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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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SANE CONTEST Dr. Frith and Son of Ed- monton, Winners in Lo- cal Breds Against strong opposition in very heavy Guernsey Classes F. W. Swind- lis, of Princeport, Nova Scoila, car Hed off all the major awards win- ning the find female champlon- hip, although the exhibits put in by fhe department of agriculture from Hoe Oliver, School was only a, few ind in most of the classes. ialister Forbes, of Cotte Hil Vancouver. Island also offering. con- G geeradle opposition to the eastern Pte class of outstanding, ard would take pride of at even Toronto or Chicago. Gudges in this class stated tha they ers the best type of beast that they Dave sten exhibited in the we: Dr; Firth and Son of Edmonton Won, the first award in the Breeders Herd, bull tnd, femaien case E heen exhibited in the Alberta following ts a summary of the GUERNSEYS Bull, 3 years or over l. Langwater Yp Prince Edward. F. W, Swind- icepor The Secret of Coolness ie Is-in Light, Easily. Digested Foods SHREDDED With all the bran of the whole wheat With whole milk, does not heat the blood or tax the diges bse satisfying saves kitchen fon. It is not only cooli: drodgery:and expense. yi sion upon- your -prospective customer it is important that your letterhead that you want let us print it The price we charge is low 2 the quality of our work high. Call for 3 one of our salesmen, and let us give you an estimate on a. your job, for you. cattle: xhubitee were 4 : Priadieg that t Sella At Moderate Cost... : Every piece of printed matter you send i Of the -Rancno,atster sae poses L, B.C. Bull, 2 yegrs i Olaiman s Prank Agr Bul, yeerlg--1, Meech Al Lindy, y)W Seindells, Princeport, Ni, 3, Miattindate Commander, Alla. Dept St Agiieultur , Olivers 3 Brookinend ting ot Hollandale, Di. With Bon. Bitmnonton, Bul, ceived on. of after July ist of W. Swindell, Princeporl; 4, Beech Hin King, F. W. Bwindalls, Princes Port; , Hanewetee Sic Fass, Alle of Agriculture, Oliver; 4, An- nacis Royal's Archer, Alistet Forbes, Cottle Hull, B.C. Bull, seiuor. chatnpion, 2 yeate ot over Champion, Langwaters Mi mion s Prince Bdward, P... W- avin delist Reserve, Mmillas Royal of the Rancho, Allister Forbes. Bull, junior champion under 2 yre Champion, Langwater Marmion Prin ce Edwar FW. Bwindelle: Reserve, Beech Cow, 2 years and over l, Jennie of Hillerest, P. W. Swindelis; 2, Pansey OC Hilerest: Alta. Dept, of Agricultare 43. Rivernide. Vidette, Allister, Forbes: Florence of. -Markindale,.-F. Swindells. Hever, 2 years 1, Beech Hill Mar- on's J.P, W, Bwindells; 2, An- hacls Wonder s Peafl, Allister Forbes; 3. Anacls Wonders Jewel, Alister Forbes; 4, Annacls Wonder's Cliff, Aimeiters yeurling- 2, Annseis Royal fer, yearling 1, Annacis Royal's Duenola, Alliner P rbee, 2. Beech Hull Dorothy, 3, OF chard View: Lily, FW. Owindells; 4, Aunacis Royal's Cleopatra, Allister Fortes, Bull, calved in 1928 1, Brookmead ing of, Hollandale, Dr. Frith Son, cooked, ready to eat, Heifer, calved in 1037 1, Margu rite, Dr. Prith and Son; is' Dorine, Or. Frith . Bon. Helter, calved in 10081, Olive's May, Dr, Frith Son. Donna Of last Year 1, Beech Hill Pride's Lady, F. W. swnidells; 2, Wonder's Riuny. Alllsts. Forbess 3. Anancls Wonders Athi forbes 4 Annaels Wonders Mercine, Allister, Forbes. Female, senior champion, 2 gver -Champlon, Jesnnle ot F. W. Swindelis; Reserve, Beech Hili 2, Marmions J. B., F, W. Swindella. Heifer, juntor champion, under 3 years Champion, Anncis Royal's Duenote, Alliter arbet: Reserve, Beech Hi Pride s Sady, F. W. Swin- delis. Feinale, stand. ehiamplon Champ- ton, Jeannie of Milcrest. W. Swine years oF erst, Following .are the Products classes: Industrial Art Grade 4. For the bent card containing one asmple of raven Grawing and Stee cote sper of ny fru Bins. Paterson, rt sed Goodie, Sacred. Hew: new, Grandin. For the or the but an sue not Ne tasted 'x 8 resent- Rapin, Grandin. Tongia, Gramain: For the bent drawing of 4 triit. in ye sa yee Bordst, stick pati 1, Chelstin 1, Chtisine paving Geared Mere 2. al yp, Gran: Bat om ack priating-rhy Bila Peoin, inting-rhy Bila Pepin, fond, Mage, ivereae tear. Sr ee ed eee Sl eee ciee ci pend eat aes Ene tmds Soe eee ting be of the ; folder, or lt; EDMONTON Job Dept. Joo1s 101A Ave. The heart ofa John Collins er HIN Y Sed iaraacopdy piatilers terdam Holland This advertisement ts not inserted by Government of the Genuine HOLLANDS Gin : Heart Label BULLETIN Phone 2278 faveinenty Mesiene i Baring, alge fare Gea air Gragsia; 3. Olive Por ths me io plcces of paper box of paper fire Siture fers livingroom u gol's House woan Mebonel , Glenore; 2, Ma iecjory. Glenores'3, hunny Cairo, Aes or ine eat cut paper Iandaca ing st toa skye freee distant, Baus ad Bear tren asthe in nla tn Tha eslor scheme. Saale cha Fayior, Annie Powe eae For the, best modelling of a otc aie dina, or, ine ant craving vg entero trait mounted ae oa hier he best carding at east ro08 Sistant, bile, distant Bevty sere, aad balsam, Gran: North Cromdaie; 8. Jeasie E monton. or tbe bast care prot erecting carg 1, RAymOD cal ees Sipe tes cits, Tor th, bat Doge with not eke than Maat construc: 3, alliater Potbes;, Graded hatter 2 one:-heif W. Swindells: Sunlor herd, bull and three fenaes wider 2 year ver, one cow the 84 of one bull. W. Allister Forbes: 2. Mater 1 Pied 4. F. W. Swiodeli. rogeny. e EORD 3. i De Br PHith ee antrae paises cnteriibs ro exhibitor 1, . W. Swindelis; 2, Breeders Herd, bull any age and tree femme, tbat have been mei bred clagses 1, Dr, 4. in the alt Eth de Bon, Forbes: Amerongen. ro dckenne, For-the ane mes, Worth the Liquor Control Board or by the Pores of iberta ore paper rack Case, technical - Blew a teonara, in: 2, Bie sheet worth eemenion. -Exhibition Results its. in the various classes judicst at the Bamanton rhishion, chang Livstck Cob A8 Bop tnd Dey For the best envels male 2 x 12 peper decorated rsa aaa H 0: randin: iain; 3, Lord powell Mckay For the. best landscape tn ut papers Dentid Romeo, a Sale Sat Gromdse; 3, Wal Ba cls for oF eine Hart, ing a Saat re (Bibbouet Tlscs die Est tema ady Teme Se Bout: 26. Shek Tine user senool, oC i eek slctcen projedt t, Leste te Be 4, F. W. Swindel bull 3 years old oF years or over, and one Fs, one helf r 1 year and cow under 1 a, F. 2, Allister ; cromdiie; 3, netty her Jaskeea, sigh or the best dlawnite, a Bee a od it in black and white For tbe foward i st of one. one yedr, owned pila. Gi imenton: 2, irindin; 3, Ben Beard, 7 es - ayaa ae caneu ort ce sxe pant ena ea -piiton, Heocetiny ee-Oretteane, Sg; Sas Seaport mee Edward. Victoria Migh; 8, ry Buckham, Victoria ria he 1s Of legved: SEE TT BAN mani, wa nu the pest Nahte ts am, crecknicalt 3's. Weranks. aosalenl: Fer toe bet earpent geal rec a ital Beneh, clase fiance Opaiiten m Maleavana, orandinj 2, U0 oni inat i, Gustave tay eee Yor the? best rendering of nell 1, Dorothy Campbell, Rul . Betty Bellamy, MeKey Avenue Ave. Gatnarine: wekeenzi. group of two objects, Healer conical nes ving at wo sines of printed lelters 1, Martha de Donald Ross; 2, Agnts, Rrlekson, 3, Ernest Lenin, Bennett. est group of bets AN BEA OF ere Mednikatolt, MKsy Ave; Rrickson, Mekay Ave,; 3, Winnie Power, M.A. Gray, For the best book Orade Vivi, Kane Allee Crockgtt, Grandi Grandin, Specisi class ride Vii, Perey the best mm, nature, 2, John gan, Crandin: 3, eon Alex. for ovei-age pupils, of naam wood. teu ring tn col Fa