and her mite But you said I bad tuiens, pro tested Molly. The Dean smiled, 94 one dismissing See ee cae Saas door. Get in ch with Mise Se. pltese, that F should ike to weg ter mediataly. * Molly knew it Bea it a, ees 3, who her essays to Une bet they were so since the vet lw 0 tute to the With al ther heart Moj: on. At away. For moment ahe almost hated Jack, who hadn't enough money to + and didn t Uke i when E i f : ty Bi ae Tv Hy Fj UE i a uh Z a F f i i i eRe ie i 1 : tyeare she be married. Won't we, Bob? What you need is a sandwich. You bet, he assured her. Love your iittle draftsman? he kisied him awittly, drawing his head down with a sudden sweep of her arms. wpetier get married, Godfrey. Batter not, counseled Bob Newton, Why not stay in love? Claudia threw her arms. violentiy round Molly. 3 Yhat be the thrillingest ting, kids ) You. be my maid of honor, Molly. itn XT be your santners A we vel every see, Molly, wouldn'e It. be ed. i Minister. Everything. You can have my brides maids, honey, and-we'll just-call up the Rutz tell em -to set some more ce PiMoliy IdBed at Jack. He was grin- ning foolishly. Will vot Jack, wouldn't st be wonderful oly, ara you orang? Of Lord Christ's heart, and Shake- strain. farmer of this district, was convict in police court yesterday on- + charges of infractions of the Dom ell, she confessed, sometimes jon Pedigree Livestock Act. He get off-on-a grand strain, and.there's ined 3,000 on the six charges. Bo holding me. I think I'd like to be the option of 18 months dn Jail Playwright, stated tn ine evidence that staph maybe, Or a poet, like Edna st. sported to the United tal Vincent Millay, and write verse that falsely registered as joing to drop and broil my Etcon, while you're writing thin stut that sings and eparkles Molly-spushed tim sway and held her head from. his shoul nidered the stars solemnly. Being a poor man's wife might cramp my Sivle, mightn t it? Prying bacon is fearfully dull. Jack put his 1 at-ber hal me you didn t mean: it, Sweetheart. Bhe falsed her arms then, and flung them about ls neck . Jacl a ReGen Airman Saves Two Women Passengers Canadian Press SHOAL. LAKE, Man., July Prompt sction of Wilot, MeGory, whet his plane crashed on the Shoa) Lake ott ehyec two woman passen 5 seriously. burned. fo. gain altitude on an at- tempted take-off, the plane struck fence and craslied to. the. ground, MoCory mmediately sprang trom his eget and treed, his. two. passengers: it Helped Atl My Troubles 1 was all run-down end out pplcita belore ray th 0, rs and town. BRANDON, Man, July 19 The eignth annual convention of the Ni tonal Association of Kinsmen Clut opened here with 100 delegates in at tendanes, representing. clube from Montreal to Vancouver. The. visitors wero welcomed by Lewd D. shewan, president of the club. Ht 1 am the owner of the sphere, Metall, of Brandon, national pres a reaiding at ihe buriness at ee ee Slons. wal Rogers, Hamilton, Ontario, year, founder of the service club in Sanads. Of Cacsar's hand, and Piats's brain was the princtpat speaker te es Rita lausted . nervously. me. And Molly and Jack .... And Claudia and Dick will be coming home weddings, iy ta patted his arm gently. tile -Sunshi 8 yous need What I need. he told her coolly. 48 box of aspirin, Of all the fo0i jacts to drag a man. this blooming party ia the worat mn wants to canoeing when. sey can et murrieg? demanded nes Ned i e ad igs The Cable Cord Tire-is outstanding The experience of the oldest, the most efficiently.organized and universally sstablished rubber industry is built into DUNLOP Tires. road servi of Of Ll u th iG under-all conditions of r No exceptional claim may be made for any design of tire. that is ne aso tatative of DUN Tires. gum solution is applied under pressure, th t thoroughly impregnating each ply of in the body of the tire. No other met : 80 ively combines the as eee elastic flexibility. The Supreme. Product of the Master Tire Builder us - The DUNLOP Tire MR bber Youre trading at ho Goods Company is wholly you buy DUNLOP Canadian-and British. you benefit so does
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Image 349 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 349, (CU11110075). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.