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The Morning Bulletin 1918-04-04 - 1918-06-29
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MONDAY. APRIL 15, 1918. s EDMONTON BULLETIN, nd se When the Kidneys/LIBERALSIN The Great Northland 22/c253.5 West Wrong ecicy aTURE s aorgohgibe legal Roa race Clcie'was) there Was Trouble From HONOR PREMIER financial statement was presented and Dizzy Spells Had to MACHINERY IN sstecse S Sci 308 ae VICTORY OR BENNY LEONARD world s lightweight champion, won victory over hia, Saturday evening. Tho ou round to save from further punish News of General Interest GREAT INFLUX NAPOLEON LAJOIE A FREE AGENT' Napoleon Lajole waa declared a free agont by the National Baseball ued from Page Thr ing, that as now the Red Crosa ace QO PTT FRSIN QUANTI OR foie, teat we'etecmp co 'wocompitah pe'terewarned in to bo forearmed. 3g Rold upon the vonfidence of PNeecinred a free gem after ho had received notive of his release - Sts i. much maore work The secretar: 2 know the symptoms of kidney: rere ttng tree fromthe Toronto club (0 the Brooklyn 1 Stkod to have sent four encks at cne tangement and the Dest method of farcrer tne meni, ee anal Tajore in on Rin way to Tadinna polls tomas mas UNS TAREESPRNT time, and that a committee be 4p- treatment may enadie you to avold manner he had conducted the public th local American association club. He will take charge of the In- GRANDE E RAIRIE I EACE R pointed to canvass the town for work- much suffering and to greatly prolong works department, ono of the largest anapolis club Monday, at its first exhibition game on the home grounds ors, the work to be given out and call- your life. Dortfolios in the provincial govern- thi eason, againat Cleveland. in one week. hp. Stavenson found that backache Dortfellon in the provincial govern- : ail say aside Our) pecamoe eo bad that he could not turn the confidence at the necwie ne the EVERS MAY COACH JERS x CITY wn Work and pleasure and do all in bed, and had to quit work entirsly. eastern part of Alberta to a remarke Just before the new International League club owners finished the : that we posstbly can, The date the Other symptoms are headache, gity- chile degree toe K- schedule making Saturday, it waa announced that Dave Driscoll, owner Bixty New Residents Arrive in Indications Are for a Banner committes wil be announced infer. ness and harshness of the akin, pain- ne Bubcet anid mber af the of the Jersey City franchise, was negotiating with Coach John J.B Mrs, FE. Alwar was the hostess on ful and frequent urination, looseness op Atay obett wuld member Of the OF the Boston Braves, to become player-manager of that club. In on One Day Oar After Oar Farming Year News of Friday afternoon to a number of ana constipation of the bowels alter- gone uon, had told him Aiberta had) hog 6 stand in the way of the veteran, It is understood that the Boater of Live Stock the District friends who gathered for a social chat nating, dropsical swelling of the Gene, mone fOr, the soli club will release hin, President Farrell announced that the echedule for the coming season had been completed and adopted. It consists of 140 games, beginning on May 8, and closing on September 15. SEASON OPENS and to partake of afternoon tea. hel fimper fealings of fatigue and. pain . guests included Mesdames Richard- and aches through the body and gid, An Rae Peace River. and Dr. Bulletin News Service. PEACH RIVER, April 13. 1t nas 0 , Mawson, McCurdy. Norris, J, M. limbs, earwater, also spoke. GRANDE PRAIRIE CITY, Alta.) been really wonderful to eee the vast Stewart, Johnston, Maley, Gillis and) i is now generally conceded that Old Members April 12. An unprecedented 1nflux amougt of farming machinery being Miss Hal Dr. Chase's Kidmey-Liver Pills are Martin Woolf, Cardston, who was). of acttlors is taking place in the town farmers. Business in , Peace River Chapter, 1.0.D.E., held the most satisfactory treatment ob- the first to reply o the tonst, rhe Old Country Football t * and district this spring. Seventy-five son has been phenom- thelr regular monthly