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The Calgary Herald 1919-03-01 - 1919-04-29
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Farms find Ranches Farms and Ranches ‘or Sale ACRES row SALE, BY OWNER, 03 | SSO Mt rent co altnbin party leaner Tatlow, about’ a00 ‘acres can te vat in this Be aeraattemind eur is LOTS. WANTED AVE CLIENTS WANTING LOTS OX forth Hull, Let ue Dave your listings A. BALDWIN & CO. 4, BOARD oF TRADE. BUILDING, xi . GUTH AVENUE WEST. MTOtL |) GLEICHEN DISTRICT an 1 ALANCH CROP PAYMENTS, BUYS FOUE} Sections wheat land 1p Mock. 2,180 acres For weed, Pair paudings. and, feces: etacres Will sell ae qolng con I bell two pections weparatcly. STRATHMORE ‘CASH, CROP, AND C.P.R. CONTRACT HRS ASHES Conosie TOWN. a? ‘cultivated. costly ready for seed Hood talldinge. $47.25 per acre. Wi0 sell x a rotng ‘coucern, or will well & quarter mp estes? E. NUNNELEY FUONE M6333, 220 EIGMTH AVENUE WEST LISTINGS WANTED. ae Beane Goon BETLDTKOS, | 200 pole trees) pear Appiedale., Slocaa Val: y. "Ba neres, $2,000, Unner, ¥.0. Bax 106, salary. isd “VULCAN, the Palouse Country of Alberta = $20 acres north of Vulcan, all summer fallow, ready for “drill; price. $40 per fore: $5,000 cash, balance three or four gual, Payments, 7. per se rite ’ua for particulars: vwonderful_distrivt. We will Gesctipuve matter -and price: tists” on plication. Buyers will do best to cone and. ‘ARTHUR MITCHELL & CO. “THE LAND MEN” A VULCAN, ALBERT. r patebi2-1m ‘FOR SALE—SECTION 15, TOWN: Gr, RANGE 3s, W. OF 4, ALBERTA, BEING 5 MILES SOUTH BOTHA, BOUT 12 MILES FROM STET. F02R; Al SECTION FOR MIXED G OR” HAY ‘WATERED BY (DRY BANKS), NER_OF SEC: USH TO FOR LEASES Berio. SOME | TAROR Wat? euty_ gtanine, fad aneiter. Very suliabie ‘tor shee or cattle.” Same nicely. impeored Faucbes beat reserve BETTER SEE US AT ONCE GOOD giTIONS, WELW w* MIXED PRO ‘Airdrie, Carsia Qiese bate leawes STANLEY BLAKE & CO. ROOM 13 CENTRAL BLDG. | MT5zt. Sererat of noom at ‘$500, cA’ THE Fi 160 Ach, inora, all ‘MO: acres tiuable. SH WILL HANDLE ANY OF OLLOWING PROPOSITIONS FIVE ALES FROM faced, 10 acres cults he tand. ta rollin tome brush. New house, 26x18, with, Joes. Stable room for ax” horses, Talllng. spring; 4,000 acres octaide Tanke per acre. Ne. ‘ACRES, “ALL FENCED AND CROSS fromm Btvora, 40 mated IRS: tafe three roomed house, 3. No.6 LNORA, 0 nore (cron Outeldle FABEY: #10 Per acre. 41.60 22 eo ‘Ail fenced and crom fenced: cultivated; 140 nero Winble.” Bi steraoary, bem houre; 2000 : Fieso par aces. D. McKAY & SON ELNORA, ALTA. ROCK RANGH, SOUTHERN BRITISH COL i. productug Me Qin dreizeted 2end, Bon iimtted open zange aivided far cattle Pe ete Stentire belicines apd. eau Meat, "$80,000. $0,000 east, Dalance years o1cR WILD LAND, $3 per acre. A MRRTA,yAnit, NEAR EDMONTON: see gzt00 cr exchange, Dox” 708 Herald. ae Pdmart.te Ce ee rein Neal oattled districts in Western Canada, Low prices. 30 yours to pay. | Trrigated tends eRe Souther Alberta with ionn of $2,000 Npiorenscots to krslag ew settlers. Act wea they are going fant. Por free booklets Ber" Ui? information write ALAN Caineroa, Seherat Feberintgauent CE. Lands, $9 First Nedn mAILWaY, 161 neg bait ule Gio ded" $s "per acre,” Terme 1-3 cash Write foe’ particulars it. Lee; | Dovetouutt, FARM, GOOD BUILDINGS, 200 APPLE ‘een, near Appledate, Sioca Valley. | 32 "Tuo Owner, PLU, Dox 103.. Calgary. asd WHEAT FARM G40 Aone, One, a4, Mita rsion rood town and railroad; O10 acres pew breaking, reads for drili: all good land; peice $40 per acre Barty with good outfit ‘This section of land peo the Grand ‘Trunk It, i, 00 miles north- feat of Calgary. 