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Edmonton Bulletin 1929-07-02 - 1929-09-30
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RACE: pionship lle Photos Ine, A NEGRI: rincess Ap- nia was passenger ravel west- id from rope on ugh ticket liner, train nd plate AN id by Mrs. and New- s APPROVAL WILL BE GIVEN PACT. SEPT. 23, VIEW No Serious Opposition is Seen by Aldermen at Meeting Thatihe proposed ay finally ratified by councit meeting, September 2: certain quarters in the elty, of council who wer the power mecting hail Thursday night It does not require the people to question mandate to purchase power mnvolved. Tt must be hat less than one-third endunce at the meeting. vo and no. real count. wi es. Then nga a fia 180 Mt may be mentioned many of those voting wero payers of the city alderman. putt: as Mayor's Opinion Mayor Bury declined to st ther the final ratifica:ton of agreement would be delayed, but tion to srinting the In the newspapers, Saturday night, and put fh tven members of council hi hhe mayor sald, nembers of council. were pressed fear that, vould be slde-tracked Thursday nigh?'s meetin the 41 ARRESTED BERLIN, Sept. 13 Forty-one rests have been made public structurrs: Police said vement with, TRE CalgarPewerevimpany 10 sup- Bly the city with bulk power witl be the next in spite of the opposition which has been raised in Frat trom teat plant, neler does ta aur 1 Ruslan oe curtiok a ems etlaibeed rene a a mae at th sted ret envio take a Settee vee bar tee as 6 whee the aid that there was absolutely ino objec in full The final draft: was only finished by Mr, Cunningham, form by Mr, Bown, city solicitor, Tuesday, and soples of the final agreement yel, Ald. James East, Ald. Rico Shep- dard and Ald. Alf. Parmito all Labor among hose questioned, and none of thest agreement sult. of fn connection with the recent bombings by radicals of the Reichstag buildings and other that more arrests might be expected soon Moue nour POWER PACT CONTINUED ON PAGE THORTEEN that Edmonton did not want Oy be an Woluted unit jn the rapidly growing brovince-wide development Why take the attitude of an ora we Per a a eee ae sect am cata the fo Aree Sa err, Ae a gent, ree ste gation ay a Ble Oe ee, the Oni ee ey Gemma waren ial vey stun Se at ee oe a a iy tend ane was economicelly sound and of bene- fit to the Draws Parallel When 1 am sick do 1 call in my neighbors in the Highlands who say Was the lot's hold a plebiseltn to. see What us of- opintor-amang member ed after sn the Memorial the matter with Bury? No, I get the Very best doctor I can find and that 4s fundamentally what the city has dono in the power situation, witheand I appeal to you not to con demn anything in the interest of the ery because of passion, or cries in the strect or personal interests. Draws Cheers The mayor made a wonderful ora tion and was cheered time and time again by the thronged audience. At the outset he referred to the growth in the use of electricity here which had increased 15 per cent in each of the ast two years, exceeding even the estimates of experts by five per cent. He explained that the cheaper the cost of power the more of it will be used but said that the most iniport- ant factor in the industrial develop- ment of the city was not merely the cheapness of power, but the assur- ance of a constant and plentiful sup- ply, free from any interruption, Explains Plant The mayor tld of the present equipment in the power plant: a 10,000 kilowatt turbo-generator, in- stalled in 1927, a 9,000 kilowatt gen- ator, installed tn 1921, a 4,000 kilo- watt generator, installed in 1913, a 00 kilowath generator, installed tn and n,2000 kilowatt. generator. stalled In 1919 -a total of 23,000 kilowatts capacity, The big load in'1929 has been esti- muted at 15,000 kilowatt fo if the 10,- 900 kilowatt unit went out of com- mission the system could only. carry on by using tin, 1.150 generator In- stalled for the street. railway, and using mote pressure in the. bollers which could be done with safety, the mayor explained. Dentex Franchise He referred to-the agreement in de ail. denying absolutely there was y franchise. Maintaining equi ment to carry the peak. period was: the costly part of running m. power Oh. t'xnow aft about et ; j The eity has hired the i This 19 too big x subject tw foo j On the left ts Miss Valerle French, pretty granddaughter of the Earl of Ypres, who is on her way from England to wed Henry Bradley Martin, Jr, selon of prominent New York family. Mr. Martin (right) 1s in St. Luke's hospital in New York suffering from a fractured hip and the wed- ding will be postponad until his recovery. BARBER GOES Bulls-Eyes Accompanied by Father A. McDon el, MC, Jack Dunlop, well-known contract r, left for Caigary on Fri- day morning to attend the sessions of TO EUROPE TO se Eee CVEHAIRCUT A visit was made to the model farm N. York Contractor Sends Operated by the Scottistt Immigrant 9 Ald Boclety at Red Deer, en route. For Own Particular Hairdresser 3. G. Herman, Etd., well known lin- getie firm of Vancouver and Caigary, Exclusive te Edmonton Bulletin NEW YORK, Sept. 13 Will'am F. Will take over the Kirkland store