meet on tamab) You will find plenty of Old Members. said the members of . q passengors arrived on Tuosday s train, . Even oil tractors, are deing day afternoon, in the clubroom. proof in the letters appearing from the party had the utmost confidence LONDON, April 14. Following are the ixty of whom were bona fide Settlers purchased in no inconsiferable quan- Y-five boxes were packed to D time to time in this paper. Jn the leader of the government. remulis af achedaled. ingilan Jeuwe toot: a The weekly stock train arriving on tity a mate mat 0 sent to boys overseas. The contents a Stevenson, Joseph. McCallum, Vegreville, aid ball; urday om the grounds AS + It is aafe eotimate to mak faniea played Sal he same day unloaded thirty cars of that the acreage in Ti eh box ware one palr of sox, o6 fan. w: ver the members would rather follow ef the first named clube: cattle and horses at this point. No Vermin suit, two nut bars and two months I muffered from kidney trou- Premier Stewart tha any other man ee eee less than sixty persons appeared at Der cent greater than Inst year. lemon cream bars, two packages clg- ble, backache and disey turns, and in the Dominion of Canada. een Sa ren sree aS the Dominion land office on Wedn The incoming rush of settlers into rettes, small tin of tobacco, small tin could get no rellof. My back ached Hon. A. G, Mackay, observing that HyeRtford Clanton Orient 1. day morning and a great many filines Peace iver hae berun,, Dvery train of Dietults, two. package fo evreroly that 1 could not turn in the seasion was one of the quickest Guets bast Measees S, ebatas were made. Dealy -involving farm bringe in several carloads of settlers Ump sugar and raisins. hed, and finally I had to quit work. he had known in 16 years, sald it was ace 1 a ShdTwild innds are Seine put through eects or moe Titel felaty afternoon, April t, 4 Gus day, Ivreceivet n cony of. Dr tna onevat' the meat uantul ever at fsa Ualleg 2 Futhen, considerable town property ie also. be- qq Tie Mounties of the RA.WACP. t0ty was held. The restanation of alte and after. reading how highly De wow Helge ein reek ear ES Miana ection Enlistments and Changes Make Sopa ls town Droperty ie ajso Ue detachments here are highiy sisted Cre te Gacrelarys Swan, uccaptet Chane: Kideayetiver Vilee wee. re Cee eta ce ens iaunched Hon. . mraatord 3, iiuddernGeld Town Among the moze important ot the CYS the Brospect of many of ther i04 aise Minghaw was appointed em- commended I gave them trial. T the hente Goran ee anen Paeae City. Menatord City 0, Many viene in Base. ine-1 City poolroom at price of 6,000 yatunteered for service overseas im need of linon, jt was decided that at/ remedies with no effect whatever, but/ the returned woldierm and in this cone Belton Wanders 2 re SHY, Poslegam at a price Jot, orcee rolunteared tor service, oversea: tn- ise ceat vanuler meeting on Hevdayiimmesiataly E gt; aeatied using De motettyued soldiers, ana ta thie con- ) Relies, Wander, Resnden 2 latter transactions was the salo of the Practically aN oF thane located ners Doar. As the hospital is in urgent had tried various other pills and haq started their work in Genalt ot Rencosbian Vis renidende, yesterday Btn price etl Comins th ton, Onion: April 28, sewing would be done for Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills I got re-leaid if it were ne nlanned thor econ Mencuester United 3; Hurslemport Vale 0. New YORK, April 15. With many 33,000. Negotiations are also unde: Se ae ntimouaty Be, hospital Nef, and two boxes completely cured province could take une of players missing, duo to voluntary and Seyby outside partion for the necure q Albert Bt Carlisle was unantmously ti inary, triends ot Mr. Chas, mett Uiniiate, ts omen pest the potter nk Seaeteate eee Glare wallcument tat, wan eoeviow and of the Grande Prairie hotel, also fio vitmge last Monday in suecearion IDk will be moved with eympathy Dr.