1. B. HEWER& CO 200 Grain Exchange Bldg. PHONE Miz64 miles southeast of Macieod. one ot jenn bese "onge Heanor alberens best 208 ‘Seeded. wis sprog. with very Bf sit teared:. ng. encumbrances bo “own, balance fe teat 7 per cent, Machin: can be bought to food 8 fie te the one who bays the Tank A tan. GRADY OR MA. WORKMA\ ‘MAGLEGD, ALTA. Batersz.t TANDS—KOSEBCD maaret, te caleacy Col PERSIE nelecker & Davidson,” Lid, ment pak chambers. Calgary. CjupeZ-ti FARMS AND RANCHES wusr YOUR FARM WITH US FOR GooD ‘TEN YEAUS' PHACHIOAL EXPERIENCE, IW.A. SINCLAIR &CO. 3u4 "NINTH. AVE. W. PHONE Masog, ‘OPP: PALLISER HOTEL, b RANCH AEM AND Nheard and ‘airtrie. Formerly 0 Thnari5-tt JFL LANDS, BUSINESS CHANCES FOR Male: JO713 Jasper avenne, | Edmoaton. Two blocks east C. Fs Bl. Sepot. Phone 6200, ANYTHING FHOM 160 TO 1.200 ACRES SUING CONCKEN, G10 ACRES, 0 MILs Often Hanan to Hat fine: $25 per acre: $2004 aah, balance easy.” Well tioproved G10 Ae Sate coer eRe 200 ips $40 pee acres B00 cake balace easy SECTION, 6 MILES FROM CHANCEL By Nor; $20 ready. for drill; $42 per were; $4,500 cash, balanee crop paynients. GIS, CONCERN, 240 ACIS. 436, MITES To from twa of Colville: $31 per acre: $2,500 cash, balance ea7. 300 stubble: Hreaue woribenst. ONTKES AGENTS: FARM AND RANCH LANDS” A SPECIALTY. GROSSFIELD, ALBERTA INO 25-4 o00n lav, AND regy IN para tosiness. in crosafeld: barn, 00x Joo tee, including n teas to. three rows of Haus, good well with wxsoline engine at Hithea for'pamping, the oaly Livery business fn town. Price. $8:800. 302-490 ACHES OF FARM LAND, 1% incre caltivated weg sunimerfatiowed Sores barn foe 1 head Pou QUICK EEPLY. 185 GTA FARA Folk SAUH ONE. Be Tree of Al grata. farm for sate, nine milna from Oyen, ‘Aiberta, oa the Gvone Laks 17 aio were #30 ‘qual pazments ov Sept "Waite today co Box 12, Oren, ‘McDONELL & STEPHENSON BASHAW, ALTA. HAVE THE FOLLOWING-TO OFFER IN THE BASHAW DISTRICT :— (G00) Bate ShoniON, vive sets FROM a 70. acres under cultivation, Siz. foun marae: “atte, sheds, ween stock nealen, ino laree Fessarien ome Fenced. with og wire. two wella Aigood bey al $05 per acre, CAYO: 301-920 ACHES OF GOOD FARM and, aboat files from Acme, extra Fwelt iopmived, at $4 per acre. 122860 ACTE farm tan. der cult orfal 1 30xRD Cermstteld at enced am Spriges Semel well with x. windmill SPE: Cea storiee! barn, 30336. and QUARTER sxction, “Mary sara “Eo Nowne 2A acris tinder wultivatlon. $37.20 per gore.” $1,400 cash, bolance arranged. PLA SECTION, 28, Mutaeearnon TOW. Wo acres under ealGwation. House, ba graary, sod garage. ‘Good waver, $2200 pet Fore Gate sd.e002 good terms oo balance. HOMESTEADS CAN LOCATE YOU ON’ .A Goon sGacatend within 15) miles. of Dominion: Weaity "Com 112-4 MlgMb 8 tan Open evenings SOK ALE. IMPROVED QUARTER On wheat land ites ie, amg aetey for other outhn fdeltvers. sat #40 per acre. No 230-QUAnTAn, GecTION, Anore w : ih good state of rel roots bay lake hhog house, chicken Uhonee, granary, se [et ceife med 4 full Toe of arm Implements Wrqunatity of hay and green, feed. Als some Ree nates Palier tnformation | wil We ‘auppiled oa request. rice $40" per acre G0 AOR ES Bee mewn uproved: $300 cash, Dal rane crop payments Hernia, 1-2 | SKANAGAN FRUIT RANCH (6 ACRES SEARING), AND, STORE: 37.500 SEAMS. |W... COLGUHOUN: EWINGS, B.C. pope aire oa FOR SALE—ais ACRES; do UNDER CULTIVATION. ALL FENCED, FAIR FELEPHONE AND RED: Fiv MILES FROM TOWN; SCHOOL ON Buace: PRICE #25 PER ACRE; $3]000, GASH, BALANCE TO SUIT. REPLY Box By, TEES, ALTA. 13-12 FOR SALE APITAL HUSSAR SECTIONS GOOD - LAND. fame feared and cronm, fenced. Fair Tacated OF rifles