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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Stalin The Big Figure As Soviet Party Pursu Idealists Dit rect oe - Socialism s: Man- Power Resolute Minority a The Party In Russia onstitute. Political ive Lives to if Necessary (EDITOR'S NOTE With the prospect of war between Soviet Russia and China looming near, lished. in. th iat, take on added Interest... Mr. o Edmonton Bulletin by Henry Somervill the series of articles on the former country be- noted wrote the articles Somervilte Beh publics sar of Ravin. This iy the beventh Of the series and the Sighth will appear in an early issue.) Dy HENRY SOMERVILLE, Special Despatch the Eatonton Bulletin byt LONDON, June 25 The Communists spare no pains'in noulding the mass mind but they made no fetish of demo- eracy in any of not the majority, Revolution. deadly g1 ie senses OF 1 but a resolute minority, that made the While the Red and White Armies were in a rip the bulk of the population was most careful to that -ambiguous-word:-It-was avoid being partizans and they accepted the rule of the victors. Ag the revolution was made active minority. so It 1s to. be uphold iby select band, drawn from the com- mon multitude, The word aristocracy Iiterally means government by the est, and this is what the Communists are patiently laboring to establish. The government of Russia, or rather the Union of Socialist: Soviet Repub- Mes, 1s called a Dictatorship of the Proietariat, bit actually the govern- ment 1s not the organ of the prolet- tial. or of those who possess votes, But of the Communist Party, or as tf is invariably called in Russia, amply the Party. The outside world gen: Tulea Russia, and though this may be fan exaggeration of his power, there fg no doubt that he is more important than any other single individual in the Soviet Union. Next to that of Lenin his portrait is more frequently displayed. than that of any other Jeader. Yet: Stalin has no place in the Government, He is simply the General Secretary of the, Communis: - pariy, The-government does nothing Sf linportance except what the party Gecides. Governments in other coun- tries have to reckon with the parties that placed them in office, but in Rus- fais there is only one party, and there 4s no analogy between party govern- ment as it exists in- Russia, and the found in Britain or Ganada or United States, 'T-do-not know the total number of voters in the Soviet Union, but the total lation 1s about, 150 millions fe over 18 years, unless specially excluded, have vote. Yet the Com- fmunist party, -at its highest, has no lt; more than 1,400,000 members, less than one per cent of the population. The party imposes the most rigid tests Before it admits anybody to member- ship and it relentlessly expel arda of condlict and loyalty. Away back in the days when the party was Thunted down by the Tsarist police ax revolutionary c , the party, fron discipline without Which it could not have existed. Oniy its Iron discipline was it. able to ing the revolution to victory rb the Civil War and it still keeps to its fron discipline as tenaciously as the Jesuits hold to the Rule of their founder, St. Ignatius. Allowed No Let 4ro enter the party a man'or woman mlst-be free from every-suspicion of bourgeois mentality, and to be of fs descent, even two genera those fed'to local paper mas by:an + Girl Guides in privileges and and entertain- children, but work. Communist Youth After the Pioneers come the Com- munist Youth of 16 years and over. Here Ngain the membership 1s care- fully selected. The Youth have a good time. with plays and dances and games but they must educate themselves ai others in the principles of Marxism. hey will teach illiterates to res les, they act on committees of operatives and factories, they try to rescue homeless children, they contri- bute to wall newspapers and act as Jocal correspondents for daily new papers, and they get themselves elect- Soviets. Spartan Lives At is from those wno have passed fh the Ploneers and Youth or- ganizations that the-Communist, Paxty expects to find fit men and women for admission to its own membership, but many who have reached th of 23 and have passed through the junior organizations are le to salisty the exacting requirements of party. The structure of the Communist Party more or less parallels that of the polltical state. There are Branches called. cells. Sometimes factory or other large establishm has a party cell of its