-Chase s Kidney-Liver Pitts, one wauld be for the soldiers aad the bet Prerton North- By E startling changes of uniforms since the Grande theatre, The Crown cafe (2 .vaieee last Monday, to learn that Mra. Klenk, who was re- iil dose, 280 a box, at all dealers tor tar the meee. erent Bornley Blackburn Revere the oles of fie 19i7 season, the Tana also changed hands during the week ' gpring has teen -somewhat alow in cently taken to Roshessar, Minn. far : Eamanson patos Son-lamited-- Tucien Boudread, St: Albert. also cypacbenk PTE ee ioe Ibeques tei pen) ceeticannea Ir. Squires has also received several) Trentini dled tn. crt nto, e im ne, but responded and caused a hearty laugh. ar i ic nt cary gn u io Fee a te ace amber Se a the rence, River district. etry sanip trom: Maye. Bros afiar the porizae and elgnature of A, Ww. :e*POnded and caused a hearty iaugh. emilten Aiedemicaie 1, Patrick his- Pennant campaign thie week under ts being landed on property on Third and seeding operations will be in fusi learning that nothing could be done Chase, M-D., are on-every box of the ai. so oaye it fiuost Kilmarnock Alrdrisontane 0. any previous period in the history of venus on the property of A: MoDon- swina in attee cage, for her. genuine. comm eRenker, Teferring to tho next Rangers 3, Clyde 1 the organizations. Facing the some- ald, which it 1s reported is to be used Mss, G. E. Macheod and Misa Mac- The deceased lady, before her mar- itud wecve lst Our Guest said ho Hearts 1, Dumbarton 2. what uncertain f the 16 olubs in the erection ofa new hotel bulld- Leod rewurned from Edmonton today riage in September, 1808, was Mins Fredariok Henican, tent Arce mate Seo tees composing the National and American . Mr, Saks, of Moose Jaw, is about after a three months stay in the city. Grace Gimolds. She was born in Gerick Haultain, Hon. A. Ruth- Bt Mirren 1, Hiberniana 1 lounued. begin, Shale 1918 * eopeanlen 5 to rect a store building on th W0 Mra. N- -Whtitans returned to Minnesota, March t6 1979 White-tty- gt; Stir Mon ALB 4th prem confident thatthe niche which base- joining property. Peace River after a visit to Hdmonton 'ng in that state, six children were nt preinier, and he belleved the peo- 4- ball has made for itseif-in the national The completion of the wood work and Tofield. born to her and Mr. Klenk, five of Cc Peeriine cece rovince would endorse Ufe wit be found a safe foothold even zomprising the frost casing of the city J. J. Sutiedge returned today rom whom are living, Clara, Alfred, 10 Peemler Stewart on every occasion he in the perilous times of the present Svecor tower has been coneidetably de- Rdiionton. He was accompanied 9 ence, Zather and Oxcar. In 1808 the SAS ts neta ne BAS Bue, See ote inved owing to a, scarcity of labor, H Lc Willlama and others, amily moved to'Okishoma and. wiile d,G., Turkeos, Ribstone, proposing manta ; m peat Vacy tev GE the available carpenters Mr. und Dire Donald Gitis gave alresidng there these more children . tho todat, said that he had beom link Sagres ooaes Reacts jhe American league, weather per- care to work at the helght of the tow- farewell evening on Friday to Mr. an1 were born, Lucy, Stella and Freeda IN. og with the premier tn polities since Ree heat er, which ix 110 feet from the ground. Mre. J. M. Stewart. In 1915 the Klenks moved to Can obtmen 1009. Under tle leadership he Gaw vernon ...i.0.00 gt;0.. 400 --1--- 8 18 1 milting, will marshall tis forces to the . However, the contractors are g o- Mes Kelly and Mrs, Gilroy return: ada, spending the firet eummer tn Sa- 2, Sood field for TAberaliem in Alber- Los Angeles a Partioney New Tork claw ne the tinier aeons in Seeding short-handed and expect. to ed of Tuesday's train rom Edmonto.i, skaichewan. They then camo to Al as ta and for this there was gathered be- Hatteries Gull Helger snd Devermore; New York club of the Junior, amocla- ete the mark completed during the Where they attended the teachers where baby Myrtle was born. hind Premier Stewart a sufficiently Stanridxe an R oe ace the Washington club week, and to leave tor the States on conventio Mra. Klenk was a good, faithtu Refusal of Government to Allow *fore force of Liberat wentiment tol gan wrancisc lt;0. we ess eee players at the national