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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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ry to PRODUCTION DURANT CAR among the employees at the plant )Gie loyalty chain has been forged by ak CANADIAN WINS PARTS DEPOT Bec as cS Ste ee faa te i. ALGARY A HIGH POST WITH HUDSON BUN another Canadian has been promoted to the ranks of Dominion sons who hold major executive pos - fiona in the United Staten, J.B, McLarty, born and educated in Toronto, has been promoted to sales jotfon manager of the Hudson tor Car company, manufactirers of Hudson and Essex cars, and the Second largest independent In the eld. He graduated trom Toronto rech- nial in 1910 and took w post-gradu- 0 course in engineering and science Toronto university. Following fraduation, Mr MeLart a taining his, first experience in the titomobllo business as retail aaled man in Toronto, : Followine experience with the Siidebaker Corporation, he jointed Hudson to develop service on the old 4-oylinder Easex in 1918. Promotion me rapidly to the Toronto shan ind the following year he became as- ada, sistant service manager. Inter, 1922, he was again promoted to technical manager, m position he va- cated. to step once more to service manager, which post he has held alnce 1924, During his term as service manager Three years most popular men to hold down the diffoulttask, A keen student of salesmansh merchandising and advertising, 11e will now assume charge of the saies pro- mation division, Though quiet and unassuming, Mr, McLarty is an able, quick thinking executive who has the sincere wishes of m vast number of friends on both FOR CHRYSLER AT REGINA On, September 1ah a new Parte De- pot Plant to. au Chrysler; Ply- Routh, Dodge, Pedoto and Pare parts for Western Canada, will Opened at Regina, This new enterprise s' another fm- portunt step in the Chrysler Expan- sion programme for Canada, Its pur- pose is to render even more prompt parts service to owners of Chysier Motor cars than ever before, The new Depot brings every dealer west. of the Great Lakes within 48 hours shipping time. The building 43 of modern construc- tion and especially. adapted for ita Purpose. The equipment is of the very lntest every device that will facilitate couracy and prompt, des- Patch of part shipments is employed. The parte depot manager is W. 1. Faint who has had a long experience in parts depot management in the Prairie Provinces. Mr. Faint has been. with the Ohrysler (ion of Can- Limited, at Wi Ontario, for the past yer aring himself with the necessary knowledge of parts re quirements for Chysler, Plymouth, DeSoto and Dodge Motor Cars and Dodge and Fargo trucks. The sistant: part depot manager is Mr J.D, Melhuish who has for four yeare Managed the parts depot of J. 3. Early Motor Comany, Limited, Dodge Brothers dealers in Saskatoon, The Patis depot Auditor is Mr. Stewart urward Who has been member of the Accounting Department on the Chrysler staff at Windsor for two years. 1. B. Horlz, of San Gabricl, Califor- nla, is still using 1910 Studebaker in his datly business. It 1s Just b A new aafety device fos preven- Hon. of accidents caused by tire blowouts ts being exhibited by tts inventor, P. H. Bachrach of Oc Side. Calif Tt consists of a stpalls ef rim,and tire attached to tho axle Inside the regular wheel. In ease of s blowout, the welght falls on the spare wheel, enabling the driver to Keep his: car from swerving off the road, In the upper picture the de- vice 1s shown after knife had caused a blowout in the right front tire. The weight of the car is rest ing on the extra wheel. At the right 1s shown how the extra wheel can be run on block, enabling an easy tite change, * Several thousand unds pressure falled to shatter a Husted safety steel gore steering wheel in cecent test. The Husted wheel Jn standard equip: mienf-on all Studebaker carn: OF SIXES BEATS FOURS OBHAWA, Ont., Sept, 1 This year, for the fry time oh record, the pro: duction of aavevlingce gt; sivomobtea iS enotoding the production fours, Bocording 46 b survey lust bompleted Responsibility for this upget of th: re Se Jet, which this year graduated inti fix-oylinder class