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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Little Stories For Bedtime : thy tui What Reddy Fox Saw and ) Did big? wh ves to EDMONTON BUILETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1929. the Porcupine sum wasn't there, as he said he would hts boast good und when volce Tight over his head IAT hie dared nivet the strange wt Peter Rabbit both elaimed with * e an to find out what this strange c: Ie is that has been chasing we-uns. Reddy looked up with a sickly grin There sat Unc Billy Possum in a pine tree right over his head. He knew how that there was no backing out: ms he had to go on. He tried to swagger a Prickly Porky ep A treasure rich and rare wu And The trouble late, Reddy some. way to-guard trouble he an boastful Keep himself from troubl e both fear and with a great je-ts that they remember Reddy Fox was one of smart and sly and cle but he hasn't learned vel fis tongue, and halt the gets into is because of Lhat You seo, it is al and member. tongue tongue, and that is the worst com- bination for making know-of It has. got. bim into all ki of serapes in the past. was in another all on tongue. Jolly, round, his rosy bla down on the Gre trouble that 7 and here he are count of that ta J. Mr. Sun had Kicked i f. World as he began to his daily climb up in the blue, blue co sky. were already Green Forest chasing out The Cheerful Little Sunbeams dancing through the the the Black of Shadows, and Reddy knew that it was of Ah certinly am glad to see that Yo fvand was smiling atratd to.go and still more afraid not not afraid. if there's around here YU tind inc Billy noticed that his voice sounded just a wee bit trembly. ee right on to the foot of the hill; that's Where Ah saw it yesterday. My, Ah'm glad that we've got some one su truly brave replied Une Billy. Reddy looked at him sbarply, but there wasn't a trace of w smilo on Une Billy's face, and Reddy couldn't tell whether Une Billy was making fun of him or not. So, there. being nothing else to do, he went on. He reached. the foot of the. hill without seeing or hearing a thing out of the usual. The Green as it always had seemed. Redeye, the Vireo was pouring out his little song. of- gladness quite as if everything war Just as t-showld be. Reddy's courage began to come back. Nothing-had happened and nothing was going to happen. Of course not Tt was all some of Peter Rabbit's foolishness. ward, Some day he would catch Peter Rab- He Tad almost reached the foot of bit and put an end to such tales. e iill without secing anything out Ah What was that? Reddy's the usual, and without any signs sharp ears had caught a sound up Une Billy Possum. He was just'be- near the top of the hill. He stopped in as good as your word, Brer Fox, leaked along from tree to. tree, pee g out from behind each anxious for fear that he would be called a yoo minute Reddy coulda Believe a that his eyes saw right the hill straight toward him was the strangest thing he had ever seen He Exclusive to Edmonton Builetin coulgn t see any legs, He couldn't sec the strangest Reddy wouldn't have believed that it was alive but for the noises it was stared, and then what do you think he pult-bie-taii-between-his-tegs, and ray Sink fot ase could mate elo Ardrossan People number of people from far and near gathered ai--Fairmount cemetery on, Sunday afternoon, June 30th. to pay thelr lust respects to Albert Bready, on who died fir- the Royal Alexandra jespital on Friday morning. Phe fnumbers of beautiful flowers bore silent testimony of the fact that he had many friends. Rev. Prank Har- back conducted the eazvie aassted paid a flying visit to district on her journey DYN Church Has Picnic t. Coming down LAG LA NONNE, July9 The first of July plenlo held by. the Catholic church at Kilideer beach was great success as folks gathered from all quarters to gamble in the warnt waters Snd bask in the bright sunshine. Am- ongst the many old friends who gath- fered from afar were: Mr. John Eibke and, wife of Calgary: Mr. ang Mes