uortbeast” of Meary, tn the best wheat belt Ja Alberta Serie fos.00 Jee acre. Thin Se montty. wheat | anda ply to LOUGHEED & TAYLOR, LTD. ceceatae ts, ret a JAMES RYAN. | Sede 5. Taralturey eténg Cab De CUPERINTENGENT, CAND DEPT. | furcimend at @ valuath ers |TOOLE, PEET & CO., LTD. | CANADA LIFE BUILDING, CALGARY 19-6 RANCH FOR SALE | We have listed ex- clusively for Sale the Virginia MOSTLY MIXED FARMING PROPOSE Dmariz-tt BRINGING UP with emailer | STROUTS prqenoyED, | So | JUST WH terms very reasonable to | Pa.reb, 15-im | pARY, | TEAVE ADDRES® AT BOX, 1008 2znA2D | Quanren, ty graxe, water, ‘paymenta, Owns weat, Cal "6 NEW. §PRING FARM CATALOGUE, JUST OUT MONEY MAKING BARGAIN with ple in 10, tates page ti, of 03 acre, ‘at ANNISFAIL DIS aelter: $00 . Se Dwenty, ae MPKOY inandles’ ‘sas Brat avenue a , SPECIALS 640-4085 oF FINE MIXED FARMING mane oo Pian Maa ets | mest Seen Gants ie Soo Saat deter fpbaite Emus ean cities, IaPto vcbol. Price only $20 per acre; $5,000 ae | = 664 . AcuEs oF CHOICE LAND IN ROBE ‘bud district; 200 werws all ready ain acres ‘of this bait section weed, Soll ‘in a heayy chocolate ip Sell, Shack. Adjoining land re Cus ip,000 | | ae Ts ts 100, eres | alstetnet o-tous “borne jail Loren, 8 own, Dies op Alte $2200, art Se ae asa i details 255_areve.. State Seth: BSE itihas Vane o-oom * home, Bl | Eareaaent uop aromas horse, Soon aces ait Full ‘set baiting | poultry, amehinery, 313 LEESON & LINEHAM BLOCK ‘oie book. PHONE M7S5a Mar. 20-t€ * Yigmoath bullding, Minneapolis, "game ding, “5 Ww 0 RUNT—A FULLY EQUIP Yar. batt. section, bya competent married, with ia Jeare’ experience. x= |BAinatiy good with, horses aud muachlnery, wi Tuas ar “ies AT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR . ANDY SMALL RANCH OF 1.190 ACRES ‘eeded. lad: about 1.000 scres, leaned defable. open range, aud adjoining ssbout 49 milles west of Calgary ch howe, 8 Toomim: stable, ay nd cortals; abandaace of hay, eras {nes rouning opem springs and abelter. Tag thr be acento. be ted." Price $20.00 Far acto; Dale cash and einy paysienta: ar Eeyore: ———— 1 - 3 LOUGHEED & TAYLOR, LTD. Ro attention Bandle it proposition too small to get our Dest None eo” large) that we cannot GRAIN FARM. ‘consist ‘oo. acre broke nad ofs crop. of which Jog leat falls and about lara with, engine die Shape for areding this Bs LOUGHEED & TAYLOR, LTD. 210 EIGHTH-AVENUE WEST JAMES RYAN, SUPT: LAND DERARTMENT BHONE MiA4i. ring. $9.000 | taken off thle Fomed” house: ‘table, 10 head; rapary, 12313; Fon bouse, "goo fences and water. Price Sivoo per acre. $0,000 cash, Dulance ea ROWLEY, SMITH & CO. HONE M7177. 90% MACLEAN BLK. Si US "FOR FARMS, RANCHES O8 pees 196 | GLEAR TITLE HALF fide ‘Calgary, Bonde, Phone M7971. of sus02 D-Mar. 15-tf [Ne “lilustrated LPamphiet and Price IMPROVED ALBERTA LANDS|10G0. gin isin Hitt” together with map of Alberta, “now | fenced with three. strand feady for mailing. heres Of deeded and. {6 3 | Send us your name and address. {de geres under cultivadon, 390 LASHER, pmargi-2 | jr 306 COUGHEED BUILDING SNAP LARGE: RANCH ACHES “DEEDED LAND, ONE = 1 & GILLILAN, LIMITED ere pear batidlogs pe oat ig Pwo | | sob SENERSE SS AN erie Canada | malt tutes a iat ase. "t netic i Dinarl7-tf | ment foundation; cow tarn, 28x00; hog, barn. FANG | Rises, SURI aiato, tary. att nek | mouth abop ‘aid harness root, waa ian Meartig haem. 33100 ACRES, WITH 1420 ACRES LRASE | frame house. 