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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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+ tand, except on- supposition that Alberta people tose beyond-others Saskatchewan, which BUMUNLUNS OWN VEWNEAPER Foundes to 180 07 Hun Hrank Oliver Owned, Com Publishes every afternoon, except Sunday, oy the Aiturta Pree Press, Latiited, at the Bulletin Bullding. 9841-9849 Jasper Avenue Best, Bamonton, Alberta, Canada, CHARLES FE. CAMPBELL Omnerand Cubdtisher Prlce--By Mau Gn advance) per Nellie Argues fy ebGar a Gukst moss aout TODAY CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE eeping Mentally Fit By Jovepb Jastrow, A.B, A.M., Pb-D., LL.D. Tortunstely, existe tir has only begun. The great use of alu+ minum Will come in airplane eon truc- tion, ++ A spinster, una 1G have no romping boys to race And scatter dirt about the place To please myself alone 1 plan And not be to any man, Professor ot Poychology, University of Wisconsin, 1888 to 1917; now fessor emerivus; it in the : Not Yort Clty: bast president of th American Pliychologica) Assosiation mi va Ws enythis Do believe there iu the reading of your, horoveope Mave he planeta just think of all the years I've spent. Fighting husband's discontent: Der year. EASTERN CANADA Toronto, Ont, HF. Bird, Manager, Star Bullding 80 King utreei West UNITED STATES Phe BeckworthGpeciat: Agency ine, New York Centrai Building, New York City: alse Union Trust Bullding. Chicago: Ford Buildin it; Syndicate Trust Bldg Inueratate, Bullding, Kansas City: Glen Bullding, Atlanta; Rust Buliding. San Francisco; 1135 NO. Goth Gtreet, Philadelphia. LONDON; -ENGLAND The Clougher Corpora- tion. Limited. Royal Colonial Chambers, 20 Craven Street. The Audit Bufeau of Circulation audits the stroulation of.the Edmonton Bulletin, if IT WILL HELP-ALBERTA THE EDMONTON BULLETIN IS FOR IT ALBERTA LEADS. Th Dominion fire co e --accuses the people of Alberta of tolerating a heavier loss per head by fire than the people in any other part of Canada. We led all t1ie provinces last year, wit which ged-Si:7 capita, That is a waste which the people: of. this province carinot afford, and a distinction that is neither creditable nor unavoidable. Probably half of this waste-could-have been prevented. Just why Alberta should lead the van in this undesirable particular -is-difficult-to-understand; -the Cooking the-Toods T couldn't bear Becauso he liked that sort of fare. Of the times T've stayed at home Becauwe he aieiy r Think of the fun I could have had n T was darning socks for dad. When such an a:guiient b ghis And ashe discusses all a Enever-troubie to reply, T know-how hard : e But strangely something else T know, The woman who 4s talking so And thinks she would spinster be Is taking excellent care of me. This freedom which she praises so ho has no groat desire to know, On me she keeps a watchful eve For fear Til go-astrey-or Tis idle talk that but conceals The truth about the way she feels. t down unto the Journey's end She wants those socks of mine, to mend. By GLENN PRANK wny Tt I was asked today, that we cannot, draft into service as statesmen the philosophers and prophets who seem to have such profound an D There is it 1s obvious to all ) who read a marked aitference 1 quality and tone between the ut- terances of even the greatest stateamen and the great philoso- But doubt that humanity would profit from . dra e Dhllosophers and prophets into service 08 Yor s also r vince, and sparsely set- tled, was the lowest on the list, with a loss of 3.37 per head. If the Alberta rate had been as low, the people of this province would be about 2,000,000 richer than they are. It pays to prevent fires, ACTION NEEDED, NOW Mayor Bury-correctly defines the r - f sponsibility of the city im regard to victims of unemployment There-ii ation on the part of the community to take care of bona fide residents who may fall into distress. But no city can arantee jobs or support to all who may choose to drift into it from other parts of the country or who may come or be drawn there from other countries. But that does not abolish the fact of unemployment, nor provide a solution for the men who cannot find work. Wherev the came from,-they-are hel ; they are in every other western city. Com- mon humanity-demands-that-the author ties of the cities should take very prompt Measures to acquaint the province and Dominion authorities with this situation. Common prudence urges the same action, and emphasizes the necessity of doing this without delay. setts TRADING ABROAD tt mada s trade with the outside world during the e las e month re 307,000, total was 2,681,000,000. Canada is thus moaintaining tts Position among the lead- ers in world trade. In 1927, for whi complete figures are available, the Dom- 3 Toughl: i inion stood fifth among the nations in the H 13 per: cent... The total of trade with other countries. No other country of equal population plays so. teres part a the cosines of the world. ports for ie last year grew 20,000,000 more than exports. That is not so satisfactory. There is nothing alarming in the situation, for the balance of trade is largely in our favor. But the trend is in the wrong direction. Last year was a heavy crop year, with a-correspon- dingly large export of farm