Carlson: Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds wit their daughters Marie and Bula and fF son 5 daughter Ens. The only. accident re- ported for the day was when a pot of very hot coffee that had been set to cool was Knocked over unto the tho goune children of Ii. Enblebert Nelson of Rich Valley. . The children were attended to by a city. puree: who, med to be visiting at the lake. e people of the district are sorry to hear that Mr, and Mra. Chas. Bor- man-have-sold-out-and-moving to he city, but they wish them the mreatest jov in thelr new home. Mn Borman came out some time twenty years 60 wife They. will be missed very much, ny head, He couldn't see any tail. was round Uke a ball, but it was. ing bail that ever Tt was covered with old leaves, aking. For just a wee minute he si Pe Rabbit Is Let oe Mourn For Friend Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin ARDROSSAN, July large Annual Fair For Killam Cancelled Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin KILLAM, July 9. At ot the directors of the Sirouse-Killam MoConnell. of Edmonton. aimes) Agricultural Society on. June 20th it Farfall (Dr. Gladys Holmes) in the ner home Montana to Lamont, Alberts, wad decided on account of present crop conditions to cancel the Annual Fair which was billed for August 2 and 3. SSS ndicitis at the Royal Alex- fospital, Edmonton, on Wed- hesday. and ia reported to be, doing: Mrs. Herman Christianson (nee Miss Hazel McGowan) was rushed to Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Thurs- day, from an acute attack Of appendicitis and was operated on Priday morning. : The United Church Sunday Gchoo held their annual plenic at Iron Creek on Thursday, where they enjoved Rey: woods tiss jell for a monthe vacation in the Okanagan Valley. his en during his absence by Rev. De Residents of Killam and vicinity were shocked by the sad news of tho death of Mr. H. A. Dreany of Sedge wick, on Sunday morning, June 30, Crops At Sedgewick Feel Need Of. Rain. Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin SEDGEWICK; July 9 The crops ground this ini re sqain suffer- from. the-lack of rain. The x- -apeompanled by wind and set rms taxed the crops. very heavily, land unless it ral soon, conditions will be very serious. The wheat is all headed out and it is thought that it will be too short to cut with the binder, Tt 1s the crops will be light. U.F.A. services are to be field at Sedgewick Lake on Sunday, July 7. fon for ay andra gate evident now that erly. Prominent speakers will be there and it is hoped that the Killam wks band Will be present. 3 Tas arrived at Bedgew ck. will remain for the summer months with her Mr. T Teape who 1s conducting services in the Anglican chureh, Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin WASKATENAU, July 9 The an- A Dumber of Sedgewick cadets ual sports day. under the manage under the leadership of MrT. ment of the Board gf Trade, was held Tanton, LLB. ate leaving soon for) here on Dominion, , weather con- ditions being Ide addition to a large number of re of the dis- trict, there were many present from Fort Saskatchewan, Smoky Lake, Rad- way, Itma and Ednionton. The local qyien's organizations co-operated in the serving oF meals COMMTAT ty Memorial Hall and a very suc- cessful dance was held in the evening, The breaking of the dry spell o June 26 and the rain of July 2 we boom +0 district, but a great deal more rain and Text aur to Improve the crop outlook. Hi winds continue. cadet camp at Cochrane near Cal: gary. The boys were there last year and reported time, 50 they are impatient to get away this year, Two local residents, Mr. J. Walsh d'Mr, F. Mayne were fined here on eduy last, 10 ving licenses. W ecourt-Ho Extends Premises Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin MF, and. Mrs. Colin Edie and son, WHITECOURT, July 9. W. H. Gra- ham. ro Whitecourt Donaid, left yesterday on motor tri; pat fects to, wren DO ere tah pote with Pete Wong, whereby the We d- States. a Duikting aivuated next to the Hotal Newton and Miss Bernice Phillips are w. el lim charge