capital, while Tuesday's train. The wood work has Mra. (Inepector) Field left on Tues- wife, and a conscientious Christian . Unik, Mah him out in any acheme, no mat. Selraneaio ? the Philadelphia Athletics will oppo r been shingled and painted and has ay s train for High Prairie, where woman. She liked the Peace River Force to go Overseas as Unit, ter now broad, into which he would Hatteries Baum and Mckee; Davis, Boston on the home diamond cf the een rnirediaable appearance, Five she will be the guest of Mra. Key for country very much. Her last message ae eas Venture, 0 long as that scheme wan and. Bisher latter team. hundred gect of fire hose arrived last few days. from Rochester, March 21, to husband at based On the principles of Tiberat- . 7) The following day the four remain week, gnd an tho hydrants are Deing ,, Miss Roberts who tas been visiting und children was lam. Adverting to a recent apench of Bal Hake os ao og clube of the American league and placed af close intervals, it will al- months, ieft on Tuesday's train ror Ost, Husband and Children Regina. Sask. Apri 13 Commis- m eterien- ackenbarg: Dobe; sud play in. the various cities of the cit low of three lines of hose being T had an examination today and sioner Perry, CALG. wited his ment, M I t in these ntek; Krause and. Mitre. Edmonton. am too wenk to stand the operation, scfien aschead of the fi SAVaLE 40 282 ent was SUNDAY GAMES. af Drought into use at any fire in the a x providing the weather man co- : deren arr Mre, Ethos Fleming and infant 6on 65 am coming home very eovn. Bye- Ottawa this morsine, esterday MOFe Necessary Morhlag game BH ates with tho players and the fan: The tractor agencies report having C'me 1 on last Wridaye train bye trom mother. Wee announced that te famovs force Falla, wan more necessary than ever z 2 c The Schedules Gelivered the following tractors tol 7 Oot ta eane tooe cit aenii ,,P.S.,, Beat wishes to all the dear would not go overseas awa unit. To- War Speaking on the question of sh haste: Pala achodules for Tuesday call for al farmers of this Immediate vicinity Jnur her resent attack of tonetilitie friends. * day Commissioner Perry altmitted the returned soldiers, tho member for crangall, Brows aud Toles *Re followti opening games: the past month: Thompson Sor Her recent attack of tonsillitis. Mrs. Ezra Krein, wife of the weli that he had forwarded his resignation Ribstone warned against the dan- Atterngou Ro 11. m,) American league Cleveland va, De- Co. agents for the none a ey amermoon the AMT ynown ferryman of Peace River, died as commanding officer, but fefused to er of setting class aguinst class In vernon 048 g trolt, at Clavelund; Chicago va. Bt py : Go, wales); 110 FLD. steam fon at being the bishdas. of tice ddenly at her home in West Peace state his reason. Fhe pubile inust Schemes that were proposed. ce ces Smo Roum at Chicago, tractors, Lowe Bros; Raner Short- Horr. who thad reached his seventh River towards the latter part of Mon- drew ts own conclusion: Atking, Didsbury, thought Tat citer an rmore; National league St. Loule vs. Chica reld, 10-20 gas tractors; C. Campbell pirthday. Ho received many ueeful day afternoon last, as the result of only sc fy he sows of f the, Seale prove R. Hv, 8 at St Lou; Cincinnatl va. Pitts: - tet Langdon. 3. anq beautiful gifts from his play- Fupture. of a bidod vessel in the missioners resignation fell the greatest premier in Can woes vee iW bure, at Cinelnnatl Tork va: W, Hill, A. Peebles, A. O, Sproule, C- mates Tent The Gscsnsed Wats Was about bombshelt among- members , Premier Stowarr z Sop Hrenieyi at Nee ret Pretectet Johnson, H. A. Baxter The baby boy of Mra. Butler, of 30 yeara of age and other than hav- force today. All senior officers sta- Premier Stewart, who phia va. Boston, at Philadelphia. Crummy Bros.. agents for the Titan Geiffin Creek, f much Mproved since ing complained of a headache prior to toned in the barracks were eummon- ovation on rising to respond, said he Morning game HH ae tractor, report three sales during the Rip mother Drought him Into town for her lamented