products, That our sales abroad failed to register a rate of gain equal to our purchases is some- what surprising in the circumstances, ) Evidently Canadians asa people are Spending freely in these prosperous times. LICEN . By general consent, a step was taken in the right direction when it was made law that anyone wishing to operate a motor car in Alberta must obtain.a dri- yer s i lity for mis- ps is thus placed upon the human ele- ment, not the machine. Opportunity is afforded to find out, before the applicant: is authorized to drive, whether or not he - knows, how-to drive, -and is the kind of a character who can be reasonably. depend- ed upon to drive with regard to the safe- *y of other people. ;, Unless these qualifications are mi the conditions ne cense, it is not clear that the driver's i. sense will do much, except to take 100, 900 or so out of the pockets of the pub 3 itis provincial treasury, In- cidents have already occurred which show Plainly enough that the mere possession of a driver's license is not a guarantee of either a competent, driver or careful driv- ng. The n neck and a valuable car in order to play the fool will not be restrained. by-the addi al Tabi if losing a fifty-cent license. The important point is who the licenses are issued to, That is up to the Govern- ment. hich- Free ane Pro ind the man is colored by the job, and rightly so, in his Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed Reinhold Niebuhr makes these suggestive and et ents: In specific situations, actions (of statesmen) must be judged not only i terme of absolute standards, But th consideration of available resources in the lives of those. whom the (statesman) leads. It may be well for the statesman to know that Statesmanship easily degenerates into : opportunism ent, Cynic, Nero US ee area ah YR if nh ne mill DATYTCT vets pee esrreryy fi saga ye sh at me a Bia ty ae te yttle or to come out unscathed, one ie aking of ie Bisy ea well entet the feay fenrlasaly, a well WORE ORT Fata Meth shrewdness, believing. bout doubt Secor and TT keeping a q stp i aight observing the ae fot sources that enter. into human bes : ee wor outs idags ot fmt. LAKC- aything that ferent form. its Soa Tins less to do with human fate than those same. re mo te, maligned luminaries with their to fan ealy stage of the imag ined aL atic belongs to tat eal Aa istics view at forces conditioning it, state in and fons equally fanci i sien he Date hae oa fe time Teal astronomers: had to be a Arologere on the ae to Beep toate ions at court, bub fully aware of 1 absundity of auch a parods Of To this d bris of civiliea tionane Tenaga tha tt ne lation kina felent of yy s bout Ike's knight 1 an auto of wily, Time. ate Sameer fault, dear Brutus, cieeives, that We ave under: this fiotion ot ta mar DS ee Ihoorporated it into tts doetrines, hold ng that our destiny tien in the Te ot the-gods snd-that-t-is-unoless Famous Mistakes That Made Listury / By d. P. GLASS : Sextus Tarquinius Fell in Love With Another Man's Wife Changed from uh aa the Mol Does-a-beli yw Schoo for Soci) 1, whatever may. be C ost gedalned Yorese. that ks had the tends of, des edan idea of strug the 4 ft about. Oe application, and may act as an offrat for if one 1s doomed to die in, INRY FORD advo:..... one gigin- tis power trust, to moke electti- elty ay common af alr , A good ides if he would change It . to read As common and almost as cheap as alr . Moury Ford thinks of a great power Srna unit Just ap the poptal system te unl ary. But once, we understood better the 4p our stars t it tn outeelves, ais ee aie en an of it luck, Of course we those can't make oufielves over but haves to get alongwith body aT ind with uire endowed us. De in heredity imply fatale ism? Very far from it. ? From 4 tical point of view we ail exbept the most. unfortunate - lt;free-enougit-to-do-and become What we can make of ourselves. Tine x bemoaning our fate is wasted ceca cr ea dice agate os Weak delusion. Of i part of the game. A good 5 tatalist, le hold that we all st Shout scratchy and. Unere aren at about sorat be an optimiat. Urata ena nae chokes your efforts. The pur science to make us hopeful but hey are. Nol jens or Aurmretrats Sears or eet the or Thames of the Hudson on fire, of even Yaise conflagration. In the village fHizeain. We. all-have our limMadiag a common. sense, - cognise them. But that doesn t sift cestors oF to the stars or ths ines on your palm. Part of your ate lies in the inp of the gods: the biggest part -own- hands. Monarchy to a Republic and that opportunism cannot be sharply distinguished f shonesty. fut ine. prophet ought to realle that his higher perspective and the uncompromising nature of his isi may have boen-a-better-Chriatian But it may- be questioned than Pope Innoo iperiority over the Intter was as whether his mora absolute aa it see Nor -is-there any reason-to-believethat-Abrahanr Lincoln, the statesman and opportunist, was morally wrrison, the prophet- 4 The motal-achlevement of statesmen must be Judged in: terms of the limitations of human society - which the stataimen-nium-and-the prophet Teed consider. There ate two mistakes we are forever making; viz: We want our. statesmen to be as courageous as OUF ets. We want our prophets Wo be ax. cautiour-aa- dur Sut pro na practi ut progress depends upon statesmien- the possible while prophets preach the perfect. FORTY YEARS AGO af From the Edmonton Bulletin, Saturday, July 6th, 9. 