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Documents and dates of modern discoveries in the nervous system
Documents and dates of modern discoveries in the nervous system
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Mackie Family History of Neuroscience
Medical History
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Appendix to The anatomy of the brain : containing a paper read before the Royal Society on the 14th of May, 1829, and some remarks on Mr. Charles Bell's animadversions on phrenology
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Croonian Lectures on muscular movements and their representation in the central nervous system : delivered before The Royal College of Physicians of London, June, 1903, The
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Vitalfärbung am Zentralnervensystem : Beitrag zur Physio-Pathologie des Plexus chorioideus und der Hirnhäute
Subjective sensations of sight and sound, abiotrophy, and other lectures
Leçons du mardi à la Salpêtrière : policliniques, 1888-1889
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Basis of sensation : the action of the sense organs, The
Documents and dates of modern discoveries in the nervous system
The collection of papers in this text include the first reprint of Bell's 1811, Idea of a New Anatomy of the Brain, as well as publications by Magendie, Marshall Hall and, of course, Walker, himself.
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Walker, Alexander, 1779-1852, author.
Bell, Charles, 1774-1842, author, Hall, Marshall, 1790-1857, author, Magendie, François, 1783-1855, author.
Original Format: University of Calgary Health Sciences Library. Mackie Family History of Neuroscience Collection. WL100 .S772 1830WL100 .W177 1839
Medical History
Mackie Family History of Neuroscience
xii, 172 pages ; 23 cm
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