20x28, two, storers: Aca unilmited apen range, Vermillion nas italien. railway. Good, house and rice only $19 act ‘$500 cash. for hired. belp, 20x24." Price BRITISH COLUMBIA 16 istrict, | bers. Seeded land,” tease” gos | Medium cash payment, bai No 07 WANTED lf FEW BUYERS FOR TATLOn's won. | er wheat. (registered). We sure and Diant ‘a amall plot of this wheat for seed Bitponca! the following. year. Tard "wheat, | | RBd ining, geo ogo acres Will make #26 | CSmesande pe Sacra Boras | sake some | Commands e premium price. Yield. 1018. 36 SESE ape arm act's Donic pate © Wve: |pathia'agtant a for Marae, mary Brea bargain. ious. J.C. LESLIE & CO. BLOCK 301 BEVERIDGE BLO! ia: TMPROVED MIXED FARM, ‘Good butlaings, abondan Sine cultivation Lares Ser acre, Very. esy nce to suiiat 7 1c Durarao-tt | ¢ | te ling, 48 apple trees, Wiisg. Seine fine tiding timber ay Suinine preps. Good toad, running creek. | WESTERN NATURAL RESOURCES Si CENTRE STREET, CALGARY | 460 ACRES WITH BUILDINGS, MILES FROM CALGARY: 830 BER Kone, TERMS: IMMEDIA’ POSSESSION. | 142 TWENTY-SIX AVENUE WE! SROTION FOUR | smnEs- Prost | Tigh River, B00 acres ready for. crop. ‘Erouary. for, 100) SSeeis: stable, 90 head horses: well and wind Bilin niplement sleds. ‘Terma ‘for quick sale. THURBER & CAMERON 46 CANADA LIFE BUILDING. t Dakar: ott (AudICE QUARTER, Aca pisTicicr: 2 Gy crea atmmner fallow. Will sell at a bargain on account of Ul health." Apply Owner, Bor 1ia7, Heral 303. B.C. STOCK RANCH FOR|: SALE $1.35 PER ACRE m OF THE FINEST RANCHING PRO- oritiods. (for either, cattle of sheep tn peitisy"Columbiac Ie coulats of 46,270 acres | | ACRES, bear Olds Bo meron im ‘s 450 ACRES, THRED MULLS Distmict. | fpreaking. Feudy for Cr0D. | S00 screw , Gaah and crop payments, D. ¥, STEWART 1 BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING, CENTRE STREET, PHONE MAZi¥. 640 $40. per acre. | i 0 ACRES, GLOSE TO BARONS. | | nod GAM BE SEEDED THIS YEAR. FULL ‘ACHINERY TINE OF "AND STOCK. Hite Gomtat OF GRAIN. $£0,000 WELT ‘BARONS—4.s21 ‘DSI. MILES: GOOD HALE MODERN TCRO | Becrso: : Es ADJOINS NOBLE SPLENDID CONDITION. FARM. PRICE $82. | srenimo—1.280_ At ‘WiLsom’ 0 ACRES BROREM, ORES; FOUR _ MILES S StbING.| ALL FEN: ‘ULLDINGS. LACOMBE — $20 DAIRY FARM. EASY TERMS. ‘WE HAVE A BUSER FOR A HALE SECTION Om SECTION, WITHIN 12 MILFS ‘OF CAL- GazY. MUST HAVE BUILDINGS. | PRAIRIE CITY AGENCIES | 703: HERALD BLDG. PHONE Messe FARM LANDS ACRES, HOSEBUD DISTRICT: 90 read to ‘drill, from. Kamloops Of excellent qualliz; 900 or O00 acto Dottow land whiek dees not require irrigation, Se.con aerea of perpetual lease, alloted ty the Ble, “government. tached Above property without amesacient. [eanchold te admirably. sulted to grazing. be- ing lightly’ timbered and rolling. Good gaeture Taken. Ineurance appraiser its $12,000. Ail. In good repair; 30 i equipment of farm ma. ofa Kinds, Boumeli to to Siding on, the "property. Sh deal ranch site with. the actions ‘of ‘delightful climate,” a Sreharde boating, debing. hunting, ete, ‘$00,000.18. THE PRICE ASKED Any reasonable cash. payment will be § ‘Aded nt | Droits | fayment apd crop payment on. the balance, {MURCHISON BROS. GADDES AND BRADEN, ~ 422 NINTH AVENUE E, CALGARY: Bs BEVERIDGE BROS. 309 BEVERIDGE BUILDING Dh (QUaREEE RECTION, 11 MILES Ease OF Millet; mew shack, good fence: 16 nerea coltivated: $1,900. J. Rtringer. 418. Seren Genthcavenue ‘ant, Calgary. Pbone 62224- PMPROVED FARM Fou SAL, 200 Feady. {0 mow; clone school apd Rox tht Red Dror. Alta FOR, SALE IMPROVED QUARTER Bob GRASS. AND FEED LAND, | Kew DISTRICT, TWO MILES FROM | BARK RESERVE; FARM AND HOUSE ERFeCTS IN CASH SALE BY OWNER ONLY. ADDRESS BOX Tons HERALD. 