own. elect delegates to an annual congress and the congress lects a Central Committee which determines policy. The carrying out of the policy 1s doue by a Political Bureau of nine mem- bers... Questions may be debated in the until the party reaches ed the minority is bound to identity Mtself with the policy of the major- ity, Bven, Trotaky,. second in ability and prestige only to Lenin himself, was when he was rash enough to himself to.the decisions of jority. : fe should be ctear that tHere are many more Communists in, Russia than there are members of the party. The party consists only of selected Goramunists who will live Spartan lives for thelr creed, they are the best of the Communists and: they rule, tie Soviet Union. They are the Com- munist artistocracy. ce Gop renY Canada and th Unit Newspaper Service. World rights reserved. Frevolutionary. MORE ABOUT He wouldn't wear knee breeches, bre gown to receive his honorary dey you see him, centre, with the on their way to the ceremon Mohamoud Pasha, who also received re they were made. Doct Law and General Dawes was lauded as champion of world pence. Following them sre Lord Chelmsford and the Prime Minister of Egypt, When Oxford Honored Dawes but Ambassador Charles G. Dawes stowed away-his upside-down plpe-and donned beribboned cap and sor ree from Oxford, University. Bete hy Ambassador to, England. right, degrees. Will Not Consult MORE ABOUT TODAY CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE state-athletic commission to let her enter the prise ring and fight for dhe gate money. Mrs. Burns bas fought in private ty to make sure she Is fit to fight, Somebody eise ought to examine) the-public and. make sure that it te fit to watch women in the prise ring. Such a spectacle, should help: to Lerminate legalised prize fight brutal- ity. Jt ta fot -Mkely that Maryisnd, which respects women, will permit fe- male prize fighting. eee APANESE editors and statesmen sures that Russia and China sre bluffing in dhelr war talk, but they to Usele Sami that she couldn't bo Aled nations, humiliated, retired before. Bolshevism, Russia seems ticlined now to prove invade others. She starts in the or- thodex way, shipping high powered cannon, alrplanits and poison gas to the frontier. The League-of Nations, refusing to deal with Russia except as. a repentant, submissive prodigal, made a mifstake, ++ 1. WICKERSHAM, head of Presl- font Hoover's law enforcement controlled froma the outside, The al- 7 , es for the spread of holsheyism through These are facts. Sutton adds that, in his opinion, Japan would never allow Russia per- urls. manently to occupy the ill feeling countries might be eral conflict, the British morning -inslined to agree country will resort to force stantial. They are no pretext up to excuse warlike The Manchester Guardian is partia) to the Russian claims and considers the Chinese reply to the Russion wl- and. characterizes cf the Manchuria n Guardian says the truth is chat the Chinese have seized what is by right hareh action authorities as an outrage . SCOUR WOODS ' FOR ELUSIVE B.C. BANDIT Royal Ba t Large With Big Portion ers has an elualv seem quite decld d as to the correct code of banditry, He took 2,035.from. the Royal Bank here, gave back 860 whilo trying to determine whether or not he was actually caught-or just, be- ing bluffed, but still has 1,175, He thas been cornered three times, but 1s at present at large in the bush, the object of an active mati-hunt, The bandit forced A, F. Ford, the bank teller, at gun point, to hand over the money Wednesday morning. He Jeft the bank pursued by the teller, The robber escaped. apparently un harmed, but was cornered a few min- ules later by Bert Kenney and a man riimed Anderson. Kenney bluffed the bandit by a threat of shooting and the latter yielded part - of his loot. Then, finding that Kenney had no weapons, he contented himself with escaping into the forest minus the surrendered part of his spoils. Police and citizens otganized' pur- sutt-and the robber was weer at 1:30 in the sfternoon en the railway. three talles west of mithers, but he escaped again: Pitty men continued the search all night and today in a heavy rain. The man 1s believed to be hiding im thick bush between Seymour and Tatlow, and all outlets are guarded. Dominions Yet On Russian Relation Canadian: Press Cable: LONDON, July 19: ihe question of the attitude of the Dominion on re- tig relations r- tween Great Britain and Russia was) again dealt with in