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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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Annual Fall Opening Sale See Pages 2 and3 EDMONTON BULLETIN Alberta s ( Uldest Newspaper FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13; 1929. Dndsons Day ompanp 3 INCORPORATED 2 Annua Opening Sale MAY 1670. See Pages 2 and3 Combination Screen and Storm Doors Only 6.95 Be prepared for the first cold snap Secure one of these all-year-round doors at this extra special ricing. Well made of heavy 1's inch through, mort- Pes ee soned fire Solid panclied lower half with open screen at top. ctional glass frame. Interchangeab Four standard sizes 26 by 6'6 , 2.8 by 6.8 , 77.50 Een ie ee are : ne iT. Regular 4 695 The Fall Sale price is Aluminum Round Roasters 69c Real Value in pure aluminum round roasters. Tight- fitting cover with handle at top. Self basting pattern. Just the size roaster for ducks, chickens, pot roasts, ete. Only 75 to go Saturday, so shop early., Jasper Ave. HBC Clearing Large Size Wilton Rugs -A limited number of extra fine Wilton Rugs-selected from our regular stock for quick clearance, Saturday. 5 only, 9 by 12 Wilton Rugs. Regular 95 and a at 79. 50 only, 9' by 10 Wilton Rugs. Regular 95, at ; 69. 50 4 only, 9 by 9 Wil ton Rugs. - Regular 65,. for 49.50 4 6 by 6 6 Seamless French Wilton Rugs at 14.95 Six only, of these handsome close pile French Wilton Rugs to clear Saturday at a remarkably low price. Rich colors on taupe or tan grounds. A popular size, 4 6 by 6'6 . Saturday at 14.95 12 Ft. Printed Lifioletim, Sq. Yd:79c Now is the time to cover your floors with this smooth surface linoleum that is 50 casy to clean. You may choose from several good patterns in floral and block designs. Slightly imperfect in print. 48 English Reversible Cretonne, Yard 49c A big shipment of heavy quality reversible cretonne, specially purchas d for;the Fall Sale. A splendid cretonne for drapes or furniture coverings. Frilled Curtains with Colored Side Drapes, Set 2.95 Fine quality marquisette curtains with colored marquisette, side drapes attach- ed. Complete with valance and tie backs. 2 yards long. Saturday ...... 2.95 Third Floer, HBC Phone for Groceries Tonight from 6 to 9 te Dial 9353, 9354, 9355, 9316 and 9317 HBC SPECIAL BLEND GOF- , CRISCO, 3 Ibs, 72 FEE, whole or freshly ground. Special, per tin c Special, per Ib. 53c. Be eee Ibs. be Aes 2 93 2 23 FRY'S lt;RED GROSS PICKLES COCOA. 1-1b. Sweet mixed, sweet mustard, 45c BEST RICE, 10c. Special, 3 25c2 tna sor itd Beas per quart sae... 406 WILLOWGROVE CREAMERY BUTTER, Speciat 2 77 PURE LARD Burns . Swift's or Gainers. Special. per 3 ibs. 5 Ibs, on 57c 93c 1.83 B.C, GOLDEN YELLOW OR BEST BROWN SUGAR. 2 Ibs. Pa 28276 Special, per tin .... Extra Specials CAMPBELL S ASSORTED BOUPS (chicken included). Seca 43 See POW- Special, per tin, GLC HBC JELLY POWDERS All favors. Extra Special; 4 25c 3 33c VI-TONE, 15 Special, per tin .... HBC SEAL OF QUALITY 47c ROBIN HOOD RAPID QUICK QUAKER or OGILVIE'S INSTANT ROLLED OATS. Spe- cial per carton 370, or 2 69c LED OATS. Spectal,. per FLOUR Per sack, 24 Tbs, 49 Ibs 98 tbs, 1 1.85 3.65 ePRESS-STRAWEERRY The regular price Stripped is - 39.50 Good News to those contemplating buying a Battery Set Past purchasers and users of this set are loud in their praise of its wonderful performance. - ONCE AGAIN THE HBC ANNOUNCE Remarkable Sale of Radio We believe this offering to be one of the best we have been able to present since broadcasting began. 6 Tube Victor-Bosche Battery Sets Fully Equipped Ready to Install with the following Equipment. Our Sale Price js .....- 00. 5 UX201A Tubes 1 UXITIA Tube 3 45 Volt B Batteries 1 41 Volt -C: Battery Only 12 Sets so Terms 20 Down, Balance Arranged scr av. Dainty Lace Size 14 by 14 inches. Size 21 by 14 inches. Size 42 by 14 inches, Size 49 by 14 inches, Size 35 by 35 inches. Size 49 by 49 inches. Size 90 by 98 inches. 2 a rare value. Per gallon Excellent wearing quelity dependable service. Webb s Dew Bleach Linen Towels, Pair 1.50 Size 20 by 36 inches. with Damask border and hemstitched ends. 50 Fancy Colored Bedspreads, 2.95 Size 74 by 91 inches. Spleridid heavy quality English spreads, ideal for hotels, rooming houses and home use. * Colors pink, sky, gold, lilac, ete, 50 Rayon Bedspreads, Each 4.50 Seconds of 5.95 to 6.95 Values lustrous spreads patterns and colors. Large size. - Rich, Wabasso Sheeting, Yard 58 English Earthenware , Half Price Sale 1900 Table Tumblers Splendid weight, bleached, snow white sheeting, 72 inches of Jugs wide. Sheeting that will give good service, Teapots, 160 79 Very convenient to have Each 5 c, . 