of the Post Office and. Tele and heretofore ring, houye. is taken Phone xchange during their absence Sueeund wil be ued in future aa an MF. and Mrs, H. Moffatt and Buf advises that he-may tn the-novr fut ure Up. an Upsto-date lunch: counter in the downstairs of the Wong. building. Harold Baxter, a local resident, re- turned on Friday with his bride, form Miss Ethel Wagoner, also of Whitecourt, from Edmonton, where they were tuietly married on, Tuesday A public dance was held in the Hali on Friday night in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter will reside In itecourt.. motor. SHORT AND SOUR. SAN BERNARDINO, Cal, July 9. Oharging desertion and cruelty, Margarito Cabral, Mexican, for divorce from his bride of two weeks, Olympia Cabral. He stated that he had repeatedly asked his wife. to re- turn to his home, but. that she had re fused. The pair. were martied on Sune 27, 1922, and on July A Day At Waskatenau Super-Oxygen Annihilating Space Thiisinn Eiperasnt Nobody has stood em top of Mount Everest,.parts of the world have not been. visited by white men, Dut'fis surface is, sufficlentty well cearth s-eorface ts wall explored. ATON S DAILY STORE NEWS Half-Day Shopping Arthur Brisbane photosphere be- Yond the breathing point, The Smithsonian institution has Aiseor- ered two. bands of super-oxyren, 8 ring of ozone 18 to 31 miles above our heads, going around the earth. Ozone, STORE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5:30'p.m. DAILY EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS, 9.a.m. to 1 p.m. Service and Savings in Full Measure for Wednesday Frocks ( ssmoceam Leather Club Bags. FINE looking luggage for the modest price, Th xygen, is formed. (by .cleotrical dis- Continued on Page Two D gt; vO HALF PRICE 20 Exclusive Models in Chearaway (NCE again the lovely French Room Models have been brought forth for reductio is tim asta ties number tiventy. Twenty-frocks smart and seasonable in le, luxuriously rich in fabric, excellent in workmanship, must their sheltered nooks to make room for new models. All sizes.from 14 to 44. Frocks for lelsure hours, for luncheon and tea-time activities, or for . formial evening wear are included: Gleaming flat crepes in smart monotones or in colorful prints shecr georgettes in- md frills the season's smart Woolens ace the fabrics used. 75 NTEREC TORI ULL UWA a hold great inte n-whe modeis are new and of high quality. Warranted leather throughout black or brown uppers. sewn and rubber heels, Come at 9 am. if you desire to share in this Half-day offering. Xour choice, pair Men s Forsyth Shirts, -75c Men's BroadclothShirts which appear in two E Nine o Clock pricing. tod. Taste. Steel frame goes for durabil Girls Hollywood Boxes GAY boxes, 7x64 inches, fitted with strong handles, and decorated with various scenes. - Handy to take on vacation trips. Each. 3 swing hammocks. One on the lawn or verandeh will give many hours of cool comfort: Wreeaay Halt Day valve . 2.95 , Real Ocean Sponges LARGE sponges -of a. texture most:suitable for washing autos. Limited quantity. Wednesday, yarns. Low neck, short sleeve style, neatly finished with a crochet edging. Sizes 20 to 32. : . Wednesday, 9:00 Special .. 2 for 25c Yo EATON S Service Grocery Phone 91243 Regular Store Deliveries California Asparagus, Joanna ; California Sllced Peaches, Mis Pure Cane Sugar - Brand, No, itn Halt Day ait Day 6-75 See 20 Skinless Figs in Syrup. Altex Wine Quality, S-lb. tin nee Specie He- 1 wats - FJ Res z: rf Beye Sail Bay gpeeal, Hale De 23 In Our. Chinaware Section tin lt; G3c combination g-0e. tin Sure x0 these values are unusual and will bring scores Corn -Flakes:Suger 230 Fly Spray with sprayer. Halt carly shoppers. Quantities are limited. ncn Cc Half Day Special, y Special... 25c Lustre Salt and Pepper Shakers, 15-Plece Blue and-Tan Lustre Red Man ae Sockeye Salmon, Soap Flakes. Quick Naptha Special, bottle prettily colored. Dozen, uth, Bey Bana orate ialfoes ge 150 7c : ae Special per pk 2 45 3 50c ar 35 A Extras second quality, Lemon re per tin Pork and Beans, Libby's No. 2 oy Ones Bed and Vanilla, 8-92, botile. Half sa ey ' oe Hall ag Bola Zephyr, Cream Sodas. Bay Spe Be 3 29c 2s Guclien agentes bet OLS Tomatoes choice qualiye 21; Gid idindsy soup. Tia ay Ratonla Steet Assoriea Buus, Sarin inte Be Speetal. 