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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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For profitable and sati factory returns, use CLASSIFIED ADS SECOND SECTION WHEAT AGAIN LARGEFACTOR. INBIG TOTAL Altogether 15,320,155 Ac. CHOSEN AS GENIUS TYPEs dst Wee reer Tate Frederick Ireland, eighteen, ienasies iolas sari ora Gr Cambridge, Mass., chosen 1928 was valued at 9364,607.298, 90- from fifteen other aspirants as Seatac or ae of the ivi wailable on Tuesday, most representative of. the oe Sere cathe lean, genius type to represent Was tabled during the last session of Scene typical : : : : i A total of 15,320,155 acres was un- fais whan thew der. cultivation during the year, of Rca clas whteht 899,000 2 : ti eis ew beating sands of de- CHAMPION SWIMMERS ON-METAGAMA: j : tor of Alberta's ericulturel produe- votecs swarm to ; Guests of Capt. M. F. Murray and Canadian 7 on. was wheat, which amounted to the ponies Pacific, nine of Canada pion lady lt; i ee 155,663,000 bushels valued at 117,- swimmers are shown here After a happy: t : : paki, average yield an acre was 23.20 party. Right Ernst Vierkoetter, world's . x A Tanne crak a calitive Owed champion : bee it were valued 000-0 OPA. Photo Bari ded ined ae sre40.0 + ylelded 61,000. bushels; peas, Duane: Beans, 25,000, and mixed OLD SERVIA: Top F.oduction was valued at : fi is 052,661, tatoes contributing the In Jugosin : 74 Mciger proportion of 63287.000 and they cling to the . Meaaer old custom of H : re Zn dairy production the production : offering salt , ? ie Fi P x ws valued at 20,350,000, with cream- . : ery butter making up more than one- and bread to post at j bi an : : Quarter of this amount, Cheese con- hero : - : ie lk ; tributed 158,404 to the total. e visitor , Pi 7 Wool produced 880,000; a s ie , q pounids or Honey produced 67,200, . tnd slaughtered animals yielded 27,- 000. Provincisl livestock yielded 106,- 283,035, and poultry 6,095,298, WAKE UP AND DREAM GIRLS AT MAIDENHEAD: ; hee BE le 7 : Pe. ie CNR. BUSY A few of th -chorus beauties from a London theatrical pro- duction: spentl a gay week-end at the Hungarian River club, a ri (Si ON ae : f ; .) Maidenhead, England . i 4 . i : BeER pees : Place 1791 Men on Al- NEW-PHASE-IN-AIR-RAIL- PROGRESS: Goodyear dirigible, Volunteer, making safe berta Farms in Short landing at San Bernardino Station of Union Pacific firet time feat has been a com- TO TRANSMIT THRILLS? to plished Charles de Bever, parachute way resulted in the placing of jumper, will broadcast from menin Western Canada, 1791 of whom v i Were placed on farms in All bBo is falling chute the thrills of Salioe te fatces released on ues? jumping by nieans of smallest. day morning. All these settlers are radio transmitter ever made i protested. Bure aa Copreien oa le Piece aoe Paste en ana farm bands; considerable work. as been done of the placing of the heads of American families on farms in dif- 4 LIFTING OF THE BAN: Celebrating first mass in Mexico since church-govern IER PASSES UNDER NEARLY COMPLETED MONTREAL'S HARBOR BRIDGE: ment strife three years ago, hess of York passing beneath the nearly finished span of Montreal's. new harbor bridge, when. all sacred. piles: were connecting city with populous, St. Law Nosed under federal interdict : oO is a ak 1 A x Lawrence south shore cep mow (10nd under federal interdict y TO-BE-WED SOON: FAMOUS SUFFRAGETTE: i P : : : Ada C. Williams, Miss Rosika Schwimmer, prominent Flo. 1927, and. i Lacey among. pioneers, at. recent motion. pictare 7 ome meeting of delegates of the Mice wh ge hc International Alliance of married this month Women. for Suffrage at Ber- TES AERE 98 by the cic lin, attended by 42 nations per 17, tT a Galant: tut later: tered into a sep- nk an. his. petition that his wile was now re goeteiwergotesey ADDITIONAL LOCAL WILL BE 3 TOUND ON PAGE TWELVE 3 Sesestssamennaes JOADS A WICKED GAT: Chiistoffsen. of Port- , Z r 7 2 gt; Ore. police force, who . 7 . : - x : ears women's revolver shoot- ae : va arads Will be held at the Prince a he 7 MILLIONAIRE AND) WIFE TQ BRAVE. ATLA Gewipet Vi Ci, WELCOMING CRO BI 2 NTIC: 4 oe Bites, BC. recently WELCOMING CROWD REAK POLICE FORCE LINES GREETING MARCHIONESS: 90.f00t schooner Kinkajou, in which Mr- and Mr (weer), NEW, LADY COMPETITOR. FOR KING'S -CUP- RACE, ere aan ey tae : ens mayor of King's Lynn, England, was given a rousing welcome by . Leonard Outwaite, socially prominent New Yorkers wil rske MreA. S. Baler, whe fies her Mot peonG Sach ence Madieal Gtteee at this porade, for al natives of Lynn, Mass., recently, when dhe was an honored guest at a tercentenary celebration 25-day ttip across the Atlantic witha crew-of five King s Cup air race,, and will be flying against her husban those sping to 6 : . sr a ln v sere ioea any celeb ore aa aS er oh fee Capt A. 8 Bale pe en ars ae w St a KERR, Capt. OA.
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Image 132 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 132, (CU11109707). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.