decease, was in excel- 04 to headquarters offices this mora- would be very develd of a, feeling of Salt, Lake a i ONE WOMAN KILLED wook, as follows: 10-30 Titan am treatment some days ago, Are. But- lent health and spirits, At noon, she EAM ahem and forwarded to Otia- the kind thimmee Uae, ed fees ea Batceries itcCabe, una and Konnleki 27S, April 14 The bombard fract rs: Thos. Clendennan, Smith ler expects to leave soon for the farms. met her husband ag he returned from read to them an 0 Ola- the kind things that had been sald Batteries, ment of the Parie district bythe Goes wa. Coming as it did on top of the about him, I think you wilt mproer. and news that the unit would not xo over- agree with me, proceeded the pre. Sat tate 3 eeas a6 a unit and that non-commis- mier, that this te a positon 1 never Oskiand i sloned officers and men were granted was particularly keen about, 1 had Batter man long Tange cannon eortinued to- Brot aham Bros. While In town she was the guest of work, down at the river bank, ci o ? day. One woman was killed. the Porteous Hardware Co. dispos- Mra, J. Haryett. their little two-year-old boy In ed of a 12-20 Fairbanks gag tractor to Mr. and Mra. J. J. Rutledge enter- Fer arms. There was not the slightest W. Dougias during the same period. tained a number of friends on Mon- inkling of the dread calamity which U.S. COLLIER Ovi) authority to. enlist voluntarily in cay- particalesty ce 4 acremer and Silt vASHINGTO Phe above list does hot, of course, day evening at bridge. The guests in- was so soon to darken the happy) Suthority to, enlist voluntarily in cay. enjoved my positon as minister 0 a WASHINGTON, April 34. indigo any purchases made Girectly cluded Dr. MeLennan, Dr. and Nra: home airy units, the resignation of the head pubtic works and 1 could have enjoy United States naval collier Cyclops, From. the. manufacturers or outside Grimahaw, Sr and Aire, Wan. Stow: wan after 4 o'clock, when Afri Re he Fee wa tuee seeteine sn ene 24 working in any department of 0 GERMANS CLAIM gareving 1b omleers and 221, men Tis a , several such having taken ert, Mr. and Mre. Evans, Mr. nid Mrs. a neighbor, noticed the ttle emory of any of was one of the ernment: again ad one idea on er crew, and 57 passengers, has bean sare Upton, and RN. Whillang. A dainty Kroin baby wandering about outalde, Memory of any of ws. wae one of the) oing into public life and that was to TO GAIN GROUND oserdito since March 13. She war lant reported at the West India Isl- ace. Grande Pratre board of trade lunch wae aerved at midnight for his daddy. She picked hini fake good T think silt 7 eine, Grande athusiagtic meeting in Mes, J. M, Stewart and children left ap ead played with him. for a. time Oftered Year Ago. found departing from that sare ane: 3 DAY Peld a, Mott faivie hotel on Wedues- on Tuseday'e train for their home- akq wondering whs the litte fellowa Regina, Sask, April 13. That tho have always been a. Liberal KLIN, vis London, Aprit 14 the Grning. Plans for establishing a stead 4n the Spirit River distriat. Mre. mother did not come out for him, he Canadian government offered the ser- raised on Liberal principles and ee Olea cee jocal market placo were discussed and Stewart will be greatly missed in Unit- not having his boots on, she went to Vices of the R.N.W.M-P. to the Britisn have never at any time in my life had 0 the Tye battleltons n Lee Rete i lance, dealt) ed Presbyterian church, ag sho was a the door. A glance within revealed SOvernment as a cavalry unit about alto believe Liberal principles were faled Brond an a result Tithe al Rok cy raitway, was the Woek with a tond of housshold effects, tioor heside the sewing machine, Call- 9 aCnadian Press today by a return- will always be found fighting the bat- Hardt's troops penetrated the eer ed soldier ia close touc position eouthweat of Wulverghem and mest of the board for the evening and aking the trip across country. fae another neighbor Mra, Rumball, 24 soldier ia close touch with military tie of Liberaliam. Call parties what Pomition sout Panos t guest of the board Mion