19-3 B.C, "aie 30 Sores," fgciudine’ bearing dekarts dtitigcnnters tits trom post aftient Seti articulnce, poly 100. Right Hoon cn CHES, THI MILES PROM GOD Fe a ekoathern Altarts, “Qood Fite teats achat, ‘tu 100, acres Pee sete” Bice FD. per acres ANS. Baty ots neta yuo aL Taking. baninees in text Teles t net Pasonton. Wil Seles htsent on te. Bote? five Hernia SECTION WHEAT Mie Tram CEI sation. 255 saleresiuvsten, 130 ac BENG Fel need “aeoa_n HOAMY Aiget"1o, verde’ Spartaen THREE MILES FROM Lr-SECTION, THREE MILES FnRow Huma, 100 acreq feady {or exep. Tr | SMAPS, APPLY OWNER, BOX #97, HERALD KUEER SECTION, THER HILIS; 100 Qe aU ticee. ready. (or crop. Leased for’ halt cron wes En STOCKED. RANCH: NoTHEAST cows, Houshs, AND TMPLE in time. See os. go ser STANLEY BLAKE & CO. ROOM 32 CENTRAL BLOG. M7577, QUARTER SECTION FoR SALE, MILE FROM RATEROAD, 31 BROKE. PARTLY 18 TIMOTHY. Goop DATRY COUNTRY. $1,290. FURTHER PAR: FRoM OTTO KANNELUN, MOUNTAIN HOUSE. ALTA. ‘A GOING CONCERN town betweon price tow. ‘give Wink to retire at 1s a FATHER 64 Price ¥W0 ber acre seith comp! Terms For tio Clos aboot 28 miles from Calkary. Taree rom Bows $st000 Can aie ee oe 2,000. ACRES First class | property, Buildings, Stock and}. acres coltivated) platy op Tetieas serile owner, Win. M- Siltehell, Cor. Saat 23 360 Balanes, }Ipiies from Cralemale. $41" ready forthe drill: eta. $3 ante | Tannery. 00 Sith avenue ea) —— seta’ PRCYE HANCH, AT CHESTON. POR its FIVE TR. Farms and Ranches For Sale A ROSEBUD BUY ACRES, FIVE MILES FROM Rost. bud. ood apeing. fen ta of the round, Aten plow pi O00 ‘cas, UE can be A GOING CONCERN ete pew outfit of farm implements, Mesa good work horses, hay. feed and seed, Roza Extties “ete, together with tease om 300 ACRES NEW BREAKING ulead crop to uwper in elevator, Price, 353 per acre. $10,000 id as } cluding every Wing. SEE US ceptionally good buy ina half pec “CHEADLE med 110 ne. parm foe eigut heads well ‘dy ‘for ervp. Price 335 GOOD MIXED FARMS, PINE LAKE NIBLOCK & TULL, LTD. | GRAIN EXCHANGE. Mieé2, | pam ee LO Mixed Farming Machinery. Easy terms. Apply OLDFIELD, KIRBY AND GARDNER Dominion Bank Building TELEPHONE Msi92 ae WIFI —1iPROVESIENTS, aigury. Cheap for cash | $80: Viethr LIi., born, 880: Aca yop WiGH HALF SEOTION fenwat land: eeod poll; 110 {i mlles north of Coronation. Ei improved Rien A SNAP Acres, HALF ULE FROM 134.000 teaprovementa; ED o) acren rune ee reat and, 633 hort risen 1 820 acrea well Improved, 4} mit ACRE 040 ACRES new Breaking ready for acoder nuree Hills py PER Acti 2) “east Claresboim; ACTES Gn) meres ready for | Seeder: STAFFORD & FOUCAR g27-28-31 JUDGE TRAVIS BUILDING | CALGaxy. AN OPPORTUNITY | 5a). Acne, anne wus Bue | ie (Sia good farmer, "Act quickly. DOMINION AUCTION MART 312 EIGHTH AVENUE EAST... a6 ‘MPROVED ‘Alberta, 480 ACRES. rade Yan: al site Boag, Anyulre, ACREAGE FOR SALE 0 acres west end, $400 cash. DOMINION REALTY CO. 112a Eighth Avenue East aN Se Troarto-¢ AOR SALB—UUATTER SATION GOOD ition, wuslem Leann Cal arya ood howas | ots “cr"open’ Tange, | Centre street. \|For Sale -Miscellaneous) LENGTH LADY'S i grey. tioadelath coat: Oxtord grey Thoth in kunt condition, PROF ie ANG NEARLY Twenty-eecond RE, GOOD CONDITION, 0, take $250. 15 bushels pota: | den, city dood ite, $1.10. Dusbel. NEY GOTO TANK fikA TER, WITH | Couper colle. and, pax burner. Good as! ‘Avcuap at $20, ‘Rmailey, 440 Boulevard Hn | LE — AT-RACRIFICE, Can. be been at 3920 x ‘ANW COW WIDE HOMES, TINE) ites ‘avivine anu: pair. ‘alae in SECOND-HAND SEWING © MACHINE RK TAILOR MACKIE, SIN. Drepheads, “Willams and’ other | SE sr "Rees, APTES. To | makes! Also hand:sewiag machines TURNER & SORNSEN 1020 SECOND ST. E, ietamophone,aitomots Tos Fourtveath avenue ea HANES ae ‘OR SALE—CANADA IDEAL -HOL STEEL COAL STOVE. GOOD CON- DITION. Sui EIGHTH AVENU| NORTHEAST AFTER 6 P.M, 21 Ol RALKO ONE HUBEAED — STE ‘en ApDIy Empire Motel. AM Fit Rae Hmages Yonngnton eee ee NED _WOLF HOUNDS FoR SALE, LARGE AND VERY FAST. CAUGHT OVER 50 WOLVES THIS WINTER. FOR QUICK SALE, ¥3 EACH ALSO TRAINED BLACK SPANIEL, BOX 965 HERALD. 