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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s Oldest Newspaper FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1 929. WICKED KING GREGOR OF JANOERIA, BECAUSE SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE THE PRINCESS TANIA, WHOM THE PEOPLE LOVE- SPAPER Seine HHE PRINCESS THRONE BUT EING FORCED COUNT BORIS, WHO RESCUED JANE ONCE, TOLD HER HE LOVED HER-6UT NOW WHEN SHE NEEDS HIM MOST, HE HAS DISAPPEARED. hy A WE CAN lt; Nr RIS. si Se al 'T, 8 Mp AND THE BISHOP OF HEAD OF THE CHURCH IN ANDERIA, HAD ARRIVED TO. MARRY JANE TO THE WICKED KING TOMORRO WY MANE HOPED TILL THE LAST THAT THE PRINCESS LOYAL ARMY. WOULD RESCUE HER, BUT ALL HOPE IS ENDED THE EER SUNS. UNA? fee AMMUNITION ARRIVES. OH MR. GLOBBS - THERE'S THE NEW CLERK 1 HIRED FoR You THIS MORNING ? 1 MUST GO OVER AND SPEAK To HIM MIN WHAT DO YOU THINK TOM CARR TOLD ME WHEN RODE DOWN TOWN WITH HIM YESTERDAY 2 ME TOLD ME HE HAD LAID AWAY A COOL *2,000,000 TH'S SUMMER OW YOU 1S GOT A DATE WITH THE HAIR DRESSA IS YOU, MANDY? SAPPIRE'S GOT TO GO MEET A TRAIN SHE SAYS, AN' GAMORRA AIN'T FEELIN' RIGHT. SAY-FRITZI I DON'T THINK THAT FELLER KNOWS THAT I'M THE HE DIDN'T LAUGH AT A JOKE 1 ToLP 1 never go out with a boy who . whintles after me AL candy girl bsn't necessarily ON optimistic just because. she always ior, I. Tooks forward to the sweet buy aad bon, ing Show. war. but I don't mind one who tootles nis motor norn. Pass- BACK HEE IN A DAZED CONDITION. HE (S UPSTAIES NOW THE NEBBS BWrnour a See eee es mn You L CAN GET A heer FELLER TWICE YOUR OR REFERENCES, STONES Ge ims) quest FOR EMPLOYMENT HAS BEEN FRUITLESS AFTER MANY WEARY WEEKS OF WALKING JHE STREETS IN SEARCH OF MAK PLAYING THE PART OF FOREMAN OF A STREET GANG ace Little Joe WELL HE WORKED WHILE YOU WENT FISHING J Just Wai ON SHAT DARNED FOOL INVENTION You Just y GET BUSY BY GOLLY VM GOING TO. NED THING SOON AND DO SOME POTION OR SOMETHING 7 VLU GET AN INVEN THAT WiLL REVOL WORLD 1 HAV TWO HANDS F THAT BOOB CAN MAKE 2,000,000 22 A SEASON WHAT COOLD fe THE BRAINS ae AIN'T (T DECULIA SF HOW MUCH HELP YOU . CAN GET WHEN NOU GOIN' JO HAVE A PARTY? FOLKSLL SET THE TABLE AND FIX THE SANDRIDGES AND. MIX THE DRINKS AND, UTIONIZE THIS WHOLE K PAIR OF EYES IE you DO IF J WORKED e You SEE WHAT de WORKED Oe You + BUT WHEN IT COMES TO CLEANIN' UP NEX MORNIN', WELL THE INCIDENT 1S CLOSED. THE SALAD DRESSIN / THEVIZE COMING GOLLY, PVE JUST GOT Td COME THROUGH NOW / SIZE FOR THE SAME sen ee DOLEH You CAN'T OO S: NO HEAVY WORK GET INNIE HAS PERSUADED (oO GANT ACQUIRE NATURAL POLISH USING Teos THE BOSS To TRY OUT SOME NEW MODERN FURNITURE IN THE OFFICE. SO FAR, THE Boss 1S WANING A GOOD OLD-FASHIONED HEADACHE, TRANG TO (GET USED To THE LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE 4 Terry REIN BA MORE UNLOCK THAN, AMM OTHER DAN- WHO'S AERA? EES FOLLOW ME UP THESE STAIES, ous, AND WE'LL GE WITH HIM? INA MINUTE WORK HAS BEEN DENIED ME L.WANT To LvVE AN HONEST LIFE BUT THEY WON'T LET ME IT LOOKS LIKE MY MISTAKE WAS BIS ENOUGH TO LAST IN THE NEXT YEAR Tats Just WAIT YLL MAKE SO Much MONEY Wrewitt SURPRISE , ALWAYS WHAT YOURE GOING TO DO You KNOW THERE'S AN OLD SAYING NO FARMER CAN PLOW A FIELD BY TURNING IT OVER In HIS MIND F THE FOLKS STAY AWAY MUCH LONGA I'LL HAVE Sere WE ARE BOYS. YOU'LL FIND HIM. IN THAT 200M THEE Mave vou seNT WA SUGGESTION FoR ATITLE? Cook *Retri bution* HARY C:HAMPSON BALTIMORE Panes of he Pact ED RERICE LASOU FLAMBEAU, WiSe ic The Wretched Fast' MARY OAUGHERTY GRAND RAPIOS, MICH. Mad Escapade VIRGINIABD, HARRIS NOCOGDOCHES, TEXAS oS BEEN OUT