parliament yester- ni Robber Stilt-at Ste Yatormatian on the-Correrpond more information on the-correspond -teggers;-who-like-to-deal-with divided nee between Britain and the Do- sumption of diplomy minions. Hon. Hugh Dalton, under secretary for foreign atta, Feptying. tp Cap C. Crufckstianks, Conservative member for Gainsboro would be premature ab consult the Dominions in re publication of the papers. Lampton, Conservative Wandsworth. Birm eldent Ty member CANADIAN FLAG SEEN IN TOKIO DOMINION DAY Raised for eeators sarge eee faith in Com- iniem aba thet self-sacrifice for an T ealists Will ib the prow time tm Puscie every a the formation of an and training in it YERPS- OF TOES WHS, BY pioneer and the boys and girls, strive to at The honor on their with the Lieut. 10 CANADIANS CONTINUED FEOM PAGE ONE 500 and 600 yards, 10 shots each als- tance. of The second stage today was at 300 * mnd 600 yards. Lieut. Desmond Burke, of Ottawa, with 140, was next Canadians. Blair among the * In the Finals The Canadians in the final stage, Col. Lieut. Holden, 49, 47, 43 150. CSM. Lucas, 41/49, 48 138 Sergt. Sharpe, 1 138. Capt, Martin, 40, 47. 45 198-. Musier Gunner Collings, 47, 45, 45 3 ok AAS TS8 Sergt. Regan, 44, 48, 43 135, Sergt. Rusk, 47, 44, 44 138. Alexandr cup harnessing it, when he fell. He did . W. Foam, Montreal, and . it and the progress with their Emalie, Toronto, all wit Pioneers a uniform, Lieut. Desmond Burke, blouse for sec nd with 32. Sergt. J. H. Regan, Victoria, made Seret. Pours. Big Bill Tilden Wins Over German Associated Press Cable BERLIN, July 19. Bill Tilden smashed his way to victory over Hans Moldenhauer, of Germany, in three straight sets today to give the United Davis rainst t Germans, The scores were 6-2, 6-4, -Sotdentauer, i. years his junior, carried more speed of foot than Tilden, but the wisurdry, of American's racquet, dealing out a disconcerting mixture of eannonball he inter Prank opening singles matches in. gone Davis cup tennis final. trounced er. It the young United States doubles team of Wilmer Allison and John Van Ryn, heavy favorites, com gt; through tomorrow Prenn and Molden- Thauer, the. will have clinched outright the honor of meeting the rench holders of the cup in the chal- Arkansas To Fight 33 Women Rummers The days of southern chivalry are over as far as women violators of the DES MOINES, lows, July 19. Pilot Ross Arnold was killed late Thursday when he fell from the cockpit of the plane Greater Des Moines, just be- fore it crashed in attempting to make refuelling contact. The. Greater Des Moines was for refuelling endur- Charles 00- Fefuelling hose from the Miss Sioux City became entangled In a wing of the Greater Dex Moines, causing it to tip badly, OSHAWA, Ont, July 18 It re- quired 10 siitches to close: wounds received. by James Wannatr, 69, Colum. bus, after he had been badly mauled by horse in the antmal's stall, while not regain consciousness - for many 31; Master Gunner Collings, Exqui- mault, and Lieut. D: Fyvie, Victoria, had 38 each. 3-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3, after Bill Tilden had, Moidenhas i cup tennis final against the fat, Tokio newspapers, ber of the staff fee i i i fi in In votes favoring the Prohibition act, the pleblsctie ermine tytem of govertinent. Sone y io 8 as : Yroltt-wan conceded to have resulted Kings County al jority. - All municipalities voted oF Of governthent control. The tr Charlottetown wast Government control, 1,417; prohibl- tion, 1,199. REGINA SHOT WINS WINNIPEG, July Shillingt Regina, fully eombated conditions at the St. Charles, ranges Jeutenant-Gover : nors' match, the feature event of the fifty-third annual prize meeting of the Manitoba Rifle Association. here and won the sald it stage to ra to What is there to conceal? asked Oliver Locker (or 1. as the in- speakeasies, even leaving bribery out ee ibery out, ed with Conservative cheers, but no First Time in ag well as a mem: of the British em: P.E.I. Plebiscite Assoclated Press eement ricky Commission, wants the slates to dl- Wide prohibition enforcement with the U. 8. nation. States would handle retailers, the. national government would handle wholesalers, rum run- ning by ships, automobiles, and air- planes. * lt; The arrangement would sult tool authority. * But some states, or slate govern- ments, do n t want probibitien en- forced:, others would not welcome the cont of enforcemen The entire police force of New York city, for instance, could hardly deal