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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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For profitable and satis- factory returns, use CLASSIFIED ADS ee SECOND SECTION Alwi ays at your service, pulling for business. USE THEM ee EDMONTON, ALBERTA Alberta s Oldest Newspaper TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1929. NIUS TYPEs , eighteen, 2., chosen: spirante as ive of: the gt; represent n award THRILLS? parachute dcast from 1e thrills of of smallest. ever made ttle end Atlasitig bushels + lelded 61,000 bushels; . Place 1791 Men on Al- WHEAT AGAIN LARGEFACTOR. - IN BIG TOTAL Altogether 15,320,155 Ac- res Were Brought Into Cultivation Alberta's total farm production in eee te tof pairing ma agriculture made An interim report on the subject tabled during the last session of aa by Hon, George Hoad- 3h oat of 18,320.155 sores wes tins der cultivation during the year, of, whieh890,000 was new breaking. fot Alberta's ngvicutural produc on. was wheat, which amounted to 383,862,000 bustiels valued at 117,- Says Famous Am WOODWARD CO. PLAN PICNIC Store Are-Going to Beach Says Canada Does Not Send Mach Ram Into Dry U.S.A. Stories of Border Warfare Warfare Exaggerated, in Edmonton Today e CURLING CLUB APPLICATION - TURNED DOWN) Council Asks Riverview to erican Journalist, - Not more than one per cent. of the Uquor consumed in the United States, comes from Canada, -sccording to Frederick Palmer, New York, former war correspondent with the British army and later colonel on the. stati of General J.J. Pershing, who sin Sar ar a study of the Al- borta system of government control of quer tor articles to Palmer, who is m guest at the Macdonald hotel, spoke of the present liquor. situation in the United States, referri icularly to the Michi- a series of valued at at peas, 21,0 bushels: beans, and mixed srain-409,000, Root crop F.oduction was valued at 3,052,661, potatoes contributing the Jrger' proportion of 2.287.600, and beets 201.40, Fodder crops 20 dairy production the production was valued at 20,300 000, wlth creau- ery butter making up more than one- Quarter of this amount. Cheese con- tributed 158,406 to. the tot Wool produced 650, 336,000. 25,000, 000,000. Provincisl livestock yielded 106,- 283,035, and poultry 6,095,298, CNR. BUSY berta Farms in Short While Colonize oftices of the Canadian resulted in the placing of 1035 tel n Western Canada, 101 of yom day morning. All these settlers from preferred European. nations. AS well-as this settlement of single ta Beach has again been chosen scene of the annual picnic of the employees of the 0. Woodward departmental store, number of spe- tcl coac lt; have: been reserved for the accommodation of the Woodward A long list of cutertainment bave -n arranged for the enjoymeht of, the staf, and to insure Wat allsget evay in the righp spirit, a round of community singing. will be indulged. in 8, the employees enter the train, and sept Ul Special decorations have been made the coaches that will take this arty to Alberta Beach, and no stone 4 been left unturned to make: this cabling the mo enjoyabl tory of the firm, tonal depot at 2 p.m. sharp, and will leave the Beach on the return journey at 9 pm. The Canadian National Pipe Band Wilt be-anr added attractionr At Whe pic nic. The following 3s the sports program that will be run through during. the evening, at the conclusion of which dancing will be indulged tn. Sports Program Chilar n s Races Girls, 4. to 7, years, 25 yards; Boys, 4 to 7 years, 25 yards; girls, 8 to 10 years, 50. yards: Boys, 8: t gt; 10-years, 50: 21 to 13 years, 75 yards; Boys, 11 to years, 75 yards: Girls..14 to 17. years, 100 yards; Boys,. 14. t0 37- years, 100 + Ladies open. 100 yards;, Men's 100 yards dash, Novelty Races Ball: throwing con- test, ladles: wheelbarrow race. mixed race, men; three-legged race, Siadies: -three-leeged race; men; nall- driving contest, ladies; girls' relay race (teams from each floor), annual pen- nant; men s relay race, three miles. Manager's nail-driving contest, Bulls-Eyes Bai spesker ot, the annual mceiing of the, Killanr United Farmers and -on-Wednesday night. hee merase eat ne te ion ofthis year were 18,0809 az against an yi Se om the year of 65,358. ding. William, superintendent of the elees department. (elescope r avenue has ty commission- Ucerise on 101 street abd: been received by: the GX Thora M Mocallum cee inspector, reports that this locat could not be c.iwidered and suggests site on the fair grounds,. 