1-lb, pkt, Half Day Special, 4 tins. 35. bi Seether pe SOE At the Service Fruit and Vegetable Counter Halt / Sound C oking Onions. Half j Choice Ripe Plums. Halt Day. Day Special. -Speeiet- Toi or. 25 99c New Cabbage. Half Day Special c Choice Ripe -Cantaloupes. en Eee Half Day Special : Se Day Special, iz Bunch Beets. Half Day 2 for. 5c ME ee tae) Special, 2 bunches ... Fancy Hot House Tomatoes Calffornia Lemons, 300's Halt. Se BEG pr ee SOC Day petal 2 bunches EATON Quality Fresh and Smoked Meats Phone 91254 Regular Store Deliveries. Meat and Cheese-L al. sliced. shoulder Lamb Chops. Half Ba Par emia OG ge oes re 35c Per 1b. per tb. Gerd Cooked cornet alee Diamond 1* Boretess Chub ee ZB speci, perm .. ABC Pa Ghojee Loin Park Choos. Seka Sal ohate sat Per Ip 34c Clearing De Luxe Model Locomotive Washers p WE are discontinuing handling this aaa eae he New Sree ta stock, we offer Sake at a savings of about forty dollars. ; tod tub. Its equipped with electric motor which will operate on the city electric current, P fancy cot- ton were employed in the making of these grade shirts. They'll clear quickly at this popular pricing. lt;a Piget Spbocks ecciework molotee qasd services. Stzew 1414 to 16 . Wednesday, Half-Day cach, 95c. ' Cotton Socks, 3 Pairs 25c Check and block designs on backgrounds of grey, blue, purple, fawn and other colors. Sizes 91 to int Hedge or Lawn Shears Only 42: reduced and they'll clear. within a short timie, Wednes- day. You save practically twenty-five per cent. ts 75c, 1.00 and 1.10 BC. i suns. UTM erat is rire rr igcarrocres of regular stock. Men will seein this offering, a chance ee om a Separate pair of trousers, And they'll be here when the joors ope : eames In dhe lots are pants of worsted, serge, fancy tweed and: cordutoy. Sizes. 32 to 44, but not every size in cach line. Wednesday Hall-Day, palr, T.95 EATON GROCRTERIA On Sale in the EATON Groceteria, 101A Avenue Half Day Brook Brand, 12-07. jar. Half Bare 35c 2 jars Fruit Syrups, 12-0 a Half Day 2 3c u4h cane bottle not. Ripe Bananas. per, basket Choice Rip Day Special, for. a per basket. ,SUGAR Pure Cane Sugar in 10-Ib. cot ton sacks. Half Day Special, per sack. 57c 19c oc UR; Wednesday morning price that the quantity will be sold by ten o'clock. In : cost of replacement. 3 for 95c RIPE TOMATOES, firm sound quality in Daskets bout 4 tbs. Halt Day 6 a Windsor Style Batk Bac n, half or whole. Half Day Per Ib. Crisco, 3 Ib, Tin. Halt Day Speci 726 Per tin cial, Per Ib. aU EW De LUNE Locomotive-cr trait -ewinging-wrin ger tsafety type); E Space required 40x32x18 inches. When not in use, ft serves as a table. Ideal for apartment Balle, 3 Tested equivalent tos yeare use. Gan be stopped tnstantiy. Wo teaching or stooping Ro strain on delicate Whitipocl Figure 3 Staliiess nickel lined, burnished heavy copper Holds more clothes ( beets at once) 10 tbe: Ball and Roller bearing equipment. alloos wringer Folin. ae re ee Bae ae itera ERO Sth eth etme iat reuce dient cami St ea ae Mlekeleplated controls, The best of ail finishes Cenuine Duco. La ee Deferred Payment Plan Price quoted h re 1s cash price. But the Detarred Payment Pian may be used im purchasing the washere Fhe'pion calls Tor ope-fifts of the purchase price down Fhe Peatius an Peguitanie. carcying hatgerell be divided. into ten equa montbly payments Tun DEFERRED TAYWENT. OFFICE, FL00R No rivets through copper tub, rust With one of these Locomotives you can wash your clothes spotlessly clean, with every trace of dirt removed, economically and quickly. After they are done, be as fresh and cheerful as when you start. Wednesday 9:00 o Clock Special +
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Image 140 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 140, (CU11109682). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.