on Jasper avenue on October 1. After kenny, contractor and close fklend Suitable alterations have been made, of former Gov. Smith, seems deter- they hope to open to the public to- mined to get a decent haircut be- wards the end of the month fore he. returns trom, surope, even if It conts him about, 2,000. oA Rather, and Son gathering han Louis Arito, a barber with ittie ch planned for the weekly lunch of three-chalr shop at Elm and Reade the Associated Canadian Travellers at streets, has bee culting - Kenny ie Hudsontia Saturday. Rev. Willlam hair for almost thirty years, .. Mr. Hollingsworth will be the speaker of Kenny ts nearly bald. A thin fringe the day, while a good musical pro- of gray hair extends from ear to ear gam has-also been aranged. by way of the base of his cranium. Kenny bn brought to the shop such customers as Mayor Walker, Mt Smith and many others According to the siory Arito told his assistants yesterday, he was. called on the telephone from Paris Sunday Arthur P. Woolacott, author of fous Canadian historical books and contribtitor to Maclean's magazine, Chamber's Journal, the - Scientific American and other journals, 1s a vis tor in the city. Mr, Woolacott This is your best help for all CLEANING DISH-WASHING LAUNDERING .w.GIitLetT 0. LTO. TORONTO, CANADA laste the Difference Seren ADLAN ae bw dO) fara CFaArs tow This advertisement ix not Inserted by the Alberta Liquor Contral Board or py Ui Government of the Province ot Alberta, Enlarged Prostate and All Urinary Mls 2 -GUR HERBAL EMEDIES Descriptive pamphlet, also one on Loss af Manhood ahd Disorders of Men, and bookiet on Tils of Women n envelope, free by raail Dispensar; 1399, Davie Sto Vaneoy Onis iquaiitied plant and under the interchange agreement the hydro system will buy energy from the city during the off- prak period and supply en ray to help take enre of the peak toad, the speak era There s one thing the couinell ts unanimous on we are not going to sacrifice our power plant, was statement. of the mayor's which drew loud applause. Lauds Cunningham He referred to the excellent work -of Mr. Cunningham. in making Gerellet street. railway system. which had an operating defteit of more than 200,000 in 1920 show a profit last year and teduced the unit cost per yatt of producing electricity from more than two ecn's to one cent in 1929. Mr. Cunningham was cheered loudly. lt; Declaring that to enter the agree ment would be suleidal and charging the Calgary Power Company with at- tempting to control the city's load with the aim af getting control of the plant. Ald. J. W. Findlay attacked the proposed agreement. He said that as he read the agree- ment, the city plant would be idle part of the year and under high water conditions, as experienced in 1913 and 1916, the plant would be die all year. H) sald. the saving of 30,000 a. year to thie clty under the agreement. was a mere bagatelle, 3 Makes Charge Lapsing into 1 vitriolic mood, Ald. Pindlay sald the next. step of the Calgary Power Company would: be to . . fet into politics. and get control- of the elty hail in order fo put through lany plans. they chose, He charged both Edmonton newspapers with being In league with the Calgaty Power Company, Tmmediately at. the conclusion of Ald. Findlay s speech, Ald. Alf. Far- milo, also Labor member of the elty council, rose from the audience and charged Ald. Findlay with many false matements, Ho was told by Chairman Giarke thie, e would be given. am opportunity to speak later. VAld, G. Le Gibbs, MLA. Tabor, alzo charged: his fellow member, Ald. Pind- fay, wlth many. misropresentations Ho sald. that he knew whd were op- posing the agreement, first there were The sivong. public ownership support ers whose enthusiasm might blind them to the benefits of the agreement which he denied was in any way, shape or form a franchiss, and secondly, there were, as he sald, The Yorath gang and Wabamun crowd whose power offers would be thrown out of court. by the approval of ths agreement. Claims Guiess Ald, Findlay sald the estimates of such experts a3 Mr. Cuoningham. and Professor Christie were a guess, Well, surely the guess of these men who hhave made electrical engineering their lite work, should be as good as Alder man Findlay s, Ald. Gibbs: declared He denied that the counell bad fall ed. to undertake proper procedure in Graling with the agreement. ar chars ed by Ald, Findlay, and said the elty Gia make s counter proposal to the Calgary Power Company after the power survey report had stated the first proporm of the Calgary Power was unfaorabie, The city's counter Proposal formed the basis of the Prerent agreement, he sald. Referring to 8 posible: amalgafoa- tion of the Calgary Power Company and the Canadian Utiltles, Utd, Ald Gibbs said that this would resiat tn a large steam plant of Edmonton to bal- evelopment, of the and thus, by erecting Chines: Selits Edmonton would bs an folate Unit in a province-wide power de- Yelopment rather than be in the Strategie poeition the city was entitled * arts Challenge, gg challenged anyone. to, fin cuntge Sake Mgreement, which was a Siaustson fromthe principle of public Serthnip and said that tho