as to the im- The surprise parcel party and cab- Te Ochs ine house and discovers cifelee, both in Ottawa and London. sou witli, there is a great principle wt tok Ninuwerkerke by atorm after, D Save some Information aoa Thin way, atet held in the Dominion Hall by tha Mey cmered, he houre aad tscover He sates that it was well known :0 stake, We have never been ashamed desperate strug le with bodies of Bri BEST migration which js headed thie as WA. of St, James (Anglican) chures e the Geccaned upon she floor, un Canadian officers attached to Arevie of our name, We may disagree with 8h, ioons who counter-attacked Which prov 7 proved to be a greqt treat to the pub- : House at the time and that it was alsol tender, but not about the principal AN attack carried through in. the Ween fala her upon the bed and tmmedi- h : r ern ic. Many ani we ro x that the Britieh ; . evening hours under the leadership 0 ae Mie Baevacne waite Ci die eat: atal sousea Mes Liveaaun: Caw tho ERGs it otye Mv aeas thine. The creat ndoriving, princigte eaelag Nous wader the ada i VAN RENA an. WOR wore Ghoee oF Barer Bike: ci'eie howe was not working, Mr. Geo. Li- Gf the famous force, but thet project i , the wame throughout. It stands Gen Masrekien, Broueht up tate pos, Harry Blue, who came, trom Win- HON. Wat pr cand Dede vohmeken the veeaue hastily ran acrons the river and was Kelled by what the press inform: 0 , freedom and democracy. the, two) seesi nice inst mpting wan ie wif ond former Was at onion end e kaadiee called Dr. Grimahaw and Mr. Krein, ane termed The sinter intiuences feat, Drinciplos we have been ficht. W it tenting ocurred family, haa gone into partnership with Chigr 45 wipe away the rears wenion WHO Was operating a wood-sawing which lurked around Argyle House, 8 for and will have to 8 John Shechan on the latter's farm at on qret prise: the latter whe a outfit at Mrs. Kolly s. Mr. Fitzgibbon pe oy iit ccd fighting for it partes what you with variable results. Merrie and Vii to 10.30 Warorhole. Mr. Blue intends to take won Aret Prize: the intter wae a dead /OiCned up a team and doctor and wil, Ue ideas remain sys ORE ele sued UPA HomeRteRd. seo, ont,, Powid It representing food contrel- husband were driven hurriedly across ZEEBRUGGE AND speaicintcturned Soldiers, Pony soreae PRTC. ware Dania Hawiey Scott, of Peterboro. J. R. Connell fayored the audi- the river. It was too late, however: Raton TH Deenlor oad: thee tinct tained heavy. losses by our f h ay cane in iame week with his wie und 1 J) Connell fayored the audi- he Fiver. t. and loving mother bad . OSTEND BOMBARDED question, the premicr said tho firat tained heavy losses by our fire, which e Most family, bringing with Ahem 9 gariond Be ee ee ree mtered seed beyond. recall - duty of tho province wan to take care Was effectively directed ty air obeer- te Pipe pt patties effects, Bir. Soot. ee es instrumentals, and 8 The deceased indy was a Miss Thus- i of its own men. here was propa- vations. a fa fo rent of purchase a farm, Dut a2 Notior gave a delightful reading, The elda Solden before har marriage to Germans Magnify Missing Motor eanda to Induce Anglo-Saxon aoldiers On the battlefront on both widen of A ie rather Inte in the season the Will) evening ended with a pleasant Iittie Mr. Krein In Michigan some thr Boat Into British to come and settle In Canada, but tho Somme thers linve been artillery Tork With his homer, George Seott dance, Mortimer and Wwnuon supply- years nno., They had one child. a that problem should, not be, joaded duele An attack ty several Preach he Propat farm summer. ge a gh Bonny Sen Ott kee sure At Met PRO on Alberta, because they would-com cilone against Hainvillers eangui- Fas. Seaton and wife, who have haa ovening wore about 27. 