15-6! |For Sale-Mi: scellaneous| [USED FURNITURE s, | Mus For Sale-Miscellaneous cor OF HAUIZ Ghows Wal83. * 24 GRE Damned wet WACO TANK, QML conten. Coats Faas, SP NOTICE — PLUMBERS, STEAM! TERS, TINSMITHS TOOLS MACHINES FOR SALE. TooLs ARE IN RUMELY O34 POLL, eight bettors, Wilt well alto FP0%, Bate 30.00 4044 Hamely weparater, Cockshutt plow and. fuel tank fether or part oly. Dong two meaaaoa. Tirenbing plows ew’ tase summer. All in first class “shape.” Apoly Box 1144, Harald, 16 ARDEN MANURE, POR ‘tng. South Side LAvery, Runnircne oF A Bix ROOM HOUSR, ti Meant sell within a few Recamd ayeutie &W. FOUR Nick size MBALTHY for will exchange for male nie ne Fit: ‘AND 7 5a SALE, GOVERN- SEE Par aLORE Hae SN ea eerie BABY. CARRIAGE. 631 SIXTH AYE: NUE West. 2 prok SLE=o ‘Appiy "tied woartecnth “street Went wid. all: alsa, Scbstioen ‘gang ied tiver Specials 90: toch. Stpariter vor engine and plows separately. Wil well top cau ur trade for range cate, Boply" orbs Merah sar 1e-afoue, : TX WELDING ‘A test-case bostnens fy day Wo year. Aa excel: mechanic ‘wit ‘sel AN WIC ‘condition. ‘Two ew tires Campbell, 31 New atreet east MONTHS Ol! NW. EVANS, BEDDINGTON: LTA. 20-3 ELI, PIANOS BUNGALOW SIZE; MUSTO Mghvarade, modern ¢Bse, alae’ bargain. $2000 eatin 8 piawine as SUING = vAinirnaona 16 8 etalon te, Ok: shut DW Set ateides for inma oF ID Bige proper: nox 1144 Herat. NG_CTEY. HRAUTIFUD, iano (Willis), large. cabinet phono- Tole ‘Chevrolet couring car, re na SALE — THREE raed on arom Gig arf] ABatotee at ott eae and ace mains, Sie ae cietartades oe? Hata alain iis are de ta Ps ‘COMPLETE, if HOUSE FU! ‘BARGALY PRICES. rani, bite cont, “bork. wagon, TEE Aixtoen A street west TPE ‘* bicycLE Fok condition, old couitey Beg ad pump. 2000) Oeutre wo te tight botion -p F about Gax Th “acres ff Uewaking. Good 3 ther goat on > ‘nist. thie, pretty Kaen, orwas fe fas ea oh. Will allow allt TEAMS Ale uantity Lot, siete b. Spore, foe ‘Rural tia ate i PU i fection “Arent Sirs {Stains blocks Vhoos al Pestana ride a Alberta Furniture Exchange SLINGSBY BLOCK, RIVERSIDE CARLINE. GANGPTONES wr, HAVE A Nu GP machipes taken i eastange which iloet: Yor 75, Crescent. Tabint Cablvets Yor eT WO tent cou ERLOCK MANNING. med cak, Cost $235.00 lx _fnonth Will sell for $150, “Phone M2O7O after i POTATOES ALBERTA, GROW, ‘OUR PRICE. 1! You. “w. ERY, 01 Guenter vse Sk piano for salt. ‘This is a map. See it fe he Matthews Music. Howse. Ltd. 20-5 D, URE WAL- het, for $15; Ueeliner: bora, $9. ‘Alberta Piano: ‘west. Sates ae anaes sea cuacates reas aS LENGT, “BEAUTIFUL BLACK Ai wool -nebie, . Dargain, Appl First ‘sree wortheants Cresent: Helge od SYKES’ SNAPS Fomed Diing Suite Ebtnterdetd ad wo ‘Chairs Dandy Tang.” matogany case Brace Bed. Coll spring, New Mattress Pair’ Beaket I Cal Binisg: Sais, Rte NOK BALE, CHEAP —1.830 fa, either whole of part lots. Phone ‘eosador iei595, Riddock 5 ASHE, AND, MISCELL Salth’s tools, new and used. | Sapp ee ON SALESWICKEH, WARY @ HOE AF a munkets tase ingens Bay | SOR SACE=GHEES CANTER. DININ vai, brews wait, 3g £s888s eon £ onl ESSE: Math Cabinets, = ; Cunsiony, ewek 202s Singer Dropuead Mackin WE CAN FURNISH THAT HOME ob iT LESS MOM ORE lady's bie. Wilk dream, EY THAN ANY STORE Of 'i20 Tule sven 308 raw NB Eu 35. pom (VERY UNDERSLONG, S510, STEAM AL" engine, 105 Is. pressure: 36-36 Yellow Fetion eeparator, "For quick cash, sale $1,800, Beek rent oa. favorable conditions. Box 3000" Herald. os poe SALE—A BOSTON TERKIER. S Weeks’ old, 2207 Second avenue. south Free, SALE—YURNITURE FIVE O03 Dotise, ine iano: 20 dealers. Pho | aerroat M403 “Pitteenth street N.W. 00D GAS MANGE FOI FT" Houtavard northwest. WOH SALE—ONE MOFFAT RANG! chair, bed and heater. 