1a Tuesday afternoon a quarter-m ott between A, Hutchings of ttle Mountain had field ot heat heading out on July Li i T the inter-sesociation rifle match held on Satur- 983, Battleford 49, Lethbridge not heard from. eLeod did not shoot. R. McKernan is establishing. telephone: connection between town and his farm about two miles. J. connection: Press Chas. Shaw, formerly of this city, but realdent of the elty for two years past, is in the city on, le way to is olf homae in Perth, Ober where he: take up his residence. In the ladies race on Monday Miss Sarah Chandler was thrown from her horse but not seriously injured, QMS. Belcher tus been transferred from G div- sion at Port Saskntchewn to. D gt; division-at Macieod, and-teft-1 Q.M.8.-Cooper.-jate-of- ford, arrived last week to take his fe. Twenty-eight miners have been at work on the river within distanos of two miles down and three miles up from Pt. Saskatchewan during the past two or three weeks, and have been taking out an average of 3.4 day to the matt * THIRTY YEARS AGO jaghTom the BAmnonton Bulletin, Thursday, July. 6ts, The town counell has decided to purchase inine lots, dn River Lot 8 as a public market alte. The price is 200. 4 by-law will be submitted to:the ratepayers on : ; pear: Lahding. Mr. Ibbotson had a bard winter at his cy I bans ocks week, straight, The Indians fom Hobbema reserve, who attended the inion Day celebration, remained over for sty. -eral Ghys, favoring the public with vocal and-thetru- mental eeleetions on. the streets TWENTY YEARS AGO From the Daily Bulletin, Thursday, July 8th, 1909. The GTP. and ON.R. are to have joint terminals tn Edmonton. This was dat a conference this morning between Vice-President Mann and General Manager Chamberiain. Yesterday morning's northbound train left the ratls near Innisfat . Several passengers were, injured, bur, there wore no fatalities. Mr Wellman announces that -he will start for the ole tm a month. He hes , W. Ponton, D.1LS., tas gone north with a perty to aurvey at the Grand Rapids of the Athabasca. e TEN YEARS AGO yrgi Morning Bulletin, Tuesday; July ath, With airplanes swooping overhead and racing oars special preparation dey atthe Tair Brounds last night got excitement in a deluge. London. The government was defeated on Friday in the commons. the house refusing to reject the wo- men's franchise measure Ottawe, ir Robert Borden moved in the house of commons, seconded by D. D. Madh formal vote of thanks to-the-mifitery-and naval forces of Canada fog their services in the war. . By DR. FRANK McOOY Diet Specialist end Author of The-Vast Way to Health* Questions on Health and Diet Answerea by Dr MoCoy, when addressed (m care of The Edmonton bring about a more rapid discharge of pus from an inflammat a They: are valuable in bringing bolls and catbuncies'to head, and in bring- ing about discharge of small-splinters or thorhs, sind in serving to prevent Through. the use of the pouitice, one has dn easily app continued Heat and mols ture to part. The heat cauises dilation of the cape iiaties and e greater supply of blood and in this way strengthens the defences of the body. -The moisture By BELLE BART Pianttary Influences on Wedntsday, aay 10 sn in conneo- with finances. Yi Rad st mot been for the dire results softens the skin structures and helps to dilute toxing, With The discharge. tends. to work outward through the ac- tion of the heat. wed for the MeCey Faery ot Daelies, tig mosh commonly set pou bread and hops, but practical any substante of a mushy nature may be used Af tii se are not available. Leaves may be boiled and applied hot. Mud: the delay in arival of some of QUESTI0) XEBROVS THAT ARE HEAVY AND IRREGULAR REVEAL THAT ARE MORE EASILY INFLUENCED 5) REASON THAN THRU Ee EE BSE we EMOTIONS bg were born on 10 eo ee : Paragraphs ans RAfcation is refining influence, Gnaphter went. to. college she ats breakfast hate favorable tor speculation creat 4s necessary to evold tsk of any king of Rome, might have ruled Jonger if. the argument which his sons, Titus, Bextus,had with thelr Collate, et bestered extus gave fin his tent Hie and his fa cousin began to dispute one had the worthiest ily brought matters to fina paid he, let us. Hide off hat our wives are doing. killed his brother, Aruns. Tullia, hed been mixed. up driven ther chariot over the dead Pothing Sula have: sept I ve thelr son's crime, had Lagretin hia wife, and wife busband and fatter to arene her, abe . Ae Do not dial fast. Do not dial with : Both ways bring erin srt te Him wh n Tr lourncd Wont desta ea hire were no Rings Is oem eee ube Took the Blace-of the Maes compelled to sign? evi raddock wandered Duquesne. With ait 6 sulcide during tempos Fi yea wea south of the C. N. R. sign: . Past ermangs Were Jobn's eraay notions atte termed, he lence all through eer ee the forest somewhat the enemy, Y record it ns tne to the bra tracks and betwee see hdr, a and a small pox u int West ot gies iar Raa Fits Zi emi pea iin 2d oe Belo, tr ui ial Continued on Page Five
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Image 128 (1929-07-09), from microfilm reel 128, (CU11109684). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.