8 * pin daddy, euryiy morpets bom by large measure to Alberta, 1 was Darily collapsed and numerous prison- a very uccessful season in thelr stop- Last Monday afternoon the Ladies Mr. Krein left on Friday's tran the business of the Dominion of Can- 4rm remained in our handn See eeeecen returned to Atieay MORAY afternoon, the Ladies Mr. Krein left on Friday BBRLU, April 18- Via London) Sis, Stoptemcnees ee eid Trees that eNO ee ATT oe carried out thelr homestead this week. Mr. Seat- fave m farewell tea at the hore orl eye An official statement tnued tonight Imperial authorities, to tuke care of m muccataful thrust againat American on has rented Wd. Gardner's farm. Stee a, . Johnston, in honor of AL GROUARD seya: British naval forces, consist- that settlement. The money should troopa We nflicted heavy losses 0 Raymond Chapman, teacher of the 7 at. Siowart, who lett Pence River The closing ef the tand. oMce at Iie of monitors, torpedo craft and air- not come from provincial sources. t them and DrouENt back. prinoners Yan Rena echo , went to Peace Rivec this week. Mrs. Wm. Stewart poured High Prairie will no doubt cause some Craft, attacked the coast of Flanders) should come from the Dominion. The In aerial battles during the last few last. week to prove up on bis home- ten and Ara Aigar and Mra, Donald inconvenience to many whe desire to Thursday night. Ostend was bom- premier said that the Kovernments of daya 81 enemy airplanes. and throes : fea He riden the Ave miles Be- Giiuinn rerved. secare permits for cutting bay. barded with heavy calibre guns and prairie provinces were agreed on that captive balloons were wot down. Lieut the very latest tween the school and homestead every Peqce River Chapter, LO.D.E., gave iem some new arrangement te mage, sireratt bombed Zeebrugse, The at-lknd the minister of the interior, Hon. Monckhot attained nis 4th aerial vie Sold by all good ator fay, and it may throw some Welt onl motr regular monthly tea inst Betur- this will necemltate n trip to Peate teks Were eaten off without trouble arthur Melshen, had been so inform: pi the much disouswed question of the gay afternoon in the Patriotic chu- River A by our batteries, There was no dam- eq on their inst visit to Ottawa. o: Serze severity of the winters in Peace Riyer. rooms. The hostesses ware Mrs, Car- . Judge Noel spent a few days in age. The premier sald he was pleased when we say that not one day has hel jieie, Mra. Kelly and Mrs, King An- town. A torpedo boat approaching Os- with tho splendid support the Kov- school been closed for two years On dorson. The sum of 10 was neitec Louls Lovassour, Jr, and Miss Au- tend was wet afiro and the crew aban- erninent had received. Ho was sur I account of the weather, on the occasion. rth, v he h Ernest: Boyd hae gone eee Sergt. and Mrs. P. Spurgeon entes- where they have secured positions as its complete equipment. thelr particular deparimentay who ee eee iohifee yo ne tained few friends fast Saturday teachers in the Waterhole distric made a caroful study of their work, lt; 4 Gorn Co soamon, Winnipeg en a wey, wanes Cleoer Donwsioneol LONDON, April 14. Witn reter- ute ae ge gf aa Maes Tin uits Sfedonnely eed rem Wee Grimshaw waa Morcidty oaited onbtion auentc Site one ast Hel enGe to the oPotn afea eatoment aed te are Maa (Man, Bros. are the purchase: to Bear Lake on Friday night to at- expects to return shortiy with a num- claiming that is the attack on thel or four years hence. rope ee ee et pects to return a wee eta OM ny, Tattle, whe tend. Stes. wear Johnston, who had der-of me gett coat Gf Fisedern et Detish, totnade a ititors mont during the C. W. Richardson, inspector for Re- boat wan set afire and captured by the go dacltvaiere of ihe ticusat Tile the former was recovering from afternoon. Upon the doctor'a arrivai villon Freres, left tor Hdmonton at- Germans, the admiralty aay that only gpacking ts othe Visicora maid tne made to measure. the effecta-of an op: , Bre expect: be waa found advieable to at once bring ter spending some time at their one amall motor boat is missing. oo home this week. Mrs. Johnston to the hospital tere Whitensh Lake and Prairie Lake Brenna sartsletive Rereintly wae ao? aphey sold m team of horseal for treatment We are pleased to se Dos om Hely and inaividuaty. Declaring. thai Designed GITEOR, OF SURE TR, tor P50. Gtroux teft on a business trip WIT, MEET SINN FEINERS vely and individually, Declaring