1d. Battery, O.A. Will be held at the Prince adalea Armories on Wednesday July foc at 8 pam. instore Phere wil be an by the Medical Officer at this parade, for all those going to Camp. Anyone not having uniform will Bale of lot 11, Blook+35, Windsor Park, west side of 116 street, cleventit Jot north of 92 avenue, for 380, was Commissioner David Mit- The train leaGes the Canadian Na-, pct Tupners skip back afd fort hacross the Detrolt river: Tn answer. to a question as to just how bad conditions were there, he said that while one heard a jot. about liquor being taken across to the United States, It Was almost an infinitesimal amount of the liquor consumed. americans are not importing much liquor, he sald. Only about 1 per from Canada. They make thelr own fund some of it is not bad, t,t feature prohibition. enforcement, Mimest imposible to defeat rhe Americans now manufacture in thelr own homes-every kind:of pOs sible to 1 gin is home-made. nM, Falmer voloed: satitaction with the solution of the liquor question: as found in the varlous provinces. of Canada, He has visited them all with the exception of British Columbls and will proceed there after havi interviewed the Liquor. Control: boa: He stated that If the United States id not, have a national constitution; any, tteration er addition thereto Of the individual states, many of the states would now have some system of government manufacture, sale and pore Regarding the opinion that has been expressed by public men of both coun- Se ean tae a prohibition, Mr. Palmer said that. ise Beats majority of peopi 'in.the United ae that if the Onlted: tates gorecam cannot enforee law that it hax put 2 on. the statute books, then that should be repealed. Purther, 0 law successfully and) while the different prohibition bodies make great play. of How strong re and It is most certai pee Sani Mr. Palmer evinced considerable in- terest, in. te. development. of Northern Aiberta and ft possible tats owing the completion of the. werk on Ang club to bold dance eve m 8, fine ry Instructed to carsy out te terms of thelr danc for club members only, on Sat- urday nights instead of pubile dance ag St was, held ?at prevent, sno city Council decided Beon- At bearing of the company s iio tepeeentative of we club teat c hen the lub obtained permission to stated it would be for club members inserted by, the id declared there had been Dbteach of faith, Btrenuous protests were entered from who declared. they were ah 8, ome to, undersiand, Why council: had permission See'Saturday aight dance 1g the frst place, They declared that the con) ditions they complained of originally noise and of cars was most objection- GL. Gibbs saked) that, the mee and Ald, tice Sheppard the club with attempt SECOND SECTION Catches Train Alberta Farm Production, 1928 Was 264, 607,299 Goes To Trial Charged GIBBS AGAIN ing tag a ive minutes before the fase pulled into the station tome Bano Ednionton district farmer, 7 Magistrate George B-Mckeod-in morning. 3 o'clock that afternoon. 50, Firemen Help Colleague In Quick Journey Firemen tn two cities co-operated Friday. with hig red cars to of the wedge. Council Brevities - - That: the wherever: owing to the Increasing. ellis, was a. request iy counell Monday. Wwoinen's, Canadian The matter wax refered ications: for tlie post of mhitelaw, were referred to for consideration and report by the city council Mon- day night, Report of the Northwestern Utilities Company on the gas service Interrup- Hon last Wednesday. wap received and Pein the Board/ot, Offers of: the Union Oil Company to purchase the northeast corner of Jasper ayenue wnd.96 strect for 11,- which he is engaged, will ebdeavor to j2uivor A. 0, Bary, Ald. RV. Bellamy and Ald James East were, to the large in the city who-are number. his hhadly in need of: Work, was the re- Grey Haired : Salvation gon eae Kajucant Sttheriant Blewart of the Davies, 17 year old room, three months Tl find him a job and will be a credit to himself and to the be issued with same at this parade, 3.77. KERR interest, in Kim. Davi X Soa eer eras 8 good boy, he told Magistrate McLeod, and 1 believe that he s the kind we want in this country. Army Chief Is Prais Lauded and Thanked by Magistrate for cing Care of Errant Immigrant Youth of i Sec Gites Sata McLeod told Salvation Army in the city police immigran from Wales, who was charged with theft, vies pleaded guilty Mondsy to a charge of stealing 150 from poo Cy pe ag rs story. If you will just remand him for vy to bring him up in manner that country from which he cam Magistrate McLeod complimented the gray-haired adjutant and told the boy that ho was very fortunate to have someone. to take such-a deep. Promised to be good boy, quest made by Ald. 1. S.C. Dineen-st a meeting of the city council Monday G. 2ostuck,-frame- 12826 129 street, 30, Plane Aids In Desperate Race: To Sick Mother Missing tie crack Cansdian Na- Corresponding: total, 1028/-A92. per mits, Hg atte ee 9726 18 avenue, 300. poultry-house-at James eee ating t dwelling at. 11026 86 ayenue, 200. lt;O. W. Blake, addition to dwelling at 11249 96 street, 100, Mrs, Mary Marshall, alterations to ling at 10844 avenive, 600. . frame. garage at 10964 . a ads fake Captain Jake Bmnith of No. 1 THESE Mirs. Sette whro was- Adam Dodds, paying tller the Bank of Montreal, testified that-MeLeod-tendered the cheque to him at 10:30 a.m. Friday. Dodds made a mistake in the face value of the cheque and pa 2,875, not discovering his mistake until shortly before -Paid 100 Times Value of Cheque Pre- sented, Says Teller Farmer Accept- ed and Kept It ith theft by accepting pa: Montreatin-payment for a cheque made out for 28.75, William it of 2,875 in-com- McLeod, was remanded for trial by ourt the main Branch 3 out 100 bills, one one 20 and one 5.. McLeod made no comment, Dodds, testified, when the payment was made. Shortly before noon on the same day McLeod opened ian Bank of Commerce, deposit i, * ing 2,875. He withdrew this half an hour later. EIGHTY MEN MONDAY PM. Accepts Answers of Mag- istrates'on Lack of Co- operation. our a EguInNtpoltce-eo