OF WORK A LONG TIME CEFORE YOU. GOT INTO PIC YOU DO THIS SO GooD. By Branner ALL THE FUTURE REFERENCE PAPERS BELONG IN THE FUTURISTIC FILING CABINET, OF CEM UZARDs Nl A STA. TANK Feit Aw ABE WAD HOTHIN TO PO wits Teit- CG BUT OUST Te SAME, BRMBOOWS A SucwER To RASH THEIR NECK JUST To PROVE THERE'S NO SUCH TUNG AS SAD Luck Other Russia today were: Rev. CHINA WOULD THEN IMPORT MORE GOODS Former Chinese Premier Sees Chance for Canada- Chinese Trade / Exclustye to Edmonton Bulletin VICTORIA, B.C., Sept. 13. More direct trade confections be tween China and Canada are necessary to increase Chinese Imports from this country of uch essential commodities as wheat, flour and timber, according to Dr. 'V. K. Wellinglon Koo, exe Premier of-China, and foreign minis- ter, who left here today: aboard tho Canadian Pacific liner Empross of Russia, He is returning to his home in Nanking after a tour abroad. Canada is bound to be an increas- ingly important factor In providing foodstut s to: eed China's 400,000,000 people, Dr. Koo stated. We have a Great population, and are uot able to Produce all we ean eat, lacking ade- quate tr tion systems fo trane Bort foodstuffs to agripultural districts which are not self-sustaining, he Said. For this reason, Canada, pro- ducing vast quantities of wheat and foodstuffs, will find a growing market in China, the former Chinese premier intimated. Imports Increase Within the last five years China's chnual imports have increased from (000. to. 350,000,000, Dr. Koo ind Canada has been one of the countries to benelit by this growth in trade. Dr. Koo left Canada with the tion that this is the sporteman s paradise, During s hing trip to the Campbell River district in the past few days he landed a 35 pound asl- mon which won for him a bronze lapel pin of the Tyee Salmon Piahing Club, He is wearing the pin p and proclaims the Tyee the fightingest fish on earth, Dr, Koo was accom- panied by Harry Hussey, noted Cana- dian architect, of Toronto, designer of the Canadian Union Medical Col: lege of the Rockeleller Foundation at in passengers-on-the Empress-of J.B. Arnup, secretary o fthe Foreign Mission board Of the. United Church in Canada; W. W: Crawford, Loutsville, Ky:, counsel for the Pennsylvania rallroad, com- mencing a world tour;-Sir A. Freder- ck Whyte, British diplomat; Duncan MeDuttie, Oakland, California, dele- wate to the Pacific Relations confer- ence in Kyota, Japan; and Dr. Z. 1. Chang, Nanking, former Chinese con: ful general in New York, and delcen he Gr ont ard, Pass informed a deputation of Jews, representing the Jewish agency and the Zionists Thurs- day thatmthere could be no question of the British government's glving up the matidate for Palestine or depart- ing from the policy embodied in the Balfour declaration of establishing in Palestine a nationalhome for the Jewish people. The Palestine Arab executive in notice Aesued by its chairman, denied Tumors prevalent among Mrsiems in northern Palestine to the effect that the. Mosque of Bini ty bomb Sitcks The notice upon all Atabs--ta keep the .TRAMP STEAMER ASHORE ST. JOHN'S, N. B., Sept. 13 The French tramp steamer Baucle, 1,776 tons, is ashore and a total wreck on Greeniey Island, sceno-of the-strand- ing of, the German trans-Atlantic rador at the stralt of Belle This information of customs fror No. further in: See the Westinghouse Radio at J. A. Werner Hardware Co., Ltd.
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Image 1277 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1277, (CU11117985). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.