that esigne to Edmonton and Calgar, DUBLIN, April 14 John Dillon a 550. a-thing-of the past. Last fall large ? Ta: at nad tently havi IN, April 1 lon experience, he urged the members nbt Ui Bavtawont aamuer were Aiepoacd oF Man heeks gg Giad amauant and family have re- and Joseph Darlin have accepted the to'depart from tie strict mathods and and absent for jora mayor's Invitation to meet Prof. taies which governed legisiature tnilored , Trajmonton last Week and returned Doughe intend: There te x own des Safes geet aatar USUI AMEN for it ir head of goml work horses mand for good wo ho many 2 - sit enn Eawar Valera, tbur Fri ach as x. He imprense: he ith fone ead of wood work, horssal mand tar good work Horses, soany ot Guy just Completed bunding erarehon TON Sena sre eee ArtbuE ECE Body mich a theirs: He impressed the Tach. Leuls Ottwon brought in four Zhe Homentonders having. purehassd Seen prairyeeed Pullding churelien gifs, the si Aderm, neat weak Imporuance, of maintaining in the to horses and eeven cows. thelr first team this winter. Thou- the Homan Catholle Mision or a conference on the conscription jezisiative body the highest standard A. D, Madden Brought in his (hird sands of dollars worth of farm smpt Grounrd, April 11 question. of efficiency and of honor, as such an your carlond of horses on Friday, and hafd ments and machinery haye been institution could be a great mora: one als 8 Baa Ind seep ae at can cert et THIRTY-FIVE PLANES 7 seit tnoupat oF tae be foci icoel Matrict witl soon beled thig spring than ever before, - -DOWNED-THURSDAY+ SUFFERING -EATSt a5 Pee ai comatar a Itchy Nose and Running Eyes Cured ys Sem Airsioe are GIVE THIS MAN ieee cos Saisccniies, the greatest In Five Minutes by Catarrhozone British mibeing wn a th ; tailoring iis - THE GOLD MEDAL ee * Bronabial Distress and Bad 5 Sepia eee EEE sm was ino yess tan ane atone Steet ee pete Throat Trouble Relieved suet think ot 4 See ee on yee ie te Jominion. tke, for corns will never again Years, ly the but the 6 electric sparks of pain through pendents of tho no would nal srding to this Cincianat au- come back. The rea tcdna Let Fit-Reform 4 nes news of won wh t dian patriotism what we . ii Ever: mee news of wont What Catarrhozone did for me ti bomt ppe Bapaume, on Maya that a few. drops of a drug are doing for t hting be your tailor, 3 ures made by Catarrhozone. one week was almply a miracte, villaxe mime, and of called freezone, applied directly upon to protect thore p freedom Capes are reported and p raonal testi- writer Majeoim McIntosh from militar: eo Senden actin tantly ree which are the rea pian for Eiiton Mascot exon from mil tar i gshder aching corms, instants, re: whe are th tor Hever soreness, and soon the entire which Liberals ha ail the ek. Me aa and i ; : y corn, root and all, liftx right out of history head was Tull of The end vi Sablons railway stat This drug la a sticky ether com- The next t iteny on th bed augresstully. pound, but dries nt once and. stm nich was. ph tony on ap pound, but dr nen and. sting . mn oping eae aut mbs wire drop- ahriveis up the corn without: inflam: Marehall, enthubiantioal amy te ncaa Tat on the rallway ng or even irritating the surround ndea to by tames. M ot cxme quick An our inachines re. oT Kept up : and. wan absolutely cured by 7 ing else Wille ar Bt. Jone ttn Bow, and Cap Tt Is claimed that a quarter of an cliff, Satany drug After the tonet of the Fit-Refo m Chronic C aR and onan cei aehaning thee Acasa he aaa ates ne wane nytt hated foam) sane ke amave, ever, bara or ai Ey Smiths Toronto, Cine, ESSERY GO; Uischarge even that type of catarrh trick. Small mize 0c, trial no more. refri sige srr Gut Chapman, The nimenis he erved at thia out. eapecially If you mre a wom- inge ended with the wing wer of Ca: slze 260, at all eate afternoon gatherin see cade he eats bgt meow ike Teen acine 10078 Jasrax Ayxxus, EDMONTON i yieldn compye
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Image 181 (1918-04-15), from microfilm reel 181, (CU1242730). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.