stable No, 34 in connection with nis alleged actions in serving summons on oa respec n-for polly. traffic offense, were levelled by Ald. C. L,-Gibbsat a meeting of the city counell Monday night. He declared Griving on Jasper avenue one night, and,-unwittingly, had only one head: light alight. He was. st topped by policeman. who took his name and ad: dress and heard nothing more about the matter until one evening when he went driving-again with his wife, leav ing. two small children tn his house alone, Whe he reached home he found that the policeman had forced his way into the house and awakened the chil . dren. by Hashing his flashlight. about and shontin neighbor had heard jurbance al fe in the meantime. Ald. Gibbs out -that had the children been poin Of nervous disposition, the results of the. policeman s actions might have been seriot would like this matter thoroughs ly looked into, The crime certainly not justify the wetlons of the Other members of council also ed their-indignation at the actions of this officer and:Ald, J.T. J, Collison declared the way in- which the officer acted was absolutely illegal, seriously ill at Nanton, Alta., It has been revealed. Receiving a wire four minutes be- fore train time that his wife was serlously ill, Capt. Smith was rushed to the station by fellow firemen and caught the traf as it was pull- Ing from the station. At Calgary firemen there had an- other high- machine with motor running st the station and ras rushed te, Nanton in a few in one hore iavet the 617 -malle road out aration and on. ueeday her condition was reported to be greatly proved. FEDERAL GOVT. Mayor Says Relief Dept. Has Ins ructions to Czre * for Citizens Immediate action to relieve the cule un mployment situation in: the ity will be taken, the elty council de- ht after hearing a People s Political Education dommitiee and Unemployed tn; the to by pol fegue WILL REPORT o Ban: at Feared Parade of Unem- ployed Tuesday Did Not Materialize Despite the persistent rumors which were abroad Tuesday morning to the effect that the army of unemployed were planning another march to the legislative buildings in an effort to seek relief, the parade did not develop. Members of the provincial and city Should a parade develogiin order that incidents aa understood: that. feel it 1s generall unfortunate. out-of ing among the becoming more desperate dally. Possibly the fact that some eighty er were placed on Jobe during Mor fo call the parade off in. tho bellet 6 good times had really come . However, there were ar more istrations Tuesday morning than offering, wad 8e 0 Patterson, in charge of the government bureau the list of registrations snight top 700 by this evening. On Tuesday morning there were 417 men registered. Unemployment cofditions in Ed Some today diiai'st any duly it lise ay than at any July i tory, and the opinion is. freely e: pressed that some drastic action mist be taken by the city, and provincial and federal governments to reli ve a situation which is daily becoming more Complete Plans Of Opening Day Parade Arrangements hive been completed (erence Street railway officials and the parads Sommitiee consisting of Bill Matthews, Charles Hepburn and John Michaels, Tho: wilt commence at 12:45 and Jasper avenue nd proceed east along Jasper to spt sizeet. and from fait grounds. wil Ibe a little more than half rn hour. Btreet railway officials will Keop 109th. Dr Hunt, clerk-of- the ive coun- an order-in- Sate ieee hae Rocky Mayor Bury promised to take the matter up immediately with Chief A, G, Shute and find out, just how the constable explained his actions in: this case. In connection with his questions as to whether there was. a. lack of.-bi mony between the police and the Moe magistrates and between the ms strates themselves, Ald, Gibbs sald he was perfectly satistied to accept the answers of the magistrates and police Hie bald he received faith and Just roughly investi had taken place the information in wished to have it Practised Carmen- Wiles on Teller, He Declares Rose Demitro, girl with a tooth-brish-ad smile and fascinating ways which are alleged to haye nearly spelled disaster to a clerk at the Mundare branch of the Bank of Mon treal recently, was remanded for trial by Magistrate George: B. McLeod. in Uhe clty police court Mofday. after. Boon on a charge, of stealing - 418 from the the ar ited ne: Sow fans a Sher fam fous smile, and then asked for change Touurning officer, The population of: Leslieyilie ts 26 the Would Put Near Memo: Moonlight Trips B.C. Wil e At Noon Wednesday Owing to a staff picnic of the -Hud- held Wednesday to Alkerta Beach. the Store will be clased wt 12 noon instead of 1 p.m. on that day. Ten minor auto craihes were. re- ported to city police central head- Funetore- Menday: No-one wes tir jured. To Beach Start The tirst t exouraion of the National op. Setutday evening, lear the Cansdian National 30 pm., and returning at 10: Considerable interest is being ition tn these excursions this nd. of ficlals atate that, indtest wilt be D.- CRUMP, fnternational Patent Attereey 24 Bank of Montreal Bldg., Edmonton. Phone 1255
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Image 133 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 133, (CU11109683). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.