121 peventh avenue northwest. TAUY CANIAGE, gee | BYNGLI STILE Food condition, will hold two children. 510. iG Td eee 13-82-51 Sarr paR Hise wignth xtreot ce ToS . | TSOR RALE-ONE” COMPLETE, SEW EDI en aiciaphone, with records. WH con Sider Very’ reasonable Sfter. ox 1080 Her SYKES’ FURNITURE MART 326 Cighth Avenue West PHONE M29aT THE ONE CALGARY SHOE STORE SYKE! S SELLS SHOES AT HALF. REGULAR PRICES AT. SYKES' BANKRUPT SHOE STORE 130 EIGHTH AVENUE EAST. NEXT WHITE LUNCH ND ‘slothing ttt nig reductions F _ SECONDHA Going out B en, wn furniture. 230 Soe Sergunoa ¢ aa Soripty, SALI. WATERLOO BOY 12.25 TRACTOR AND THREE BOTTOM LACROSSE Blow. B.S. WASHINGTON, NAN TON. 49-6 NH GASOLINE PUM, PIPING. three barrel tank. Wery cheap: for quick sate. UIT Seventh avenoe eaat. ins PV HRELRAREOWS, “SLT SCHAPHIS EES, Frespon, Tents and Canvas Covers. and_ased. Ferguon Sopply Co. Cn POR SALE—SEVMAL 14RG fees, catmp,, inciadiag the following Froepa, 18 officers’ separate photos, one. mnotar ‘ pies FLOORS RESU fo. BY ELECTRICITY. on NS 1Q' cs 7 SALE, CHEAP} fend one combinatin fitting maw. Spon Babes Bea ‘competition tn All commary other tan ope gerald. BOHOOL, Jot two. meet tomy stops, "knew awella, : wired, “828, Centre street. - Pee a reasonable offer refused. Box fino. Kite Bixth ‘avenue wen NANO CASE THOMAS CO. 81X 00TA’ swells, etc. Ble bles ANTITY NEW, ANI Variety red. 0. WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF KITCHEN iiczupING CANADA PRIDE RIGH- GRADE “RANGES, AT LOW FRICES 330 Eighth’ Avenue West Phone M7050 | Thmar20-18 SINGLE HARNESS, 18 TOG ‘Tenth street west. Tos St OF HEAVY SE good _cond}tion. Phone Wiser. ‘ART THE BOYS WITH A VAI oF So itotan giant rapelts, purebred. Bas eeu tient Meelis Peesbrel = ARR GOULD'S OUTFITTING ee citrn AVENUE EAST Several consignments of Fur- niture to be sold. They are MATES FURNISHED. Fathers, bmicers” mas, officers Army. Medi Eai'Gorps, at Depot. itary “Hand, Stmatcher Hearerend Aubetanre, reouy NC Qr gat | Bepot"nattation, group, officers, N-C.0."s and Iren, Lord. Stratbcona’s interes, N.C.O;8 aud men, fallon, pleture iS I mascot, The following groups and. pictures Teil bel deliveret to any addons on Fee bot satiated. ‘Money. retanded eh street west, city. ete THE GRAND SECONDHAND STORE aye PHONE, MAS53, FURNITURE, HOUSE | old goods, suoweares, aad cash registers: Baaalery, “hariene, "farm “unplementay tnd | Satous,” rargest stock of dndiau leather Fouls, bead work, and curios In the west, Cmard 2.3m GURNEY OXEORD, GAS PANGES. ALL Gite, °\We aLtow. You ‘ag: Sitce rom youn coat siove WHER Soytio A 'cAe waNGE nO ANGE. THE HILLHUEST HARDWARE STORE 118 TENTH STREET NORTHWEST, ee: complete bata iil, But nweatr-eer AIREDALE, PUP; ANY REASONA’ _OFFER. PHONE W2049._— EED POTA Pork eatitest potato ron, Teed Cat ace fy Wile. 220 STEWAUT COAL RANGE, ALSO BRASS Miata poles and window bliods, MERIO, BLE is oF en per iED TO YOUR Home, “ies eoingain Gey Bute by tending a8 tei ctaetats Ala? T MUST SELL NB SAWYER-MASSEY 33 HP, mom | pressure and. plows complete: one 40 Minnenpolin separator, Dunk ‘cars cook car and onlin water tak outEi, ai, in firatciaae t Tage win ot at ale itso ae FOUR Nn See mace ee een Grote NE IO PR PROGHESSIVE SHO FINISI. er