Nia expetied duction of 1,350,000 Chevrolets year, therefore, means that many fe Te donne and that eens sate ines when the totals for the year are com- lady consequence aise Sere me the majority, During the first six months of 1929 th duced -approximately: and--1,265,000 fours an-indlos ane totals for the year aro likely In the process of this reversal, a sg many records Save Ben saad in August Bth, one iniliion Chevrole 4 Sieg ba beet taken of the: assem iy time: since Iasasy tsb of al year, This three times the largest production of asa ever nctieved bya single, msmt factuner of motor cats: in fli. per fod. tho vatlous stops tn the hey Toitt production record form an intets Cali tabulation vist os f Bev sooth 8 Boo oath Six eo.o0oth Bix yov0,o00k ik . .- August AS Senna ene cute Any Saue * amanh seven Genter than dutiag tame Period of 1987 or 192 , turing which years the Chevrolet Motor yan 1 arch - ss April 24 june 12 of automobiles, As a resitlt Company wes. the world's Inrgest builder from Jantiary Ist, 1927, to te present, said to be more sherrTholicy eatablished by the IS POPULAR According to registration for the city 6f Toronto Might Directories, the Durant car was the only one that had an Increase in sales in June over April among ix cylinder oars. In April and May Durant Sixes were in fourth place while in Juno they advanced to Untrd place maintaining that position in July. With the exception of an auto mobile that had low: registration for April, the Durant increase in May largest in a. list figures rnished by it held: second ily May, June and. July by eubatan ttt mevaie-and alte all other four cy ease in Magy Dui Joyed can: siderable inctease, while. in June the decrease in Durant asics -was veey much smaller proportionately ahah that of tho other makes listed Durant products, ineluding eom pleto range of pasienger cats as well Has Rigby. trucks, seein to have. sur- Founded themselves with a. prestige L.udhich ts the fesult ot a quality first company Years ago. It is sald by many to be natural outcome of the strong spirit of loyaltyewhich has been built up Chevrolet has produced a greater to- tal of motor car, than any other manufacturer-during that period: One other record smashed by the Chevrolet achievement this year was 4n overcoming the usual July slump. For the first time in the. history. of Lthe-company, Chevrolet sales during July showed arTherease over those of June a development which appears to give added contirmatic.. to claims regarding the atcadily growing pop- larity of the six-cylinder motor car, to receive them. equally strong loy organization whic from coast to coast has been mater- who have discove: Sally strength few months. dealers and their salesmen 80 atrongly in tho policies of tho com. pany and in th that there is to be found in any sales orgartzation strikingly and enthu the public In addition, there hus grown wn Durant. products. ts tytn the dealer endorsation of people who have drive while extending Durant cars and Rugby trac the morita of ed during the pasi these Durant products by actual exe Here, it is foun that perience. beliave company's product. enthusiasm, y of the ear becomes it often dogs, Choe ze ; necial prepara During the. past year or 80. It i t Wy evident that. this foyatty etennen it eved bute a ae tee on with do. the. Job if it is handleet mb that the -third link in moment S. Test Road Has 293 Tests In One Saree ae Gea a wena gazing ite pate fo chy ah AIMEE YA ca constructing concrete pavement is the optimistic goal set by highway. cover Earenn the ont noe eh Saas ote led Snes Deer a h MCSeAS ee Sa iat rhe engineers belleve that a larger proportion of gravel oF eee: wee Tipycgieer ble tats eee oerua oh a er eae sim ae aoe ned Weare eer al Ergo ted to Mee cot trond 1s. being, bullt like. an ordinary eonctete rond, var isn SS a ate sander unt ache fr Ss og a sie, neirence, bower my Ci aly a oe aaa iin tite meat Seca Sn ena a nb. ece ote alert Wing UT Brault cen a a mcr ee an me pa sand and three and one-half parts crushed stone or gravel. lane? tend tb hve none rtd oO or el Es Huse, Cnt ayaa tty hae fr a begat ot broken aa ea ca al arty aa ance ot a Re supe to beams suitable for flexure