two owneret Dublic. ownership. aystems in fetid, the Los Angeles Power Bureau and the Ontarlo Hydro Elec Buren mmission. purchased power from private companies for the econo AituPeupply of powers to the con- sumers. mer ferred to the practice of usin utities surpluses to keep down (a th a should be used 10 give the surpluses ree to. the consumers here dower Ait, Parmilo. explained the action of council in regard to the con- fideration of the agreement and told how the power committees had co- Operated with. the provincial govern- the building. of in. the vieinity ance the hydro morning, The man on the other end of the wire said he was Kenny. Cerhis ie BI Kenny, William F Kenny Bill Kenny, you know, I'm in Paria and T want a halreut. T can't get decent. one here. T want. you 6 come over to London and cut my Tocis was somewhat dazed bul he swore he recognized the Vole of is Exclusive to Edmonton Bulletin customer of thirty years, And Kenny made ns. He rm CLARKSDALE, Mics, Sept 13 Passage. would be arranged oh the Ramond Lioyd of Memphis, who was Leviathan, sailing Saturday night, reported missing recently and could thatZouls would be met at South not be found. by the police of two ampion and taken to Londan states and the Ailssissipp Della who Then, sald Kenny, he would get were put on his tral By: his. iteaid nee bes: been unable to get jsnce hot disappear gf ail'and was no he landed on the continent. several he has advisedhis wife at Memphis. months ago, a halreut to his own u- E-came to, Clafkedale on business dividual taste. Such a haircut, Mr, for my firm, sald Lloyd, intending Kenny inferred, is worth a lot of to be gone but'a few days. I forgot trouble. my address at Memphis, where my At. Louls s shop it developed that wife and I have been living only the two assistant barbers liad. been short time, That is why I did not recelving trims from the same hands communteate with her and she as had Mr. Iceny before he sailed thought. that T had mot with foul But weil find somebody else while play and notified the police. he's gone, asid the assistants. We T noticed in the newspapers where ain't thal partiewlar. I was missing and I also saw that the It was learned, however, that Mr. reporters had my address. I want to Kenny had not yet made. srrange- thank the newspaper men for getting ments for passage on the Leviathan me out of the difficulty, Hereafter I for its mex sailing. Neither, said will Just Jot down the address of my' his brother, George. had he notified Rome-in a notebook before Y lesve' us ftiee here his rather oter seen gt; Whelm:ng desire for a decent halr- HORSEMAN DIE: gut, But, that does not make much TORONTO, Sept. 13.7. John ditierence. said the brother, because Nixon, 76, dean of Canadian horse- if T'can find this barber and he tells, men, died Thursday. me Bill wired him to come to Europe, es Til nee thal he gets the money and the ticket. would only ob- ' Sreanwlille, Louls had abatidoned his shop to his helpers and hls hore at No, 2219 East Fourth street, Brook- Yn, Was apparently deserted, His as- sstants presumed that he had gone to get ready for the trip. 250 Delegates To Attend Convention Here October 9-11 or, 256i cing te eal eet ceca, See eee ety ace Sas oF Se rere Se Se ees Serine cae a, ie atc ae Northern Alberta Branch of the Int a at Bee of the University of Alberta, 1s the Samerae Mae di now. editing a new ofl: paper, bein produced in Vancouver, and is 41 Toute to the coast after a survey of the Albert olifields. Reported Missing, But Lost Address) Submits Resolution Charles E. Williams, furrier, of 9335 103 avenue, submitted a resolution stating that as:the aldermen had been lected on a platform of public owner- ship any deviation from this principle should be referred to the ratepayers and all companies be given an oppor- tunity to re-submit thelr offers. Ald, James East charged that this resolution was camouflaged to aid the company, and Ehouymous icadlet which was sircu- Injed to attack the agreement with the Calgary Power company. Joe Adair strongly attacked the agreement, saying that Edmonton would be the fag end of the Caigary Power, company s system. He. asked that the entire agreement be printed inthe newspapers at the cost.of, the Calgary Power company to let the ratepayers know what it was all about Another Resolution W. R. Ball, of the People's Political meetings Educational League, also submitted n They commence on the morning of ,resolution asking that no action be October 9, Wednesday, and will cx- taken on the agreement until it had tend to the evening of October 11 been published and another meeting Technical sessions dealing with coat, tailed or deferred Until the December oll, metallics and non-metallice will election when plebiscite could be be held each morning, the afternoons taken, Mr, Ball said that it wasn't will bo given sport-and recrea safe for the common people tw take ton, Wednesday evening will bed: the adviee of experts and was branch- yoled to a dance, Thureday evening ing in. the pasteurization question lo a smoker and the annual dinner of when checked by Chairman Clarke. the Institute will take place on Friday Both