successfully with that clty's 32,000 of consideration. ++ JOSEPH E. SHEEDY, gt; energetic SF. young president of the steaniship Hine thst: bought the Leviathan from jlo Bam -witl-bathetwo-uhtps Br Ser than the Leviathan, Each will cost 25,000,000, displace 58,000 tons and carry 4,000 passen- bers, A dig program, but now spepd is fore important than alze. Everybody ta in s hurry, particular- ly'very rich travellers that buy ex- Denisive suites. do and ft doesn't make the slightest ifference on which side of the ocean afloat, But they don't know that, Tbaraly that the Kelloggs will receive its baptism by fire, or that worlds milatariats stand so much in Bisco dog apaghongs a Soviet offi es at Harbin esting ironically: that usta. ey all documents-discovered, tor- I if gabe ef, a i i 2 5 : H s i als u i i eg i HH Hl z ce i i : i z a t They have nothing in particular to Fus a Keep 18 he, salaure, tlonalist action against Imperialism, whether Red or White, British, The Chinese want to be masters of their country in dealing with rela- wer ike Russia. They and core nothing of tively: weak are quite. ru the observance of treaties. have not luced a single plsusisle Teuaon to fustty the, vot Hon of Russian rights in Manchuria) The Chine e are convinced the Rus- slans cannot retaliate effectively hence. thelr boldness, The Times offers io comment. Wr For Russia SHANGHAI, Jul move of Russia before acting itself. Despite Moscow's severance of re- faced with the responsibility of mak- ing the next move, The. nationalist government is fol licy o Sulcatal waiting, Mie Yeager belleve the Soviet will attemnt to re Chinese Eastern railway. by gain: the force. WASHINGTON, July. ee ee er ac Tenunctal mich was adopted similar they stand, or how long they rematn Stimson. the League will be required to.enforco the uch-economic-blockade-of-which-the: Eastern Iway is Just a plece of Chinese Na- from the motion picture The Pagan Waltz The Troubadours Franklyn Baur Russian or 19- A high offi- ae it Government AF vi r today from Nanking sald. his government would await the next Secretary Stimson has called to the at ention of both the Soviet and Chinese govern- Jeep rervor into by the Peking government tn 1924 had been approved by the natlonal- iat government when it assumed con- trol of China. It had been clearly stated that in that complete control of the railway by the franking-government, Report Of Trouble NEW YORK, July 19 Police re ves were Frustied to the Chinese con te in Astor Place today, on re that communista wore st here after organizing, with iia late brother, Adam, sing, Special Assorted-Choco Per Pound 3 Hard centres and Crear flawors and Berries. Well ass Main F Final Day o Fox Trot Piano Solo Fox Trot - Vocal Vocal f Breakaway That s You, Baby .* Lawn Mowers Our entire stock of quality Lawn Mowers to clear at Shea sx without the notch, ictor 2. Records - Tm Just A Vagabond Lover 21987 216504 Rudy Vall e and His Harry Thomas My Sin Waring's Penneytvanians Prag 21931 21992 Louise from the motion picture Innocents of Paris 21918 Big City Blues Walking With.Susie Trot by George Oleen and His Music 7 0 Victor Records 21927 and 21968 ,. They have Jong wood 89c : Garden Hose - Hoos comple with couplings ss. DOs2D Al our straw hats and pajamas are marked at Essery Co. Water Play Balls Large Colored Water Play Balls, Complete wittr bladder. Special Market Square Next to Capitol Theatre 10139 - 99 Street Aluminium Ware Establisher 1906 J. A. Werner Hardware Co., Ltd. We Deliver Phone 2230 - 2832 ' Saturday Drug lt;FLYOSAN for deatroyi moths, fies, ic, A complete ou fit, consisting. of one 16 os. th Fiyowan and pump sprayer, Reguls St value hee .. STC RRHILLIP'S MILK OF MAGNE 39 GSEDUTE POWDERS. 110, c sanburn, roughened skin, ete, Jar - H YDROGEN. 35 c FEROXIDE, 40x. bottle LOC 85e to 2 Summer Each book is well made , Another Ne White and A heavy rug that will from Indian wool in plain ec Three useful sizes 2 by 3 6 2.95. 5. Rag Mats 24 Washable rag mats in this Hit and Mise pattern witl cellent for bathroom or bet Oilcloth for thi A complete selection of 1 oileloth. It-is-bri 54 inches wid Fancy colored table doth This Cheste Regular 185. 1 5. : July Sale ... 12 only Walnut Fin Steel Beds. Each Moulded tubing constructic in heat and foot of bed. B 4 f.-6 inch sizes only. Regu
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Image 336 (1929-07-19), from microfilm reel 336, (CU11109833). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.