or bending tests, Supplementary tests will also: rama gle fc Herre of entng fu, oP en Mae Seamed embers neces the (hac Se or check specimens and that of apecimens cut from the pavement slabs ek ecg Shap hey ni Ber Me tr cnet pavement ae a the United States every year. With a total of 10,000,000 or 12,000; saved, several hundred miles more could be built every year at no ad ditional total cost * s sides of the border in his new ginning to show rigns of wear, he capacity. i ay . Looking Backward There still are motorists in this queer world who insist tha the cars of yesteryear were much better than those of taiay, They seem to have stood up better, to have taken the hills and the ruts in much better shape, and to have wittistood all-the hard treatment the driver gave them, Of course, these reminiscent gentlemen are all wrong. Thelr point of jold of them, just Buys late 1927 Forfl Ton Truck with Ruckstell Azle, 'Thia track has been recondi Uoned mechanically. Actual rednetion for quick sale, 156, view-has been changed somewhat, Relativity has gotten fas it has the test of us, but they do not seem to have benefited by its The point is that the car of yesterday made better impression on: us than: does the car of today because it was something comparatively new and wondrous to us, Today we have come out of that state of,wonder over the marvels of the self-propelled vehicle and gotten to the /potnt of not. only taking things for granted but passing on to the stage of expecting more: than what can be given. us. . z Tmpressions of our earlier years stick to us more forcibly than do, thane of today. That 1s why we still think that the winters were never as sovere fas they tised to be, and that we will never again enjoy the good old days. Bub it-is all ah illusion Tha world ts progressing. We are learning day by day, on the basis of the mistakes and faults of yesterday, to improve our Selves and our means of ving, automobile, too, gets its share of dove: L-1s better, no doukpof that. fact 18 that the cars of today jare much better than thelr pre- Gecessors. Our first impressions-atick so hard that it is ditticult to abandon ern GET HERE EARLY 495 Buys 1921 Chevrolet Fir-clams in overy Actual reduction 80.00, LOOK THEM OVER SEASON S FINAL NOW STARTED And Will Continue Until Every Car Has Been Disposed Of CLEARANCE .237 reduction 105.00, Every car re-conditioned and ready to drive away. Never * such bargains, never such prices, and never again. SEE US FIRST Buys late 1928 Whippet Coach in perfect condition: Actual reduction, 105.00. YOUR GREATEST CHANCE Buys MsLaughlin Sport ing. This car looks and has power Buys 1927 Whippet Coach; thoroughly re- conditioned. Actual reduction, 130.00. ff THEY s wonT Last Lone 595 Siti Buys 1937 Whippet Six Coach, all dandy as though regular tires and motor re-conditioned. Actual re- Pi gor Meme duction, 130.00: PHONES 1919 2209 ; PENN COAL CO. pleted for immedi- ato Ni after itlont Pa Drivarself eas Buys late 1928 Whippet four-door sed lopaly Sendition terepboat Anca teaee tion, 105.00. : It is a most handy and-con- venient way of taking a trip to the country. One of our Buick Sedans is always ready and dependable, while the comfort and capacity afford: ed by one of these splendid cars goes without saying. * S : im Bi 1929 Whippet ch. i wie Se gt; FOF the family. man it is foxes tip emt mee re Sat pitts tos Buys 1928 Chevrolet Sedan Buys 1927 Rasex Coup, ideal, and considering the low miles and is good as new. Actual reduction Ant condition washanivoly: equipped with heater, dome rates, 2 very economical way 185.00 off new car price. rane, Tight Actual reduction 05.90. of enjoying the benefits of : motoring. 7 - ANY CAR WILL BE HELD OR STORED UPON RECEIPT OF REASONABLE DEPOSIT Glyde McLellan s Used Car Lc Jasper: Avenue, Between 104th and 105th Streets ; . Phone 6320 Open Til All Hours Phones COME DOWN TONIGHT at these PLACE prices? v PY and new in ay Actual reduction, DRIVURSELF. AND TAXI SERVICE 4445- PHONES.. 5555 * 10037 JASPER AVENUE, EDMONTON
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Image 1183 (1929-09-07), from microfilm reel 1183, (CU11118014). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.