aie, ai Matt Hep eae eo gai eat toe ate a A tances oor oon on tema sees Sere arate a Se ee a en eolor 1, Ada Chead 2, Lous spies. a en Wor the best toose- beck art ae et rt aa oranains Stes toca ing in Bo Eo at ea not- tok Bort verdua, Grandin. ae Papel tet Setar sores Beris Lonarum, Mine Bavend, 3, Paine Fo te ne ant nate nat ree, 6; 3 ahels Mamesd, x yale ara a ens Grae or sve bet rendering of reolengs For ibe, beet landacene, compositions agenaerst ncaratoetyet ark, Niger thot iar problem aalink or fat alone asonarat. Victoria igi in. Victoria ere Shae me nak we 6 Dish Ot sions cheek oe Saath gas eevee Wood iio: Rdmoaion a8 Eusldentiay vp on cloth as stencils bak, pelalex. em Broidery, ete- i, Bather Bairy. Bure High Reg dame, steatheene ich: Por beet a 1a Mae i. ert re eat toda Sant a ey groud of two objects, ia arsine design on an nintipnatinl aie enh Std auncons sh ore ace mkt te utne- aetna Rati slian Meade Ri Patt Sr ee pee mt beer stat set ne ery nd ot Brhattati ee sus Bees means oe ee aa at, Doris based + Saleh a Prank Peis, Vidor stb. plant ui Adele Bridges, Victoria 3. thieen Cimiett, Victoria. Nigh, Por the best poster origi See taal seal T, Mal n echaTuk, Vistoris tne a Fesab ot axindren enlcta one At 1 Mey chettesen, lente icon Sites, 3 Vieiorie sigh Soper ihe best deal tree or bird motif ign. For ine best stained ess lendscape motive ty es ge ee Ms, ition of vor best pian, park one belt rralncons. For the best room, showing wall, wall of8 ralsure and fittings : LN by RoW. Medley for the best ses th, water colom aery Dy MUO Tear eee por hehe Sat eck toe Fiades t, 2 Alliances, 2, A. Beagewick: 2, ees Da por thea act sts teom-any one Er imeupg,secrotaty-tensurer, aS Sedgewick. ea seatong 00 Seater ne i Reg hate asin a ES we re oe i tae an ene Pees AS ech. Dest piece of machine metal work any other deaigaat, W. Heychuk, Teoh; 3, FECHNICAL SOMOOL FORGE WORK Jona, ,wornnyen mn Meagath, Ehren, Ay Meecd. 3 meokins Tech. b, baa Wienlan Te Yorged Hamner Mende. Alb ter, Tech; 3 John McBain; 8, A. Lega, Tech, Foot Bereper t, Rabe. Girv a, Tech; 3, inewell, Asthur dohnaen, beat vigce of forge work any ey Beek. SCHOOL ELECTRICAL dee wincieie tech eens Teh Bc 2, Paul Rwaakin, Tech; 3, Toph: 3, Chan, Balacheh, Teen. For the best Growler. end 1, Alun Bouth, Teen 2, Gordon Biacler. eoh.;. 6, Chat iy CA WING heaters pee Tech. 3, 3. Romania, re 3b, Dre See ward BaWards, se Rs als fecnanical Diao: agin made Stead Beewaain Ser beet Dexwiugs ea the eb cree et Fase Qeometty me Si Leonard ox, Feeh' 9, 6- Walt Tech Yor ths best Drawings. in. Tsometrie t, Chas. Palgehek, Tech.; aul Mwadkin, Teeh.; 3, Avibur Bower, pective . Beale Moras, Geparais ) TRORN joes be lta ently pe : . Asthma Asthma: Or oge's rallet to sufferers from Hay Fever. it oe and permits you to pe trom the horror of sleepless, restless nigitts. It: the worst cases, it and. 2 Manusectured by Nomranop yutax C9 For the best Plate of Freehand Latter: tee CLOTHES are a potent form of yo al law of life, we are at our best when most ourselves. - THE SUPREME ART of the tailor not only covers the . . body with grace and fitness, but releases personality. THUS IT COMES ABOUT that dress shall you be known. . Yet to realize this - consummation your gar- ments must be designed for your individual needs. Clothes: Wes made men of us. a Westoraft. - Elothes- Emphasize the Truth of that Statement By bringing to the fore all the qualities two onjects oth WI GREAT OFFICIALSAYS 7 Indien ved ied But Con. rn activity in the Morthwes Hi : H i 4 d ei 5ee83 a 2 f i i : fs eee g Now
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Image 338 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 338, (CU11109842). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.