100 Yards Sale Lace Napery pieces in a wide selection of sizes, suitable Size 56 by 14 inches, 25 Galions, Peerless Outside and Inside White Made trom the best materials obtainable: A good quality paint and 30 Quarts Green and Leather Brown Peerless Paint, per Qt. . Buy stock of these useful colors at this exceptional price Sale of Blankets Junior Floor Lamps 4.95 There are only 50 of these handsome lamps and, at this low price, will soon be snapped up Attractive new wrought iron design that will harmonize with any surroundin; Jacobean style stand with orna- mental base and top. Beautiful silk shades in fanc designs and colors. Complete Saturday at .... 4.95 Hanging Flower Baskets, 29c aa delayed Shipment just received / Handy hanging baskets in three sizes inch. Each Galvanized Wash Tubs 79c Heavy, rustproof, medium size galvanized wash tubs with strong wooden grip, drop handles, An extra tub at this low price will prove a good investment. -- - Corn Brooms, 25 200 only, good clean green corn brooms in a rush gelling. Smooth paint hardwood handles. ai Saturday, each .... S Jasper Ave. HBC 1 22l Volt.C. Battery 1 Storage Battery 1 Loud Speaker 1 Aerial Equipment, come at 9 A.M. 8 Pc. Walnut Finish Dining Suite for table mats, trays, centres, runners, cloths and spreads. Very attractive patterns. Se 89 50 Size 7 by 7 inches. Sale price . 8 for 280 Sale Sale Sfor 1 49e price . price, cach Sale price, each Sale price, each . Sale price, each -.. Sale price, each . Sale price, each . 7 8d Sale price, each ..... 7.95 : Second Floor. HBC A limited number of these suites juat feostved and priced as an outstanding attraction for Saturday. Super. construction that will give lasting service. Suite consists of splendi iid BUFFET, equipped with a1 wee drawer and cupboard space-rfine OBLONG EXTENSION TABLE i in Queen Anne style set of strong Chairs (1 arm and 5 side) with genuine leather slip seats. Included in this price of are st. Old English, 8 piece Suites. All to clear Saturday at the ew price. o 8 , 75 Gallon 75 S Wholesaler s Clearance of Coil Springs One of the best known coil springs produced in Canada. Strong and well made coils, interlocking With flexible helicals, non-sagging with. non-segging-and-nonesway attachments on sides. Made to give years of service. Saturdas ry we offer hts 4 6 size only. coil spring at a remarkably low price. Single Day Beds, 12 A bargain at . Steel Bed Couch, 19.50 Made with adjustable head rest: The roll edge mattress is covered with A practical provision for a Maid s room. Made with adjustable drop back strong art ticking. Many homes will welcome one these V entortable and roll edge mattress with covering of heavy art ticl A comfortable couches when the price is only .. 12.95 Fed B couch by day and a restful bed at Six only, to dene Saturday at .. 8.95 s English blankets that will give Jasper Ave. HBC 25 pairs, size 60 by 80 inches White Wool Blankets os 25 pairs, size 64 by 84 inches, White Wool Blankets Pair 18.50 Johnson Bros. Plain White 2.95 Breakfast Sets, 31 Pieces .... - -Set consists of -6 Plates 7 , 6 Plates 4 , 6 Cups cand Saucers, 6 Oatmeal Dishes, 1 Platter 12 . 9.95. 48.and 49 Pe. English Dinner Sets Fine quality semi-porcelain i in dark blue border floral decoration. Dainty shapes. Superior quality linen Huck Towels Service for 6 Persons Beas in a wide variety of attractive Second Floor, HBC one or more extra jugs Choose from Green oF sp 0004, ant stro. i seg sat, in Bed Third Floor, HBC Only, at Each eenly pots in a variety of * Lustrous Black amps ee LUX eet SN Extra we 4 25c GOLD puUsT aoe ian meas S ZOC CHIPSO, lstge 22 size. wes Sic lt;HBC ORANGE PEKOE TEA. Special per ib. 660; oF 15 Fruits and Vegetables WASHINGTON: ELBERTA Specias er cae. 1.45 Special, per case... cwaviws PRUNE rLuais, 95c HEUTE RICE AND GRAPE Speck ae 29c B.C. GRANULATED SUGAR, 20-Tbs. 67 1.30 OLD DUTCH AND PANSHINE Special 3 Un DO PRINGESS SOAP FLAKES. Special 2 8 SE CHIFFON VELVET yd. 1.98 Deep pile, rich smooth finish a fashion favorite for Fall. A quality EMPRESS ORANGE MAR- Bpeciat per tin ... 49 BAR, ICING OR LUMP, sU- Special per pkt. ....-. 17c CHOIOE TOMATOES, 2 6. 3 tins 430. Tate 29c Toilettes and Drug , a Sundries will satisfaction. St fe a 2 inch tor (HBC Pure Liquid Peiroleus, ae Pe Tous vee 2 Adele : Kols Dental Creat 3 inch by for rare Extract of Witen tase, CHOICE a Colored English Dress Regular see TOT e ya vB BLC soe 3 .46c -Velvets arr 8 bg, time. 15e New sl tt of this very popular eager gt; PO ie pakee ine Fresh Meats yelvet just received. Assorted colors Mints, Cola Cream, BS sim by E yEnd sens. 15c ie RED RIBBON FILLETS VEAL inelu black. 