with skate grinding atlachment and (a extenwign; geod conditl IK. “Shoe Cay, TEAVE Jolat steel well casi Fergiton Supply Co. Ate pee KERR BLOCK, HILLHURST ‘THE HOUSE OF 100 BARGATH . MaTES. TTCHEN CANINET, NEW, $25.00 up; renners, $12.00 3p! congol mattresses, $2.75 up! _ combination Haug, S185,00;solld. maliogany combinator, 10.00; tahognny parlor wulte, $33.00; manic cabinet, cheap: nem bed SDrIBES, fecelved. ‘rurnitare. Sasder HARRY MARGOLIS SPECIAL BARGAINS EGAINS FOR THIS Saat ears aoc ee Bae fr) 00 Size Vieliny Sow and ‘cane 2 ee a 2 0 wise” Wit fey inna THE AUCTIONEER Has Moved to 710 Fourth Street West JUST OFF EIGHTH AVENUE LOOK FOR BIG SIGN HOUSE AUCTIONS A SPECIALTY FURNITURE BOUGHT FOR CASH TO ANY AMOUNT “PHONIM” - M2767 HARRY MARGOLIS 239 EIGHTH AVENUE EAST CMar. Ranch, located north of Cochrane, comprising 1427 acres, with first class improv ments; 320 head of cat 20 head For and terms ‘call at office. DEROUSSY & FILTEAU 4 LINEHAM BLOGK. Mast; Dipar Sime Se ES Aa TOR SAE, SEED thee ee FROM DOMIET Saiy AND EDMONTON FUEEY gOMGM Gy. sh) QUARTER BPO. BM Sera outsEnE RAMON Gy ACREE BROKEN, 90 TO PENCED. AND CROSS aeiipines: FRAME 1OUSE, eo G0 STAB and iorses. prices Ge oF D AT ONCE as APPLY R. STUART BOX 327, INNTSFATL THERE'S AN INSURANCE AGENT” OUTSIDE TO SEE | Yoursint l HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL You t DONT WANT TO. SEE INSURANCE AGENTS- Skt BUT-SHE INSIST ON SEEING YOU - WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY LEAVIN’ A LADY STAND. OUTSIDE - SHOW YOU ARE AWFULLY KIND - ‘IR GOT THE COMPANY, WON'T INSURE ANY ONE, FOR OVER A MILLION - | worth the money. [ac 1. COULD, PROP. late £714 Hatt. CEP.) SNe Moose FE {site JOM eos | ator, Porguson ANY CAURIAGE AND GO Washing: machine, — retrizers irom. Ww Darrel, ue, and Teioawick seman tae "Atl good: conditiow. 000 Pet is WATERIOO HOY TRACTOR, bape, and snap for quick pale, sappy. 3. CaarSt PIANO BARGAIN HEINTZMAN PLA |“Pempect conpin kuD BENCH, |XO PLY. FoR REABON. |Rading, a B12 YER PIANO, as wi TOM, INCLUDING 201 DEALERS NEED WILL TEW INFANTS SET, 35 PIECES. BOX 206 Herald. LEASE EXPIRING SALE Large Stock of Furniture and Household Goods MUST BE SACRIFICED BY APRIL 5 BEDS, COMPLETE, FROM .......- 38 BRessens FROM... ‘eUP Reliable Furniture Exchange. 314 Eighth Ave. East 13-6 “GALE RECOND HAND #EWI: machine, alm) few pieces furniture, ‘Phone M6I4S. Ms. Seed Grain for Sale ERD GRAIN, IN CAR OR SMALL Tors. SSP Tate some splenald! samples to sbow oe manber soa "Rndance oats itigh ermie nation, Clean, and free from eect aoa BBE OUR FEAR SEED, |" app | | WESTERN NATURAL RESOURCES | | Wis CENTRE Sreeer, CALGARY, if ADS _sC1T, EXCHLLENT — CONDT- LS tion. Blae 30, late model, Phone M200, eter ee 18 BAND INSTRUMENTS PPIGU-GRADE SLIGHTLY vxXD i fat, © and, ‘t vaive ‘euphontsin! soma bie - CAR GAS THAT fot and 32-54 separator. Apply Box. 100 ara nai Wilton ‘rugs mrusje cabinet, like Bews Teenty fifth avenue 113 /COLLECTION OF VIOLINS 1GHL-GRADE INSTRUMENTS FROM $15 wha mae before the sar, Six mandoltoe {from a5; a” estes Hor i fete Mende afeicien, #545. These are bar fire “Sit Seventeenth wrease weet, | Extgues. Prone Sivas wo FOR SALE—FOUR HUNDRED THOU GANO BRICKS. APPLY P. COLL OCHRANE, ALTA. 3 E INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COR Mean tractor, 13-20 bp. iy, kood shape. | & | i eTeaks, “rand reuse wabalvieion, | i a4 AEFIN OM ine party HERALD WANT ADS. PAY mh eae, Pou ‘Sra 4g
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Image 368 (1919-03-21), from microfilm reel 368, (CU1792459). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.