resolutions, submitted by Mr night. Adair ond Mr. Ball were declared The proceedings will be opened on assed by Chaifman Clarke, but an- Wednesday morning with an address Other resolution, almost identical. of welcome from Premier Brov'ate submitted by Secretary Burford, and and at. mid-day on Wednesday the asking for plebiscite, was. defeated. clly of Edmonton and the Chamber of The voting was more or less of n Commerce will jointly entertain the muddle. delegates to w luncheon. TRY A NIP TONIGHT pwned * BEST PROCURABLE etch Whisky pmonuce or sconano lt; ) Superstitious? Well, consider this. Today ts Priday, and worse still, it's Friday the 13th. believe In signs and omens awakened this morning with fear and tremb- ling. Staid business men walked around block to miss a black cat Ladde:s standing against building caused them to walk across the street. They were taking no chances-on Friday the 13th. famous astrologt F monton Bulletin daily, says under the caption of on Friday for ALL , tha: today is favorable for financial and speculative Interests, and that any new undertaking should meet with success Begin any proposition, even if it is merely laying the corne: sss interests in commercial as well as in- But look at this. Belle Bart. for the future she says. Bus dustrial enterprise are favored . There's only one thing she advises against, and that ts avoid tiga- ton. And as an example of a person born on this date she quotes General John J. Pershing, commander in chief of the American forces in the And nccording to American Army men, the luck of Black Jack was traditional in that service. Bo there you are. Friday the 13th. Great War, money and take your choice. quality. consumed. Pr LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC DRODUCT Full Selection of Mazda Lamps Always on Hand COLIN ALLAN 10550 Jasper. Friday, 13th, Not So Unlucky Says Sage Belle Bart Advises Starting Business Ven- tures on This Day, Notwithstanding Age-old Superstitions and Fears The riame Edison Marda on a famp means tested Tt assures you the full value of current Buy Edison Mazda Lamps by the carton and always have a home supply. EDISON MAZD 2H Use Bul'stin Want Ads They Pay ith Old Friends Guid CH Soe Think of the joys of living over again those happy days in the homeland, Christmas is the ideal time to go... to see relatives and old friends, to renew old associations, Lat the World s Greatest Travel System take you there and bach. Low round-trip rates on the largest and fastest ships to and from Camade. Atl arrangements are made for you. Spectel rains and through cars to ahip's All those who Apply to: FE, City Passenger Agent. F. G. FAIRBAIRN, Depot Ticket Agent, Eamonton a Canadian Pac who writes for the Planetary influences Lueky or uflucky, Just pay your In 1832 when Toronto waa York Montreal but merchant settlement the West a few tradin: posts, und the windmill marked the birth of Canadian manufacturing It was then tha ever since G W Ry Whisky has stou in popular esice:. Goopernam Wc... Torowi ee acne) AMGsW Old Rye Phone 4861 by the Govertiment of the Province of Alberta Gooderham Worta founded Canada s FIRST? distillery, and FIRST in quality and This Adveytsement 15 not Inserted by the Alberta Liquor Control Board Bulletin Want Ads Bring Good Resul ; peel I Label look for it at the Vendor at RANT'S BEST PROCURABLE Sree whieh was keenly interested Jn the power atuatinn.- He dented point ck Ald. Pindlay's, ac the Pane ould be shut down and said Thun aaverticement te mAb inserted by the Aloette Ucwor Cont 1 Bord of by the Government of tie Provioce ef Alberts Who? The first rule a newspaper reporter learns is to answer five basic questions inthe lead of his story: Wh Where? Why? goods. facts you should know about every article you purchase. Who made it? in business if the article needs repair or replacement? What will the article do for you? Will it improve your appear- ance? more comfortable, more happy? , When was it made? ij the newest model, or latest development ? Where can you buy it? Does your own store carry it? If not, can you place dependence in the store that does? Why should you buy it in preference to some similar product? Is it superior in design, materials, workmanship? needs more closely? The answer to these questions, and others, is contained in the advertisements here. merchants for your convenience and guidance. ments are interestingly and sincerely written, formation you want to know, and should know, before you make : purchases. You will find it well worth while to follow them. ? What? When Where? Why? ?. What? When? It is a rule equally good for all people in buying In the answers to those five questions lie the fundamental Is he reliable? Is he experienced? Will he be Will it save you time, moncy, effort? Will. it make you Designed? Packed? Is it fresh? Is it Will itfit your They are set forth by manufacturers and The advertise- i They contain in- When you buy advertised goods, you know what you are buying and why.
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Image 1286 (1929-09-13), from microfilm reel 1286, (CU11118002). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.