36 inches wide. 6 Wb. Tin ic S . Ralled, Adhesive Plaster, POET alasisssiproae 38c ven Black Dpchesie roare rece Powder, BQ cin wy 38 yer lt;. ZOC ea 4 vy Satin, 1 Ponds Creams, Cold and Van one We. ROYAL SALAD DRESS- Suitable for dresses, slips, etc. 36 Meret enn LOC inches wide. A new shipment just re- Fiame, 800 se . BIC 6-07. 12-08, nes ceived and specially priced. fe tar Deodorant, 29c Sohaiiaies, vier and futey. 3lc 55 seany Sar MaRRowsons New Canton Crepes, 1.50 . ei. 17c Be ie sitet 2lc Table of high grade canton crepes HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP. CHOICE POTATOES. Pec ets SLADE BOWE ROMBT T'S and es and slij Exceptional value in Swiss Quality. ene ape aes BOC HBC Tested Remedies HBC Castor Olt, 6 on bottle . HBC Aromatic Cas+ new English satin. Ideal for dress- . Big color range. 38 and all Tarr) ads aibsoit pearea es. and slips. Big-color ral Sees 18c 27 BoM 38c ONIONS. Seca... 2 LOC CANTALOUPES Bed Le 1000 Ibs, SIDE BACON A iced, Per Io 27c AYLMER ASSORTED i 10000 Ibs. CHOICE jasper Ave., HBC SOUPS (except. Chicken) so 3 29c CHEESE. Per Ib. New Imported Colored Crepe Faille 1.98 gt; A popular -new fi priced. Heat colors incloding black, navy and white. 38 inches wide. ly Sterilized Gauze, package, Hl sills just received and speciall y for stylish dresses. Fashionable Bismuthated Magnesia 50c sane Main Floor, Second Floor. HBC i panies ould not and is bound in the future as In the + factor in Canada's . declare factor 4 progress, declared DELEGATES TO MEETING VISIT THEOIL FIELD, Outdoor Luncheon Served Visitors at P. Burns Ranch Near Calgary Canadian Press CALGARY. Alta, Canadian Cl Thursday afternoon vention hull for the open road, delegates were taken in a long cade of cars to the ranch of Pat) Burns, noted an open air then toured th the ofl and natural gas was explained to the vist ous officials. Phursday's sessions concluded with Dr. Robert C. Wallace, presi the University of Alberta; portation in the Partnershh W. Beatty, KC, presiden Canadian Pacific Railways, were the Addresses given last night, It 1s good: to feel that in your minds, and in the minds of the people of Canada as a whole, there 1s a beli that the forces of ediication can play thelr part in this: fleld of practical Ife, Dr, Wallace said. Educational interests reaghed to all problems of actual Iife, and were confined no ? longer, if indeed they were ever con- fined, to the seclusion of cloistered halls. ry of Education The machinery of education was concerned primarily with the develop- ment of the qualities of mind. and spirit. which made for good eltizen- ship, and that to degree independent Particular place in may fin of our. or sectional interest In the polictes of education which the vari rious provinces have evolved The study of cconole -geogzaphy with tbe in wogioual areas of cod increasing emn huss tn recent years A larger pro- portion of men sought through the Universities training which titeed them to meet the industrial and ceonomie Problems which the. raw. rescurces Present. The abilities of young nie erally graduates. who were de themetves tothe industrial de nent in. northern Alberta at Rorthwest territories, Tied tmp) Br. Wallace during x recent Position of Transportat rhe position of transportation tn the compact. of confederation ty sure past, to be perhaps the most. vital atty, Tt was: unthinkable, hi ied;- that ihe transportation com meet wh Don t Forget Shet Guns ; 12-Gauge Shotgun Shells -22 Short Rifle Shells Box We forgot to menti: Window Glass buy NOW IS THE TIME WINDOWS 1 12x20 ............ 27 12x24 .. 12x28 35c 1 20x26 59c J Low Prices on A W. W. SAL 10405 - Jasper Avent . 30c practice to take stock and see what can be done to brighten tid Improve the home and make It more livable and fal during the months to come, This may be very easily accom- plished by exchanging some of your used furniture. and in- stalling nome bright new tur fare in jis place. Campbell generous seheme of exchai makes this plan even more sirable because of the conve ence and economy with which it can be carried out, Ht Is sur- prising what a change for the home by taking advantage of this plan. Furnishing Hundreds of 1 CAMPBELL S FUR 101A Ave 100A Street.
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Image 1273 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1273, (CU11118001). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.